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14652627 No.14652627 [Reply] [Original]

>"stop cutting baby dicks"
>"stop being jewish"
>"stop following the law"
holy shit, how can one man be so based? i can't believe this, why aren't you all reading the New Testament right now?

>> No.14652690

Paul was pretty based but a bunch of the Pauline epistles weren't even authored by him like 2 Timothy yet you won't hear that on Sunday.

>> No.14652698

Did he really know shit about Jesus though? And does that matter?

>> No.14652991

These niggas never even read original transcripts of the Hebrew bible. How are you going to trust anything they say? And you can't have the NT without the OT, it's the same God, retard

>> No.14653006 [DELETED] 

>Worship the god of the jews
>Hate the jews

>> No.14653025

The pauline epistles do contain some of the most audacious passages in the Bible. It's a wonder that any of it worked and that he actually got away with it

>> No.14653100


meh. the composition process was probably long and complicated, with different scribes and prophets helping compose the text under the paul's teaching, assembling them from different creeds, songs, prophecies, and sermons. the point is that it is all sealed under his apostolic authority. they didn't necessarily have the same monolithic understanding of 'authorship' we do today - although, surprise surprise, the production of texts in the modern day just like throughout history involves sometimes half a dozen people working on one manuscript.

>> No.14653521

literally read Galatians

>> No.14653534

>new age billy graham tier christians
disgusting desu

>> No.14653545

im not a christian but its not the same god if they dont accept jesus as their god, no?

>> No.14653555

Are all the Jewish people who didn't convert going to go to hell for not believing in God's son?
Or are they still God's chosen people?

>> No.14653566


>> No.14653571

stop being a faggot poltard and shitting on the OT just because it was for jews. All this shitting on the OT is blasphemous.

>> No.14653582

"For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus." According to Paul, faith in Jesus is what makes us God's children, not ethnicity.

>> No.14653604
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is complicated

>> No.14653613


that's the protestant mindset though

>> No.14653620

protties love the OT more than catholics

>> No.14653622

and this is why most so called christians who hang out on 4chan are joke.

>> No.14653640

They literally sell and read Bibles without the OT, and every protestant i knew didn't cared about it. Protestants are so fixed on Jesus that they don't even care about Mary, and barely care about the apostles.

>> No.14653641

>claim to be christians
>call others faggots
>shit on other christians
>can only speak 4chanspeak
>not concerned about the rift between jews/christians that is clearly marked in the entire new testament

>> No.14653650

>Protestants are so fixed on Jesus
um based?
>they don't even care about Mary
she's a minor character that catholics incorporated inappropriately only to replace roman pagan cults of female gods, Christ himself is dismissive of her throughout the gospels lmao
>every protestant i knew didn't cared about it
i take it you haven't met many fundamentalists

>> No.14653696

>fixing exclusively on Jesus is based
If you don't take Jesus in context with the OT, you can't understand the fulfilling of the prophecy that he represents. If you set aside the people Jesus himself choose as his companions on earth, you are not doing justice to your savior.
>Mary is just a minor character and Jesus dissed her on da gospels lmao
And yet she's holier than you and me, so watch your tongue when you speak about her. Honor the mother of your savior, because God would not choose any woman to give birth to him. The apocryphal gospels take their time to explain who she was and why her role is crucial.
>i take it you haven't met many fundamentalists
I grew up surrounded by them. They're the reason i stayed away from religion for a long time.

>> No.14653701

Did Paul ever say that Jews specifically shouldn't keep the Torah anymore?

>> No.14653706

>fixing exclusively on Jesus is based
strawmanning lol

rest of your post in just condescending autism, catholic larpers on 4chan need to stop already

>> No.14653741

>"stop cutting baby dicks"
>"stop being jewish"
>"stop following the law"
And with these three simple tricks he was able to fool the goyim and destroy Europe.

Very cool!

>> No.14653743

Are Catholics the one building O.T theme parks and unwaveringly supporting Israel?

>> No.14653750

only the last thing is unbased.

>> No.14653792
File: 197 KB, 500x532, reject-the-false-dichotomy-begome-luderan-ddd-begome-gadolig-ddd-63731489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a catholic you spergs.

>> No.14653802

>illiterate pagans convert and conquer planet few hundred years later

>> No.14653806

That's your brain on Evola.

>> No.14653807


>> No.14654305

Because the man was a heratic even by Jesus standards. Matt 5:19.

>> No.14654447

He mentions using a scribe in some of the epistles, essentially he just dictated to them. The thing is assuming all of them were produced in the same fashion(and there's no reason to assume otherwise) they should all show similar use of language because the speaker was supposedly the same. They don't. There's a lot of inconsistencies too not only between some of the epistles but also in regards to the interactions between Paul and Peter in the epistles vs the book of acts.

>> No.14654742

>even read original transcripts of the Hebrew bible

But the New Testament originals are not in hebrew.

>> No.14654757

Orthos give too much authority to the old testament, just like protestants. All the apostolic churches outside of communion with Rome tend to LARP as jews. Probably because their priests are married and relate to the patriarchal coomerism of the OT.

>> No.14654795

Saint Paul (pbuh) was indeed very, very based. Lots of lukewarm Christians rue the legitimate canonicity of his epistles. There are almost no fashionable and progressive Christians these days who don’t badmouth this holy man and speciously argue that he corrupts Jesus’ mission somehow. Too bad for lesbian Anglican bishops, his epistles were always canon. And from philological analysis we know that they even predate the four gospels. Oh how lots of comfortable modern people wish they could go back in time and correct the errors of the first Christian martyrs who unanimously gave Paul authority. Which is odd- since the epistles are the most revolutionary and radical writings in any religious sacred text. Without him, Christianity would not even be as tansgressive and threatening towards established powers as it has always been.

>> No.14654813

>And you can't have the NT without the OT, it's the same God, retard
That's where you're wrong, nigger.

>> No.14655043
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You should read Hebrews anon there the autor explains how the people of the OT where used by faith to make a path for the up coming arise of the son of God, sadly Abraham, David , Lot , Rut and every person who appears a.C didnt have salvation , but they where working by faith so we the people who have the grace of knowing the son of God can be saved

>> No.14655052
File: 1.25 MB, 904x1024, Job-lc3a9on-bonnat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I believed in God, it seems like fun. I would be a hermit monk if I did.
I really like the aesthetics of it.

>> No.14655060

Believing in God is easy. Lock yourself in your room, or camp in a remote area, for three days without food and only water. Read the gospels, pray with the rosary, and sooner or later you will have a religious epiphany. Then go see a priest.

>> No.14655087
File: 26 KB, 310x459, Kierkegaard.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it bad that suffering brings me joy? Only in suffering can one know beauty, yes? Only in pain can one know joy, on when one sins can one know love? I should start flogging my self maybe, I already have begun to starve my self, for what glory do I do this? To hold in desire, to hold in passion with in my core is true transcendence. Does not the monk who rejects him self pleasures of the flesh burn more lustful at night under a ruff and ragged blanket? Its not the ends of lust but the lust its self, not the ends of desire but desire its self that brings glory to one.
Sorry or the rant.

>> No.14655124

>*Europeans conquer the rest of the world after having converted 1200 years earlier*
>thank you YHWH! wherever would we be if the jews had not graced us with salvation?!
I present to you the Christian.

>> No.14655805

Read the story about the husbandmen.

>> No.14655863

You believe in science (c), yeah?

Well, here's an objective, empirical experiment for you: compare Europe and India.

Hint: only one of them preserved le noble pagan aryan religion.

>> No.14655891

You believe in retarded arguments (c), yeah?

Well, here's an objectively retarded experiment for you: compare Christian Europe and Christian Africa.

Hint: both believe salvation is of the jews.

>> No.14655909

>how can one man be so based?
The answer is simple: Jew.

>> No.14655933

how did the dude that never even met jesus become the boss of the church and even made peter back down

>> No.14656239

useless pagan trinket

>> No.14656245

Friend of a friend

>> No.14656256

Of you ever feel like this poser ask yourself: who do I trust more the Church father composing the Bible or some cuck modern "academics"

>> No.14656699

>If you don't take Jesus in context with the OT, you can't understand the fulfilling of the prophecy that he represents.
and yet, the jewish people rejected Jesus, and still do to this day. All the Jews that recognized Jesus as the messiah converted to Christianity.

it's not that OT is ignored so much as the fact all the core teachings of the OT, especially about the fulfilling of messianic prophecies, get taught while reading the NT.

>so watch your tongue when you speak about her
no one is dishonoring her, protestants just don't worship her. She's acknowledged the mother of the messiah, due to her devotion to God, and she's honored for that. But as another anon said, she's not going to get worshipped like some revarnished Inanna/Ishtar/Isis figure.

>> No.14656714

Try William James' Leap of Faith, Kierkagaard, and the book of John.

>> No.14656733

Acts 16:3

And Paul wanted him to come along with him. On account of the Jews of that region, Paul had him circumcised, for they all knew that his father was a Greek.

>> No.14656892

hmmm Paul was Christ's most perfect apostle

>> No.14656964
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>if you disagree, cut ur dick off (gal 5:12)

>> No.14657421

Hey retard, you need to the OT to prophesize the NT.
That's my point. These Greek bros were reading ill translations of the Torah.

>> No.14657674

By the time of Christ, Jews didn't use the Hebrew version of their own scriptures, but the Septuagint, which was considered even by learned men as authoritative. The switch back to the Hebrew versions came as a response not to any sensation that the Greek was somehow less pure or correct, but rather because Greek was the language used by the Christians in writing their scriptures.

Also the belief that the God of the NT is the same as the God of the OT is strictly the dominant Orthodox opinion, the one that won out. Literally dozens, maybe hundreds of sects over time discarded the OT considering it a Demiurgic work.

>> No.14657706

>By the time of Christ, Jews didn't use the Hebrew version of their own scriptures
Not true. Greeks were seeking educated Rabbi's to help translate the OT. See: Jerome.

>> No.14657728

you forgot to add
>stop thinking for yourself
>submit to my jewish religion and follow all my commandments at face value

>> No.14657745

Neither Islam nor Judaism ask you to believe things blindly.

>> No.14657763

yes of course follow my divine teaching but if you don't you're going to hell forever

>> No.14657788

Feel free to make real arguments. Until then, read the Bible.

>> No.14657811

My argument is that you're a pack of retards, and I've read the bible, you should read exodus alone to understand what kind of a fucked up holy book you're following

>> No.14657841

Jerome was 300 years later bro and by that point Jews had developed opposition to the Christian movement that led them back to the Hebrew versions. Why Jerome questioned the authenticity of the Septuagint is another matter, a lot of the words he translated differently in the Vulgate have in fact a multitude of translations or have unknown meaning which is why other early translations are consulted in the first place when doing modern translations.

This is basic Christian History 101.

>> No.14657867

Not an argument.
Dude, if you're going to imply that the NT is divinely inspired, why the hell would the Greek speaking writers use unoriginal, bad translations of the OT? Even my Bible says in annotations of the NT where they explicitly admit errors due to them not knowing Hebrew/not understanding the real OT

>> No.14657875

Because Paul converted a bunch of goyim, who came to greatly outnumber the Jewish Christians, and preferred Paul's version of Christianity over Peter's.

>> No.14658468
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(((Saul of Tarsus))) was the Karl Marx of the ancient world

>> No.14658486

Jesus himself quotes the Septuagint, which if you're Christian implies it's the best version. After all, God is the one who gave the Torah to Moses, so the version he quotes should be the best one.

>> No.14658494

lol retard

>> No.14658513

seems like ur the retard