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14649339 No.14649339 [Reply] [Original]

Do you highlight when you read?

>> No.14649356

I don't get why would you smear a good book with markers, to be honest. It feels like having no regard for the things you own.
Personally, I like to write the quote if it is important, be it on small cards, in a notebook or digitally; it helps me learn and remember it easier than just drawing flashy smudges over sentences.

>> No.14649409

No, I take notes in an adjacent notebook. Highlighting, underlining and marginalia in general has been shown to be nothing but busy work; not at all aiding in comprehension or retention.

>> No.14649511


>> No.14649517

No, I have a folder on my laptop full of documents for notetaking. Welcome to the modern age, grandpa.

>> No.14649546

I made notes in the Nichomachean ethics, but it was terribly ugly, so I stopped.

>> No.14649551
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No I just write notes in the margins. Highlighter seems very disrespectful to future owners of my used books

>> No.14649552

I do it with highlighters for pointing out rhetorical devices. It's like a where's Waldo but with tricolons and chiasmus

>> No.14650099

Just use a pen or pencil instead. Saves time and preserves the aesthetic.

>> No.14650117

You mean it transforms the aesthetic of certainty with one's self and one's thoughts into an aesthetic of uncertainty, second-guessing, and a generalized lack of competence or conviction. Anyone who takes makes notations in pencil is giving a complete character profile to anyone who ever reads it after you, that the person who owned the book formerly was a complete bitch and probably a virgin.

>> No.14650125

that picture gave me cancer and my dog died

>> No.14651137

keep in mind NOT to add any relevant note by mistake

>> No.14651173

no, i love colour and it distracts me when rereading sections.

in school we were forced to highlight, i bought one in light grey to make it bearable.

>> No.14651197

>believing that anything is certain
>not recognizing the utility of margins
>not hopping aboard the postmodern train and embracing chaos
Absolutely autistic

>> No.14651307

Only if I'm writing a paper on it.

>> No.14651333

I take notes into OneNote

>> No.14651334

Shown where?

>> No.14651638


>> No.14651720

I make very small annotations using pencil, so I can erase them if possible.

>> No.14651759

Underlining and annotations in the margins. I have a system for it with accompanying symbols so it works for me.
I also write the numbers of each annotated page in one of the blank pages at the beginning of the book along with the corresponding symbol so I can look at the page and go "I need to find the parts of this book that describe love" and find the page numbers labelled with a heart symbol.

It works for me. And if I don't want to go through the whole thing, I just stick to underlining and annotations for my own reference. They're my books so frankly I don't give a shit. Anyone who receives them after me will either inherit them or be gifted them by me, so they'll already know that the books will be annotated as hell.

>> No.14652270

You seem like that guy that talks while watching a movie in the cinema.

>> No.14652274

In his adjacent notebook

>> No.14652443

Anybody that writes in or marks up a book in anyway should be killed.

>> No.14653849

"what is a holding?" OP kill yourself

>> No.14653934

Only if I think i'll need to quickly reference those passages at a latter date - for example, if I'm writing an essay on the text.

>> No.14653950

Obviously this is some reddit image from a guy who bought that used and found the notes

>> No.14653973
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yea, but only when i read on my ereader. i will mostly only write down good words when reading paper book or put a pg. reference to a passage i found particularly compelling.
this is by far the biggest pro for me when on my ereader is being able to simply see all of my highlights throughout my reading.

>> No.14653992
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last highlight

>> No.14654855


>> No.14654894

Margin is the way to go, and the problem of ruining your precious book is solved if you buy an ereader big enough that has zoom option.

I use my Sony Digital Paper and I love being able to annotate on the margins of my books as much as I want. Much better than wasting time making annotation on a separate document.

>> No.14654980

always do so on purpose

>> No.14654982
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some books are so good you have to highlight ever word.

>> No.14654998
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I bought an used copy of Brothers Karamazov that haves a drawing of a bear in that part where Dimitri throws a party at Gruschenka house

>> No.14655034

no i write in pen and argue with the author

>> No.14655065
File: 170 KB, 658x538, The camel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From Thus Spoke Zarathustra

>> No.14655078

No, I write notes on a scratchpad.
Stop defiling books you fucking heathens

>> No.14655112
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Considering getting one of these

>> No.14655447


>> No.14655470

retarded notes made me laugh good thank u

>> No.14657053

that's really great

>> No.14657104

Overbased. Some books just need to be entirely memorized!

>> No.14657115

pretty funny

>> No.14657138
File: 1.04 MB, 4000x2250, lit_masksofgodrandom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


sometimes i'll make annotations in pencil as well

>> No.14657478


Marking books in any way is purely a method of making others think you're intelligent.

>> No.14658161

no but I sometimes use a pen to draw an arrow in the margin to the start of a line or paragraph I thought was funny or carried significance to me

>> No.14658179

Notes, highlights, underlining, writing in the margins, ect. Yes, all of it. I actually really like it when a book I'm reading has stuff like that. I know it's a one of a kind edition. It's very personal and endearing.

>> No.14658183

Yes I do, but it's on my Kindle. I wish I could share passages on Facebook without having to go into the app on my phone and copy/passting from my cloud of notes

>> No.14658234

unfathomably based

>> No.14659021

based retard

>> No.14660554

>copy and paste relevant passage to text file
>write notes

Why would you write on your monitor anon?