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/lit/ - Literature

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14660200 No.14660200 [Reply] [Original]

Why do women love Harry Potter so much? Its a choosen one/hero's journey about a boy. What about it makes it so overwhelmingly appealing to women instead of men?

>> No.14660218

Women, historically, have been more closely associated with Witchcraft. There is something about the feminine soul/character that draws it to magic, witchcraft, etc

>> No.14660225

>women like female characters
That's the mistake feminists make

>> No.14660239

harry potter does not overwhelmingly appeal to women

>> No.14660240

80% of readers are women. The publishing industry is dominated by women. Therefore, women need to apply for jobs in computer science or engineering if they want to get rid of that wage gap. Fuck face.

>> No.14660262

Harry Potter validates their maternal instincts and appeals to a cornucopian liberalism and consumerism. Remember it was motherly love that helped Harry survive.

IMO Harry Potter will someday be viewed as the Robinson Crusoe of our time, reflecting the pampered, slovenly and decadent mindset of our age.

>> No.14660290


>> No.14660450
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Yes it do

>> No.14660497

>harry potter doesn't appeal to women

Kudos to you for the chart, smarter anon.
HP abso-fucking-lutely is female driven.

Once upon a time I had an English professor, this mid-30's chick getting her PhD and she stated the following:

"Literature does not mean whatever you want it to mean. It can have many interpretations, but it must be founded within the evidence, that is the text itself.

If you are an English major because you read Harry Potter and figured it was the height of literary accomplishment, you're going to fail.
This class is mostly women. And women seem to be more drawn to Harry Potter. I never read it and I honestly don't care to. My fictional magical world has always been Lord of The Rings.

If you bring up Harry Potter in this class, I will be pissed off at you. I think it may appeal to women so much because, at the end of the day, it's a fairy tale. But with the modern feminist wave, it's a fairy tale disguised as something bigger. But it's still a fairy tale designed to entertain you, comfort you, and teach you some sort of lesson.

I don't hate Harry Potter, but if someone brings it up in this class as an example of peak literature canon, I'm gonna rip you apart. I'm looking at you, ladies. I don't care that Dumbledore was gay or Voldemort is an anagram. Let's move on."

that's a paraphrase but it's 99% spot on

>> No.14660511

Women like self-insert characters. Plain-jane protags who arent overtly sexually threatening. Characterized as humble and quiet; seemingly unattractive until they let their hair down and remove their glasses.
And then for some reason two hot guys start fighting over her.

>> No.14660513

because its a children/teen book

>> No.14660665

it's easily digestable, with a few "adult" things thrown in so a grown woman can feel "Smart" about re-reading books made for children.
having said that, i still enjoy the earlier books for being pseudo-sherlock holmes style mysteries.

>> No.14660680

>for a few dollars more


>> No.14660690

They want a plot to keep themselves entertained. Therefore, only shallow works attract them.

>> No.14660696

Because it's literally the only book they've ever read. You also can't rule out the possibility that some of them are bullshitting about having read it.

Men usually aren't much better.

>> No.14660706

It was written by a woman

>> No.14660724

Because it's childish. Women never mature past the age of 15 so a series set in as school is perfect for them.

>> No.14661040

Women have the boobs

>> No.14661070

Harry Potter
>go to the mall
>there still selling HP scarfs, necklines, and note books
Mark Fisher was write

>> No.14661206

Isn’t HP’s popularity slowly dying now? Seems to me like Game of Thrones has taken it’s place as the next big popular thing in literature.

>> No.14661208

Have sex incel.

>> No.14661252

haha. This made me chuckle. I call Female Harry Potter fan's witches if they wouldn't probably enjoy it.

>> No.14661312


Fuck J. K. Rowling and fuck Hufflepuff. Filthy mudbloods....

>> No.14661326

Last time I saw this chart it was The Good, The Bad and The Ugly, but For a Few Dollars More is the superior film so I appreciate this edit

>> No.14661330

He's a mary sue, women love that shit.

>> No.14661359

>it's a fairy tale
But it's not a fairy tale
fantasy=/=fairy tale. afaik HP hasn't been passed down through generations. Are you sure you study English?

>> No.14661465

fairy tale
[ˈferē tāl]

a children's story about magical and imaginary beings and lands.
fairy story · folk tale · folk story · traditional story · myth · legend · romance · fantasy · fable · fiction · yarn
something resembling a fairy tale in being magical, idealized, or extremely happy.
"a fairy-tale romance"
a fabricated story, especially one intended to deceive.

you may have been misled, anon

>> No.14661583

The history is basically about hermione, I can absolutely see this as the reason why so many roasties like HP.

>> No.14661667

Legit answer:

It´s a "fantasy" book; in general, fantasy is generally more enjoyed by men or at least more men do enjoy it. That´s mostly to social stigma and cultural factors. I don´t like it, but that´s how it is.

Harry Potter was the first "modern" fantasy book to reach such an incredibly huge crowd, also reaching people who generally wouldn´t have taken up a "fantasy" book beforehand.

...then, those people find that they enjoy the books and since it´s the first thing they read and enjoyed out of the genre, it becomes their flagship.

Basically, HP turned many non-fantasy fans into partial fantasy readers, MANY of them female.

>> No.14661678


Well It's written by a woman
It makes sense that a woman would write a book that appeals to other women
This is the simplest most obvious answer

>> No.14661697 [DELETED] 

Chamber of secrets and goblet of fire was ok.
Saving girls left and right , too bad Harry is too much of a pussy to fuck any.

>> No.14661710

Chamber of secrets and goblet of fire was ok.
Saving girls left and right , too bad Harry turn into a wimp after catching yellow fever.

>> No.14661731
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>> No.14661738

>the thing

>> No.14661763

Not him, but does that mean that fantasy is basically a fairy tale for adults?

>> No.14661830
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he is right lol

>> No.14661848

I don't want to sound like a hole apologist, but I never understood why people obsess specifically about womens obsessions with Harry Potter. People in general like trash, men and women both. How many men do you know who waste their time reading all the stereotypically male garbage? You know, Warhammer novels, Star Wars novels, Star Trek novels, A Song of Ice and Fire series, Wheel of Time, Guy Gavriel Kay's fantasy-pseudohistorical fiction, Lovecraft, Dune, and all that other Harry Potter-tier trash? This very board has a fucking science fiction and fantasy general, for fucks sake. So why do you guys obsess so much about trash women read, while ignoring the fact that men read just as much garbage?

>> No.14661851

Shit thread

>> No.14661905

>Lovecraft and Dune
Extremely overrated but still fairly good, you’re arguing in bad faith to include them with Harry Potter on the same level of quality. Though I think I see your point about them as to how people respond to them. You’re right anyway that men and women both mostly obsess over complete trash intended for kids, and there are women who have good taste and men who have bad taste: my closest male friend reads entirely sci-fi whereas my closest female friend reads actual literature.

>> No.14661913

Whose face should i fuck?

>> No.14661926

Both Lovecraft and Wheel of Time are absolute masterpieces for their genres, tho.

People on here REALLY need to learn how to not be pseudo intellectual assholes and they also need to re-learn to enjoy enjoyable things.

>> No.14661933
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>> No.14661936

Its set in highschool, bitches love highschool

>> No.14661956

Because women have a societal pressure, usually from other women, to go along with societal trends and pop culture at an unprecedented level. This is why you see women obsessed with harry potter than, say, dune or lovecraft.

>> No.14661980
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>wheel of time
>the drawn out extremely prosaic fantasy series for 14 year olds
>absolute masterpiece

>> No.14661987

Women are shallow and retarded
HP is shallow and retarded
It's not rocket science guys

>> No.14661988
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They aren’t the only ones

>> No.14662047

>What about it makes it so overwhelmingly appealing to women instead of men?
I'm a man and I liked it when I was a child. Its just a comfy history to read on the bed when you are 13

>> No.14662157

It appeals about the same for kids, young teens. Boys at least seem to outgrow it though.

>> No.14662297

>This is the simplest most obvious answer
It also answers nothing of substantial value.

>> No.14663195

>designed to entertain you, comfort you, and teach you some sort of lesson
I'm all for shitting on Harry Potter, but I don't see how these things are supposed to denigrate it. I wouldn't want to read a book that's boring, unsettling, and uninformative. I know it's supposed to be an attack on the maturity level of Harry Potter, but the way this was worded came out pretty badly.

>> No.14663406
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I.e. retreating into childish, delusional fantasy to cope with a lack of autonomy and agency.

>> No.14663540

Came into this thread, looking for this. Thanks.

>> No.14663740

Women in general read more, and read more popular books, than men, as >>14660240 pointed out. So books become popular because women like them, and women like popular books. But that's not very helpful.

Anyway, Harry Potter recontextualizes the Hero's Journey into a feminine frame. Harry himself is neither female nor feminine, but he is viewed through a feminine frame. His interior life is sparse, and he uses his immense inborn power merely to uphold the comfortable school-centric Wizarding World order against insurgent forces, without question or even expectation of reward (Harry's middle-class success as a Magical FBI Agent was his likely fate whether Voldemort existed or not).

>> No.14664697

it's a world where waving a magic wand solves all your problems and a figure of authority (dumbledore, hogwarts school system) is always on your side.

>> No.14664706

woman are dispassionate about everything, they don't love harry potter, they love submission, such as to the cultural normalcy of harry potter being popular.

>> No.14664710

this man is correct as well, though. just look at all the wastes of xy chromosomes inhabiting /sffg/ because they want to coom to elf tiddies but pretend they're an intellectual for doing so.

>> No.14664726
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holy hell

>> No.14664747

okay this is based

>> No.14664776
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yeah it appeals as a power fantasy: 'I may not be physically strong, but you better give me what I want or I'll put a spell on you' Women are truly the niggers of the world

>> No.14665500

Magical ideation and its conflation with the overlapping of two consciousnesses (bearing children).

>> No.14665511

Are women really children?

>> No.14665544

Their minds are dainty, just like those of children. It's part of the whole "biology is this way, because it works"

>> No.14665627

No, it doesn't work like that. Women, in general, don't need to "cope" with a lack of autonomy and agency, nor do they exult in fantasies of violence. You're projecting masculine experience.

>> No.14665693

Ok roastie so why do you like the book so much?

>> No.14665732
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Explain and post tits.

>> No.14665737


you can tell a potable woman from an unclean one based on whether they read discworld or harry potter (respectively) as teenagers.
test it and see.

>> No.14665768

Kant understood women better than anyone. They will never be rational

>> No.14665960
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Movies that are literally for kids, period romance, inspirational movie about women overcoming racism, more romance, more girl power inspirational movies

>> No.14666077


>> No.14666134

>implying I'm a woman
Women don't need to "cope" with a lack of autonomy and agency because they experience those things as a natural default state of existence. Things don't happen by agency, they "just happen". The lack of autonomy is experienced as a deep-seated insecurity, but at the same time it's also just the natural mode of existence. Imagine taking female insecurity at face value, lol, this is how men neuter themselves.

As far as violence, it's obvious. We already have magic wands of power (autoloading firearms). Who uses these to commit violence dissociated from bodily strength? Men, obviously.

>> No.14666154
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I have a penis that fucks a vagina every night and I love Harry Potter.

>> No.14666155

also boats

>> No.14666157

To expand even more, men are becoming and women are being. Harry Potter specially appeals to women because while yeah he goes through a perfunctory (though, it must be noted, very limited in agency) Hero's Journey, for the most part he "just is". His purpose in the story is to exist, to be a rock ("he's my rock..."). Voldemort (the threatening, alien male) breaks himself against Harry, the male-as-female-projection, i.e. the male who uses his power not for actual agency but the way a woman would use it his position, to JUST BE as hard as possible.

>> No.14666248
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>main character is special, famous, and beloved for doing nothing
>gets explanations and exposition handed to him; never has to do research himself
>Harry rarely struggles to improve himself. More often than not he stumbles upon the solution he's looking for
>black and white morality, and none of the characters deal seriously with temptation during the books.
>Without too much trouble, gets accepted by almost everyone but his enemies. People either end up totally for him (most of the characters) or completely against him. Black and white again.
>most evil/badness boils down to racism/classism/greed
>underdog/outsider befriends underdog/outsiders. Lets readers fantasize how they'd treat Neville and Luna like friends, even though it's likely they avoid similar people in real life.
>Harry almost is never called to make a sacrifice or tough decision. Most of the time things just happen and he reacts to them, he barely takes initiative in his own adventures
>books end on a happy note where Harry is in a better position than when he started.
>books are long enough to make them feel like they're actually reading something
>books have enough plot and characters to make lengthy discussions possible without talking about anything serious or introspective
>stuff like death, souls, goodness and love are mentioned, but never really elaborated on. This makes them feel deeper than they are.

They're ok children's books, but Harry Potter is only a step or two above Twilight.
Here are some better adventure/fantasy/sci-fi books at a similar reading level that deal with these issues better
>pic related: Tarzan of the Apes.
Guy struggles to become a gorilla, then a man, then a gentleman. Neat romantic dilemma in the first book.

>Out of the Silent Planet
Literally who gets kidnapped to Mars. Bad guy makes valid points. Interesting moral standpoints of other characters.

>The Hobbit
Plain fun. Another reluctant hero, but this guy actually makes decisions throughout his adventure. Has to make unpopular decisions at times, and messes up a whole bunch.

>The Sword in the Stone
Kid goes on adventures, learns lessons, messes up more often than not, but brings in what he learned by messing up near the end. Explores more viewpoints and motivations of characters than Rowling, who just has people pro or anti Harry.

>tl;dr women and children like Harry Potter because it lets them imagine being the good guy without having to ask themselves tough questions or potentially make hard decisions.

>> No.14667107


>> No.14667149

Guess she showed them lol

>> No.14667355

>Childish themes and feel-goodery
>Perennial and existential themes and confronting the impossible
Men btfo the roastie again.

>> No.14667373

>at least one movie from each decade of sound film
>5 countries of origin
>western, drama, war, sports, horror, thriller, crime, sci-fi, etc.
>the only item on the list from before 1990s is The Sound of Music, 8 movies out of 20 are from the last decade
>zero non-anglosphere movies
>animation for children, teen fantasy, empowering biopics/period pieces
really makes you think who the most obesient consoomers are

>> No.14667379

How very hermione of her

>> No.14667391

>The neo-liberal attempts to monopolise power and revolution in order to appear both powerful and the only revolutionary force for change, but in reality they want to preserve their fantasies and their walled gardens and a status quo they are comfortable with rather than facing the ugliness of the world and that revolutionary change often needs to be done by "evil" men.
Absolutely based analysis

>> No.14667394

hermione is by far the most boring and unlikeable character i have ever encountered. jk rowling basically admitted (with much pride and confidence) that hermione was her mary sue, and it says a lot about how narcissistic and shallow she is.
>from a """humble""" background
>smartest of the group
>friends with all the boys
>gets the """hot""" foreign guy
>gets the """hot""" """jock"""
>pretend love triangle with """"hero"""" and """jock"""
hermione is basically an in-denial flirt and cumdumpster, which is what jk rowling is.

>> No.14667396

based children's lit recs

>> No.14667436


The 140+ IQ response to this list is that the average person of both genders has shit taste in movies.
The men's choices are just as NPC and boring as the women.
>Dude muh war movies and spaghetti westerns. Look at how manly I am
The true patrician has a mix of both masculine and feminine art as their favorites.

>> No.14667437

Fuck off, tranie.

>> No.14667443

>The true patrician has a mix of both masculine and feminine art as their favorites.

Most people do, that’s why that table isn’t top movies for each gender, but the movies where there was the biggest difference between men and women liking it.

>> No.14667553


>> No.14667567

Here is an interesting (read SEETHING) response to this image from neo-liberal reddit.


>> No.14667649

Other anons answering you make good points, but I think they miss the key difference between men who read trash fiction and women who read trash fiction: Men aren't out at political protests with signs that say "Hillary Clinton must be purged as a Xeno." Women are out there with retarded harry potter protest signs. Men read trash fiction and its just a hobby, a pastime, whereas women use it to inform their worldview.

>> No.14667652

>that 4channer is probably alt-right
kek no bong here uses the term blairite if they're a right winger
>brings up christchurch
more reach than a bsaketball player

>> No.14667658

>kek no bong here uses the term blairite if they're a right winger
Really? Blairite is a plenty useful term.

>> No.14667671

Useful to be sure, but it's exclusively labour lexicon.

>> No.14667815

fair enough, I would never use it and I am no Labour supporter.

>> No.14668077

Men like Star Trek? In Germany, Star Trek has always been more of a chick thing, far more than Harry Potter.

We have an entire subculture of men on this very website who's greatest meme is "Trump being the god emperor of mankind".

>> No.14668153

Platoon was kino fren, don't know what you're talking about

>> No.14668168

not on my board >:(

>> No.14668294

dude literally like 75% of all protest signs on that cringy science march thing from like a year ago were onion knights holding signs with rick and fucking morty

>> No.14668371

Not really, even if she is quite important to the story, when it comes to presence Harry and Ron share a lot more the spotlight.

>> No.14668510

I think it has everything to do with self-esteem. Upper middle class teen girls feel that they aren't special, becauss society and their peers tell them they only matter insofar as they're sexy. They don't have consistent, low effort friendships the way boys do, so while they can "earn a living on their back" socially, they can't easily stand out without being isolated from their friends in some sort of machiavellian scheme. There's a difficult line to walk between "special" and "weird", and which side a girl that age falls on depends entirely on how hot she is.

Harry Potter is a hugbox, which lowers the ceilings and raises the floor of specialness. Everybody in the books is already special, because they're wizards in a world of muggles; the book is therefore a comforting reprieve from that tightrope walk. That's also why house quizzes and fanfic are such a big part of it-- it's a world they can see a place for themselves in. It's a setting where people can have friends without conflict, especially because they're divided into groups which they don't choose and can't change. In a way, it's kind of like a lonely teenage boy enjoying a true love narrative-- a setting where the things they want are given by default, instead of needing to be earned.

"Normal" women aren't obsessed with Harry Potter, because they don't have such self esteem issues, because they're pretty enough to fit in. But the /lit/erati don't interact with normies, so it seems to you guys like all women love HP.

>> No.14668533

its showing the most disproportionate responses for each sex you catamite

>> No.14668550

The bottom half is like a list of my fav films and some outliers.

>> No.14668553

Have you ever meet a single woman?

>> No.14668558


>> No.14668569

Now that I think of it, as gender roles regarding sex are inverting (something most people on this board only recognize when they're forced to by their own despair at the situation), the traditional "girls like love stories, boys like action" schema is inverting with it. The flavor at the base is still violent male/nonviolent female, but at a higher level, girls now like friendship stories, boys like love stories. Since monogamy has deteriorated, women are now the ultimate gatekeepers to both sex and relationships, and no longer need to value either substantially. Boys will compete for them the way that women in the secretary pool competed for executives in the 50's.

However, men are naturally better suited to finding friends than women, and women are naturally better suited to finding sex. So both genders will now be working against their own biological skillsets. You can only have an abundance of one or the other, because friends are subjects and lovers are objects, and you have to specialize in one or the other as a person. Women are more suited in sexual economics to objectification, because they face higher demand for their sexuality. As a consequence, they make worse friends. As friendship grows scarcer for them, they'll get more and more miserable, just as more and more men are falling into inceldom in the sense of not being able to get with any women.

Monogamy smooths all this out because it cuts off the competition at a certain age, allowing everyone to intermingle without worrying about keeping up. Too bad we've killed it. Hopefully it comes back in a generation or two.

>> No.14668595

>friends are subjects and lovers are objects, and you have to specialize in one or the other as a person
Very insightful post, but I don't understand this part. Can you clarify?

>> No.14668607

not him, but I imagine you are confused by the word 'lover'. He means sexual partner, I believe. Which is all most people have. 'Love' is something men want, but 'romantic love' is antithetical to the kind of gatekeeping women are now allowed to engage in.

>> No.14668612

Yes, historically, a fairy tale is just literally a story that involves fae elements i.e. fantastical creatures and places. Fantasy is a more evolved version of this in that a fairy tale would typically be magical realism and fantasy just ejects the realism.

>> No.14668639

It's reality inversion, escapism. Ordinarily two hot girls have to fight over one man, because the percentage of attractive men in society is far smaller than attractive women. It's similar to why a man enjoys a massage or an enthusiastic woman that like to ride on top.

>> No.14668646

I mean it very literally. A "good friend" possesses the qualities of a subject in your life-- they take an active role in bringing forward ideas in conversation, are supportive in times of trouble (help you move houses, help you get home when you're drunk). A "good lover" possesses the qualities of an object-- reflects your desires, responds to your mood, listens to what you have to say.

As this applies to sexual politics, women have an easier time when they have an abundance of friends and a dearth of lovers, because men's far greater sexual interest means that the bar to jump to get a partner is lower, whereas women are naturally worse at finding friends because they don't have the physical tools to be supportive in that way-- can't help you carry your piano up a flight of stairs.

Inverse is true for men. Harder for men to look pretty, and women are less likely to want them than they are to want women. Whereas, they make friends easily.

Starting to think this isn't true-- medieval peacocking and the traditional portrayal of women as "lustful" in church documents, ancient Roman plays, shakespeare, contradicts this. Maybe these gender roles go through periodic cycles, friendship/romance framework isn't as gendered as I thought. Developing the idea for first time now, still working out kinks

>> No.14668653

only men I know that read this shit are low test, basically women with penises

>> No.14668662

Don't forget that Harry Potter author is a woman, it definitely has something to do with this appeal

>> No.14668672

>Starting to think this isn't true-- medieval peacocking and the traditional portrayal of women as "lustful" in church documents, ancient Roman plays, shakespeare, contradicts this. Maybe these gender roles go through periodic cycles, friendship/romance framework isn't as gendered as I thought. Developing the idea for first time now, still working out kinks

It varies according to the dominance hierarchy. When there is a steep hierarchy in place then women will viciously compete to get the top prizes. You see this today with every slut and often their mothers basically naked on instagram desperately flailing for a moment of a billionaire's attention. Similar to when we had kings or barons. When the middle class was dominant, there was very little difference between one man and the next, so the women are relatively indifferent and have to be seduced.

>> No.14668688
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>> No.14668695

>Starting to think this isn't true-- medieval peacocking and the traditional portrayal of women as "lustful" in church documents, ancient Roman plays, shakespeare, contradicts this
Can you expand on this

>> No.14668699

Rather, I think it's the opposite. Medieval women had to be seduced, whereas 20th century women were the seductresses. The girls in the steno-pool all competed to land a good husband, whereas in the middle ages a man had to wear an enormous codpiece and fluffy balls on his shoes (or, you know, fight a dozen knights and climb a tower like Beaumains the clean hands) in order to win a women's affection.

Instagram girls aren't competing for the affection of billionaires, the likes are an end unto themselves. They want to be special, which is the opposite of wanting to win a lover, because to be special is to be an object. They're pursuing subjectivity through intensified self-objectification, because they can't reconcile the skillset they were raised with (which would have been valuable in the 20th century) with their new position as the seduced. They've become "subjects", but their shit at it, so they're trying to get at their scarcest resource (subjectivity) from the back end.

>> No.14668728

Medieval men were all dandies. Look at the clothes they wore for solid cultural-anthropological evidence. Women wore fairly normal dresses and were often rather demure, whereas men dressed loudly. Puffballs on shoes, codpieces, elaborate facial hair.

Take the sitcom marriage as your guide. Fat husband, hot wife. Reflected fact that women were competing for men, and often had to make do. Boomer men generally refuse to work out, grow beards, dress well. They were taught it's not manly, because it wasn't necessary for them to succeed.

Compare with medieval stereotypes. Beautiful women were rare, highly valued. Beauty was not dominant female mode.

Problematic because it seems like sexuality contradicts this. Men physically aroused more easily than women. Starting to think, though, sex just floats below, doesn't influence how sexuality works out in social conflict space. Evidence: women in medieval fiction, church documents, etc, always portrayed as lustful. As in, showing a disproportionate desire for sex, which we in the 20th century traditionally attributed to men. Maybe people are like clownfish.

>> No.14668738

I mean if this is gonna be a /tv/ thread anyway, post your favorite movies:

10. Das Boot
8. Shaft
7. All Quiet on the Western Front (1979)
6. Transformers (1986)
5. When the Wind Blows
4. Fritz the Cat
3. The Blues Brothers
2. Mr. Smith goes to Washington
1. American Psycho

>> No.14668744

This is utterly absurd. Every woman wants an alpha lover. The problem, which you don't understand as a beta, is that alphas have numerous women fighting each other at any given moment for the alpha's attention. He is thus spread thin, and emotionally unavailable. The ultimate female fantasy in this environment is that recent best seller book about the rich dude that is into BDSM but falls for plain Jane, the one thing they can't have: an alpha and a lover in the same body.

>> No.14668747

*to be special is to be a subject. Typo.

>> No.14668752

Idk, every girl i've talked to who liked HP but not Lotr or Star wars (if we're just talking movies) has always said they didn't like/watch the rest because it looked weird/unrealistc. Basic women like magical realism/ contemporary fantasy. They don't want the world to be too different from the one they see every day, but have some fantastical elements. They just want to spice up the life they know, not a world very different from ours. So, that + it's overwhelmingly popular.
If a girl hasn't even seen the most entry level sci fi media such as star wars, i can't expect her to be interested in Arthur C Clarke or PKD. I like girls who are into anime because it shows me that she might be interested in a lot more stuff that's a bit "out there", which is far from me yelling normies reee

>> No.14668758

>American Psycho
Still good, but so light compared to the book. I was shocked by the chapter where he puts a tube in a woman's vagina and then sends a rat down into it.

>> No.14668762
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The story is easy to follow, the plot and language isn't overly complex, while the world built by Rowling is quite imaginitive while still being comfortably familiar.
I don't see what's wrong with the seriese. Yes, it's a childrens book, which means it can be read and understood by children. But like childrens movies, it can also be enjoyed by adults.
What does irk me about the fans of this series is that they all seem to have a very skewed understanding of traditional witchcraft and magic in general. The employment of the "sorcerers stone" in the first book (the philosophers stone) tends to inspire a vision of a physical magical object that one can obtain, while historically this concept found in the medieval alchemical texts, is much more abstract and theoretical in nature.
I think the series could be a good modern gateway into these older traditions, though I doubt that many care to look beyond the pagentry and into history books.

>> No.14668765

Nah, that's too basic a reading. 50 shades appealed to older women, boomer gen. Times are rapidly changing. That's why so much despair, incels. If solution was just to be successful, men would pursue it. Solution is no longer to be successful, it's to be pretty. "Alpha" contains two components-- sexy, succesful. Covers all bases, but one is always more important than other, and which one it is shifts periodically. Used to be successful, hence, fat sitcom husband, skinny hot wife. Now, in younger generation, it's the opposite-- sexy is more important.

>> No.14668772

Sounds like a good album name for a war metal band

>> No.14668775

>vagina tube with rat
I'm reading the book right now. I'm on page 50 ish.
Does it get as bad/worse than "120 days of sodom"? That's my benchmark for nasty shit.

>> No.14668783

>every reply dubs
>even an 88

>> No.14668789

there was a gender imbalance reversed from ours. men died working and fighting so women were competing over a smaller pool of them.

>> No.14668797

>20th century women were the seductresses
not everyone is equally capable of succeeding.

>> No.14668808

>If solution was just to be successful, men would pursue it.

No. There is a non-linear response curve in a highly stratified dominance hierarchy and in particular hard work often leads to worse results. If you are Joe Blow making $40k instead of $20k normal in the middle of nowhere, you feel like a king. But if you work hard to get that $60k job in the city, you're now faced with the daily reality of being in proximity to people who make $1M/year and make you feel like pond scum.

In a relatively flat dominance hierarchy, you have a monotonically increasing mapping between effort and reward, which enables market incentive dynamics to function properly. We're not in such a domain any longer, which is why we have philosophers that feel like our world is schizophrenic (Deleuze, Guattari)

>> No.14668813

The strongest refutation if ever I've seen one. Dare I say even stronger than guenon (pbuh).

>> No.14668832

Those guys just couldn't cope with the fact that the world changes. People don't reason relatively with regard to the fulfillment of their needs. But this is a natural enough end to the conversation, because it's too difficult of a point to change anybody's mind here. It's almost an unresolvable point

>> No.14668863

>People don't reason relatively

Close, but no cigar.

People don't reason.

They intuit relatively.

The enlightenment is a fraud.

>> No.14668885

I'm a man, and I read the entire Twilight Saga in my thirties and loved it. Never wanted to get into Harry Potter. Does that make me a giant faggot?

>> No.14668937
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i fuckin love Brokeback Mountain
am i a girl?

>> No.14669017

I think it's interesting. Women seek out the subjective by the means that are available to them (whether they be inbuilt or conditioned through socialization), but which are not suited toward that end. Men have the opposite issue. And so now both sexes compete for what is extremely difficult for them to achieve using means that can't achieve it for them. I'm not sure how this is reflected in Harry Potter, not having read it, but I wonder what other cultural examples, if any, demonstrate this idea.
>But this is a natural enough end to the conversation,
Too bad, I thought it was just starting to get interesting.

>> No.14669032

lel I know her

>> No.14669050

Nah, you're just a faggot. I suppose they're similar enough, though.

>> No.14669062

Wait, is Hermione the female-as-male, because she has to become something she is not? Muggle to wizard journey? Is that what makes her so popular within lesbian fandom?

>> No.14669089


>> No.14669099

Stalker, probably

>> No.14669218 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14669634

Damn this thread took long before I can find the /thread quote. Lit doesn't understand wymins

>> No.14669673

unironically just roasties obsession with the UK

>> No.14669829

>being special for no reason beyond being born
>center of the story in spite of never doing anything
I don't know

>> No.14669947

>Beautiful women were rare, highly valued. Beauty was not dominant female mode
This. Social media makes beautiful women common as dirt. Also, modern hygeine and diets mean most women are decent looking whilst in the past they were scrawny, misisng teeth and covered in boils or had deformities from childhood illnesses.

>> No.14669978

>Medieval men were all dandies
Literally only the upper progressive crust of societies. The sons of kings and pampered nobles. Medieval men were mostly peasants.

>> No.14670350

Guess Im reading the book now

>> No.14670497

the absence of logic, consistency, the chance to shill for a female writers, subplot about minorities rights, the chance to larp as an intelligent female character (Hermione); also is not that Harry Potter was always like this, is just that nowadays media are targeting women as a demographic more prominently, thus they're substituting the fanbase, it happened with Avatar, with Star Wars, it will now happen with MCU and superhero movies in general...

>> No.14670657

That would explain her popularity with masculine women who wish they were men, yes.

>> No.14671040

Remember HP is a children's book series, and children's books are always 50 pages, so some giant 7 book 4000 page monstrosity sits in the elementary school library, and it becomes the peak intellectual achievement for an 8 year old to actually read it. So sycophants are naturally drawn to it. Female sycophants are more drawn to reading as a benchmark, while men are more likely to realize that reading is for fags, so they stick to trying to score in basketball. That childhood experience follows people around, and grown adults are still proud of reading Harry Potter, and I'm still ashamed that I never scored in basketball.

>> No.14671231


This. And that tells you all you need to know about women.

>> No.14671297

Do women peak in highschool?

>> No.14671299

Source on this?

>> No.14671725

softball > baseball >>>> golf >>>> basketball
just sayin

>> No.14671741

he's got a stick and nkows how to use it

>> No.14671767

That's like asking if you should drink milk before the expiration date. You know the answer to this already.

>> No.14672686

The wards serve as a penis substitute. It's pure penis envy.

>> No.14672736

How do you cope with being like this as an adult male? I enjoyed reading moby-dick, butchers crossing, blood meridian, suttree, lonesome dove, storm of steel, farewell my lovely off the top of my head a while ago after getting tired of gene wolfe/jack vance

>> No.14672739


>> No.14672783

This. I can't fathom how whenever someone is talking about "middle ages" they invoke castles, fancy dressing and all that shit when if you were born again during those times there is a 99% chance you will be a dirt poor peasant who has to pray every day whoever's baking the bread doesn't fuck up lest you end up not eating.

>> No.14672805

is there data for women who read HP as adults? because my idea has always been that HP appealed to preteens/teens in general (of which there is a higher % of women who read), but that the main reason these women stayed with HP was fanfiction and shipping.

>> No.14672841

>How do you cope with being like this as an adult male?

shaming-based appeal to social conventions

roast detected

>> No.14673085

i think she's cute but at the same time i wanna deck her in the face. books for this feel?

>> No.14673098

Gender is a spook

>> No.14673198

have s*x incels

>> No.14673534

On the other hand, if you are a man in your late twenty, early 30s, and are still obsessed with mangas, you didn't grow up. I have a friend like this. He has tons of mangas figurines in his appartment. Man child.

>> No.14673580

>there is a 99% chance you will be a dirt poor peasant who has to pray every day whoever's baking the bread doesn't fuck up lest you end up not eating.

that is an equally unlikely and exaggerated representation of actual reality

>> No.14673581

No, but you are close to it.

>> No.14673599
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>if you are a man in your late twenty, early 30s, and are still obsessed with mangas, you didn't grow up.
ah yes, the guy who thinks comics are inferior to anything because they're drawn

>> No.14673629

>work hard during harvest season
>neet around with your buddies the rest of the year getting drunk, going on pilgrimages and shit
Peasant life was based
You've been jewed by history teachers

>> No.14673699

Harry Potter is anti-escapist. There's a fantasy world, but it's just a reskinned version of the real world with all its problems. Everybody squanders their magic on trivial bullshit. The wordbuilding is irrelevant. Only the characters matter, so women can read it without looking like an autistic escapist fantasy fan. It's basically the MCU capeshit of fantasy.

>> No.14673850

>magical realism
Has there ever been a worse-named genre?
>fantasy just ejects the realism
Fantasy *adds* realism, by having the characters act like real humans and actually notice the magic. Magical "realism" assumes a world populated entirely by retards.

>> No.14673887


>> No.14673929

The different in which make and female genitals receive pleasure has more influence on our worldview and behavior than social conditions ever could.

>> No.14673944

Ockam's Razor tells me no

>> No.14673976

Vaginal stimulation can only encourage utilitarian motivations for social engagement. All women are utility monsters. Social influences are organized by these motivations as a means improving chances of success in varying social conditions.

>> No.14674076

I've read dumb things on this board, but this one is pretty epic

>> No.14674519

fucking savant

>> No.14674546

This is so objectively false it actually infuriates me. If this is bait, good job. Otherwise, fuck you.

>> No.14674571

You stirred the soup telling the truth lmao

>> No.14674578

Low test betas (straight or otherwise) don't even have the mental clarity and discipline to read. They just play shitty jrpgs and gossip.

>> No.14675010

It's a book written for children that is built to be cozy and empowering. It also taps into the "other people don't understand my secret world/power" motif that the 90's soaked women in.

>> No.14676097

I hate women even more everyday. And everyday I feel lonelier seeing everybody taking the feminine pill

>> No.14676157

to be fair, anon paraphrased it

>> No.14677043

wahmen r dum

>> No.14677056

It really is a damning list.

>> No.14677536

The true patrician doesn't watch movies to begin with.

>> No.14677678

>meming yourself into hating the most beautiful thing in the universe

You incels reap what you sow

>> No.14677682

/tv/ is all men yet they never talk about this bullshit. Im going to go ahead and call this inaccurate

>> No.14677833

This image is from imdb data

>> No.14677845

I doubt that would be very accurate then. For every woman on the site there would be 9 men. Plus IMDB is for turbo plebs

>> No.14677986

The list is comparing male rankings against female rankings to find the biggest delta between them, the amount isnt really that important