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/lit/ - Literature

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14652720 No.14652720 [Reply] [Original]

Not just war books tho

>> No.14652742

Some basic theorems on the foundations of mathematics and their implications - Godel
Hegel's Philosophy as a Doctrine of Concreteness - Ilyin
Philosophy of Civilization - Towner
Metaphysical Principles of the Infinitesimal - Guenon
Fire in the Minds of Men - Billington
Ordeal of Civility - Cuddihy
Foundations of Geopolitics - Dugin
Collapse of Complex Societies - Tainter
Clement of Alexandria
Saint Maximus the Confessor
Saint Ephraim the Syrian

>> No.14652799

Anything with loyalty, bravery, honor, integrity, sacrifice or determination

>> No.14652814
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>tfw you are a woman into Jünger
Here is a book many young men I have met don't seem to be able to appreciate.

>> No.14652819

post 'em

>> No.14652821
File: 2.02 MB, 1797x2697, war journals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We may demand of people no more than what is commensurate with their essence; from women love, not justice.
Books that stormfags will never understand.

>> No.14652823

Did you actually get anything out of Storm of Steel? Be honest with us please.

>> No.14652824

Seems a little too weebish

>> No.14652830

>Implying women can't be nationalistic or brute
Eumeswil would be a better example.

>> No.14652833

So what do you thin of SoS?

>> No.14652834
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Everything that is not Harry Potter or some Jane Austen-esque shit

>> No.14652839

What's this list about?

>> No.14652845

guenonfag making his rounds.

>> No.14652858

Love is an exclusively male phenomenon and Ernest just outed himself as a brainlet (assuming an accurate translation) The closest Woman can get to love is submission, as they are inherently dispassionate and irrational.

>> No.14652877

Laying a good foundation to understand the world.

>> No.14652889

Any Burroughs book

>> No.14652898

You first, moobs.
Yes. You can believe me or not, but my answer is yes.
Try pic related if you want something Western that many young men don't seem to understand.
It's okay. It's a book by a young man who had a tremendously lucky experience in the WWI. It's interesting to get into the mind of a young man driven by those Prussian sorts of ideals. I can see why Jünger kind of cringed at it later in life and revised sections though, considering how his later experience in WWII was so traumatic what with the loss of his son.

>> No.14652903

Why do you even talk with these incels?

>> No.14652910

I would like to help them. I suppose I am a woman, after all.

>> No.14652933

>I suppose I am a woman
Why do I get the strange sense you're actually a tranny?

>> No.14652940

We'll see how well your moralfagging works out. Didn't work the first time and you'll never have that power again.
Women do not love as men do, and the misunderstanding of this is most likely behind the combined hatred of women and the need of homoerotic aesthetics. A weakened and perverted Christianity.
Kek, just stop reading him if you don't like him.

>> No.14652948

Probably because this is 4chan and you have been trained to assume every woman here is a tranny.

>> No.14652950

/pol/ is on 4chan, not 4channel
>inb4 samefag

>> No.14652953

He never cringed at it, even at ninety he viewed it as part of his essence.

>> No.14652954

Peak schitzoposting

>> No.14652958

That book was the fucking dab

>> No.14652959

The prose exposes

>> No.14652968

Maybe cringe was the wrong word. English is not my first language. He looked back on it as part of him, but chose to revise and revise again. What is the word for that?

>> No.14652979

Why do you post about Junger when you don't even like him? He's your favourite author, yet you resent him.
Your actions are the same as the tranny discords who spam their 'aesthetics'.

>> No.14652990

>no one has mentioned pol
>no one has said anything about pol is any way
>someone in the thread says something even slightly askew from your beliefs and you have to go "DURF POL POL HURR I'M A RETARD"
lol imagine being this mentally fucked

>> No.14652992

Now you're just larping

>> No.14652994

>Ranting about muh culture war for no reason
You sure proved that poster right lmao

>> No.14653000

all trannywhining belongs in the containment board

>> No.14653021
File: 85 KB, 300x300, 5744E361-716A-40D3-9041-5D3A98DDE4D8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw merely observing how trannies behave and then stating this behavior is enough to send them up a wall, because they know it's true and have no defense other than "you're a shitlord :)"

>> No.14653032

Post one single relevant comment you've ever made about Junger.

>> No.14653042

>Mfw merely observing how kikes behave and then stating this behavior is enough to send them up a wall, because they know it's true and have no defense other than "you're an antisemite:)"
back to your containment board. trannywhining is the same as jewwhining is the same as girlwhining. it's empty tribal sentimentality that expresses no ideas, only feelings.

>> No.14653043

Yes, because a discord attempting to corrupt Junger's writings into MGTOW and stormfag cringe is so different from other discords who only care about manipulating ideas for their shitty movement.
Go back to twitter.

>> No.14653046

There is a real pathological compulsion to dissociate from /pol/ amongst Pseuds here. /pol/ has been dead and irrelevant for years, it truly is the "new /b/" but it is clearly a cesspit of dummies. Vestiges of /pol/ create fear in of being conflated with /pol/ and therefore losing all pseud cred if any statements are made that are at odds with the current regimes trendy propaganda. Even if these statements are made from an explitcally marxist lens the author still feels compelled to dissociate with any impression that their thoughts, beliefs and behaviour are in any way conflatable to /pol/. Susceptibility to dissociation propaganda Is a key indicator of oversocialization, and the modernist liberal spirit. Pathological /pol/ talk is so obnoxious it's reminiscent of the old caricatures when dudebros were insistent and paranoid that nothing they did was gay. Shirts turned pink in the wash? accidentally graze other mans hand with your own? You must pathetically vindicate yourself.

>> No.14653049

You are fighting a completely lost battle trying to get 4chan to not say mean things about jews, trannies, women, etc. The mere desire to silence that stuff is inescapably redditry

>> No.14653051

What other discords? This is some conspiracy theory "Antifa is going to stage a coup on 2020 share this on Facebook" mom shit

>> No.14653057

people can say what they want as long as it's even remotely interesting. i read slate star codex. the writer is racist and sexist. he's also not a fucking idiot. he has actual ideas. he does something other than say orange tranny jew girl bad. if all you're going to do is grunt and screech then go back to the zoo.

>> No.14653058

Every single reply you've made to me is literally just "You're a shitlord." You legitimately have no other argument. Even to this very post you will reply with "You're a shitlord" though you won't think you will. Enjoy the %40 club. I'm not going to participate in validating your sexual fetish. Most people find it disgusting, as well, in real life.

>> No.14653063

There are plenty of intelligent people that didn't like jews or women or whatever, so I'm not sure what you want. Anyway have fun trying to police 4chan

>> No.14653064

Good post

>> No.14653068

>generalizing a group of people in a negative way

>> No.14653071

this is pathetic. you're accusing me of what i accused you of. can you not even come up with a single point? is there no spark of originality in your heart? is it slave sentimentality all the way down? guttural shrikes and christian parables? had you any points i would gladly discuss them. all you have are feelings.

>> No.14653072

Are you retarded?
Discords often raid the chans. Trannies, reddit, tumblr, frogtwitter, etc. The point is basically to infect and overwhelm rather than have any real discussion.
It could also just be a couple people, with one samefagging a lot. Multiple people have noticed it and it was mentioned in the old threads. You're completely transparent.

>> No.14653073

>Caring this much about identity politics that you can only think in terms of in-groups and out-groups

>> No.14653075

>Discords often raid the chans

>> No.14653086
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All you need to know is right here

>> No.14653089

>hates women
>argues like one
Well done.

>> No.14653095

You're so assblasted by the very idea that not every person on planet Earth is on board with your every move that you have to project like you're doing now.
>facts not feelings
Bro you have literally brought up no points and keep saying "you're a shitlord." You can't stop repeating this and it's actually amazing. I think the dopamine of your sexual over-gratification has fried your circuits. Stop wearing the dress and watching porn. Now you will reply to this post with "ummm you hate trannies? u must be one." I've heard it before and it's weak. You try any possible rhetorical device and mental gymastic to prove that what you're doing, fundamentally, does not go against nature and thus against God. There's clearly nothing I can do to help you. If you want to kill yourself this badly, there's not much I can do to help you walk back from the ledge merely through 4chan posts. But whatever just keep cooming right?

>> No.14653116
File: 422 KB, 1366x768, 40.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>dropped it
>but now let me tell you why he was really a Nazi
You really want to talk about schizoposting anon?

>> No.14653123

this post is 100% emotion. there is no argument to be made about "i'm sad" or "i dislike this soup".
please come up with talking points of your own or pay me for the use of mine.

>> No.14653217

Trannies are a sign of the malignancy of society. Their very attitude (Narcissistic, delusional, emotional) can be seen as a manifestation of late capitalism, whose purpose is not to provide the best goods at a just price, but whose purpose is to relentlessly indulge the consumer in a cycle of pleasure that spirals toward atomization. It is why "acceptance" of all kinds is pushed so hard, because it is directly in line with selling more food to fatasses, and rainbow doritos to trannies. In each case, the target consumer group's primary identity is so intertwined with a "marginalized" category that they will immediately leech onto anything that "accepts" them as a means of survival, and endlessly battle against those who do not share their beliefs, as if their very lives depended on being able to indulge themselves. As a result, the more they latch onto this delusioned or marginalized identity, the more they are unable to even think about anything else, even if they wanted to. Thus, any discussion about it becomes a matter of Me vs. The World, hence the obsession with pol as a catch-all for everything that you consider unjust. And you will reply to this post "Come up with some actual points sweaty."

>> No.14653296

do you have cute feet desu

>> No.14653298

>anon claims to be female
>thread spirals into tranny pol arguments

>> No.14653313

you don't get it at all. i never said a single thing about whether being a tranny is good or bad. i said that you're trannywhining. you're still trannywhining. emoting empty culture war memes in discussions where they are not at all relevant. a coca cola commercial, sanctioned by the government, stickered on the holy of holies. the problem is not your allegiance but your banality. you're noise produced by the drums of the party, determined to drown out music so that only the din of battle is heard. there is only the culture war.

>> No.14653357
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>> No.14653364

anything by schopenhauer

>> No.14653367

>no one has said "all of them" yet
/lit/ i am dissapoint

>> No.14653377

Wagner's wife did.

>> No.14653395


>> No.14653424

Schopenhauer would say that the trannies and wannabe chads are one.

>> No.14653443

What's the word you're trying to say in your first language?

>> No.14653480

>never said whether being a tranny is good or bad
Yet the very word "tranny" in my first post ITT caused you to say essentially "go back to pol." If you don't care whether trannies are good or bad, then why do you act as though they need to be defended? It's because you realize that your position is untenable, so you walk back to "i only didn't like your posts because they were off-topic, not because I like trannies or am a tranny." Sure thing bud.

>> No.14653482

I've always believed there is something masculine in works like Moby Dick or Homer that could only resonate with men. Would you say you disagree?

>> No.14653762

Have you read the sound of the mountain? I bought it right after finishing snow country but never got around to reading it.

>> No.14653946

Have never read it.
I don't think it's true. I think men and women can feel the same feelings with regard to ideas of valor, honor, battle, and other such things. For instance, my mother once went to war with a collective of rats. She felt pride, elation at victory, resentment at defeat, a sense of duty to get rid of them. It is a smaller scale everyday situation, but the emotions are still there. She lived for the thrill of the kill when she removed pests, just as a hunter lives for the momentary thrill when the bullet is fired and the hunt could go one way or the other in just a moment. I haven't read Homer since my school days, so I can't comment on that so well.
I confused the translation of the word "überarbeiten." He looked back at the text and wanted to change things in it, I mean.
I don't know what you mean.
My feet are cracked and broken like a Hungarian crone, smelling vaguely like paprika and butter.

>> No.14653951


have sex

>> No.14654301

bless you femanon