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14663471 No.14663471 [Reply] [Original]

>a priori
literally no such thing. all reality comes from experience and all experience is derived from empirical data.

>pre-rational reality
holy shit just stop, please

>> No.14663492
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I hope you weren't serious when you made this post.

>> No.14663499

so there's this thing called reality that emerges out of this other thing called experience that emerges out of this other thing called empirical data? interesting theory, to be sure. could you elaborate?

>> No.14663512

>M™U™H™ S™C™I™E™N™C™E™
Nice bait

>> No.14663535

Define reality, experience, and empirical data.
Prove empirical data exists.

>> No.14663542

this webcomic is more reddit than xkcd.

>> No.14663612
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>> No.14663616

The statement "all reality comes from experience and all experience is derived from empirical data" is not derived from empirical data. Every empirical information is simply your brain intepreting signals, and you can't disprove a phenomenal world via empirical studies.

>> No.14663620

explain how we came up with the idea of infinity if we have no experiential basis for it

>> No.14663632

We experienced numbers too big for us to do anything with or comprehend, therefore infinity, a conceptual stand-in for numbers too big to count, arose.

>> No.14663637

Anticholinergic delirium is commonly associated with a pattern of hallucination where the patient "smokes" phantom cigarettes. This occurs in a very large number of people, and does so without the patient having ever smoked a cigarette or grown up in an environment around smokers.

Really gets the noggin joggin

>> No.14663648

>student A is taught to swim
>student B is not taught to swim
>student A does better than student B on the swimming test
Wow who could have guessed.

>> No.14663669

Who taught student A to swim?

>> No.14663677

you know there are entire branches of math dealing with infinity, it isn't just a stand-in for "big numbers"...

>> No.14663678

>all reality comes from experience and all experience is derived from empirical data.

This is a total rejection of Aristotelian Rationalism.

>> No.14663683

How do you know how to experience experiences?

>> No.14663689

IQ does not increase by any statistically relevant amount with education.

>buh buh buh muh flynn effect!
What is a standard deviation, Alex?

>> No.14663699


>> No.14663705

I think it was Guenon which argued for a distinction between 'infinite' and 'indefinite' - in which the latter pertains to mathematics and the former pertains to the spiritual 'infinite'. I think it would serve a lot of good if it were adopted, to stop the constant confusion that arises in matters like this.

>> No.14663711

what do you mean wrong? have you ever read Liebnez? Cantor? Frege?

>> No.14663712
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>he hasn't read the revelations of the Prophet Guenon (pbuh) on the distinction between the infinite and indefinite

>> No.14663719

when set theory deals with infinity they don't just mean "indefinite". all countable infinity's are definite

>> No.14663741

Imagine if you had one student who has never taken a test before, and another student who has taken many tests before. Who do you think would do better on an IQ test?

>> No.14663789

Neither because IQ tests aren't like tests you take in school.

>> No.14663804

I'm not even going to pretend I know the first thing about 'countable infinities', so I'm just going to leave the thread now.

>> No.14663809


>> No.14663810

How is it not? You sit down, probably at a desk, with a pencil and paper, and you're given a set amount of time to answer multiple choice questions. Isn't that how most IQ tests work?

>> No.14663816


>> No.14663819

Unironically based.

>> No.14663831


IQ test failed already, champ, -300 points for Gryffindor. sub 50 IQ move to assume desks are involved.

>> No.14663832

IQ is a meme but your argument is dog shit

>> No.14663835

Where does the empirical data come from?

The ironic thing is that your argument for denying an a priori treats empirical data as a priori.

>> No.14663839

OK so how do IQ tests actually work?

>> No.14663861

I'm pretty sure you're being sarcastic, but no. IQ tests are never multiple choice, rarely involve pencil and paper, and are are administered with sudden death.

>> No.14663890

that’s racist

>> No.14663896

There are a few different ones. I was sent to a shrink as a kid for being a chaotic sociological nightmare, and for reasons still unknown to me they made me taken a portion of an IQ test, which involved arranging blocks into certain shapes.

It's very much not like a test you take in school, down to the way it was proctored. There's a doctor watching and recording everything. Right down to your eye movements.

>> No.14664231


>> No.14664322

>Science is like sketching a black cat using data and facts that isn't there, because science and metaphysics should complement and influence one another

>> No.14664413

prove it

>> No.14664453

pure cope

>> No.14664465


It's not that hard. Any infinite set that can be mapped in a one to one correspondence to the counting numbers {1,2,3....} is countably infinite. For example the infinite set {2,4,6,8....} is countably infinite since you can map 2 as 1, 4 as 2, 6 as 3, and so on. All countably infinite sets are the same size.

Any infinite set that can't be mapped to the counting numbers is uncountably infinite. For example, the set of real numbers cannot be put in a counting order 1,2,3, etc. See Cantor's diagonalization method for an elegant reason why.

>> No.14664555
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shut the fuck up, infinitist

>> No.14664614


>> No.14664633
File: 58 KB, 524x491, 12D4F2CE-6F1D-49AE-9812-0EE7778E1120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14664639

Pure based

>> No.14664718

trips confirm

>> No.14665168

Get a load of this anon, he literally examined every triangle in the universe to determine that they all contained 180 degrees!

>> No.14665199

The inductive assertion that all triangles all have angles that add up to 180 degrees (which has been proven false with non-euclidean geometry, btw) is something derived from experience and sense data.

>> No.14665208

It's not though, that's just how math works

>> No.14665211

This is just as laughable as architects writings about art and sculpture being inferior

>> No.14665213

How many triangles exactly did you have to check in order to determine they all add up to 180 degrees empirically? And are you certain that they all do?

>> No.14665214

>triangles have 180 degrees
>inductive assertion
Oh lord please god read anything on analytic statements.

>> No.14665237

>light up a dark room
>is still dark bc its a fucking Dark Room

>> No.14665251

u sayin I cant swim?

>> No.14666059


>> No.14666125

retard alert

>> No.14666323 [DELETED] 


>> No.14666445

OP is right. Liberal art fags can't accept that all their fee fees can be explained by a chemical reaction

>> No.14666457

>not going further and scientifically explaining why different IQ is the case
/pol/fags BTFO by their own argument

>> No.14666471

noumena has nothing to do with feelings anon

>> No.14666684

>student b

good one

>> No.14666705

That picture is completely retarded and clearly written by some atheist teenager.

>> No.14666728

Explain significance

>> No.14666735
File: 125 KB, 960x720, 0f06bbde5209bf9e0f91b021d5c14f6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

k :)

>> No.14666827

I expected Oatmeal to be some neckbeard or basedboy like Dobson but he actually looks like kind of a chad. WTF.