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14651867 No.14651867 [Reply] [Original]

Well, you’re supposedly all well read academics. What does your /lit/erature have to say about this?

>> No.14651878

Suicide should be legalized and technologically enabled.

>> No.14651882

Cancerous culture drives people to suicide

>> No.14651889

Anomie and anime

>> No.14651890

People have rejected the light of God and embraced eternal darkness and death. Go read the Bible.

>> No.14651891

If people loved more, we wouldn't be killing ourselves.

>> No.14651892

Not having anything to do with your life but YouTube and Netflix seems to be too dangerous. See how suicide doesn't exist in Africa.

>> No.14651894

Holy and baste

>> No.14651896

A technologically driven culture destroys the natural social order and weakens relationships. Who woulda thunk?

>> No.14651904

Life is not about access to services, and people having less sex and meaningful relationships causes more isolation and depression.
Having a single fulfilling moment of sex with a long term partner and hugging them for the night is easier for the brain to live with than having 380 sexting sessions and roleplays with online dragon dildo cleavage showing patreon having strong and independent women.
Of course no academic literature is gonna cover this and they'll just attribute it to economic factors or some shit.

It's 100% about the change in what constitutes intimacy and love life in an age where privacy is nonexistent.

>> No.14651910

Out whole culture is built upon stamping out “hate” and promoting “love”. You can’t seriously believe that a lack of love is what’s wrong.

>> No.14651919

world bad
happy in bad world not good either

>> No.14651924

>privacy is nonexistent
Ironically we’re actually more private than ever before. We have more things that we must hide (internet habits, texts, snapchat scores, etc.) than ever before.

>> No.14651948

Literally no one but your immediate relatives, or people living within your house, knew 90% of what you do in your life in the past.
It is almost assured that someone with enough effort could find a lot of shit about your life, the places you go to, what you did and said, even if you have the most strict privacy settings in all your online accounts.

>> No.14651988

suicide is being driven by depression, which is caused by social failure.

Technology is sufficiently rewarding and time consuming to allow children to grow up without learning social skills among their peers or families. This lack of social skill translates to weak social bonds, and social bonding is an important factor in mental well being (it reduces stress hormones significantly).

>> No.14652003

They want society to artificially force behaviours that naturally occurs in well socialized individuals because it no longer occurs naturally.

>> No.14652004
File: 157 KB, 640x916, uncle ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Note the first reply >>14651878

Read Uncle Ted. People are forced to live an unhealthy, unnatural reality.
This reality has very quickly taken root, giving us no time to adapt, and is evolving exponentially into something less free, less natural, and less humane.
It's no wonder why suicide rates reflect this.

There was a time when these people would be catered to and helped.
Now they can easily be replaced by an imported body, of which there are billions.
Any sort of official care these types would receive is little more than an attempt to remold them into something that can fit the present system which is the source of their distress.
There is no real care for these people, and their distress is nature, a mental immune response of sorts.
You could say that they are the best of us, or the last of us.

>> No.14652019
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Death of God, death of community, increase in individualism, further increase in social-economic disparity between the rich and poor, having to work at an Amazon warehouse, increase of drug use, lack of solid healthcare, crippling debt...etc etc.

>> No.14652025
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>wHaT aRe (((We))) MiSsInG?

>> No.14652026

Atomisation, isolation, worsening of material conditions, but most of all the realisation that they are burgers

>> No.14652028

Every individual should have the right to terminate his life voluntarily.
>but they're sick and need help!!!!
So? If they an hero they won't care anymore. Resources are freed up and the population will finally be reduced, without violence and unnecessary suffering. It's a win-win

>> No.14652033

if you don't have suicidal thoughts at the very least on a monthly basis do you even belong on this board

>> No.14652036

Yes monkeys also don't kill themselves, maybe we should be more like them.

>> No.14652051

>you just need more material!
We live in the most materially wealthy time period to ever exist. Rather, we are spiritually bankrupt that is the cause.

>> No.14652056

People refusing the wagecuck pill now that religious fear-mongering doesn't work and the sense of community wad cannibalized by the aforementioned wagecuckery.

>> No.14652067

It not a matter of material consumption
People are not being adequately compensated for their time and effort. Life is a scam for most people.

>> No.14652070

unironically this. imagine replacing true religion with wokeness, red/blue politics and netflix content?

>> No.14652079

Read Byung Chul Han

>> No.14652081

if that marxist drivel were real, the feudal era would have had insane suicide rates.

>> No.14652085

Ah yes, spirituality - the funbux you shill to the goyim while keeping the actual wealth for yourself.

>> No.14652089

In our liberal individualist society the state functions as a mediator between separate individuals who are seen as having different, incompatible goals, derived from different conceptions of what is the good for a human being.
Under such a state, it's impossible for the individual to feel a sense of belonging to his particular community, since his relationships are by nature antagonistic.

In contrast, Aristotle saw a community (in particular the Athenian polis) as being an aggregate of individuals who shared a common conception of the good-for-man. With an agreement on what the good was, each citizen had clear obligations to particular members of said community. What each person deserved was well established in the way their actions contributed to the common good. The "good life" consisted in cultivating and expressing virtues (special dispositions to value certain things and act in certain ways). A certain disposition was a virtue if it, again, contributed to the common good.

Without a conception of the good life. Each individual becomes an utilitarian machine. Who seeks pleasures and avoids suffering. Suffering is only bearable when seen as being necessary for a greater good. And the lack of a conception of the good shared by a community robs the individual of the capacity of feeling the most fulfilling kinds of pleasures. Those of contributing to a communal good and living a good life, as defined above.

In liberal individualistic society, once the pains outweigh the pleasures, there truly is no reason to live. If you're an average guy who gets laid yearly, works a dead end job and spends his free time playing video games and jerking off, there is no reason to live. You're a piece of meat with no final cause, and all you do is experience banal pain. So why not end it?

>> No.14652103
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>as if the j*ws aren’t aware of how important their own spiritual health is

>> No.14652110

one might say that "The bourgeoisie, wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his “natural superiors”, and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, than callous “cash payment”. It has drowned the most heavenly ecstasies of religious fervour, of chivalrous enthusiasm, of philistine sentimentalism, in the icy water of egotistical calculation. It has resolved personal worth into exchange value, and in place of the numberless indefeasible chartered freedoms, has set up that single, unconscionable freedom — Free Trade. In one word, for exploitation, veiled by religious and political illusions, it has substituted naked, shameless, direct, brutal exploitation."

>> No.14652111

>i'm going to force you to love what i tell you you have to love
that's not healthy anon

>> No.14652118

Feudalism had nothing on modern inequality. The scale is so large you cannot even compare the two. The worst part is that modern wagecucks are fed hopeful propaganda that anyone can rise to the status of lord all while the same wagecuck apparatus makes this a mathematical impossibility.

>> No.14652128

>Yeah, let's just eliminate people who are damaged without facing the actual problems that cause the damage.

Peak Neo Liberal bullshit.

>> No.14652133

Of course it’s not. It’s one of the basic principles Carl Schmitt lays out in how liberalism is a bastardization of logic; yet leftists seem to be completely ignorant to this point.

They sincerely believe, that by totally annihilating “hate”, they can achieve some unending utopia free of the things they dislike.

>> No.14652137

>If you're an average guy who gets laid yearly, works a dead end job and spends his free time playing video games and jerking off, there is no reason to live
yikes anon you hit me with it

>> No.14652143
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If I lived in America I'd want to kill myself too.

Their entire culture is literally designed to make you feel replaceable and insecure. Have you ever seen how they talk about sex, for instance? Most countries kind of nod to it, or have some dirty jokes, but leave it as something done in secret. In my country it's kind of expected that everyone has fun sleeping with a couple boyfriends or girlfriends when they're young, then get married and have kids and settle into a life of comfortable familiarity and emotional closeness. America takes the most insanely idealized people they can with perfect abbs and 8 inch dicks and slap it on billboards, then run talk comedy shows about woman not being able to orgasm with their husbands for years and getting BBC (I wonder how black men with small penises or erectile dysfunction feel in that country? Bad I imagine) on the side. Literally every aspect of their culture is engineered to make you feel shitty, insecure, and despise the people around you.

Another example, their food is 90% corn product. Even eating in that country will make you fat, lethargic, and depressed.

Another example, their music. A mixture of bragging, bravado, and "I have things you don't, I can have the things you do have, I am richer and better than you". No soul, and honestly I feel like its only popular because it's shilled by the brands which then use it to push their products.

Or their politics. Ignoring the quasi-fascist right wingers, the left wing seems completely devoted to nurturing a guilt complex in everyone. Every side is dedicated to promoting capitalism, war, and racial antagonism, they only differ on the justifications.

Their universities are a winner-take-all shit show where schools brag about only accepting 2% of applicants, and the education provided by different institutions varies widely depending on how much money and resources you start out with. Their Ivy League has monopolized attention and prestige, and the media industry is all too happy to continue this even while pretending to criticize.

A recent insult/saying in America is "throwing side eye". Literally the concept behind it is that if you do not act in the right manner, express the right opinions, and consume the right products people will give you dirty looks out of the corner of their eyes. This seems ridiculous until you remember America has a tradition of literally lynching and burning to death people they saw as different or threatening.

The end goal is of course that you constantly feel lacking, never are fully human, and always on attack from all sides. This way, you will always be working and consuming in an attempt to fill the hole in your heart. I lived in that country for two years and hated every single day of it.

>> No.14652192 [DELETED] 

It's unironically still Nietzsche's death of god. He was right saying that we need couple hundred years to fully understand what does it mean for people. We tried unchecked hedonism and it didn't work.

>> No.14652203

Sorry famalam, you don't own my life and never will and you don't get to use me to learn how to exploit others better.

>> No.14652209

(You) were retroactively refuted by Kant.

>> No.14652212

Setting the bar at utopia is the biggest issue. We tried that in the 20th century with the Commies and the Nazis alike. Turns out attempting to manifest perfection turns people into murderous assholes. We should have heeded the historical precedent given to us by other perfection seekers: the bloody history of religious conflict. But nobody wants to campaign for the 95% good and 5% objectively shit utopian compromise. It's just not as appealing a pitch compared to chasing after simplifying life to a fairy tale.

>> No.14652221

let me guess, you're not white?

>> No.14652273

wrong. suicide is abhorrent. the reall option should be execution, not suicide. the two are completely different, with suicidde, you're just btching out because its too hard, with execution, you're telling the government that you cannot coexist with their evil and they are martyring you.

>> No.14652314

Kaczynski told you so. the only "solutions" will be more tech (biological or psychological techniques or technologies). or....collapse of the industrial system!

"145. Imagine a society that subjects people to conditions that make
them terribly unhappy, then gives them drugs to take away their unhappiness.
Science fiction? It is already happening to some extent in our own
society. It is well known that the rate of clinical depression has been greatly
increasing in recent decades. We believe that this is due to disruption of
the power process, as explained in paragraphs 59–76. But even if we are
wrong, the increasing rate of depression is certainly the result of some
conditions that exist in today’s society. Instead of removing the conditions
that make people depressed, modern society gives them antidepressant
drugs. In effect, antidepressants are a means of modifying an individual’s
internal state in such a way as to enable him to tolerate social conditions
that he would otherwise find intolerable. (Yes, we know that depression
is often of purely genetic origin. We are referring here to those cases in
which environment plays the predominant role.)
146. Drugs that affect the mind are only one example of the methods
of controlling human behavior that modern society is developing. Let us
look at some of the other methods."

--Kaczynski, Industrial Society and Its Future, Paragraphs 145-146 as in Technological Slavery (2019), pp. 66-67.

>> No.14652330

What if you just dont see any point in living. It's not necessarily that life is too hard it's just what even is this gay shit

>> No.14652332

Consider this: can a utopia be one that is perfect in the sense that is imperfect? The definition of utopia seems inherently flawed in that there is no perfection inherent in almost any form we can see naturally occurring within the universe, there is always imperfection to a degree. How folly is it to even dream of such a conception and believe it applicable to a human state of imperfection? Maybe, if we were to allow for the valid form of utopia to be include the all reality that perfection contains imperfection, then a sale pitch could persuasively be made.

>> No.14652340
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Everyone on 4chan

>> No.14652347

idk what this gay shit even is but its definitely not what God intended. we're living in a dystopian nightmare world.

>> No.14652351

That is until you have malicious actors encouraging you or badgering you into a suicidal state. Then, in your distress, you take the option to exit stage left. All the while your bullies no full well this is what they’ve desired.

Or, consider a malicious guardian manipulates you into suicide for their own entertainment?

Or, consider life insurance and the whole medical system of needing to somehow justify what is and isn’t allowable for medically assisted suicide

>> No.14652352

I actually am a big fan of reality despite my life being a catastrophe. I was just musing, some people really don't see any point in living, they don't really enjoy stuff.

>> No.14652364

Read Chris Hedges' America: The Farewell Tour.

>> No.14652373

I like this post but
> Without a conception of the good life.
This is where the problem always arises. What is the “good life”? And why does it seem to vary so much from person to person? How do we maximize the good life of one person without diminishing the life of another?

>> No.14652375
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Unhealthy society's create unhealthy individuals

>> No.14652449

I think it's a complicated mix of:

>Messed up and unnatural sleeping patterns
>Irreparably damaged dopamine from eating junk food, watching pornography, and endless scrolling and clicking on social media
>No one cares about anyone else anymore because the government will 'just take care of you' for 99% of your problems. i.e. the welfare state has killed individualism
>Nihilism. People have abandoned traditional belief systems and are now left with nothing. This is what Nietzsche tried to warn us about. People need to focus more on trying to find meaning in their own lives and doing something they enjoy, rather than focus on how much nothingness there is in the universe; not to mention that we don't know anything about the universe anyway so who are you to say that is has no meaning?

Just my opinion, backed up with some observations I've made

>> No.14652456
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Additionally, the Unabomber said that once the system has no use for people, it will find a way to remove them. I see the potential for a kind of state sanctioned euthanasia that many will submit to voluntarily. The first step is removing the psychological barriers that prevent societies from rejecting people from killing themselves. Remember that Kaczynski claims that technological system has a kind of emergent "behavior", for a lack of better word, and dictates the trends that its human contingent (in other words, society at large) will move toward, rather than the other way around. It's awfully deterministic, but I'm just piecing this shit together and it make a lot of sense. It's beginning to scare me.

>> No.14652477

does it matter?

>> No.14652526

Easiest way to achieve this is to introduce artificial wombs. I am not pro-human though, do I don't care if humanity is over. Hasn't done much for me anyway.

>> No.14652589

Maybe start looking in how we're wasting most of our lives working.

>> No.14652592

Because we want out

>> No.14652608

This, but read Zarathustra instead.

>> No.14652683
File: 15 KB, 281x300, ted.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly why I noted the FPWP on this thread.
The system is made up of individuals, but individuals have no say in its trend.
Individuals and small groups have no place or say, only large organizations, and large organizations will trend the system such that the people exist for it rather than it existing for them.
You can already see this, and you can already see what you suggest and what he suggested, that the system ultimately will not need people and will work to shed them.
Suicide is a natural consequence of our present system and its anti-human tendencies, so maybe it's part of the shedding process.
Immigration likely is as well, now that most of humanity are just cogs existing at different price points.
The system takes the cheaper ones and sheds the pricier ones.
The system also has no need for this type of discussion and will trend toward the acceptance and promotion of the dumber and dependent versus any type that could present a challenge to it.
This is happening as well.

I'm not totally convinced that technology itself is the core issue but eliminating it altogether does solve his problem.
He treated individuals as of the same intelligence, motivation, and morality when this is obviously not the case.
So maybe a great cleanse would rid humanity of its opposing factions, for better or worse, and create a singularity of purpose under which technology could be harnessed appropriately and for the benefit of all.
Not to push this too far, but advanced species outside earth have likely done this.
We are not nearly as advanced as we believe, so there's time to stop what is happening as well as time to get on a better track to use it for our benefit.
Either way, the suicide question is obviou and Ted has already answered it.

>> No.14652697
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this. but an anti-tech revolution would be far far easier than most people realize. all you would need is a few hundred highly organized people.

>> No.14652703

The modern mind is literally becoming schizophrenic. Through some process, perhaps organic, perhaps manufactured, perhaps both, our societal focus is being directed further and further inward. From the individual to societal level we are expected to endlessly analyze ourselves, to identify every bias, to explain every negative emotion, to understand every fear. It is considered unacceptable, even amoral, to be ignorant toward's ones own intentions and motivations. We are so preoccupied by this navel-gazing that we are doing it to the exclusion of everything but the minimum work needed to stay alive so you can continue to self-reflect. We are becoming nothing but our own narrator narrating our own narration. The biological rug of survival has been pulled out from under us. It is easy to stay alive, so there are no more distractions from the question of who we are and why this is all happening, a question we were not built with an included answer for

>> No.14652715

All of this and
>Xenoestrogens, BPA's and other endocrine disruptors in the environment
>Shift towards reasonable thinking and cutting off any spiritual connection
>Vitamin D deficiency
>Constantly fed shit news from MSM
There's a way to thrive in this world but it takes a lot of learning. Just do the opposite of all of these depressed and suicidal people. SSRI's rarely fix underlying issues.

>> No.14652721

No we're not.

>> No.14652809

Agreed, also suicide should be mandatory if you have any defects or illness or are a woman past 40.

>> No.14652813

The problem is obviously that men need to talk about their feelings more :^)

>> No.14652817

I don't agree with the guy you're replying to but when they say hate and love they're not using those terms in an honest way.

>> No.14652831

Jonathan Haidt makes a case that it has a lot to do with the rise of smart phones and social media, which surely is one factor.

>> No.14652851

We live in an overpopulated surveillance state. You need certain electronics to get by, but those same electronics spy on you for the government and corporate interests. This is partly so they can make sure you're not wrongthinking in a way that might make you act out in frustration and partly so they can tailor advertisements to you with algorithms. Social life in this country is atomizing and many people find they can no longer even take comfort in God, a vague idea of a just world, or any small thing like that. We have been told through government education policies like "no child left behind" that we can get nowhere without higher education. We have been sold educational opportunities at exorbitant prices by a government-backed education industrial complex, and we emerge into adult life in a world where no matter what you majored in your education doesn't mean shit. Of course people are going to be killing themselves.

>> No.14652856

>traditional belief systems
Those are just coping mechanisms. the opium of the people

>> No.14652860

good post dude. I was born and raised here but never considered myself a part of any of the stuff you've brought up and actively distanced myself from it, but it's nice to hear someone put it really well.

(I'm not assuming that you're right that all these issues are as pervasive or systematic as you're implying, and I hope that you can have a more positive outlook on like regardless)

>> No.14652882

The opium of the people is not bad. Opiates help people suffer through tremendous pain.

>> No.14652892

>Out whole culture is built upon stamping out “hate” and promoting “love”. You can’t seriously believe that a lack of love is what’s wrong.

>> No.14652893

Its just coping, not fixing the problem

>> No.14652896

I just watched a documentary about this today. The claim was that the raise in the suicide rate is driven by the fall of the white working class. White workers are now in the same economic position as black workers. This exposes them to similar levels of stress. Chronic stress leads to a variety of issues including suicidality.

>> No.14652905

The problem can't be fixed because the problem is the material world being corrupt and unclean. Best to enjoy the opiate until God takes you.

>> No.14652917

uh no sweetie, white people are unanimously privileged. if they are suffering or poor it's because their lazy entitled ass never learned to do hard work and that's why they don't deserve healthcare.

>> No.14652919

>No one cares about anyone else anymore because the government will 'just take care of you' for 99% of your problems. i.e. the welfare state has killed individualism
this is your experience?

>> No.14652924

then kys fag, just don’t expect us to make it more accessible :^). also we are all in this together so good luck being independent

>> No.14652951

>Peak Neo Liberal bullshit.
when did anybody mention making them pay for the procedure?

>> No.14652971

>believing this

>> No.14652986

How? Traditional belief systems don’t give you a rush or instant dopamine boost that damages your brain. It gives you morals and values that are beneficial to your self and community/family, and a reason to abstain from addictive instant gratification that will burn out your serotonin, dopamine, etc.

Porn, shitty food, media, and (obviously) drugs are the opium of the people. They’re addicting, fuck up your brain and make you docile

>> No.14653007


I bet that film was produced, directed and written by Jews

>> No.14653011


>> No.14653014

You're on the wrong site. /pol/ is on 4chan, not 4channel.

>> No.14653018
File: 20 KB, 575x356, 3B88E90E-D2DF-453A-8D15-81E67B210F7F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>article on successful suicides
>picture of a woman

>> No.14653024

Why is this a problem? I don't give a shit

>> No.14653061

Maybe you shouldn't have posted then. Just because you have an impulse to post doesn't mean you should.

>> No.14653115

see industrial society and it's future. also, on fairy stories by tolkien when he talks about modern society and its ends/means.

>> No.14653177

suicide is part of ourselves. if you gonna make a sociologist theory about suicide in this time and era its gonna be outdated pretty soon. and after that, suicide will still exist intact.
the fact that people think the underlying reason of suicide is some economic factor or even lacking spiritual life talk more about this society than about suicide.

>> No.14653210
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Why is a woman pictured? Men die by suicide far more often, dramaticly more often. And women are to blame. Freedom for women has unleashed their hypergamy - always on the look out for a mate of higher social status than them, yet they compete in the same system for the same status. It results in women sleeping around with a relatively small number of high status men, and most men getting ghosted after one night stands, or getting nothing. Marriage isn't even on the table, because women can love someone below them.

>> No.14653214

best post itt

>>Shift towards reasonable thinking and cutting off any spiritual connection
I guess you meant materialistic, scientifically positivistic and capitalistic sort of thinking. For example, I have a semi-depressed friend who I think would find great value in exploring art (especially literature), but he doesn't want to even consider it because art is useless, made-up, etc.

>> No.14653220

Don't tell me what to do faggot

>> No.14653228
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Read The Foundation for Exploration by Sean Goonan

>> No.14653240
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I'm a 28 year old virgin and I missed out on a lot of important milestones in my life. Should I keep on living?

>> No.14653253

No best to make sure that you can't ever experience them!

>> No.14653273

>this life sucks but at least we will get into heaven where things are better

>> No.14653276

It's already over for me. Things will be too awkward at my age.

>> No.14653277

Wtf happened in 1973?

>> No.14653280

There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to have sex

>> No.14653282


>> No.14653292

Sexual Revolution. Females entered the workforce in mass.

>> No.14653297

Countries with the highest suicide rates in the world are African wtf are you talking about.

>> No.14653300

Really spot on. Hollywood, in particular, feeds off of the insecurity complex and I really do think underlying all of this is the specifically American view of life as explicitly economic and the culture of competition that creates. When you’re constantly in competition with everyone around you over everything, you’ll naturally feel alone, insecure, and at best valuable in only economic terms.

>> No.14653321

Disagree with you, bud and this is exactly the kind of American thinking I’m referring to here
For some reason, Americanism causes this mindset that it was somehow a race or a competition and at 28 you lost. You know it’s not true.

>> No.14653327

Answer you won’t get anywhere else: The 1973 oil crisis.

>> No.14653330

Suffragettes hated niggers though.

>> No.14653334

Don't blacks have a pretty low suicide rate though>

>> No.14653345

Based rec

>> No.14653353

the government did roe v wade and curried favor with satan. also we went off he gold standard in 71 which probably contributed

>> No.14653403
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I've never heard the expression about side eyeing, but the notion behind it is very true. Americans are professionals at gossip and gaslighting, far more than in other cultures we're forced to wear a mask of "normalcy" and conformity. Your notion about lynchings and witch burnings is based on fairy tales however. Only around 3000 people in American history were hung by a mob, only 2/3 of which were black. A number which is nearly identical in proportion to those found guilty of violent crimes by fair trial.

Obviously extrajudicial violence is generally unacceptable, but the idea that blacks were routinely butchered for fun is a myth that's well curated and spread. During my public education we had a "living historian" in a kwanza costume give a seminar about the evils of white America. One of his claims was that the word "picnic" is actually a contraction of "pick a nigger" because whites would pick a black person at random, hang them, and eat lunch beneath the swinging corpse.

The amount of white boogieman stories spread on the taxpayer's dollar is really incredible.

>> No.14653486

For middle aged whites them being left behind economically is a pretty novel phenomenon, so falling on hard times is a total shock. On top of that the cultural expectation is that you should have a house and two cars, so when hard times fall on whites they think "how could this happen to me?".

Furthermore there's no hand holding for the poor whites in my country. The black community, which is destitute and violent, is still lauded for its ball bouncing and beat boxing. They are given endless praise for basically nothing. White communities in similar poverty are given endless scorn. Rural, suburban retards. People that took the endless opportunities given to whites and utterly squandered them, they're talked about like they're tumors that sprouted arms and legs.

There's no cultural narrative to prop up destitute whites. They lose their jobs, their wife leaves them and takes their kids, and wider society views them as poisonous vermin.

>> No.14653533
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You complain that America is racist but suicide is only increasing amongst White males. Suicide isn't on the rise because of societal standards, they're the lowest they've ever been.

>>14653486 yep. Black Americans are literally the luckiest demographic in the history of mankind. Saved from the poorest continent on the planet, given the best slave conditions in history, freed by white blood and Christianity despite emancipation being an utterly ahistorical event, given free resources and affirmative action by Whites even in the Jim Crow South, and lauded as an ideal community despite singlehandedly making US cities like Chicago and Detroit have Africa-tier homicide rates.

>> No.14653561

Growing pains of a post-modern, post-internet society with nowhere left to explore. Frontiers are a release valve for civilization- they provide a direction for human ambition to go. Private industrial exploitation of space will bring us an essentially unlimited frontier.

>> No.14653573

Good, fuck wypipo. They deserve everything that's coming to them.

>> No.14653581

Is being inferior like a constant low level pain or does it spike when it really hits you

>> No.14653586


You've got it backwards. Societal stagnation hasn't caused misery, incompetence, and apathy, apathy and misery have caused societal stagnation.

>> No.14653595

The praise of black communities is done simply because it's profitable at the moment. That is what's killing America at it's core. The endless pursuit of profit over people, made even more dangerous by the fact that it pretends to care about people, so naive and well meaning activists eat it up despite it increasing alienation among demographics. If the Neoliberal order ever collapses, America is going to implode at this rate.

I'd agree with this. I'm happy I'm not American. I live in the UK, which gets a bad wrap but the US genuinely seems like bizarro world in comparison. I can only hope something happens that makes people realise Americanisation is a mistake.

>> No.14653602

Your kind is dying, you are the more inferior ones.

>> No.14653603

I am going to join the statistics soons. Everything including the fucking rent is going up in price, while my shitty job from poor life choices still pays the same.

>> No.14653608


> I can only hope something happens that makes people realise Americanisation is a mistake.

>And then one day for no reason at all...

>> No.14653614


Go back to your mudhut. The gdp of Germany is larger than the gdp of Africa or South Asia. Don't change what you say or your beliefs though, I want my descendents to know that we offered an olive branch but it was rejected in favour of the sword.

>> No.14653627

You know damn well you don't believe that. You're all utterly obsessed with us.

>> No.14653634

Life is garbo. With the spell of cope broken, there is no reason to go on for most people. You miss a future of boredom and suffering

>> No.14653636

Any book that promotes pro-whiteness. We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.

>> No.14653646

We all live secret online lives. We are more the secret online person than the actual flesh and blood person. Severe dissociation disorders are rampant and unaddressed

>> No.14653678
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I've heard the The Rational Male by Tomassi has changed the spirits of suicidal men. For a White male who sees no hope in life I would get them to read:

>Rational Male
>48 Laws of Power
>The Republic
>Politics (Aristotle) and
>Human Accomplishment

>> No.14653708

You realize that black and white people are both capable of suffering and misery, right? It's not a contest. The failure or success of one community has no impact on the other. You're free to live in your communities, celebrate your culture, and live your lives. Chances are, both of you are genetically related, given the initial immigration bottleneck in the new world. Both sides have given their blood to build this country, and to build a better life for their children.

The one's pushing this constant antagonism, as though there is some irreconcilable difference between black people and white people, that they must constantly hate each other and be at each other's throats, are robbing both of you of everything. Black people have a culture and a history that isn't just playing fetch and rhyming brand names together. White people have a culture that isn't just racism and entitlement. You are brothers united with a single flag and a single constitution, with ideals that all of you probably agree on, but until you realize that and hand in hand march against the parasitic class of people ruling over you and drive them into the ocean, the situation will never improve.

>> No.14653715
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More dead americans is always a positive net on the world

>> No.14653721

Sounds like Communism to me.

>> No.14653734


>Implying American

I'm an aussie.

>White people have a culture that isn't just racism and entitlement.

Yeah no kidding. We aren't demanding to be accepted as Angolans and receive the fruits of their labour to procreate 5+ children lol.

>> No.14653738

Good. Die

>> No.14653755

>Byung Chul Han
what book

>> No.14653759

America is more religious than most other western countries shouldn’t they have a much lower rate ?

>> No.14653764

>1973 oil crisis
ok that might be it

>> No.14653765

>America is more religious
Lol no. America is faux-religious. Lesser spanish America is neoCatholic.

>> No.14653774
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good, theirs nothing wrong with suicide, in fact its a culling of the weak.

>> No.14654132

America only worships satan and baal

>> No.14654185

And you think other countries don’t? America is among the few counties in the west where aborition is actually a debate and there is serious push back and repeal of pro choice laws

>> No.14654187
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>> No.14654496

>There is literally nothing wrong with wanting to have sex
But you're wrong.
There is (arguably) nothing wrong with having sex for reproduction with two consenting adults.
Casual consentual sex, while legal, brings its own harms and dangers to individuals and society.
To say there is 'nothing wrong' with either of those is naive and midwit tier thinking.
Just ask a plumber, lumberjack or actually smart individual.

>> No.14654509

sex is bad but your augment sucks

>> No.14654559

fucking based!

>> No.14654583

Burnout society

>> No.14654588

I don't know, I like Narnia.

>> No.14654660

you haven't read Marx cause he addresses this. Under feudalism the peasant works a field and produces wheat some of which gets taken by the lord. Under capitalism the worker farms the wheat which the capitalist owns and sells all of some of which returns as a wage where that worker can then go to a store and buy the bread.

>> No.14654679

Actually under capitalism the worker possesses labor and sells it for a bargained wage.

>> No.14654690

That’s such a pedantic dialectic of how economic exchange works. It’s just sad how wrong Marx was.

>> No.14654698
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>> No.14654702

It’s like the farmer doesn’t pay the laborer before he sells the wheat and the farmer knows exactly how much he can sell the wheat for when it’s time to offer it on the market. But hey, I guess Marx could predict the future and knew exactly what demand there would be for wheat and the exact supply of wheat that would be provided come harvest time.

You could even view it that the laborer is sharing the profits with the farmer, but the farmer takes a majority share since he takes the risk of owning the farm and ensuring the crop gets to market and isn’t wrecked mid-season by a hail storm. But hey everyone deserves and equal share because we’re all human don’t you know!

>> No.14654704

>“Every age has its signature afflictions. Thus, a bacterial age existed; at the latest, it ended with the discovery of antibiotics. Despite widespread fear of an influenza epidemic, we are not living in a viral age. Thanks to immunological technology, we have already left it behind.”
This is what passes for philosophy in Germany?

>> No.14654755
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zarathustra is revelation, beyond good and evil is the gospel.

>> No.14655047
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>commits suicide
>"Well, um, I lost, but I lost on purpose, so actually, I win"


>> No.14655119

>demean and humiliate white people constantly
>trample on everything that's a source of meaning or pride for them
>they start killing themselves on mass
Big mystery

>> No.14655121

They were also pro war and anti alcohol
Based Nietzschean suffragettes

>> No.14655168

>risk meme

>> No.14655172

He's just using that to explain a mindset. Just read it, it's not even 100 pages

>> No.14655175

>has no counter-argument against natural human economics

>> No.14655204

Natural human economic interaction follows marxism. Things get out of whack when the abstraction of money enters the equation. Basically small tribes of 40ish members naturally follow Marxism. When the number of people interacting in the market creeps into the 100s or 1000s you get distortion. Markets of that size do not qualify as natural human economics.

>> No.14655213

>a system only around for the last few 100 years is just natural bro! Trust me!
Learn to think sweetie

>> No.14655260

There is a tremendous amount of negative sentiment about the state of America and where it is going .There is also a tremendous amount of deviations in outcome, hypersuccess contrasted with destitution, and the lines that differentiate them are confused. In other extremely populous countries, there is less of a cultural expectation that one will achieve their dreams. In India and China, the 2nd and 1st most populous countries after America, there are no such illusions. The vast majority of people will never rise above their socioeconomic station. But in America there is this message that it is possible to rise to any place in society and to meritocratically self-manifest. The truth is that the current economic configuration is structurally limited in such that this is an impossibility for many. The system could not run if it were not so, if there were not some who did the grunt work and filled proletarian roles.
Holywood and other such outlets have created an illusion that anyone can become the anointed, but in reality it is far beyond reach for most.
I've seen this in my own experience of close friends or family who held out ridiculous hopes that they would somehow end up in the limelight, only to be strictly and unceremoniously denied.

When that illusion is shattered and the truth that America is a brutal classist society operating on wickedly distorted market principles and in which many signs of dysfunction show that do not show up elsewhere, it is as if one has been betrayed, and a borderline Orwellian monstrosity in which people are denied healthcare, incarcerated at unprecedented levels, evicted from their homes, subject to gun violence, and generally terrorized takes its place. The result surely drives some to suicide.

Don't get me wrong a lot about America is awesome but there are some who live in an illusionary presentation of it that suddenly have their bubble burst.

>> No.14655265

And the more populous a country, the more difficult it is to scale basic services. But it's not like America couldn't afford it, it's just that that value is appropriated by private business or the military as the case may be.

>> No.14655427
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These, but go read The Ego and Its Own instead

>> No.14655492

Nigger did you really just call the reality of risk a meme? Do you want to know how I know you've never worked an honest day in your life? Try even taking a mild dose of risk like opening a fucking Etsy store or something and then tell me there's no risk associated with "being a capitalist". And that little bit of "oh I might really lose my shirt here if this online shop doesn't sell well" is fucking nothing in comparison to what a farmer would feel where if the crops didn't come in or sell well his whole fucking family might starve to death. Literally stop reading books and fucking work a day in your life if you want to talk about risk not being real.

>> No.14655527

The absolute state of marxist rhetoric.

>> No.14655541

>if someone disagrees with me they obviously don't work
You're a complete idiot. But again
>risk meme

>> No.14655552

Some are talking about american suicide rates and using it as a (not completely invalid) critique of american culture but why are people ignoring that a lot of other continents have higher rates of suicide? Aren't african and nordic countries the most prone to suicide despite following different socio-cultural patterns?

>> No.14655554

If going to mass some holiday sundays and funerals is more religious than other countries than I guess so

>> No.14655557

I'm genuinely thunderstruck that someone can be so retarded as to not understand the difference in risk between people at various places in the hierarchy of any social organization. Is this really what Marx teaches you, that leadership comes with no additional risks/responsibility? If so, that's fucking retarded. I genuinely cannot imagine someone having actually ever worked any job where they were responsible for literally anything and not understanding that there was risk associated with that responsibility. That's just fucking insane to me.

>> No.14655563

This. We must become the monkey

>> No.14655603

Risk is a meme. It presupposes the notion that economies function as a meritocratic exchange of goods wherein the capital holder is exposed to more downside risk than the laborer. This is false and anyone who understands financial markets can see it in action. Hedge funds are called “hedge” funds because they “hedge” their bets in various ways, but mainly in deploying larger quantities of capital. The greater the quantity of capital, the more likely you are to move the market. By increasing the amount of capital you deploy, you actually minimize risk by increasing your odds of any given event occurring. They do this with debt also wherein they can turn a $1 million dollar investment into $20 million dollar return by financing the difference with debt which provides capital by way of additional cash flow. You’re less likely to go bankrupt if you hold all of the cards. Also, for the record Marx wasn’t talking about “leadership” who are typically intellectual laborers. He was talking about capital holders.

>> No.14655615

absolutely laughable

>> No.14655687

Why can't I have real opiates?

>> No.14655692

Why don't you check if he's right anon?

>> No.14655702
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im a fat virgin neet who had a psychotic break down twice, and i still havent killed myself.
People who kill themselves are normies who fail, not failures

>> No.14655720

Average household sizes started to decrease, which the creator of this graph is trying to hide.

>> No.14655737

So is the issue relative inequality or material deficiency?

>> No.14655758
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>> No.14655761

Um, you see, the Law of Jante is actually a good thing because it punishes people for not being happy.

>> No.14655771
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>quasi-fascist right wingers
so, they're not fascist in any real sense but you still want to label them as fascist because its a word with a bad connotation

>> No.14655806

Do americans really..?

>> No.14655830

Risk doesn't need linearity to still be a functional concept. There's a metric fuck ton of financial/actuarial data to support this (and in fact an entire field dedicated to actuarial strategies of risk management because risk is such a large factor due to the inflexibility of large systems as they optimize to reach higher efficiency standards), and the concept that capital can be deployed strategically to attempt to negate risk doesn't mean that risk is not still massively present. You're basically saying "Hey, in this one special case that I don't actually understand, capital is able to be deployed to attempt to mitigate risk, thus risk is not an important factor" which just makes you look fucking retarded. You don't understand this topic so you should stop talking about it like you do.

>> No.14655885

>Risk is a meme.
BREAKING NEWS: Marxist’s claims there is no risk, risk is just a bourgeoise constrict

>> No.14655894

americans arent dying fast enough desu
the anglo race deserves a nuclear holocaust

>> No.14655898

Damn all those farmers who are guaranteed to always have a food harvest, every year. You know what else is a meme? Famines. Famines are really a government conspiracy by the bourgeoise in order to convince the proletariat there is no grain and that it was all destroyed in the mid-summer floods. You see, there is never risk growing food. You will always harvest the amount you expect to in the fall, every year, every time. Holy shit why don’t I just become a farmer if there’s no risk. It’s just free money, innit?

>> No.14655916


>> No.14655919

t. larping city slicker
its not the 1200s anymore dude literally every single farmer in the first world today has insurance AND receives government assistance in case of crop failure because food production is considered a matter of strategic importance
farmers are the biggest welfare queens in the world

>> No.14655925
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I agree

>> No.14655934

I'm sorry but that's just not true. I know quite a few smaller dairy farmers and they barely cover equipment costs and feeding their families. That could be true in Onions/Corn country because of the Agriculture subsidies but that is by no means guaranteed, especially because of how much initial investment is necessary to even get a small farm going in this heavily corporatized environment.

>> No.14655938

Why even have insurance if there is no risk? I guess the massive flooding in the great plains last spring was just another bourgeoise spook. I guess the massive swine culling in China last year due to disease was just a spook too. Nothing ever goes wrong. Everything always goes exactly as planned, and when it doesn’t, we just act like it did.

>> No.14655941

Depression isn't a emotion and we're aren't depressed "about" anything. Suicide is a means of alleviating psychic pain. All the fags in this thread need to neck themselves to alleviate the world of their retardation.

>> No.14655945

ok boomer

>> No.14655950

>has no argument
Kys nigger

>> No.14655956

>there is no risk because of insurance
>but why do you need insurance if there is no risk
give me one (1) good reason why anyone should bother replying to this literal brainrot

>> No.14655979

Why doesn’t everyone just buy insurance if they are guaranteed a payout? Do you even not what insurance is? It’s a fucking gamble between you and the corporation saying I’ll bet you X amount of dollars that Y won’t happen. Are you really this retarded, or have you never paid for insurance or been presented with the opportunity?

>> No.14655997

>you think farmers have it easy? well what about crop failure
>lol you think anyone can just get insurance insurance is just a gamble
literal boomer brainrot

>> No.14656011

have sex

>> No.14656023

>lol bro just get a auto policy with the lowest deductible possible. you’re guaranteed to be in an accident every time you drive you’re car. it’s free money from the insurance company. you’ll never lose with an insurance policy. that’s why insurance companies go bankrupt all the time

>> No.14656062

Why persist in a state of misery when you know there is peace waiting for you? You will die, sooner or later, why not click out early if you're having a bad time. This whole "I'm superior because I have zero pride and am fine being a pathetic loser" idea is bullshit

>> No.14656065

For my whole life i was thinking that world is fucked up and going to shit. But it wasn't it was jus me and my inability to ...i don't know, whatever, i'm still shit. But the world is beautiful :). And most people are enjoying it. People are not chaging anything and people are voting conservative. And suicide only happens once in 10k or so. So nobody gives a fuck about these rare specimens.

Also suicides are not going up, last time i checked. Maybe they went up a little this year or smth but the trend is downwards.

>> No.14656076
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>most people are enjoying it
Thank you Steven Pinker! Thank you big Pharma!

>> No.14656097

I didn't say certain people don't have more responsibility than others. Petite bourgeoisie incur risk but not big capitalists. Once you get big enough you're basically immune to risk. What happens if you do lose your capital though? All it means is you get to stop being a parasite and have to work like the majority of others.
>laborer loses their job = they're fucked as their source of livelihood is gone
>capitalist parasite loses some capital = oh no they aren't as rich as before and can still live comfortably anyway
Who 'risks' more? Any laborer could 'risk' capital if they had enough.

>> No.14656101

Kino title for a book desu

>> No.14656227

I’m not saying monopolies shouldn’t be smashed with the anti-trust hammer. I’m just saying that Marxist rhetoric is shit when they try and apply it wholesale.

>> No.14656240

they read TOO much

>> No.14656290 [DELETED] 

I know there’s an entire field dedicated to it because I’ve been employed in it as well as in financial markets. I also have degrees in Economics and am not even a Marxist btw. I simply understand how Financial markets work as I’ve seen them in action. Simply deploying larger quantities of capital creates additional leverage in any transaction. Yes, funds do strategically manage capital in order to manage risk, however, there’s a degree to which moving larger amounts of capital is itself a risk minimization tool. This is not a special case as it’s seen at a firm level as well. Capital is a tool of leverage plain and simple. Also, risk is of course an important factor. What I’m arguing is that this either Classical or New Keynesian conception of outsized risk on the part of any given capital holder relative to labor is only a justification for status quo thinking. If you have a specific scenario at the firm level wherein you believe the capital holder is subject to greater risk than the laborer, please detail it out and I’ll concede.
Not a Marxist. See above.
Not what I’m arguing. I admit I should’ve used better language, but you’ve missed the point. I’m referring the prevailing notion that in any transaction where there’s capital and labor, the one deploying capital is subject to increased risk relative to the laborer.

>> No.14656303

literally, unironically this

>> No.14656311

I disagree I feel like our culture is highly competitive based on trying to beat the guy next to you and people crack from the pressure.

>> No.14656315

Zoomer population control

>> No.14656320

No offense, but with the state of modern technology it’s already extremely easy to efficiently kill oneself, and legal repercussions aren’t enough to prevent genuinely suicidal people from terminating their own lives. Legalizing suicide and supporting it technologically wouldn’t really change much.

>> No.14656342

Dunno, it might begin to remove the stigma around it, and I'm willing to bet if it became more socially acceptable it would become more common.

>> No.14656376

That’s the faux. If we weren’t in a culture all about love, we’d have destroyed this mentality long ago. Only leveling man and removing his ability to conflict does every man enter war with every man and thusly brings about a society of banal one-upmanship

>> No.14656540

One thing america does right is community. I often hear americans talk about community. In my country i never hear the word community, i just live in a place. I dont even know what my neighbours names are or what they look like. There is absolutely no sense of community in my country

>> No.14656560

That's only rural America and some immigrant populations. Urban/suburban americans are atomized as fuck.

>> No.14656590

Contemporary American community is a commoditization version of its former self. In the sense we call “community” is just a sugar-coating of justification for spending money on trivialities such as booze, parties, and such. Community in American is a shallow remnant of it’s former self. The book, Fall of Public Man, details this decline quite beautifully.

>> No.14656661

Keep trying, retard. The longer you wait, the more you lose

>> No.14656668


>> No.14656688

I haven't known my neighbors in the last 4 places I have lived
The last time I knew my neighbors I was little and my parents got in a fight with my best friend's parents down the street and we couldn't play together anymore

>> No.14656701

I has to stop rising eventually, right?

We can't produce more humans faster than we can kill them, so statistically it has to stop rising.

>> No.14656762

This is true, community is basically a buzzword. Kek especially here in new york, they love to pretend they have each others backs and pretend that new yorkers have a real community or act like they engage with culture because they go to ethnic restraunts here and there. The only true cultures or communities here are the immigrants like you said

>> No.14656818

Explain how this is anything other than a good thing? In an ideal society in which all diseases are cured and there is no violent crime or accidents, the suicide rate would be 100%. Clearly dying by your own hand is preferable to dying of disease, violence, or negligence, so I fail to see how this is a problem. We should be aiming to eliminate all non-voluntary causes of death so that the only way anyone will die is if they choose to. A rise in suicide rate actually shows that society is moving towards a perfect state. What's the alternative supposed to be exactly, NOT dying?

>> No.14656831

Do you have even the slightest idea of how the human body works?

>> No.14656859

>America is more religious than most other western countries
were you trying to make me laugh?

>> No.14656864

it is in many places, in the case that your body is damaged and cannot realistically be repaired. The idea that depression and suicidal thoughts are indicative of a "body damaged beyond repair" is demonstrably false.

>> No.14656882

This is very wrong, American individualism leaves no room for community. All those videos people mock about Walmart employees standing in a circle and clapping are because your workplace is literally the only source of community most people have. And even now cultural pressures are trying to strip away the sense of workplace community by convincing people anything beyond the line of a blank, transactional interaction is harassment. This is directly related to the rise in suicide rates.

>> No.14656887

Nihilistic consumerism. Simple as.

>> No.14656937

But can you trace it back to capitalism, anon? Please.

>> No.14657234

capitalism -> individualism -> homelessness, obesity, expensive healthcare (lack of family/community care), loneliness, reactive cultural marxism, corporate hegemony
not to say that another economic system would be any better, but all these things are clearly symptoms of late capitalism

>> No.14657247

people must finally be taking my advice on the internet

>> No.14657313

post body

>> No.14657317

Jews did this.

>> No.14657430

Actually they worship Yahweh by association

>> No.14657432

TRy taking a Yoga class !!

>> No.14657744

Excellent post, although as an American, I believe this problem is mostly political.

We are perhaps the only nation on Earth that was both founded upon, and still follows, absolute liberalism. Unlike other nations, which were largely founded out of historical consequence, ours was literally based on the utmost philosophy of liberalism. As a result, while almost all other nations have adopted some degrees of autocracy or socialism, America stands alone in its cult-like devotion to liberalism. Therefore, the ideals of liberalism (laissez-faire, individualism, a protective state that "defends rights") are enshrined in American society to the point of being unquestionable (notice how moderate socdems like Bernie or neocons like Trump are hysterically labelled as "radical" just for slightly differing from liberal ideology).

The damning influence of liberalism is present everywhere in American society. Corporations are allowed to perform immensely illegal and corrupt actions off the myth of propertarianism. Individuals are constantly pressured to embrace the values of the early humanist ideal (rationality, success, and submission in labor). The government constantly exercises absurd amounts of power, being defended as "defending the people from themselves" (a common classical-liberal alibi). So, the people are resigned to passive, subjugated conditions, utterly helpless to act out due to state pressures and myths of corporate personhood, and simultaneously barraged by near-impossible ideals which bring shame if not met.

It probably would have been better if America had started as just another naturally-occurring monarchy, because that would allow some ideological flexibility in the future. But instead, we are founded by ideology, and the people are raised in a death-cult, worshiping the Constitution as the state slaughters them.

tldr; America is stuck in the outdate theories of 18th century pseuds, and the people suffer.

>> No.14657770

I'm only all too aware of that, it's the point I was trying to make.

>> No.14657783

The existence of welfare queens is evidence enough

>> No.14657792

mental illness is being diagnosed more frequently and the stigma behind a lot of that shit still lingers. also, anyone who says they advocate for mental health needs to be put in a room with someone bipolar. god bless kim kardashian for being able to tolerate our lord genius billionaire kanye west

>> No.14657795

>dopted some degrees of autocracy or socialism, America stands alone in its cult-like devotion to liberalism. Therefore, the ideals of liberalism (laissez-faire, individualism, a protective state that "defends rights") are enshrined in American society to the point of being unquestionable
Did you miss that entire Civil Rights thing? They trampled all over individual liberal rights in the name of 'ending oppression' and similar memes

>> No.14657824

fall of Bretton Woods system

>> No.14657899
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If they were fascist they would be somewhat worthy of respect, instead they just larp and basely appropriate certain racialist aspects of Nazisim in order to justify their unhealthy obsession with blacks. Ergo the 'quasi'.

>> No.14657915

It's the only thing that matters

>> No.14657930

the welfare state is a symptom of individualism, retard. In any other country, these people would be supported by their families or communities, but individualism means there's no community to help them so the government must. In a completely tribalist, community-oriented society there would be no government welfare because the burden of supporting burdensome individuals is handled at the community-level.

>> No.14657938

Embrace natsoc ideology

>> No.14657956

Stems from original contradictions in the enlightenment philosophies that the state was founded on. Both are predictable consequences.

>> No.14657969

Lmao the retarded Jamal tribes follow your faggot system. Proto Indo Euros outgrew faggotry 40000 years ago.

>> No.14658180
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>> No.14658345

They just have different risk which they act to mitigate, the risk of revolutionaries overthrowing them, for example

>> No.14658460

>the welfare state is a symptom of individualism
Imagine believing this.

>> No.14658470
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>> No.14658754

>technology means your boss can contact you at any time and you can be bothered to supplement work previously restricted to the office at home via computers
>wages have stagnated for forty years and don't keep up with inflation
>new college grads entering the workforce are lucky to make enough to afford a room in a town house with 5 other people without putting anything away in savings or ever dreaming of paying off predatory student loans
>shrinking middle class
>for profit healthcare that severely restricts access to medications and basic care necessary for life
>growing disparity in wealth among rich and poor
>systematic attack on science and intellectualism to undermine serious environmental and ecological issues that will impact the entire world to further line the pockets of CEOs who hoard wealth in tax havens
>retarded white nationalists blaming these problems on poorfag minorities instead of the socioeconomic elite
>Citizens United and super PACs mean that nothing will ever be done to remedy any of the above barring total economic collapse and/or overthrowing the government

gee, i wonder

>> No.14658827

protestant hypocrisy =/= religiousness

>> No.14658884


>> No.14658916
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Imagine raking in all those suicide bucks

>> No.14658922

It literally is over for him though. You are only hurting him by saying otherwise. He's better off accepting his lot in life and using it to pursue other, potentially higher avenues. Nothing good is going to come from him stressing over women and sex.

>> No.14658928

I'm not well read, but it's probably anti-depressants.

>> No.14658931

this literally doesn't matter because we have immigration to make up for the declining population

>> No.14658949

America really is nu-Rome.

>> No.14658965

Why does everyone think declining population is a bad thing? Why do you think wages are stagnant and house prices are so high?
This obsession with pushing GDP at the expense of the average working person is insane.

>> No.14659001

There's a marketplace with no society. The Market claims it can sell you society through self-congratulating media and baubles but there's not enough Product in the world to plug the god-shaped hole. The markets need to be collapse or be replaced for past, myth, reality, life, love, future, destiny and so on and so forth to be unleashed again into the world and give people their lives back. No war, famine, plague, poverty, child mortality, etc. has done what managed market societies have to the lives of human beings.

>> No.14659013

>hurhur I'm signaling on the side of billionaires that wouldn't piss on me if I were on fire
>I'm smart and not just an accounting error to them
>see how above it all and realpolitik I am

>> No.14659032

The economy should be destroyed. Wreck and obstruct whenever possible. You should have your bank account and savings vanish like the smoke and mirrors they are. Die in Malthusian correction, you pig.

>> No.14659068

Billionaires want more immigrants, you fucking moron. It depresses wages and gives them more people to saddle with debt.

>> No.14659114

Because the discourse has been hijacked. Declining populations in developed countries are nature's way of stabilizing shit, but low populations mean less productivity and lower bottom lines so companies lobby for governments to import immigrants to keep wages low and productivity high using them as barely better than slave labor

>> No.14659153

Is it cancerous or vampiric?
based tedposter

>> No.14659349

Most Americans are complicit because of the "American Dream." The idea that any schmuck with enough gusto can be the most successful person if they just have enough x or have y is the part of the problem.

The idea of success in America is so fucking skewed because it isn't about happiness but rather the 'things' one can acquire. I have had people make literal arguments about Machine Gun Kelly being a successful parent because he can buy his kid a balenciaga bag. Obviously the ability to provide things to a child is a good qualifier for successful parenting but the value placed on material excess like designer products does not make for a good parent.

We are just trained to consoom and side-eye those who don't want 'nice things' as being weirdos.

With hollywood, its the exploitation of basic psychology. Of course we would rather see ridiculously attractive people in our films. However people want to nonetheless see themselves represented in media. This allows the 'forced diversity' that the right bickers about and the left perpetuates. In the music industry Adelle was hyped up similarly to the way Lizzo is now.
>OH mY gOd tHeY aRe sO UglY bUt tHeY hAvE tAlent or whatever so it just feeds into the idea that "anyone can make it" despite them just fulfilling a cultural niche to empower those who aren't conventionally attractive.
This is veiled in a false ideal of empowerment when in reality they perpetuate the futile 'you too can be successful even if your're uggo :)'

This brings us to why is someone like Lizzo a perfectly exploitable niche for this American dream. She's subject to the same abhorrent diet most Americans are accustomed to, but rather than attempt to change her lifestyle or god forbid her diet alone, she's perfect the the way she is. It absolves us of our sin, re-affirming our individuality and silencing potential critics of our own existence. She's ugly but because she could make 'music real good' just continues to nurture the idea that even if you're not attractive you can still obtain wealth and by proxy expensive products.
>oh what you hate her because you're a body shamer
>you hate her because she's black
>you can be healthy at any size
>you're mad that you can't have the things as nice as she has
This just fosters the guilt complex the left wants to perpetuate and feeds into the right's need to affirm your successfulness in material possession.

A culture of consumption and individuality has uprooted a moral fabric for the sake of their presence and accessibility on social media.

I'm not saying we need to all go to church to have a good societal fabric, but goddamn is the consumeristic nihilism so draining.
God is dead and Lizzo crushed him.

>> No.14659448

Fpbp /thread

>> No.14659625

I don't feel strange
I don't feel anything

>> No.14659771

too much internet
lack of physical contact with other human beings

>> No.14659776

nailed it

>> No.14659807

soon to be 100%

>> No.14659825

This is a good post. Thank you.

>> No.14660097

You should also include that the "American Dream" is a lie. The ones that achieve it are few and many of those that do achieve it were upper middle class to begin with.
That is why I think the pop American left is si shitty; their focus is always on African-American representation, Latino representation, sexism or whatever conflict they want to talk about. And it is not that they are nonexistant problems, but they are certainly not as relevant as, say, 30 years ago. It is also changing: communities that are "not represented" today will be in 100 years, as it has always happened.
But then people ignore that the biggest flaw in the American Dream is not that we need more women or more black people, but that poor people are often being told that they can make it if they work hard or "work smart". Yeah, tell that BS to someone else. Let me compete and compete endlessly with the 15 bucks in my pocket and the half-assed education I had to teach myself; certainly you're there because you deserve it.

There's also a lack of meaning. The way society has been built in America makes it so that each individual has its focus in "great things", which leads to burnout. It's funny to see all those hard-working people giving their all just to realize that all their goals were somewhat meaningless. Sadly, we are bound by our biology, and we will have to put the ideas of family before everything else unless we want a future of suicide-bound individuals.

>> No.14660209

have sex incel

>> No.14660223

Bread and circuses in a state of ignorance will erode your soul.

>> No.14660418

I say we encourage it more but only in America

>> No.14660620

Every single post in this thread:
>suicide rates are driven by the societal factors that I disagree with!
Sorry, that's wrong, no matter which pet cause you chose. The increase in suicide rates is statistically insignificant to begin with, is incredibly inaccurate in reporting (did Prince and Michael Jackson commit suicide? Of course not, they are rich, and people only commit suicide because of some idea of economic imbalance and hopelessness. Did Skyler in West Virginia who take the same dose as Jacko commit suicide? Of course, that supports my position). Even if the reporting was accurate, any number of small factors could be a cause, not some systematic societal breakdown. Everyone in this thread is a moron (except me).

>> No.14660741

Lots of good would come from learning to sex woman up or at least interact with them on some level beyond awkward senselessness. What >>14653240 should do is hire a professional for a night just like ever other man in his position have done since time immemorial.

>> No.14660968


>> No.14660974 [DELETED] 
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you faggots are so obsessed it's wild

>> No.14661048

Wageslaving seems even less acceptable now that the internet exists

>> No.14661081

Its like, why work hard for peanuts when there is such a thing as a twitch thot

>> No.14662183

>muh gdp
Good goy

>> No.14662227


>> No.14662314
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Mankind did not heed the warnings spread in the past; this is our punishment, and it is justified. Give your life to God, who loves you and waits for you to let Him into your heart; accept His love and wisdom, for He will show Himself to be within you; love and assist those around you. Without these principles, you will find no comfort in living. If you are reading this and you are suffering, let Him in today, for He will be your savior.

>> No.14663172

we need to plunge humanity back into the ages. Can't think about suicide you're too busy surviving

>> No.14663178

this but actually really the opposite of this cuz this is fucking lame

>> No.14663191

The internet has allowed us all to actually see evidence of all the corruption and lies surrounding us and shattered the formerly held belief that anyone could "make it". There's literally not much to keep us going considering were all in debt, there's no way to actually get outside of a government system, and we are veritably trapped.

Also the media constantly spews negativity in every aspect of our lives, including constantly claiming that it's too late to fix global warming.

In light of this apparent reality, there's really no point in living. Shouldnt come as a surprise that people are opting out.

>> No.14663212

you think evangelics arent protestants, only Luther can show you the way.

>> No.14663231

i don't see how legalization and technological limitations can really stop anyone truly suicidal

>> No.14663541

And yet, the zeitgeist is that it's still the fault of these people, and that they sould just "make" themself feel happy: either by getting out of the rut, or coping with whatever hobbies / distractions they can afford, or just "choosing" to be happy.

>> No.14663700

We abandoned the gold standard.

>> No.14663783

I think the compensation required is more than just material wealth. Sure people need enough money to put food on the table. However that only goes so far.