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14663563 No.14663563[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

It seems to me like there're lots of people interested in Gnosticism in /lit/, I think it's time we have a discussion about some of the issues others and I perceive with such philosophy.

How do Gnostic Scriptures and Gnostic apologetic literature deal with the dehumanization of the Hylics?
It has come to my attention that Gnostics are always either far-leftists (Philip K Dick, Spirit Science) or far-rightists (Carl Jung).
I find interesting how at the same time Gnostics claim that there is divine spark in every single living being they will glady claim somewhat a flexible caste system morally allows them to exterminate and exploit those "plebs" who happen to be considered lesser than them because they will be destroyed during Sophia's Rapture anyway.
Instead of desiring the destruction of those deemed inferior a Gnosis-searcher should seek the eventual improvement of those who deserve it, the innocence for the pure, the salvation of the sinners and the reward for those who make good deeds even if they lack Gnosis.

Carl Jung and Evola made some interesting points about how the idea of Gnosis is similar to the idea of the Moksha, but as fascists that they were they also loved to mix it with their extremely elitistic and hierarchial bullshit.
Nothing wrong with anti-egalitarianism IMHO but elitism is just as undesirable, evil and dehumanizing as egalitarianism, if not. Aristocrats and brahman can suck my dick.
While Gnostics claim that matter is evil and that our world is controlled by the Demiurge/Abraxas they simultaneously and hypocritically tend to support the wealthy, hedonistic and powerful ruling "classes" or castes of India and countries alike that follow dharmic religions.
I also think it's interesting how frecuently words like "NPC" or "pleb" get used as insults in Gnostic/anti-demiurgic online communities, maybe that's because this is the internet and people are more rude here, but whatever, I think it's pretty telling.

Proove me wrong. Fight me cowards.

>> No.14663572

I'm against nondualist Brahmin types. It's a philosophy of apathy. This world should be conquered from the Demiurge, so to speak. It can be made better, and we should struggle to do so.

>> No.14663582

Hylics aren't human, they're just animals in a gooey human shell

>> No.14663626


>> No.14663638

A true gnostic.

Not the OP's corrupt conception of one.

>> No.14663661

the "all is one" philosophy of advaita is spiritual apathy. gay and retarded

>> No.14663672

"To the pure, all things are pure; but to the defiled and unbelieving, nothing is pure. Indeed, both their minds and their consciences are defiled. They profess to know God, but by their actions they deny Him. They are detestable, disobedient, and unfit for any good deed."

>> No.14663687

>guilt tripping
typical demiurgic tactic

>> No.14663703

You know it's true. Check yourself. anon, before you wreck yourself. Pray.

>> No.14663707

But animals have Divine Spark aswell.
Fuck off Pajeet, go beat some Untouchables at the bus station or to shit to your designated street. Instead of shitposting in an anime imageboard go make your country a superpower.
Are you aware of what the "Wrath of God" is Pajeet?

>> No.14663720

>exterminate and exploit those "plebs"
That’s a giga straw ma. Never seen any gnostic claim that about hylics.
Your whole post is full of straw men, one about the Gnostics, another calling Jung and Evola fascists, still another claiming that fascism was about “exterminating and exploiting”. I don’t even know where to begin. Get your facts straight first then we’ll talk.

>> No.14663728

The world is pervaded by infinite goodness. There is nothing to "repent" of. There is no "primordial debt" to God. You have been bamboozled by metaphysical merchants.

>> No.14663737

they were not fascists, they were hyperfascists

>> No.14663751

The thing with Hylics is that they are just like normies, you kind of pity them, you don’t want to kill them, but you also can’t help them, so what are you going to do?

>> No.14663753

I've never claimed that there's a "primordial debt" nor have I said that the world isn't pervaded by Goodness. Do not put words on my mouth, dear stranger. Man can, nevertheless, corrupt himself and private himself of the Good- never fully, however.

>> No.14663759

Submission to God is more important than knowledge of God. This was the main conflict between the gnostics and the early church, and the reason the Catholics won out is because devotional service is a far more direct path to salvation, and easier for most people. Gnosis generally appeals to people of an intellectual background who do not tend to have an easy time submitting to God. This is due to a lack of humility which is all too common among these types. However, God commands all of us to be humble. Therefore, knowledge is not the ultimate path to salvation, although it is certainly better than blatant atheism.

>> No.14663770

Good post. One can compare Bhakti and Advaita and Buddhism. There is a certain hubris about the later.

>> No.14663793

You don't understand Gnosticism if you don't realize there is a strong current of love and devotion running through it. Do some basic research on the Cathars. The Church is evil, and far from true love and devotion.

>> No.14663807

>God commands all of us to be humble
The false god. The true God doesn't "command"

>> No.14663851
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>> No.14663900


>> No.14663911

This is a liberal postmodernist perspective. If you must, think of God as nature. Does nature allow us to make all the decisions? No. Calamity can befall us at any time, and of course we all die at a set time that is out of our control. Nature is the supreme controller of everything, and there is absolutely nothing we can do about it. Therefore, we need to be humble to this great force. We can't just go around doing whatever we want, such as getting drunk, and having gay sex and expecting nothing to effect us. There are rules that must be followed in order to stay in line with nature. Clearly, our society has broken these rules many times over. To say that God (nature) would not command us is missing the fact that really there is not just any way to live. These rules were put in place to keep us aware and in obedience to the laws of nature.

>> No.14663962

>There is a certain hubris about the later.
Only if you are a hylic brainlet.

>> No.14664496
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>liberal postmodernist

>> No.14664593

>he fails to understand something because he can't help but insert nonsense that isn't there like his negative fanciful conception of fascism and elitism
why bother trying you fucking retard. i personally dont like it or agree with it but i can still suspend judgement and personal preference to understand what something is.

>> No.14664597

Postmodernist with 'coincidentally' liberal conclusions. The most common kind in actual fact.

>> No.14664629

Hylics lack pneuma, and even if some animals possess it they lack the necessary capability to meditate their base desires in their current form and to suppress them in favor of the Spirit

>> No.14664643
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What is the appeal of feet?

>> No.14664657
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>> No.14664658

Any books on anime girl feet?

>> No.14664773

If you have to ask you'll never know

>> No.14665090
