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14662951 No.14662951[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I have reached a new low. Yesterday, during a VOIP call with my girlfriend, I began browsing porn and silently coomed. All of this while she was talking to me about her online uni coursework.

Why is absolutely everyone a coomer? I cannot speak to any of my guy friends about this because they're all unquestioning philistines who love porn and see nothing wrong with it. How does one defeat this, bros? I read through some of The Coiled Serpent but found it to be little more than an archaic, pseudoscientific polemic.


>> No.14662977

Just don't masturbate or look at porn, you'll start to notice you stop craving these things. Read the bhagavad gita if you need perspective.

Is it difficult? Yes. Is it impossible? No. Just takes a bit of will power and discipline.

>> No.14662988

The first and most primary way to defeat it isn’t in yourself—that’s a myth people tell you in selfhelp type circles in order to make you politically apathetic—the most important thing is to actually shut down and arrest the people involved with pornography, and to make it illegal.

>> No.14662998

How is this /lit/?

>> No.14663020

Suspiciously antisemitic

>> No.14663031

Best way I’ve found is to sublimate it by turning to exercise and reading and also to not spend lots of time home alone. Go out and do things and only go home for meals and to sleep.

>> No.14663041

just stop touching your dick, its not hard

>> No.14663045

it’s incredibly hard (pun not intended)

>> No.14663120
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>tfw you reach 409 only to lose it all in 5 minutes
It’s been almost 5 months since I had that streak and I haven’t managed to handle 10 days. The coom can truly do terrible things to a man.

>> No.14663129

Are you serious? You went 409 without cooming (including sex?)?

>> No.14663140

>including sex?
You realize which board on which website you are on, correct?

>> No.14663156

There are people here who have sex. I have a hard time imagining someone not cooming even once for 409 days. So I'm assuming he means masturbation.

>> No.14663173

Not him. I've made 200+ days on separate occasion and it was very freeing. The sex drive decreases and baseline horniness is lower than if it was actively being "satiated" 3 times a day. As Aristotle said, we are what we repeatedly do (and don't).

>> No.14663176

That's impressive, anon. Don't be hard on yourself. You're practically a god of nofap

>> No.14663180

Yeah, took me nearly a whole year of effort to get to that streak, and then after a year and a half I lost it, although I’m pretty determined to get it back eventually.

Also this, >>14663140

>> No.14663187
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>Don't be hard on yourself. You're practically a god of nofap
Nice try, Lucifer.

>> No.14663193


>> No.14663327
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I hate being a coomer, but I did not fap for 90 days and it was awful. I was nervous and pissed all the time and could not focus for shit. One day I ended up on a date with a dumb bitch, I started feeling like shit and I thought "what the fuck am I doing losing my time with this?" and went home and coomed, best thing I did in those three months.
At least you have motivation, I've lost all hope.

>> No.14663381


>> No.14663392

books for this feel?

>> No.14663536

It has everything do do with books. Either you coom and lose all motivation, or you abstain and have the motivation to read. Pythagoras made this observation 2500 years ago and it is still true today. You're just a bugman that cannot establish cause and effect.

>> No.14663635

Subjugate your passions to reason, deny yourself, and remove as many sources of temptation as possible.

>> No.14663701

based and basedpilled.

>> No.14663718

I only jerk off when i'm bored, so i just find something fun and productive to do

>> No.14663742

>I have reached a new low. Yesterday, during a VOIP call with my girlfriend, I began browsing porn and silently coomed. All of this while she was talking to me about her online uni coursework.

This is the point where you went too far. Reel it back. Cooming is only bad when it intrudes on other parts of your life. That's the point where it became more important than those other parts of your life.

Since you recognize how bad it is, youre miles ahead of your peers. Seek introspection, and learn why the reptilian brain function has become more important to you than anything else.

>> No.14663974

It is like learning to ride a bike. Any difficulty was in the first stages of trying to hop on and get the hang of it. That took many attempts. Once you are in motion, sustaining it is not hard. People find abstaining difficult because they fail to remove occasions for failure, and still dwell on sexual fantasies in their mind which makes their abstinence unproductive and a pointless battle.

>> No.14664159

>jerking off is productive
It's a fat waste of time
>lol producing cum

>> No.14664163

wear a chastity belt

>> No.14664228

Stop feeling guilty for doing what is normal and healthy. No fap/semen retention is an ancient meme founded in pseudoscience. Do you think that if you go your whole life without fapping you'll gain anything?

>> No.14664267

Reading comprehension, man