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/lit/ - Literature

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1466780 No.1466780 [Reply] [Original]

anyone reading anything written in the last five years?
harry potter doesnt count.

>> No.1466784

Not at the moment.

>> No.1466783

I own a few books that were written in the last five years.

They probably won't be written within the last 5 years of me actually reading them, though.

>> No.1466785
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>> No.1466786

what books are they??

>> No.1466787

Yes; mostly new releases in SFF.

>> No.1466792

Just finished Kazuo Ishiguro's "Nocturnes," (4 out of 5). Just started O'Hagan's "The Life and Opinions of Maf the Dog, and of His Friend Marilyn Monroe," which is surprisingly good so far.

>> No.1466795

Old Man's War
The Name of the Wind
Inherent Vice
A Feast For Crows

A few of those might actually be pushing on 6 years now.

>> No.1466808
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Okay, op here
new question

what books coming out in 2011 are you c/lits excited about??

>> No.1466816


New Gene Wolfe. New Jedediah Berry.

>> No.1466817

Shit, that Gene Wolfe comes out in 50 minutes on the west coast.

>> No.1466821

The Hammer, the Dragon's Path, the White Luck Warrior... I probably don't need to specify genre.

>> No.1466826

i read the historian, it came out in 2005 but it was worthless crap, and i would like to go back in time and slap myself silly for even thinking about reading it. i also read the blindside which was actually quite interesting.

>> No.1466834

Ithink the White Tiger was pretty recent.

pretty good stuff.

>> No.1466836

I read The Brief, Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao a few months back. As a huge fan of Diaz's short story collection Drown, it wasn't as good. Also, it was annoying to see the press jump all over his dick for Wao when I've been saying Diaz was the truth since 1997.

that said, i still recommend it. But Drown is better.

Other than that, the only other book that qualifies for this thread is Ron Currie Jr's God Is Dead, which is awesome and I highly recommend

>> No.1466851
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op here again.
the reason why i ask is because all along /lit you see these old ass books. not that there's anything wrong with them, theyre all great i'm sure, i've read many of them. but what about current, up to date "literature"? where are the great writers of our time who aren't jk rowling and fucking stephanie meyer, who aren't apart of oprahs book club?
let's talk about this

catcha: adisuff hermann

>> No.1466853

the reason why i mention those authors is because they are the most popular, reaching mass audiences, influencing the greatest amount of people, and it is a sad, sad world.

>> No.1466859


What you see on /lit/ are people talking about their high school required reading.

Lots of great writers doing exciting stuff right now, though. Jesse Ball, Ceridwen Dovey, Mohsid Hamid, etc.

>> No.1466860

Nop. I only read the classics and the books from my mom's collection who buy about 15 books a week and read 5 books a week but probably doesnt have more than 50 books written in the last 5 years. And contemporary literature sucks (herp derp houellebecq)

I read a lot of recent sociology/economy/philosophy books when I have some research work to do, tho.

>> No.1466865

Nox by Anne Carson
Reality Hunger by David Shields
Bluets by Maggie Nelson
Wolf Face by Matt Hart

>> No.1466873

I'm sticking to classics because I read kind of slowly and I don't want to waste my time reading books that might not be very good. I'm also a little bit of a history fag so reading novels and things that were 150 years ago is pretty neat.

>> No.1466885

Zombie Spaceship Wasteland by Patton Oswalt. Came out a couple weeks ago. If you like Patton, I recommend it.

>> No.1466889

It depends on your age but if you 18-20 you should be able to enjoy looking for Alaska. It made me cry. Highly recommended.

>> No.1466891

"The Imperfectionists" by Tom Rachman
"The Wilding" by Benjamin Percy
"All About Lulu" by Jonathan Evison
"Everything Ravaged, Everything Burned" by Wells Tower

>> No.1466898

"all things shining". Published about two weeks ago. Contemporary philosophy. It's good, get it.

>> No.1467094

What happens when you get a classic that isn't any good, though?

>> No.1467112


In april, Jim butcher and patrick rothfuss both have releases in april, that I am hoping will be great.... and I really don't follow nonfiction authors in advance, I mostly just listen to interviews and look on book shelves to see what's new in the nonfiction arena.

>> No.1467120

the most recent jason bourne novels, i believe one is set to come out this year too.

>> No.1467121

Nicole Krauss.

>> No.1467274
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I love the Dresden Files. how many other books are badass enough to have a wizard riding a t-rex? If only he fixed his god-awful dialog.

>> No.1467286

American Gods
>10 years, not even close
Life of Pi
>8 years
Jonathan Strange and Mr. Norrell
>7 years
Song of Ice and Fire series

>> No.1467290

The Name of the Wind, Patrick Rothfuss.

Best book ever.

>> No.1467780

Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell (currently reading)
The Brief Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao
Under The Dome
The Time-Traveller's Wife
Her Fearful Symmetry
The Year of the Flood

Dunno if we're listing stuff we've previously read, but there's those books for me. I really like 21st century stuff.

>> No.1467782

Chris Adrian's The Children's Hospital.

>> No.1467789

Richard Yates, Shoplifting from American Apparel, Eeeee Eee Eeee, cognitive-behavioral therapy, Bed, you are a bit happier than i am

>> No.1467796

Ugh. Don't even talk to me about The Historian. The ending of that book is like she just got bored and decided to end it all.
SPOILER: Several hundred pages leading up to the appearance of Dracula. Two pages later they shoot him and the book ends.

Just finished Felix Gilman's "the Unmade West". Fucking FANTASTIC. His earlier novel, "Thunderer" was pretty goddamn amazing as well. Favorite new author by a long shot.

>> No.1467799

My bad. Title is "The Half-Made World".