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/lit/ - Literature

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14650310 No.14650310 [Reply] [Original]

Can we have a civil discussion about the works, what you enjoyed/didn’t. And what you’d like to see in the next edition.

>> No.14650325

In the next edition I want to see overwrought characters and loose flowing prose that does not allow itself to be suffocated by the precise rules of punctuation.
I'm totally not saying this because I submitted something like that honest

>> No.14650330

Packed to the gills with poorly edited, poorly thought out garbage. Did you even reject anything?

>> No.14650340

something of yours, judging from the salt of this post.

>> No.14650355

Nah, this rag was really an embarassment to its creators and to lit in general. It's clearly made solely for the audience of people reprinted in this slipshod zine. No regard for me, someone who wants to see some cool, beautiful, or at least interesting writing. Just being straight with you.

>> No.14650359

Alright, I didn't read the last one. Maybe as the series continues OP will get a little more harsh on the entries.

>> No.14650368

shout out to that anon who reviewed my poem a couple threads back

>> No.14650379

The poetry section from my middle school year book (it's all from the weird, ugly damaged girls that eventually dropped out of HS) is more interesting to a lit audience. Idk what happened here.

>> No.14650385

Any time baby

>> No.14650412

>tfw some anon hated my short story
oh well

>> No.14650438

I mean to provide a subjective review of each work in the Quarterly. I am two stories and a bus ride away from providing these reviews.

I will say this until then: the standard of writing and poetry crafting is good. I cannot say there is anything that displeased the mind or eye in an atrocious way.

>> No.14650443

At least he read it, which is more than you can say for the faggot lit magazine editors who stop reading at paragraph 3 because you missed a single comma, even though it was intentional to make the text flow better.

>> No.14650526


I'm looking forward to it anon, be swift.

>> No.14650553

this was my thought exactly when i got it in the mail. thing is jam-packed and i haven't even read a single thing because i flipped through and skimmed an "essay" where a guy was sperging out about /pol/ ruining 4chan.

>> No.14650558

>It's all written as one guy
you're a very creative person, it's an incredible thing to pull off

>> No.14650564

Huh? You were probably rejected because it was bad.

>> No.14650576

>/pol/ ruining 4chan.
That's true though.

>> No.14650584

No one is this diversely bad.

College freshman detected. The critique threads even have better content. I guess it takes a certain type to submit to a zine and a certain type of editor to print it all without editing. Dunning–Kruger maybe idk who cares. It's not even so bad it's good, unless you have extremely subtle tastes in schadenfreud.

>> No.14650598

Post the number of stories you've had published and the number of feedback emails you've received before opening your fetid maw.

>> No.14650604

Lol I hope you speak like this irl too. I write the fucking feedback emails =^)

>> No.14650613

maybe if you're a faggot.

>> No.14650614

So much for civil discussion.

>> No.14650617

Nice dubs.

I'd argue that the poetry section is really good compared to the fiction where it kinda drops off.

>> No.14650683

So much for reviving the /lit/ zine culture.

>> No.14650694

It has been four years since I completed my university degrees, so your presumption is wrong. Just as your presumption is wrong about the absence of editing in this publication.

I will try anon. Do let me know if you authored a particular piece. It would be nice to have an author-provided retort. Who knows what one may miss or for what reason a decision was taken on a certain sentence within the work.

>> No.14650704

So what arrested your development?

What kind of editing did you do? I'm actually curious how cutthroat you are...

>> No.14650723

Not the anon you replied to but I have a poem in the Quarterly and would love to hear you analyze it as we put a lot of thought into the edits and the lines that went in. I won't say which one, but just do em all.

>> No.14650759

Tbh I just published whatever my bf edited them into, man. Post it here and see what people say.

>> No.14650882

are you a literal fag?

>> No.14650889

Did you not read the zine?

>> No.14651036

i liked countdown to harvest

>> No.14651041


>> No.14651067


>> No.14651107

leave it to /lit/ to project their insecurities as writers onto eviscerating a sincere attempt to further emerging writers and foster a constructive outlet for online writing.
editor, i do think you should at least hire a copyreader on fiverr if you cant handle fixing punctuation and typos — it is an embarrassment to publish pieces with poor grammar (and, if its for the purpose of “experimentation” or style, the editor should critically determine if it works or not; because when it works you dont notice it, and when it doesnt, it’s painfully clear)
i hope that the editor will continue to put out the quarterly, but perhaps include more people/confidants on the review process, so that the quality of work moves toward across-the-board acceptable. maybe then less of the board will be spitting vitriol.
in any case, good on you for your dedication

>> No.14651116

This was not a sincere effort.

>> No.14651131

s-sorry, i won't like anything again

>> No.14651140


Weve got a big guy over here lads

>> No.14651151

I just have to say this: fuck the haters. The works are good and, for me, far above most published drivel out there.
Im gonna read some more right now frens.

>> No.14651161

is the pdf ready yet, editor anon?

>> No.14651179
File: 406 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20200202-193644_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Getting comfied up

>> No.14651277

sweet ikea nest, bro

>> No.14651293

Extreme cringe hly shit

>> No.14651294

Perhaps someone could do an oldfashioned scanjob?

>> No.14651364


Nah not ikea, kraut kraftwerk


Cringe negative nancy

>> No.14651368


Cover has a nice subtle 3d effect

>> No.14651435


Thanks for reading it! I worked hard on it but it was fun to write.

>> No.14651444
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Heightening comfy levels.

>> No.14651470

Cheaper ikea... ooooof

>> No.14651490

Writer of Charles Friend from the first edition here. Haven't posted in a while. How's the second ed.?

>> No.14651509




So ... he got vaccines and now got autism? Liked it

>> No.14651531


checked for comfy

>> No.14651546
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>> No.14651574

Who the fuck would go out of their way to shit on a labor of love?
The guy obviously got rejected from a previous issue.

>> No.14651580

nah, probably just cynical anons. don't take it to heart

>> No.14651598
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I won't haha

>> No.14651614

Write those reviews on Amazon boyos

>> No.14651618
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Guys reddit is making fun of us

>> No.14651624

reddit? more like redant

>> No.14651657

It’s not about how /pol/ is ruining 4chan, you absolute mongrel.

It’s about the amorphous use of language, how shifting terms foster new thoughtforms under comforting or familiar guise, how people assemble ideology of flotsam, and the chans’/net culture’s place in the shifting linguistic landscape. You fool. You absolute buffoon.

Hope you don’t pick up any more so someone else with reading comprehension can pick up a copy in your wasted place.

>> No.14651680
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>> No.14651729

also /pol/ is ruining 4chan

>> No.14651733

I love all anons in this thread, including the haters and losers. Thank you all!

>> No.14651772

fuck you

>> No.14651778

Sperg-tastic post, truly.

>> No.14651822
File: 134 KB, 768x1180, artaud oldie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this seething incel so intent on convincing everyone the Quarterly is trash? Looks so pathetic and sad. It seems like a genuine type of displacement in freudian terms. Here we have a bunch of contributors from a literature board coming together to put together a collection of good work and make a magazine for not only the board but other people interested as well. Seems like some people can't stand other people enjoying themselves.

>> No.14651869

Call your bitch, she needs to drain my nuts

>> No.14652088

I'm in the middle of reading this one right now, had to put it down as the schizo level is off the charts. It does make me curious how much the addition of color contributes to the cost of printing.

>> No.14652124

>had to put it down
yeah i took a break too. the length and information overload is good though i think, the style fits the content well

>> No.14652134

damn im jelly I didn't get one
I hope theres a digital release

>> No.14652145

Still waiting on my pdf request but I'm looking forward to reading it. I'll admit I'm only interested in the poetry. The first poem from issue 1 was really good, it's exactly the kind of thing I like. Hoping for more.

I think the editor said he'd want to set up a website before hosting a download link. Until then you can ask for it via email.

>> No.14652176


>> No.14652223

I have no arrested development. I work for the Irish government in two languages. Please re-read my comment; I specifically said that my view is subjective. To be clear, I have no editorial experience. My judgment is based on the books I have read. My excellent, yet, Hiberno-English styled use of language, is not inferior. >>14650723
I will, good anon. I an on my bus
. I am quite drunk. I must sober up. I hope to be sober by the time I reach my place

>> No.14652286

>works in the irish government
>not developmentally challenged

You'd be the only one lad

>> No.14652315

More poetry, especially free verse, and having separate sections for poetry and prose. A lot of prose this time was pretty purple; I’m mobile at the moment but will go into detail later.

>> No.14652356



>> No.14652357

Just curious but what are your opinions on profanity?
I have been rejected multiple times on the grounds that 'people don't talk like that', but in any of the (office) jobs I've worked people do constantly use profanity...

>> No.14652381

Eh, you win some you lose some. It was about a 50/50 chance this would devolve into petty namecalling or actually provide good insight. As it is, you shouldn't be discouraged; it seems most people like the quarterly based on the number of people posting about it. There's always going to be faggots that hate things everybody likes.

>> No.14652413

>purple prose
such a spook

>> No.14652440

Stop using a trip. You look like an absolute faggot. You have to earn a trip via your interactions when someone gives you a name.

>> No.14652441

>Prefers free verse poetry to purple prose
You know this is a literature board, right?

>> No.14652450
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>You have to earn a trip via your interactions when someone gives you a name.
I don't have to earn shit. It's as simple as a name, hashtag and a password you dip.

>> No.14652518

your name is drain because thats where all your stories end up bitc

>> No.14652560


>> No.14652567


What were some of the poor editing choices or missed grammatical/typographical errors? I made a change to the foreword shortly before printing and the printer added a stray quotation mark. Other than that, help me out. What are some errors?

If you "skim" a piece of writing, you're likely to miss the point. If the conclusion you drew from the essay is "/pol/ is ruining 4chan," you missed the point.


It's refreshing to get some harsh criticism. It's just shame it is so transparently petty. I'm looking for constructive criticism to make the project better.

>> No.14652599

Let’s not have a continual lit quarterly thread

>> No.14652615

Shut up.

>> No.14652670

People are still just getting theirs. It’s fine, or would be fine if there were discussion of the works.

>> No.14652672

Sorry your 10th guenon thread got knocked off

>> No.14652679

Yeah you're right, lets make space for the constant 'what is your opinion on X book I havent read' and 'Houlebekek called me an incel' threads.

>> No.14652737

Before I begin, I must state with absolute honesty that I am quite drunk. As I read these contributions to the publication, I had started to my drink. This was around three o'clock. Unfortunately, the last three contributions to the Quarterly, I did not review correctly. You see, as I drank more pints, it became harder to read; and people spoke to me. They asked about the publication, which I gave them answers to. In response to them, they bought me more pints!

Howbeit, I shall endeavor to review a few essays here. The reviews of others will likely follow tomorrow. I am sure ye will forgive me for my inability to review all, because of my drunkenness.

Actually, I trust tried to review the submissions. Sleep is more important. Tomorrow, past six, I will give ye my reviews. Until then, sleep well.

>> No.14652747

thanks for the blue balls fine gael gobshite

>> No.14652908

How fucking date you.

>> No.14653211


>> No.14653323

love you, brave soldier
sleep soundly, I look forward to your thoughts

>> No.14654870


Yea thanks for nothing. Anglos did nothing wrong

>> No.14654882

Would you mind getting an emailed critique at the lit quarterly email? I'm in the middle of proofreading a novel for a friend. As a result, I'm taking my time with the mag and want to only provide feedback when I've collected my thoughts.

>> No.14655159

A day without me: hyper enquiry.

I found this article ok, especially in the beginning and certainly hitting the right notes. The points on individualism and globalism and consoomer culture are of kindred spirit. Sadly it shows the usual biases that cause false or partial reasoning, which, as a part of all leftist logic, will ultimately and consistently spell failure. The fault with the reasoning I mainly deduct to stem from limited knowledge and information, as the author, it seems, is ironically fed by one of the tendrils of the globohomo-genous beast system he so fervently despises.

Sent by my iphone

>> No.14655264

Damned machine is very very good.
Discarded machine is very good.

Hope for more machine stories

>> No.14655474

I like the the manlet waiter from Edge

>> No.14655479

How much profit does one gets from submitting a piece?

>> No.14655481

>writing underground literature with profit in mind
I too am of Jewish ethnicity. shalom

>> No.14655591

Use normal words goddamnit

>> No.14655605

Here is one which I wrote during my break:
Controlled Faith: Considering my own cultural background, this theme is generally know to me, but not in a Bible Belt setting. Therefore, there is novelty in it; Evangelical Protestants awash with contradictions. Sinners all, except the child. The prose was pleasing and you generally conveyed the story well - though I cannot imagine adolescent American girls using 'frivolous' in their Ouija boardside chats. Be sure to use dialogue more true to the character. A stronger reasoning for Warren's concluding action would have been welcomed. I could not tell if he had gone into a carnal relationship with Anthony with consent or without. It seemed they had a deeper relationship. Moreover, Warren feeling neglected by Anthony and then raping his son is not realistic. I know this is only a short story, but a greater development of Warren's reasoning would have been better. It seemed more like a conclusion a /pol/ack would write: fag rapes child.

To sum up: a seemingly common theme, interesting setting, pleasing prose, weak conclusions. 6 out 10

>> No.14655608

Yes, my apologies. To be clear, I am not a Blueshirt bastard

>> No.14655611

'known to me

Fuck phones.

>> No.14655634


Why. The prose is relevant. Go read the essay habibj

>> No.14655642

We're on a literature board you microencephalic simpleton.

>> No.14655785

thanks anon

>> No.14655827

Is this worth copping? I'm a brainlet and want to read more so I've been lurking but this looks like a big circlejerk

>> No.14655846

literature has always been a circlejerk, its only very recently that plebs began reading. One could argue that was the beginning of the end...

>> No.14655900

>looks like a circlejerk
you said it, you're a brainlet who doesn't read

>> No.14655908


Its unironically fun to read, but outside of canada and the usa you will be paying through your asshole due to shipping costs.

>> No.14655977

Definitely. Send away when you've finished reading it.
Selected short fiction and non-fiction are paid $150 (CAD)
Flash fiction is $100 (CAD)
Poetry is $75 (CAD)
Fair points. Which part of it, in your opinion, reveals an undue influence from the "tendrils" of the system?
$19 CAD all-in for anything outside Canada and USA. Otherwise roughly $14 CAD.
It's good fun and supports a well-intentioned project. But if the money is an issue, email me and I'll ship you one.

>> No.14656021

Where can I buy copies of Vol 1 and 2?

>> No.14656026

Editor if you haven't already you should set up a genuine subscription service where I give you my address and you mail me issues and bill me automatically.

An email newsletter would be a good addition too, alerting about submission deadlines and etc.

>> No.14656029

Vol2 is available by searching 'the lit quarterly' on amazon.com or amazon.ca. Vol1 is out of hard copies at the moment but in the process of ordering 50 more.
If you're outside US or Canada, email litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14656034

I briefly looked into that. I'm still fumblefucking my way through setting up a simple website. I'm hoping that once that's set-up, I'll be able to set up some notification subscription or something more efficient than regular email.

>> No.14656054

How is the selection process run? Also, you should make a simple website to host some stories to get more people onboard and maybe in the future process subscriptions like >>14656026
It seems like wank to me personally but I don't begrudge you all for enjoying it.

>> No.14656064

No worries anon. I've set up websites before for a small business I used to run, it's pretty easy if you're willing to fork out for a full service host like Squarespace.

Once you've got a website to serve as a hub you can put up deadlines, submission policies, news and events for special editions etc. so that's a good way to grow the project. You definitely want to get people subscribing, so growing a subscription base on /lit/ and then the wider 4chan community is probably a starting point. It'll take a bit of shilling but a rotating board-specific section for outside-/lit/ content that celebrates the diversity of experiences we've got on 4chan would be neat.

Once it's a respectable 4chan-centric publication with some high quality esoteric shit in it that's when you start marketing it's underground charm to normies and academics.

>> No.14656075

I feel like there may be some disagreement from those who wish to see the journal stand as a literary product and distance itself from the chans

>> No.14656100

Sure, but then what's the selling point?

The journal's only selling point at the moment is that it's by 4chan - and, by extension, even if not explicitly so, just as a result of shared experiences and the similarities between the posters here, /for/ 4chan. If you were some random dude trying to flog any other lit journal and just stumbled onto 4chan to shill it nobody would care.

Obviously you can't lean into it being "the 4chan journal" because that turns posters off, as you deduced. People here want to read a (high quality, good production values, tasteful, intelligent etc.) 4chan journal but without feeling like they're reading a 4chan journal, so that's what you sell them: a "respectable" journal with no overt references to 4chan shit in it, but nevertheless happily defined by it's origin. For example, running a section in each issue or special issues or whatever seeking submissions from other boards is an idea that basically mirrors those old "go to /x/ and bring something back" threads we used to have ages ago.

4chan journal definitely doesn't mean about 4chan, though. More than anything it means about 4channers. Because of where you're sourcing your submissions from the journal could only ever have been that anyway.

Anyway, that's all just off the top of my head if you wanted to commercialise it. It's fine as it is as a passion project but I'm just business minded I guess.

>> No.14656102

Each edition only has one or two works that show a noticeable sympathy or relationship to 4chan. There is no official connection.
Sort of working on that, it's just a slow process. Part of it, too, will be readers and contributors using word-of-mouth to their IRL friends too.

>> No.14656119

Sounds like you've got a plan then. Let me know if you want any outside investment, I could pony up a few hundred ausbucks and do some proofing or website design. It's an interesting project even if it doesn't go anywhere.

Only problem would be if the mods decide it's shilling because there's money involved.

>> No.14656177

I've been worried about that the whole time. I think they've been very considerate to let the last two or three threads stay up. If they begin to reconsider, it's just more reason to get the site set up quicker.

>> No.14656205


>Which part of it, in your opinion, reveals an undue influence from the "tendrils" of the system?

Well a main point is a general alarm on a perceived unfolding environmental catastrophe that is seemingly being ignored, a view that in my opinion is deliberately constructed by global media in ways of "greta thurnbergs" and selective scientific discussion and manufactured scientific consensus.
That these extremely ambitous plans are spearheaded by Global corporations, the UN and the EU, and near all of major global media outlets curiously doesnt seem to be a concern for the author.

>> No.14656233


That's the one I was thinking of too. Slipped through the sieve for causes with suspiciously high globalist support.

>> No.14656363

Correct analysis. Brits are trouble.

>> No.14656550


Author here. Thanks for reading it!

I explain early on that they are reading Grapes of Wrath which has the word 'frivolous' in it a few times. Was trying to connect and show how what they read was influencing their vocabulary in t he same way The Bible influenced the vocabulary of the adults. Should have made it more concrete probably.

Warren and Anthony's relationship was priest/altar boy in nature. Meaning, like I explain, he was groomed into it. It's all Warren knows. Again, perhaps something I should have made it a tad more concrete.

Lastly...I'm not going to comment on the ending because some believe he's raped and others believe he's killed. I like that ambiguity.

But anyway, I appreciate you taking the time to read it. Don't mind me...death of the author and all.

>> No.14656594


Hey anon i liked the story i liked the sad mum the best, was written well

>> No.14656667

more obtuse syntax and vocabulary does not equal smarter, or better at communicating a point
Many of the best orators use simple language

>> No.14656683

Trust a yank to see globalist spooks where there aren't any. Pretending blatant scientific fact is untrue just because it's being weaponised by your political rivals is pathetic. I wrote that piece and I believe a transition to a society with more emphasis on local economic ecosystems of manufacturing, agriculture and trade rather than global solutions imposed by the very system that created the problem is the only realistic approach to tackling climate change.

>> No.14656690

Literature is as much about style as it is about content, if not more. Fuck off pleb nobody cares what your gay little TED talk said

>> No.14656720

Ironically proving my point by using simple and direct language to communicate your point as effectively as possible? It's almost as if people only write like that when they want to be circlejerked. Comments on a Siamese scrimshaw symposium do not (in themselves) equal literature.

>> No.14656730

What do you know about literature, you swelling pus-filled cockhead?
You couldn't even comprehend a simple paragraph.

>> No.14656771


>Pretending blatant scientific fact is untrue just because it's being weaponised by your political rivals is pathetic

Fact because media told you so?
Why, do tell me you also studied the solar cycles and current weakening and shifting of earth's magnetic field - in line with the electrical universe theory?
Im no climate scientist, but I do get awfully suspicous when billionaires start promoting shit.
When the only solution to climate change is globalist UN control over migration, industry, travel and food production id rather risk a warmer climate.

>a transition to a society with more emphasis on local economic ecosystems of manufacturing, agriculture and trade rather than global solutions imposed by the very system that created the problem


>> No.14656779


Try a lexicon, TEDboy

>> No.14656780

I sat down with this last night while watching the super bowl and I've really enjoyed everything so far. Really proud of everyone involved.

>> No.14656786

global warming is a hoax and only retards believe otherwise

>> No.14656819


Thanks <3

I always get worried when I write a female character. I appreciate you reading it and for the feedback.

>> No.14656889


She knew her husband was fucking boys right?

>> No.14656915


Depends on what your definition of 'knew' is.

>> No.14656931

depends on your definition of 'fucking boys'

>> No.14656950

Thunder's Revolt: I enjoyed your writing. The descriptions were pleasant to read and vivid in my mind. Moreover, the concluding remarks on the position of thunder in modern society was an interesting perspective. Well phrased. A good short piece. 8 out of 10.

Swallow: You, sir, made me fearful of my own swallowing capabilities at the end of the story. I was engrossed while reading it. I wanted to find out the cause of the problem. Therefore, you can take that as a sign of good writing. At the story's conclusion, however, I was not certain what point you wanted to get across. I would appreciate to read your intended meaning.

I shall continue reviewing in a while. I must tend to my hangover.


>I explain early on that they are reading Grapes of Wrath which has the word 'frivolous' in it a few times. Was trying to connect and show how what they read was influencing their vocabulary in t he same way The Bible influenced the vocabulary of the adults. Should have made it more concrete probably.

I had a slight suspicion that this was what you had intended.

>Lastly...I'm not going to comment on the ending because some believe he's raped and others believe he's killed. I like that ambiguity.

Yes, it does vex me not knowing though! Curse you! All the same, I look forward to your future submissions.

>> No.14657027

I studied environmental sciences, only a BSc but still more than the average climate denialist pundit. Yes, we took into account solar activity and Milankovich forcing etc.; variation in solar activity in the post-industrial period has added radiation to the Earth's surface to the effect of about 0.05 Watts per square metre. The additional radiation due to known human sources in that same period is over 2 Watts per square metre, overtaking the effects of solar activity at around the 1980s.

It's true that we still have a lot to learn about the details of how medium-term variations in the Earth's magnetic field interact with other factors and the effect that produces on the climate- for example interaction between solar radiation and the ionosphere, and then clouds below. However, the current weakening of the magnetic field is ordinary for the process of magnetic pole reversal that is observed to happen all the time throughout Earth's history and the fossil, glacial, and ocean sediment records show no change in response to these events that would be expected if this geomagnetic force had produced an effect on the Earth's climate at or around those times. In fact, a quick search of research from the years since I graduated suggests that magentic weakening is associated with global temperatures DECREASING if anything: https://www.nature.com/articles/srep40682#ref21

The biggest danger re: greenhouse effect isn't CO2 emissions in itself, it's the feedback loop CO2 emissions are threatening to create by having just enough of an effect on temperature to release methane from the Arctic permafrost, where methane has a logarithmic effect on the atmosphere far greater than the effects of CO2.

>> No.14657119


Liking these reviews good anon keep them coming

>> No.14657122

>It's true that we still have a lot to learn about the details of how medium-term variations in the Earth's magnetic field interact with other factors and the effect that produces on the climate
This is such a jejune response. You talk about interactions as if it was just one more analysis to be performed, yet every other scientific field readily admits systems at this scale with this many moving parts are impossible to predict.

If we don't even have the technology to figure out what the market is doing when it deals with infinitesimally smaller numbers of variables that we have perfect access to, I'm not going to believe for one second that climate grifters have a clue about jack. The math isn't there and they're all fucking liars.

And that's even talking about prediction, let alone the causal effect of large scale human action on it. The whole thing is a dog and pony show and I hope Greta gets spitroasted in the next Saturn worship ceremony on Epstein Island.

>> No.14657142
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Not a single review of my poem yet. In the last 3-5 threads that I've been lurking of this edition of the Quarterly, not once.

>> No.14657146


>suggests that magentic weakening is associated with global temperatures DECREASING

So what are you afraid of.

>> No.14657152


I share your pain anon

>> No.14657155


Well sorry im not a poemist but for what its worth i didnt get a review either (its too high IQ anyway) but im not a little snivveling little cunt about it

>> No.14657169

I just wish to expel my frustration some way. Not trying to be a drag about it, its just disappointing. Thought all the threads would be crazy with "OMG THIS POEM IS WALT WHITMAN LEVEL, THE NEXT WHITMAN CONTRIBUTED TO THE QUARTERLY POETRY IS ALIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Seriously though, these were my expectations. Albeit, I enjoyed the last quarterly a bit more, don't know why. The quality has improved but their were some nice gems there.

>> No.14657184

The global average temperature is observably increasing. Therefore, global warming is outpacing any temperature decrease caused by magnetic weakening.

>> No.14657187

wow, I got a review and think you should lighten up. people excited to be seen a little bit.

>> No.14657193

don't worry waltie, maybe you'll get the recognition you deserve when the pdf comes out, or after your death.
me? not into poetry since i'm heterosexual, so i can't really give reviews on it

>> No.14657198


How do you know the main cooling already began sweetie?

>> No.14657199

I'd rather read poetry than listen to this HOW DARE YOU poster scramble together random incoherent facts and pretend he's made a biting rebuttal.

>> No.14657201

How do I submit to this? I have some work. It's a bit weird but I'd like to submit it.

>> No.14657204

litquarterly at gaymail

>> No.14657217

You're letting your fear of a teenage child mouthpiece for political aims you don't like cloud your judgement and spouting absurd dogmas rather than knuckle down and actually do some intellectual legwork to figure out a policy response. Saying we should do nothing in relation to the climate because we don't understand every mechanism 100% is like saying we shouldn't treat any disease or medical condition ever unless we understand how life occurs and what it's made up of even if we've already observed how the organs function and how they respond to a given medication. It's pathetic. We know enough about the climate system to make short-term forecasts and make considered decisions about what to do next. If our knowledge of how the climate system works changes then we can change trajectory as appropriate. Everything we know tells us there is a problem and it needs to be addressed. You can argue about what is the right way to address it in relations to politics, ethics, philosophy etc., e.g. "Is it right to enforce top-down changes telling individuals what they can and can't do if it prolongs the status quo", "Should we be more protectionist or more liberal when it comes to massive displacement and migration of equatorial peoples in the event of major warming" etc. but don't tie yourself up in knots doing mental gymnastics to avoid admitting you're wrong about something that is self-evident to anyone who investigates except literal baby-brained solipsists.

>> No.14657218


Submit it here give the boys a preview.

>> No.14657225

This may shock you anon, but as well as too much of a good thing, too little of a good thing is also bad.

>> No.14657226

Has anyone read the w*mans piece yet

>> No.14657235
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>spouting absurd dogmas
I said we don't have the math of the ability to predict. That isn't dogma.
Saying we know for certain global warming is real and forcing a 'scientific consensus' artificially is the very definition of dogma.

>> No.14657243


She has two pieces and they're pretty good. In the prior threads we had some folks complaining that a female was even published in the journal which is probably the most ridiculous criticism I've seen about the journal so far. Albeit, extremely hypocritical.

>> No.14657246
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blessed thread

>> No.14657253

warning do not read this redpill:
every contributor is actually a woman

>> No.14657264


Contributor here can confirm, soon as the first copy got printed KMD forced me to undergo HRT

>> No.14657278


There is no problem stop your doomporn please. The only solution to your problem is global communism or mass genocide so id rather live a bit warmer if what you say is hypothetically correct.
Also if youre open minded you can take a look at suspicious observers on youtube its one of the biggest alternative (to co2 doom) climate channels, but theres already talk of banning them for dissident science or some dystopian shit.

>> No.14657283


I just have a feminine (read; small) penis

>> No.14657290

Nag bruh you prolly just wrote trite shit

>> No.14657321


>Should we be more protectionist or more liberal when it comes to massive displacement and migration of equatorial peoples in the event of major warming

Yea i saw that wacko point already in the paris agreement. They even had the audacity to highlight the plight of the sahel region climate refugees; an african people that had a x10 population growth, chopped down the savannah, overgrazed the fields, and are now experiencing sahara expansion.

Yet somehow this is our fault and we have to become minorities in our own nations to accomodate them

>> No.14657358

The climate scientists literally can't be trusted at all, they fabricate data.

>> No.14657368

"id rather live a bit warmer"
If this is what you think "global warming" means then you know so little about the subject that talking to you about it will be like trying to talk back to a television. Do you have any idea what a minute increase in average temperature means for the homeostasis of various animal species, the resulting effect on the balance of species in biome-scale food chains, food yield, all sorts of biological and chemical factors that go far beyond the weather and "oh there's more fires in black people countries, I can live with that"? Never mind the mass migration and conflicts. If you think you can afford to be wrong look at what happened to Easter Island when they paid no attention to what they were doing to themselves.

>"CO2 doom"
I literally said a couple of posts ago methane is a bigger concern than CO2, CO2 is the trigger but methane is the bullet. And it won't render humanity extinct, nobody's saying that, but it will kill millions of people and increase rates of some medical conditions and reduce the quality of life of many more. It's a bipartisan issue if there ever was one. You're the sort of caricature of a person that exists in out-there sci-fi scenarios like Silent Running who'd allow there to be no trees left on Earth and everyone having to go around eating bugs for protein and wearing gas masks because the atmosphere has turned into a thick poopy haze if it meant avoiding responsiblity and claiming you "won the argument" because a handful of American trillionaires shooting each other to death are the last humans alive and you're convinced you'd be part of that group. It's the incomprehensible ramblings of a mental patient.

>> No.14657369

Alright. So far in these threads we have:

1. Guy who's bent out of shape because he didn't get published so he shits on the effort of those better than him.

2. Couple guys arguing about climate change that nobody is paying attention to.

3. Incel dudes mad because one woman got published in a literary journal that is 99% dudes, created by a guy, and edited by men.

4. Guy who's butthurt because nobody said nice things about his poem.

5. A few actual reviews.


>> No.14657376

Tbf the climate change argument is coming off the back of a review, but it should really be in /pol/. One step above frogposting.

>> No.14657413

The UEA "scandal" was Hillsborough-tier UK tabloid shitposting.

Sure. Fair point. What the other anon is doing is comparable to if you said the sahara expansion had nothing to do with their actions and everything will be fine if they continue to overgraze and mow down the savannah with increasing intensity.

>> No.14657454

I'd be glad to concede global warming is real if you in turn concede the only way to stop it is to kill all poos and chinks

>> No.14657515

I don't have all the answers, anyone who claims to is selling something. I do think that the West has severely underestimated the threat China poses to human liberty and life just because they're in a comparatively fallow period right now, and we will pay the price within the next 300 years while the globalist millionaires just flee and shack up elsewhere and learn precisely nothing. If the yanks thought the Soviets were bad wait til they see what Chinese imperialism looks like.

>> No.14657599
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>when you made comments equally off-topic but didn't get included in the cancer list

>> No.14658022


Being ignored holds no great honor.

>> No.14658315

Minute increases in average temperature of greater extent than we're seeing over the last two centuries have occurred several times over the last 750000 years. If your assertion about the homeostasis and "balance of species" etc. were true, there shouldn't be any functional ecosystem right now. The fact is that species (including humans) are programmed to adapt on a constant basis and the current increase in temperature will encourage the same types of adaptations that have occurred on earth since life first began.

The vast majority of animal species to ever exist are extinct too.


>> No.14658520

That doesn't mean the transition is very pleasant and that we should hasten such an event with no adequate adaptation of society for the hell of it

>> No.14658553

But all of the proposed solutions are essentially pointless an ineffective. And every time (roughly every 10-15 years) the alarmists push the point of no return deadline back, it further casts doubt on the meaning of the whole enterprise.

Then it becomes a discussion about capitalism vs. socialism. Personally, I'm content to say that humanity is allowed to make its bed, but then must sleep in it.

>> No.14658703

>tfw people liked my poem
Feels good. You'll get some comments once more people read it. I still have to start reading too.

>> No.14659212

>I still have to start reading too.
Has a single anon mustered the willpower to read this leviathanic 100 page tome in its entirety?

>> No.14660231

Many try, but it is too daunting of a task.

>> No.14660338

As I suspected. In the meantime I shall continue my meagre attempts to literate the masses in the hopes that someday, one man--at the least--might essay and possibly even complete this monumental task.

>> No.14660966
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I finished.

I want mor

>> No.14660975


>> No.14661521

I think since only one guy is doing it and it has a phys release, that turnaround is impossible.

Would anyone be interested in forming a review group via email? That way we could get feedback on our new works whenever.

>> No.14661922
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>> No.14662186

Éistigí, a anonaigh!

I am the fellow who promised reviews, yet was hindered by his own fondness for drink. I posted two so far. More are on the way this evening. Primarily on the fiction of the Quarterly. My time restricts me, so do accept my apologies and bare with me.

>> No.14662191



Unrelated. Do you have a lot of midgies in ireland? Im looking for a place to go hike in spring/summer

>> No.14662332

There do tend to be. Mainly inland. They are most active at evening or twilight. Damp spots and hills are inclined to have them as well. Woodland too. I never encountered them hiking on the coast.

I would recommend Croagh Patrick, Knockmore on Clare Island, the Gleniff Horseshoe, Mweelrea, Karrowkeel and many other places in Munster. Mount Errigal in Donegal. Are you a Yank?

>> No.14662340

why is this even made?

>> No.14662344

Because every other literary magazine is dogshit and not interested in actual literature.

>> No.14662345

welcome to being a poet

>> No.14662394

for my final in creative writing class

>> No.14662404

email fourlitreview at yandex dot com and I will add you to the group

>> No.14662419

>every other literary magazine
which ones specifically

>> No.14662426

I don't know all the ones that publish "PG13" trite garbage with style always put over substance and strict disclaimers on 'controversial' or 'discriminatory' content (AKA how people really feel)

>> No.14662429

books quarterly, the literature review, and god forbid GLUE Magazine

>> No.14662435

Which pieces would that be? I can't tell

>> No.14662518



>> No.14662625

Look closely at the contributors' names

>> No.14663136
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>> No.14663248
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Lotus Eating: This slice of life was enjoying to read, even though the story does not have a typical plot. Being a former student of German myself, and having been to Germany, and having talked with the folk there, I could relate to the setting. The scattering of German throughout the text added to the prose. Howbeit, you could have improved it by adding - as another anon suggested - an action between the characters which fitted to their imminent separation. Regardless, it was good writing and dialogue. Sehr geil. 7 out of 10.

Judgement Upon Uruk: A curious piece. I do like this fantastical declaration. I would have liked to know more about the world-setting and more about this conflict between Larsa and Uruk; to know what Eneduanna would say in response. I do need more though. Nonetheless, good, interest-stimulating writing. 6 out of 10.

Vector: A palpable story of love lost. Your descriptions flowed well and vividly. I look forward to future contributions from yourself. Hopefully not about love. I find such stories repetitive. 7 out of 10.

She Weeps: I felt the disorientation and the dreamlike madness. A touchingly sad story littered with beautiful descriptions. 8 out of 10.

I Love Homework Now: A good story with pleasant prose and flow. You told it finely through the well-mimicked voice of a youngster. The gene-editing was an interesting idea - whether it is possible or not to do. An overall delight. 9 out of 10.

The Highwayman: There is a pleasing use of subtle rhyme throughout the text. It would recall a ballad about some folk hero - an intentional action, no doubt. The concept was good too; a present-day highwayman. Well done. 8 out of 10.

Summons from the Edge of the World: I liked the setting; the story; the uncertainty. An engrossing read. Well written. I wish I knew more of the world in which it is set. What the household did. The significance of the hierarchy. Good work. 9 out of 10.

Poetry: As for the poetry, I feel compelled to admit that I cannot decently review it. Irish language poetry is more my forte. Nonetheless, I will say I enjoyed in particular Paramour (an endearing poem, with great theme and the odd line), Brooke's Poem (enjoyable implications and a nice imitation of Shakespearean style), Bitter, Discarded Machine (fine rhyme and imagery), Destination and The New Beat for the Masses. All these poems had either engaging themes or vividity.

I, Plemora and The Soul and The Lagoon perplexed me a bit. Lend me ye'er tongues, ye poets. I wish to know what ye'er intended thoughts were for the reader and who ye received inspiration from. Go into as much depth as ye like.

Indeed, any author lurking in this thread should take this opportunity to express his or her intentions and inspirations.

As for those contributions not yet reviewed (four of them), ye'er time will come. I read ye'er works whilst becoming intoxicated. I must re-read them. Nor did I review The Letter. It's mine.

>> No.14663282

Bhuel an tUasal Hollander, má thagann tú go dtí an t-iarthar, inis dom. Is féidir linn bualadh le chéile!

>> No.14663357


Writer of Summons here, thanks a lot for the review.

>> No.14663930

You are welcome. I hope your English is the standard of the Slavs.

>> No.14665080

When I try and order it to my Australian address it says "Sorry, this item can't be shipped to your selected address." Any idea why this is?

>> No.14665226

Not sure why - maybe because I'm shipping them myself - but you can email litquarterly@gmail.com and I can ship you one.

>> No.14666254

Should put out the digital copy before this thread 404s

>> No.14666698


>Judgement Upon Uruk: A curious piece. I do like this fantastical declaration. I would have liked to know more about the world-setting and more about this conflict between Larsa and Uruk; to know what Eneduanna would say in response

Your words are too kind, phile. Its originally a prelude to my (currenrly) defuct mythical epic. A lot is historically canon, though at this point so old its more akin to legend, so liberties were taken.
Do take a peek if you are interested in how Eneduanna replies.

>> No.14666922

I will indeed, anon!

>> No.14667828

Any other reviews? Any authors willing to convey insights into their works?

>> No.14667881

Sure. I wrote Damned Machine.
When I originally wrote it I had it end at the midway point, when the barista essentially rejects his number. All that comes afterwords is my favorite stuff, what seems to be the heart of the piece and all that kind of gives it meaning, and its just interesting that it wasn't included at one point.
I also wrote it before Rich Russell did his thing, but my story and his motives seemed pretty in line. And we're both Washington people, so I felt a connection I guess.

>> No.14668085

The Bunder Snufnt: I thought Mark’s reliance on eating her asshole to communicate with Lilith while she was in the coma has been done to death in other works and this just seems derivative. I liked the prose though. 5/10

>> No.14668117

>eating a coma patient's asshole to communicate with them has been done to death

Wtf kind of books do you read anonski?

>> No.14668154

did you already start scanning through the new submissions ?
Will you notify if a work won't make it in the new issue of the quarterly ?

>> No.14668419

Misogyny is unironically funniest when it's completely superfluous and done for its own sake
Refusing to publish female contributors even if they're obviously way better every male contributor is the move.

>> No.14668457

I refuse to believe a femoid wrote so well she deserves two pieces instead of giving another author a place.

>> No.14668459

I doubt it's even actually a woman

>> No.14668640
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>> No.14668798

I liked Charles' Friend.

>> No.14669224

Not yet. We've just begin the assessment of poetry submissions. Unfortunately, I can't give you much of a timeline other than the end of the month.
We're all a friend of Charles'.

>> No.14669277


Women do post/lurk on this board.

>> No.14669300

I know they do. I bet some of the male entries are actually women posing as men so that people dont just obsess over them being girls. Whereas the female entry is probably a guy.

>> No.14669308

Placed order January 10, expected by Jan 30, was shipped on the 15th, it is now the 5th of February and I've already ordered two books from amazon and read them before the Quarterly has arrived at my door step.

>> No.14669330

Wrong, BABY!!
Every one of them is a MAN

>> No.14669806

We're all little girls here.

>> No.14669823
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>> No.14670689
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Just got my copy in the mail. It looks great! Can't wait to read everything. The Foreword is excellent by the way, a great primer for the rest of the publication. Looking forward to what will be in next edition!

>> No.14670985

Please email me so I can correct the issue. litquarterly@gmail.com. I literally send out every single book, so let me know.
Thanks, glad to hear! That does look quitter purpler than when I shipped it.

>> No.14671850


nice table anon.


probably lighting mine is red

>> No.14673089

alright now post one next to the lit journal

>> No.14673290

fuck off coomer, stop encouraging thots

>> No.14674392

That's a man, baby.