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File: 26 KB, 512x384, immanuel-kant.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14672441 No.14672441 [Reply] [Original]

It is one.

>> No.14672444

What is?

>> No.14672445

The Universe is the thing in itself.

>> No.14672458

But can something which contains everything also contain itself?

>> No.14672466


>> No.14672475

no u

>> No.14672486

If it contains everything it obviously also contains itself

>> No.14672494

But wouldn’t it have to be larger than itself to contain itself?

>> No.14672505
File: 176 KB, 602x516, 1580385510008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*retroactively refutes your entire philosophy*

>> No.14672521
File: 338 KB, 585x633, 1577282426731.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

our consciousness, thanks to the transcendental unity of apperception. this unity represents the I, which i recognize as as myself as 'I think', containing a universal and necessary connection between all my thoughts and intuitions. i think

>> No.14672524

9:45 am

>> No.14672595

Spacetime is the one 'thing' that actually exists. Every 'object' we think of as 'existing' is really just a set of properties (technically, an accumulation of fields) defined over Spacetime.

>> No.14672656

how is that a worhty quote to put in a meme.
Literally said and refuted a dozen times each by various philosophers.
Guenon fags are so annoying and offer nothing of value.

>> No.14672869

it's impossible for anything, or nothing, to exist outside the universe

>> No.14673014
File: 106 KB, 690x1023, soldier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Prove it.

>> No.14673921

That's a greenpill meme or whatever they call it on /x/. It's not anyones quote, it's just some gnostic 'humour'. Nothing to do with Guenon at all, in fact this rendition is actually quite funny. I'm sorry it annoys you so much anon.

>> No.14675292


>> No.14675303

We can't say anything about the thing-in-itself so your question lies outside of our domain.

>> No.14675379

God man, I wish we never went past the late 1700's (minus the french revolution bit), it was such an aesthetic time.

>> No.14675385

Remember Indians who shit in streets solved consciousness and destroyed all philosophy far before White men

>> No.14675413

Every period was aesthetic pre-1940s, aesthetics became mere “fashion” post-60s, though of course it arguably had its roots earlier as well

>> No.14677026

It is itself

>> No.14677238

Define "object"

>> No.14677273

based Guénon poster

>> No.14677275

fill me in on Guenon

>> No.14677281


>> No.14677320

There are no objects. There is just spacetime and its local properties. But people still intuitively think of the world in terms of tables, chairs, and billiard balls.

>> No.14677328
File: 136 KB, 1024x958, 1577908801161.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

come in

>> No.14677344

I am God? WE are God?

>> No.14677352
File: 12 KB, 276x300, A-2507702-1389612029-7580.jpeg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14677397
File: 313 KB, 321x526, Img_16_21-book_reader_ReadEra.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If God is the creator, then he must create. Since we have been created by Him, we proceed from the essence of the Almighty.

>> No.14677404

>Christcuck misinterpreting everything again

>> No.14677506
File: 278 KB, 508x339, gettyimages-539871447-170667a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My brother. We are here to have elevated discourse. Please refrain from such slanderous terms. Don't be cruel to your Christian neighbor. Has thou not heard? Made are we in the image of God, or in the language of St. Paul (pbuh), "Imago dei." Please repent and say 10 Ave Maria's before sleep.

>> No.14677520

Spacetime isn't an object.

>> No.14677534

But brother! My brother, my limb, my soul, myself! How is it slander, if it is also the truth? Besides, hast thou not heard, that the fourth side of God, the side hidden beneath the veil, the side of which only the wise is aware, is nothing but all that is cruel? I belong to home, my brother. With all my cruelty, I belong to God -- for it is just a part of him.

>> No.14677537

Does anyone actually read the shit in this thread and believe it?

>> No.14677557

What did I just say?

>> No.14677589
File: 124 KB, 1363x606, botticelli-ish-birth-of-christ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lo! My brother thou hast fallen far below the greatest of firmaments! Lead by a false light thou hast been; downward thou hast gone. Methinks that the whole of humanity gets, here and there, lost in the darkness of the thick forest, where animals revel in their carnal pleasure believing themselves to be hidden from all seeing God. With these alms, brother thou I beseech. With these alms brother, return to the light of the one true Creator, God, He who hath separated the light from the dark. With these alms, forgiven thou hast been. In peace go my brother. Hallelujah.

>> No.14677726

Brother, O my brother, worry not! For I am safe and sound. Your passion beguiles me, my brother, and your kindness even more. But brother, hast thou not noticed something is amiss? We have been lied to, my brother. Never have I fancied myself hidden from the all seeing eye of God. But brother, listen to me! Please have the courage! Take a peek on the other side.

We have been lied to, my brother. Behind the veil, truth is waiting for you. Come with us to the other side.

>> No.14678203

its not funny, its tragic

>> No.14678218

No. Your skin contains you and it is exactly your size.
Most literally worship idols.
Not necessarily. As creations we do participate in (H)is essence though. Like the painting is the product of the painter etc.

Lets just ignore that shall we?>>14672441
Its funny. It seems to me that the majority reaction to kant was to perceive in his thought a bifurcation. I think it cant be seen as a monism though. Or at least not a dualism. The idea that we cannot know somethings is not enough to suggest that there is somehow two worlds. That seems a typical arrogant human denial.

>> No.14678339

"The world is my representation."

>> No.14678370

shut up pseud

>> No.14678378

Read Kant again, retard