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14667748 No.14667748 [Reply] [Original]

>More than 60 percent of college students said they had experienced “overwhelming anxiety” in the past year, according to a 2018 report from the American College Health Association. Over 40 percent said they felt so depressed they had difficulty functioning.
What the hell is going on? Most people I know struggle with depression. Is this a new pandemic? What books talk about this?
>inb4 Kaczynski
Already read him

>> No.14667752
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Learn mindfulness maybe

>> No.14667771
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Most people have it too good. They're just saying that they are "depressed" and saying that they have "anxiety". They really don't. Rich college students with meal plans have not a care in the world. You want to know real dejection? That's living in squalor, not having any money, no food, and constantly fretting about making it a few more days. You and your friends need put in a labor camp.

>> No.14667780

>uhhh depression don't exist if u are rich :)
Why do wealthy nations have higher suicide rates than poor nations, then? How old are you, fifteen?

>> No.14667783

>dude the world isn't that bad, you see it's actually even worse lmao

>> No.14667784

It's the result of the positivity movement. Kids are being taught that they're all amazing and perfect and can do anything they set their minds to, while also being given none of the skill nor resolve to actually accomplish anything. The result is a generation of adults who have no idea how to function in the adult world.

>> No.14667788
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>There is only one inborn error, and that is the notion that we exist in order to be happy... So long as we persist in this inborn error... the world seems to us full of contradictions. For at every step, in things great and small, we are bound to experience that the world and life are certainly not arranged for the purpose of maintaining a happy existence... hence the countenances of almost all elderly persons wear the expression of what is called disappointment.

>> No.14667794

It comes from a lack of perspective. No rags to riches story has ever suffered from depression once they reach the top.
The American depression epidemic comes from a place of comfort and afluence, nothing else. Mexicans jumping over the border aren't adding up numbers in that statistic.

>> No.14667798

>self report studies

Who cares

>> No.14667800

Higher IQs.
This but unironically.

>> No.14667803

Many reasons, but one of the more overlooked ones is access to information.
If you're a bumfuck peasant in Bangladesh you can cope with religion (not like you know about anything else), but in our desacralized world you can't. Science has killed all wonder, and without spirituality all you have left is dull wagecuckery to no end, while the media demonizes your race/gender, your very existence (mind your carbon footprint goy), and constantly gives you insecurity complexes by plastering pictures of hot people all over your city.

>> No.14667813

It's the curse of the midwit. On the contrary all plumbers and electricians I have met are always jovial and don't care about anything

>> No.14667831

This is a good point. Not to mention the presence of large, extended families in the third world helps them cope too. Also, more people are poor there so there is some sanctification in knowing that everyone else around you has it just as bad too, whereas in say the United States, there are literally millions of millionaires (estimated between 10-20 MILLION individuals), 50% of people own 401ks, and most people have it so well off they cannot even conceive of hardships. A poor person in the first world is worse off than your run-of-the-mill individual in the third world.

>> No.14667865

It's mostly women who want to play the victim as usual.

>> No.14667870
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Any good book on it that doesn't involve spiritual bullshit? What about pic related?

>> No.14667871

Don't reply to footfags.

>> No.14667880

What do you mean by spiritual bullshit? Mindfulness goes hand in hand with meditation and yoga. There is going to be some spirituality in any text you get for it

>> No.14667884

This. Look up the happiest countries in the world. They are generally poorer ones where people live simply

>> No.14667886

>There is going to be some spirituality in any text you get for it
>saying this to a pic of a book which point is literaly not being spiritual

>> No.14667893

Thought snownigger countries were the happiest

>> No.14667898

Not anymore...

>> No.14667899

The socialists ruined them.

>> No.14667900

The book sucks that's why.
>I want a book about religion, but spare me all this god mumbo jumbo

>> No.14667912
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>meditation is about religion or believing in other kind of faeries

>> No.14667915

Electricians aren't stupid. My father was an underachieving genius with no ambition. A high IQ didn't get him anything but entry into the Air Force assigned to some still classified project instead of the Army fighting on the front lines of Vietnam.

>> No.14667919

very based

>> No.14667923

Not really. Anybody who's walked this earth long enough knows that happiness is fleeting and rare.

>> No.14667926

Why is there always a turd in the punchbowl here?

>> No.14667933

The first recorded instances of meditation were in the Vedas. Then it spread to Taoist China and through Buddhism. It is chained to the hip of spirituality

>> No.14667934

This, most of my friends say they have "depression" just because they have nothing else to worry about. That or its to blame for how piss poor their life is going when its clearly that they are pussies. There are people that have it for real, but most use for anything bad going on in there lives going wrong.

>> No.14667938
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>> No.14667943

And it's just another fad taken from Eastern religion. Go rub some clary sage on your temples.

>> No.14667944

A lot of phenomena described by the science of today was described by ancient bullshit centuries ago. Your point?

>> No.14667948


>> No.14667950

Don't even respond to that fag. He jacks off to diaperfurs.

>> No.14667963

Mindfulness has been proven to help with trauma and depression. Depressed people have problems feeling sensations in their body and meditation helps

>> No.14667967

Its fleeting, not necessarily rare

>> No.14667969

Meditation and mindfulness aren't the same.

>> No.14667977

You seem to be moving the goalposts of this this discussion. Let me help, I was right about mindfulness going hand in hand with spirituality and said nothing of the present day science of it. You're a fedora tipping retard

>> No.14667980
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If you're interested in mindfulness, I'd recommend pic related. At the very least, it is a short read.

>> No.14667981

You're right, but there is significant overlap

>> No.14667987

mark fisher - capitalism realism

>> No.14668019

Nope, you said theres no book that strips the spiritual part of it because of being rooted in religion, which is just wrong. I even pointed a counterexample book.

>> No.14668023


>> No.14668051

Normal negative emotions interpreted as signs of an illness due to an underlying assumption about naive happiness being the standard mode of being for humans.

>> No.14668105

That isn't a sentence. What about the abject foolishness of assuming that more serotonin is going to make you happy?

>> No.14668655

when i was in college i used to cross the street without looking because i hoped a truck would hit me.

now i've graduated and been on my own several years, and i miss my college days.
>can barely retain shit tier poverty dead end jobs
>can barely keep rent paid, lived in a fucking car for a year
>have no health insurance, if i get sick or break a leg it's over and i may as well kill myself
>no financial stability
>no romantic stability
>no familial stability
>trouble affording food
>can't pay back loans, more interest accrues every day
>live in pain because i can't afford the procedure i need
>have no safety net at all, always living on the edge
>have to wade through hobos just to get to work, they randomly assault people and i've been threatened several times
<lol first world problems bro

>> No.14668683

I only had one instance where my stress caused me to get vertigo and it might have been a cold.
I never had depression or high stress any other time.

>> No.14668690

Capitalist Realism

>> No.14668717
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read this after capitalist realism

>> No.14668822

That affirms the post to which you replied to, not refutes it.

>> No.14668856

Part of becoming wealthy is being imperialist, i.e. conquering and dominating. Ordinarily people don't do this, but need to be lied into it. In the West, the ruling class has instituted massive propaganda campaigns in order to achieve these objectives. We occupy Afghanistan in order to block Chinese pipelines to the Middle East, but the average Joe has no fucking clue and thinks it is about freedom or something, but can't really understand what some weirdos in a cave have to do with his paycheck.

Unfortunately as time goes on even the "elite" of new generations believe the lies of the older generation. We construct an artificial reality in our abstract headspace that has very little relevance to what actually is, and thus man becomes alienated until himself. This is the abyss, the process of man becoming an island until himself, the horrible feeling of not being able to see the Emperor's invisible robe.

>> No.14669681


>> No.14669729

Personally I think I am depressed because I suffer from Narcissistic Personality Disorder which means I can't form "object relations" and my mind is totally invaded by Freudian "medicaleze" language that makes me want to kill myself

>> No.14669747

KEK i'm an electrician and i'm fucking miserable and every blue collar guy i know is a fucking miserable son of a bitch.

>> No.14670395
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It's usually an inability to handle basic work schedules without procrastinating and cramming, or retarded first world meme issues like "climate change".

>> No.14670807

>what the hell is going on?
Debt. Also knowing that they will get a shitty job to slave at for 40 hours a week until they are physically unable and will have paid into social security without ever receiving it. Most students I knew were ultimately hopeless and only going through the motions and were painfully aware of this.

>> No.14670887
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>in college
>hear constant barrage of "we're concerned about mental health!" blathering from administration
>get 50 emails about how we can play with puppies like a bunch of queers if we're feeling glum, and specialists with 6-word titles have been hired to stroke my nips if i'm ever upset about my gender identity
>pass by the puppy playpen hour once or twice
>full of infantilized twinks and girls with green hair and multiple piercings
>hear semi-regularly about students who actually take advantage of all those "mental health resources"
>hear about the people who actually go to the free therapists and get diagnosed a Certified Retard so they can be late/absent to every class and submit their work whenever they feel like it
>it's always the most pampered rich little babbies, who fly back home for every holiday and live in luxury condos provided by their parents
>they're all on 15 meds each, to keep them perpetually buzzing and content
>they also abuse these meds frequently, trade them like candy, and casually combine them with "study drugs" adderall or with booze at parties
>wade through this sea of tweaking rich faggots
>find a few actual geniuses and real people
>they're all borderline suicidal depressed wrecks
>they aren't even aware of the puppy petting bullshit, because their minds long ago tuned out the 50 white noise emails a day from the administration offering them tickets to scream therapy and poetry slam sessions with transgender eskimos
>all alcoholics
>none of them take advantage of the "you're a gay transgender pussy bitch? submit your work whenever you want!" free pass
>most of them just let the misery crush them, and fail out
>all the pill-popping normie homos with therapeutic hugpuppies exclude them and other them for not fitting into all the self-infantilization
>i remain surrounded by horrid green-haired twinks with trust funds who think they have anxiety disorders, who will probably be my boss in 10 years because their dad owns the company

>> No.14670949

It's not that hard to be a millionaire. A house alone often ends up being a million.

>> No.14671021
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Never has a greentext sounded so real

>> No.14671089

if you're a genius and you're letting yourself flunk out due to poor priorities you are no better than the green haired retards who game the system to get extensions etc.

>> No.14671092


but actually I agree that this is a very accurate depiction of the university in 2020

>> No.14671246

It's literal jouissance. There's a certain pleasure that comes from identifying with one's "illness" and it prevents people from improving themselves and their lives.

>> No.14671257

tfw you go to a stem school that has none of this where everyone actually hates their lives lmao
You faggots will never understand

>> No.14671268

Zoomers are more spoiled and over entitled than any generation before hand. They think they can just play fortnite all their lives so when they actually have to get out in the world they break down in panic attacks

>> No.14671273
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bro i have 6 paper deadlines in the next 10 days. also taking a milton course somehow and keeping up with the reading. there is no time to be depressed my son, simply no time

>> No.14671279

i forgot to mention that there is just enough time to post here and there on this stygian carpet washing forum

>> No.14671319

The modern world is alienating, disempowering and makes everyone feel like a victim because they essentially are one.

>> No.14671329


>> No.14671446

Went to a college counselor. Was depressed and suicidal. Had me take a picture of some retard book to read and wrote me one of those passes. Never used it, thought that was the weakest shit ever, even if i did sleep 12 hours a day while my roommate gamed. He couldn’t make any future appts as it was too busy. Helped myself out of it in the end, much better that way anyways

>> No.14671456

Very true. Just a theory and I’m not sure what it could be, but I think there is some sort of exogenous inflammatory compound in our modern environment that is really messing with people. The estrogens are huge though, now men are shells of men in the past and honestly what can we do about it? Microplastics and other estrogenic compounds are in damn near everything. Now read about the effects of CO2 on cognition, that’s another fun one.

>> No.14671462

the world is collapsing buddy. it's been degenerating for a while now if you haven't noticed. the rampant materialism that brought about prosperity was short lived... look at how people with enough money to survive are having mental health issues.

>> No.14671532

Modern academia is concerned with pure trades instead of being a well rounded student.
Modern academia also despises and ridicules religion, increasing bouts of uncertainty and anxiety in people

>> No.14671552

have you read the magic mountain?

>> No.14671593
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read this. Then take the free "Demystifying Mindfulness" course on coursera. It has free meditation "labs" that provide guides on meditation, what to expect, how to build a working routine, etc. It's neither entirely bullshit nor necessarily spiritual. It's also extremely overhyped by a multi-million dollar industry. This book or "Altered States" (an examination by scientists of what's actually proven and what isn't) will help you learn the difference and benefit of mindfulness without being scammed

>> No.14671600

> le memes le c02 do the fun fun to my brainz
there are men who spend months in submarines at 40k ppm c02 and function just fine. this c02 shit is a pseudo-scientific meme spread by morons online anon, smarten up.

>> No.14671632

I came to this realization when I was 14 or so. How the fuck is this based?

>> No.14671640

>On the contrary all plumbers and electricians
they're depressed as fuck, they're just too afraid to open up about it. And they reject the idea of seeking hell cause "they're not crazy"

>> No.14671643

more than 60 percent of college students are pussies

>> No.14671644

>A house alone often ends up being a million
ah yes... just own a house not that hard...
I'm not even a commie but comments like these make me wanna eat the rich

>> No.14671651

>t. brainlet dropout

>> No.14671672

Awe, did I hurt your widdle feelings?

>> No.14671687
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>y-you *sniff* mmad?

>> No.14671713

Where is this quote from?

>> No.14671750

you don't need a lot of cognitive capacity to follow a checklist which is what they do 99% of the time.

>> No.14671760

as if numerous artists and /lit/ authors werent drunks who dealt with old school contamination in everything

>> No.14671766

>reject the idea of seeking hell
Hell ain't a good place to be

>> No.14671773

ok, have fun buying 40 snake plants for your room anon

>> No.14672081
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>constant evaluation triggering a fight-or-flight response
>no compensation for your efforts, other than further hoops to jump through
>have to actually get in debt to pay for this mess that doesn't even guarantee a job
>required to think about studying 24/7, it's not a wagecuck job that you can forget about when you get home
>social pressures on top of that, much harder to have any friends, you are either a loner or a chad

wow, this isn't a healthy environment to be in? I would never have guessed
get out as fast as you can, and get a normal job

>> No.14672090

normal jobs are worse, as an autistic weirdo it's impossible to control the people you will interact with. there's a 90% chance that any given social setting will be not only horrible, but when you don't handle the horribleness well you will send out subtle signals to your normie coworkers to bully on you and hate you. normies don't just victimize autists out of conscious cruelty, they actually hate autists instinctively and want to crush them, they find autists offensive, it's like a bad smell.

makes it very risky to try to have a career or upward mobility because you can get embedded in a company with decent career possibilities in theory, but get stuck working with/for people who make your life a living hell in a thousand ways you can't ever explain to them or they will shame you and hate you for it even more.

>> No.14672095

idk, sounds like you work around assholes, or maybe your "bad smell" isn't just metaphorical? something to think about
you are a free adult, if this job is too stressful - just try to find another, then switch.

>> No.14672099

addendum to this post, go to 6:25 if the time code doesn't work:

what you're saying is encompassed in, and recapitulates, what i was trying to describe

>> No.14672119
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>> No.14672134

all the "geniuses" I met in college were either too autistic for one to be able to tell if they were depressed or big brain confident chads.

>> No.14672136

their imagined lifestyle is unsustainable and out of reach. striver poors don't understand or acknowledge social stratification but they're still afraid of ending up as retail managers and dumpster welders and nurse practitioners etc despite their "hard work" and dedication (to themselves)

>> No.14672139

This is more of an insult against the term "rhetoritian"

>> No.14672164

Best post in the thread.

The environment students go through is totally insane and indifferent.

You can explain it with stories like the financialisation of education (selling debt and growing universities as corporations), the rise of technology as the medium for all social relations, the ascendant pseudo-religions and ideology that have infested universities (so-called diversity, activism, attempts to supplant national traditions and cultures with a global multicultural (i.e. imperial) culture), and the treatment of education as a so-called export industry (e.g. attracting and retaining fee-paying international students). All of these factors mean that developing domestic talent falls far down the list of priorities, and people start to be treated as numbers or as "customers" in a degree mill rather than students in a school. They know no one actually gives a shit about them, and that the education they are receiving is a farce (either this or they suffer from a form of stockholm syndrome where they must believe that education is worth something). I think people really do not appreciate just how bad education has become... It cannot scale up. Education is best when you have strong relationships with peers and with one or more masters/teachers/tutors.

However, I actually think these stories are just small snippets from the larger story- which might be something more like: the Baby Boomer generation's self-absorption, cornucopian upbringing, traitorous fire-sale of western nations, and substitution of the social contract between generations with an eternal party for themselves has caused education to be warped by the same blind economic greed that has caused other necessities like housing, family formation, and healthcare to balloon absurdly in cost and difficulty. To the point that the civilisation is choosing to reproduce itself by importing humanity from elsewhere, rather than bothering to foot the bill required to maintain decent social conditions and sufficiently develop existing populations.

>> No.14672192

There’s a general sense of panic among the younger generation who’s been taught to think pretty only I’m future tense and socioeconomic terms that this is all going to shit while also experiencing increasing pressure to keep up appearances that everything is fine and getting better even. They’re all walking on egg shells to keep up the charade that the house isn’t burning down when the roof caught on fire back in the early 2000s.

>> No.14672199

>Zoomers are more spoiled and over entitled than any generation before hand
define spoiled you retard, being fucked up and abused for parents sheckels by online culture at the age where you don't know better then thrown out isn't exactly "spoiled", if anything it's post war boomer generation who is

>> No.14672224

Bluepilled post
This anon is right. The Boomer generation is the most spoiled existing generation by far.

Most of the things people cite when they talk about the Millennials and Zoomers are addictive technologies that are unequivocally bad for them. Video games, smartphones, etc. Fortnite in particular has been explicitly designed to constantly trigger reward systems in the brain. Download it and play a few games of it with this in mind and you will constantly notice little things it does - constant prizes, personalised statistical validation of your medium and long-term in-game activity, vivid colours, friendship with your team mates dragging you into game after game. And so much more. If you have even a small amount of knowledge about psychological conditioning, variable rate reward, etc. it will scare the shit out of you.

>> No.14672226

Hardly a novel point but I really think social media plays a big role in this. You can't be disconnected these days, so your brain never has any down time. Down time is crucial - it allows you to develop mindfulness, it also just lets your brain rest. Boredom is GOOD for you. My mum for example doesn't listen to music or use her phone or anything when she's on the train, she just uses that time to stare out the window and contemplate. I really think things like that make an enormous contribution to your mental well being.

On top of that, the pathologization of mental illness means that people mistake their frenetic shitty internet fucked brain patterns for a chronic illness and this allows them to avoid the hard work of improving themselves while simultaneously deriving a sense of satisfaction from this new identity they've been given (bonus points as well since the mentally ill are supposedly marginalized). I've been through the whole mental illness rigmarole and the entire farce is designed to validate and reinforce you "illness" not cure it. Combined with the genuine stressors of the college environment and they're completely inadequately prepared to deal with it. In fact they don't WANT TO!

>> No.14672233

Literally the opposite situation is applicable, fucknut.

>> No.14672245

Capitalist Realism by Mark Fisher
also Evangelion

>> No.14672249

I think you hit the nail on the head

>> No.14672250

I dunno. It's not that clear cut. It's more like a weird situation where useful idiot socialists are unwittingly helping Capital.

>> No.14672257


This is capitalism
It's acceleration
What did you think people went to college for?
Gotta throw yourself into the grinder harder and faster than ever before
Gotta work twice as hard twice as fast to earn the privilege of competing with twice as many people as before
Gotta keep growing building connecting progressing there's always more work more demand always more
Things around you have changed but you haven't changed
We need more from you than we did before but you need the same things
Everything is bigger but you're the same size and now you have to take care of it maintain it make it even bigger for the next person
What's there to be anxious about?

>> No.14672271


>> No.14672295

This sounds a lot like Baudrillard's hyperreality; a belief in falsehood establishing a feedback-loop of confirmation. I think I'd probably agree with you, and extend hyperreality beyond just geo-politics into culture and art, as well as religion. Nobody knows why they're supposed to like this, or enjoy that, or worship Him - it's just what one does.

>> No.14672298

I do believe a significant portion of the depression spike is attributable to social media. There are a number of ways this plays out. One of the main ways is that it distorts social perceptions, leads many to see their own lives as lacking compared to others who live golden lives depicted by curated, filtered, constructed appearances and status. Others must feel that they are always being watched, scrutinized, endlessly evaluated by a calculus of status. There is sense that if you ignore these engines of status, one is an outcast, but if you participate in them poorly, you are a fool. The ruthless impersonality of it goes against fundamental instincts of decency.

There might also be a general awareness in the subconscious marrow of the species that the earth is in turmoil, that bad things are happening and going to happen. Doom and gloom narratives of collapse, a general impression that humanity has run out of steam, that you're just one insignificant person on a giant scuttling anthill of people.

Existential philosophy would do a world of good in this time and age. Its work was begun in the post ww2 atmosphere, but it was not completed or expanded properly to account for the present angst.

>> No.14672305

Those autists and the green-haired twinks are no different. The idea that one needs to be somehow mentally-impaired to succeed creatively or intellectually is jumped-up nonsense straight from the Paris bohemia of the early 20th century. The tortured artist does not exist, clean you room and stop smoking!

>> No.14672315
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>> No.14672347

Some fat cunt with an emotional support dog in my philosophy class of Kantian Ethics taught by some based jew old woman was triggered by fucking KANT. These people would have died in the woods without the compassion of modern day.

>> No.14672352

Why Kant of all people

>> No.14672363

She was discussing a point with my teacher about Kant (I hardly remember) and my teacher btfo her hard. She sat motionless for a minute out of shock and then began crying. She left the classroom and my teacher explained why the cunts actions were bad and dismissed class. My teacher was definitely on the spectrum. She loved me as a student.

>> No.14672374

I once sat a course where 1/3rd of the semester was dedicated to Nietzsche, and a non-Jewish white guy spoke up in the first tutorial and said that 'he refused to read an anti-Semite'. Everyone smirked and the tutor just asked him if he would be okay with dropping 1/3rd off his mark. He quickly realised he wasn't going to get any sympathy and pulled out his copy of Genealogy and sat in silence for the rest of the tutorial.

>> No.14672376

It's not like psychedelics are hard to find. If anyone reading this feels like the wonder has been lacking, try popping 100ug 1P-LSD.

>> No.14672386


Kant triggered my class too. They all hated him because he was difficult to read. They were either unable to discuss the reading because they couldn't parse it or they used the difficulty to dismiss all his ideas. This was a fourth year class too, not as though these kids were straight out of high school. Shocking.

>> No.14672393

Kant vs cunt

>> No.14672454

Snowniggers have the highest suicide rate in the world together with Japan and Korea.

>> No.14672538
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this only makes me harder.

>> No.14672560

Because until pretty much the end of high school (and college to an extent) we're raised on disney-tier morals of "you can do anything you set your mind to!" which isn't helped by the fact that school these days is designed to hold your hand the entire way and be nearly impossible to fail regardless of how little effort you put in, so a lot of people get this idea that everything will just fall into place in the end.
This idea starts to get torn away in post secondary when the reality of life starts to get a little clearer, but post-secondary is still pretty much just the "NG+" of normal school, when you're thrown into real life is when you realize you've basically been playing a tutorial for an entirely different game and that your degree in underwater basket weaving was a complete waste of money and the most you can hope for at this point is dead end low level management position.

>> No.14672659

You a cat person or something?

>> No.14673565

Don't have my books around, but probably "On Happiness" Schopenhauer

>> No.14673574

Or "on the sufferings of the world"

>> No.14673590

He doesn't really say substantially why though, just that try to individualize the condition is silly.

>> No.14673604
File: 304 KB, 1000x1000, Consooooooooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Society is not conductive to mental health

>> No.14673681

or anything by Schopenhauer really

>> No.14673714

I can't imagine being this mad about something so stupid, let them have their dogs and pills. Go to therapy and stop complaining about how you're the one with real problems that you refuse to do anything to address

>A house alone often ends up being a million
Not even true. Around here, big newly remodeled houses in nice neighborhoods will be around 500k, and rowhouses often go for under 100k. A million gets you a mansion.

Based Lacan

>> No.14674532


mark fisher, period

>> No.14674663

my generation does not want to revolt, spirituality is lacking. Most of them are sedated by things that do not take effort, including the idea 'get a degree get a comfy career'. Anyone else is retarded and laughed at, sadly this will be the majority of people that will rule the world.
Good bye friends Now I retreat to my kingdom of hope

>> No.14674679

Based. Fuck the bourgeoise.

>> No.14674757

People like you cause depression and anxiety

>> No.14674767

>>More than 60 percent of college students said they had experienced “overwhelming anxiety” in the past year, according to a 2018 report from the American College Health Association. Over 40 percent said they felt so depressed they had difficulty functioning.
>What the hell is going on? Most people I know struggle with depression. Is this a new pandemic? What books talk about this?
Produce some hospitalization rates that corroborate these statements. I bet you can't and that these are the words of hyperbolic brats in an informal survey.

>> No.14674780

I was miserable throughout my final year, it was just one big cycle of study, work and smoking shitloads of weed to stop myself from feeling empty.

>> No.14674797
File: 91 KB, 1348x510, GDPhappiness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why do wealthy nations have higher suicide rates than poor nations
There is a nearly linear correlation between GDP per capita and self-reported happiness. I would speculate that there might be generally higher suicide rates because these countries also happen to be less religious and have cultures less founded on honor and duty, emphasizing freedom of the individual and diminishing tradtional institutions.

>> No.14674816

College is a giant certification process
Gaming the system and learning to take advantage of every opportunity given to you is literally what you are supposed to learn in college
If you are doing the amount of work required for any respectable degree you are going to have mental health problems

>> No.14674832

isn't that an exponential correlation

>> No.14674878

I haven't crunched the numbers, but just look at the graphic it appears that a linear function would make the best fit.

>> No.14674881

the x axis is logarithmic

>> No.14674916

There is such a thing as a log-linear model.

>> No.14674939

>zoomers pretending they are depressed
wow it's fucking nothing

>> No.14674960

You can call a trend line whatever you want
That graph shows that increasing GDP has a diminished increase in satisfaction

>> No.14675305
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>> No.14675312
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>let them have their dogs and pills. Go to therapy and stop complaining

What are you, the spokeswoman for ZOG? Are you gonna tell me to give my 10 year old child a sex change next?

>> No.14675322

>failing out
lol ask me how I know they have low IQs

t. high IQ but extremely depressed, still maintained 3.9 GPA by copying homework and easily acing exams

i studied maybe 50 hours for the entirety of my undergrad

>> No.14675340

what major?

>> No.14675347

This, except I used to go to the puppy petting things because I like dogs a lot.

>> No.14675366

>tfw in STEM college
>tfw anything less than 15 credit hours is shameful
>anything below Dean's list is shameful
>students joke about creative suicide methods constantly
>professors join in occasionally
>weedout classes deliberately made unnecessarily difficult and stressful (ex. a small formatting mistake on an assignment will result in a zero)
>meanwhile Chinese students drive by in their sports cars and get advanced degrees without learning English

>> No.14675639

>live in pain because i can't afford the procedure i need

What is your pain my friend

>> No.14675832

I'm not depressed I just want to have sex with a handful of attractive women who aren't prostitutes then get a cute gf.

>> No.14675922

I was extremely depressed an anxious throughout college. I don't know about everyone else, but I was already depressed when I was in high school. College just made it a lot worse. No structure to life, terrible roommates, lack of sleep, drugs and alcohol, lots of pressure to perform (partially my own fault, I could have relaxed a little), and honestly being sort of pushed into it. I was and am a good student, but I didn't know what I wanted to study and had no idea about what careers were even like. A lot of those things were my fault, but I started off on the wrong foot and didn't know how to correct my course.

I'm guessing a lot of kids follow a similar course, with the party scene, student debt, fear of the future etc. They are also probably mediocre students on top of it. I don't think everyone needs to go to college right away.

>> No.14676017


>> No.14676073

what school?

>> No.14676115

>if you go get your head checked you're "seeking hell"
jesus christ. get your fucking head checked

>> No.14676418

a uc that isn't santa cruz, merced, santa barbara, irvine, or riverside

>> No.14676524


Fuck college students.

t. millennial

>> No.14676534

Nobody who owns a smartphone is actually depressed.

>> No.14676567

I'm a loner in college, I have no friends but all you see in that campus is happy people, all joking, smiling, surrounded by their friends talking about all the fun stuff they do, the fun stuff they see, the fun stuff they will do.
But then, there's this facebook group (yes, I'm a normalfag I know) where literally the 30000 students are, and they talk daily about how many of them and their acquaintances are depressed and consume antidepressants and how their lives are shit, and how their family is shit, how their parents are shit, how people is shit, how this country (not america) is shit, how some of their friends are shitty, etc, etc.
I guess they just internet to vent.
I know I sound edgy with this but I can't take their smiles seriously anymore.

>> No.14676577
File: 232 KB, 1642x742, me, about to reply to an idiot (who might be a troll but either way the content of what was written is extremely stupid, which is the point).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Every few months, I notice an exceptionally stupid post. This is one. This is the single dumbest post I've read on this website YTD, troll or not. I'm going to make myself a new rule for the year: screenshot exceptionally dumb posts and share them with other anons at years' end. This'll be the first of 2020, and the thread occurred on the /lit/ board.

>> No.14676583

>someone complaining about something means he's depressed
Zoomer understanding of psychology, everyone

>> No.14676586

It's because most students can't cope. They're stuck underneath everyone else and live in servitude. They have no commanding presence and keep to themselves. Falling into bad habits also makes normal living feel washed out. Falling for the university meme without having your mind set on a specific means of income beyond school sounds like a nightmare anyway. Hell, i'd kill myself if I woke up one day with University debt, a reckless lifestyle and fucking exams to worry about. Also the "anxiety and depression" come from poor choices and lack of mindfulness. If you can control your reactions (body and mind) and suck it up to face things, you will shake the illusions and wake the fuck up.

>> No.14676819
File: 330 KB, 680x797, 1565609735214.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll fix all of your problems.
>can barely retain shit tier poverty dead end jobs
Store every last cent either in safe or somewhere physical do not keep any bank balance. Keep all owned assets at $0.00
>have no health insurance, if i get sick or break a
>live in pain because i can't afford the procedure i need leg it's over and i may as well kill myself
You're in the best boat right now actually. You can sign up for Medicaid in most states, approval takes 48 hours. There is no deductible, at all. You will meet the income threshold and if not, just quit your job and claim you are at $0.00. The cost of the surgery will be worth it. This comes at absolutely no cost to you.

Search your state + medicaid. Sign up. You are your own household if you are older than 23, so you do not claim your parents income on it. You'll also probably qualify for food stamps, which is a free $200 a month toward food.
>can't pay back loans, more interest accrues every day
Don't pay them. File for Chapter 7 bankruptcy like I did. Contrary to popular belief, you can be discharged from federal student loan debt. You need to go before a judge and cite the Brunner decision and how you meet the three-prong test. If you show 1) Hardship, 2) no savings 3) some attempt of payment (even 1 payment in my case), you will no longer owe a cent. Do not listen to redditors who say it cannot be done. They either cannot qualify, and are upset or view repayment as a moral obligation.

I just fixed your entire life. It would have saved me a decade of my life had I known this a decade ago. I was in your shoes, friend.

>> No.14676832

Finish highschool before posting here

>> No.14676863

Have either of you watched hypernormalization by Adam Curtis? How many kinds of works are like this, I didn't know hyperreality was concept people spoke about. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-fny99f8amM

Based. They need to suffer more to realize what they have isn't shit. It's why the big religions have fasting and giving up something they like as well as generosity to the poor.

>> No.14676882


>> No.14677549
File: 229 KB, 332x500, fence.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

At Cornell they put fences over the bridges because so many exploited chinks threw themselves into the gorge.


>> No.14677570
File: 233 KB, 568x590, 1580459636560.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw college student
>I live in squalor, don't have any money, can't afford much food and am constantly fretting about making it a few more days
>I also have to pass Calculus II somehow, just like my rich college friends who live with their parents
I'm never gonna make it am I

>> No.14677608

This is true, but don't read the truth because you'll follow Mark Fisher to the grave if you do.

>> No.14677625

Anon, you are a person far greater then those posh faggots. God how I hate the bourgeois who were born into it

>> No.14677642

as a snownigger i'd say it's more to do with the concept of happiness in snowniggerland, where it's something closer to satisfaction with life instead of actual happiness

>> No.14678190

You have described me. What do?

>> No.14678199

based commie chink

>> No.14678205


Talk doesn't get more pragmatic than in subversion.

>> No.14678226

If you can avoid getting baited and falling for the commie meme like the authors, I'd say Foucault and Gramsci have a lot to say on this, namely their prison writings and thoughts on hegemonic oppression. Avoid, at all costs, Foucault's thoughts on sexuality like the perverse degenerate ramblings they are.

>> No.14678291

Yeah this is first world problems dude. You seemed to have fucked yourself with the loans which you should have been more responsible with.

>> No.14679080

You don't have a child you whiny bitch

>> No.14679155

Respond please>>>>>>>>> >>14676819

>> No.14679337

This concept was like a godsend for me when I was first getting into all this theory stuff. It really is a morbid kind of pleasure you partake in when you insist that you are angry, or insist you have been wronged, you bake your own agency into the overly-thematized backdrop of your consciousness to relish in narrative sublimity

>> No.14679380

Its the pendelums that are at fault more on /x, if you people really want to survive you got to research deeper not talking to you anon specifically.

>> No.14679391
File: 94 KB, 900x627, C8VZhrPXgAAfNNm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also another point wasn't it always like this anons please the only difference is that people are learning more things that they can grasp and literal peasants are trying to do jobs that they will never understand and live a life they are not meant to live or comprehend.

>> No.14679414

Just because you can get into higher education doesnt mean you can handle it

>> No.14679450


>> No.14679685

Dude watch Proffessor Leonard on Youtube for Calculus 2 he makes every so clear and goes into painstaking detail to break it down for brainlets

>> No.14679697

Vadim Zeland
I cannot say no more

>> No.14680366

Do any of your guys' schools have a student run meme page?

>> No.14680415

I think we are just confused, there are too many options, too many worldviews, and we are now aware of what we miss out on by virtue of being us, if we are ugly we miss out on being good looking, if we are poor we miss out on being rich etc In the past people were only reminded of this when the good looking
or rich people in their social group made it known, in those single moments, now it is 24/7 we are reminded of what we don't and can't have. We are also much more aware of things like meaninglessness.

>> No.14680450

>t. protagonist of Hamsuns Hunger

>> No.14680711


Things to be considered based are not rare, they are the common sense in the era of uncommon sense promoted as routine.

It's based by virtue of being suppressed and its' opposite being elevated and assumed true throughout the cultural landscape.

>> No.14681093

where's daddy peterson

>> No.14682389
File: 21 KB, 352x352, RXKxkv3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Selective reporting. Suicide is much, much more of a taboo in 3rd world countries than it is in the first world.

Why do you think Russia and other similar eastern european states lead the world in suicides per capita? It's because they're much poorer than the West, but have none of the taboo on the topic seen in other parts of Asia, Latin America or Africa

>> No.14682988

>I just want to have sex with a handful of attractive women

Your desire will never be sated. What does a handful mean? Maybe you feel insecure, so you have sex with 3 women. Then you think, is 3 a small number? So you have sex with 5. Then 10, 15, 25. Still, you feel like you're missing something. Maybe one more conquest.

>> No.14683007

On a lower, shittier list.

>> No.14684342

pussies lol

>> No.14684654

Aren't you less likely to be depressed and experience mental health issues if you're struggling to live day to day and must focus your efforts on daily attaining food, water, and shelter?

>> No.14684804


>> No.14684883

good post

also this lol. If it were loglinear it would say on the axis too.

>> No.14685053

He is right here. Kids just like to say they are "depressed" and have "anxiety" when in reality it is just a result of their poor choice making. They spend their time drinking and doing drugs over non-existent problems which only makes the problems worse not better. They fail to realize that some things on this earth you cannot change but you still have self responsibility. It is not anyone else job to take care of you. And I am not deny that there are some people who actually have these mental issues. But there are so many rich people who just act depressed just to look cool, it is uninteresting and is not a replacement personality. Media has began to market on depression.

>> No.14685254

Stop trying to gatekeep suffering fag. Everyone suffers

>> No.14685615

the more favoured a man is by Fortune, the more fastidiously sensitive is he; and, unless all things answer to his whim, he is overwhelmed by the most trifling misfortunes, because utterly unschooled in adversity. So petty are the trifles which rob the most fortunate of perfect happiness! How many are there, dost thou imagine, who would think themselves nigh heaven, if but a small portion from the wreck of thy fortune should fall to them? This very place which thou callest exile is to them that dwell therein their native land.

>> No.14686006

Then they should man the fuck up.

>> No.14686020

I went insane from psychotic depression, which became schizoaffective disorder, while in college. But then, I can't imagine going insane while studying for the average college degree

>> No.14686040

this a thousand times

>> No.14686058


>> No.14686059

Calculus II isn't that bad I cheated my way through Calculus I and was totally unprepared for Calc II and somehow passed.

>> No.14686121

Most people do not suffer.

>> No.14686169

then 14 yo you was based

>> No.14686194

Sounds like you belong in a labor camp.

>> No.14686312
File: 38 KB, 618x410, sfeefsf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

false life is inherently suffering

>> No.14686442

>the truth
Is it a book by Mark?

>> No.14687865

Based and Buddhist pilled

>> No.14688153

you misspelled help ya dingus

>> No.14688199

>source: my ass

>> No.14689689

People with higher IQs commit suicide at lower rates actually

>> No.14689702

Based retard

>> No.14689709


>> No.14689731

Why does the idea of depression seem so offensive to some people? Like they get actively angry and outraged at the idea.

>> No.14689738

The death of families and communality is probably a big part of it.

>> No.14689746

From an individualist perspective it's 'suck it up buttercup" it's thought that depressed people are just weak and oversensitive. Depression is much more than that, with measurable physiological correlates that distinguish it from regular sadness.

From a collectivist perspective: people don't want to be implicated. They don't want to think that there is some structural flaw in the culture that makes people depressed with statistical reliability.

>> No.14689818

probably some variant on a just world fallacy. if you are struggling its because you did something bad or you shouldnt have. the implication being that i have success purely by my own effort. acknowledging mental illness rocks this idea that success - or lack thereof - is entirely of your own commitment and effort, or lack of the same.

>> No.14689932

I just dropped out of uni and played vydia geams while working part time. Had a good time.

>> No.14689980

>human needs are strictly material
OK, gook.

>> No.14690163

Unironically because most people have low quality, low quantity friendships.

Article & Paper:
>Researchers have found that loneliness is just as lethal as smoking 15 cigarettes per day. Lonely people are 50% more likely to die prematurely than those with healthy social relationships.
>“Loneliness is not necessarily about being alone. Instead, “it is the perception of being alone and isolated that matters most” and is “a state of mind”.

Don't listen to retards who go "HURR DURR YOU CANT BE DEPRESSED CAUSE YOURE RICH". This kind of snarky refutation of your conditions don't help.
But on the other hand, describing your condition as "depression" doesn't really help with anything since it's a term for being sad often or all the time, so it doesn't say anything about what external factor is causing it.
I would recommend that you think of yourself not as depressed but lonely. What you need is a stronger feeling of social connection.

As for the remedy, I don't know what kind of a situation everyone's in but I can tell you that you can't go wrong with doing things like going tramping or some other outdoor activity with your mates every week, at least trying out one of many clubs or societies you have at university, volunteering for community work, or reading books with other people. And do these things often.

>> No.14690178

the loss of traditional life

>> No.14690189

college sucks dick I wish I was a dropout brick layer

>> No.14690206

People who depend on constant validation from others are prone to debilitating depression if they have to spend a lot of time alone.

>> No.14690775
File: 410 KB, 2518x1064, chad procreator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reading about debt fraud literally makes me jittery with happiness and I don't know why.

>> No.14690796

God I wish that were me

>> No.14690930

Its like most people arent meant to go to college or something....interesting