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File: 32 KB, 768x432, skynews-donald-trump-france_4855405.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14649192 No.14649192 [Reply] [Original]

Unironically, is he a Kantian?
What ramifications does this have for his second term?

>> No.14649194
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>his second term

>> No.14649197

Not a kantian. A kantian president would be a disaster.

>> No.14649203

It would only be a disaster for those who support bad things like pornography, abortion, fornication, homosexuality, onanism, gluttony and divorce.

>> No.14649218

Holy based

>> No.14649938

I don't think he could even summarize to you what a philosopher is.

>> No.14649951

>what is national security
jesus christ, the absolute state of (You).

>> No.14649960

He's a cunt all right.

>> No.14649969

A kantian is not olbigated to answer ever question they are asked.

>> No.14649980

>in burgerland, you have to vote to have witnesses at a trial, or not
Tell me again, how can anyone take this pure dystopian joke of a country seriously?

>> No.14649983



>> No.14650010

They're brainwashed into loving it from an early age with stuff like the Pledge of Allegiance in school.

>> No.14650016

>democratic campaign

>> No.14650024
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>implying this is a bad thing

>> No.14650035

I didn't know Sanders was this breadpilled

>> No.14650074

t. Anglo or Canadian, OR OR OR as usually is the case, a LARPing American pretending not to be an American in hopes of pretending "the world" must agree with his sensible viewpoint. The fact that you assume trial-by-jury AND immediate right to new witnesses shows you're some retard use to common law shenanigans which only includes the previous countries. Sorry retard, the rest of the world does not agree with kangaroo courts and ad hocly introducing witnesses as it is convenient and if they did, MANY innocent people would go to jail. Regardless for you to have thought a political body is capable of an objective determination in either house of this whole impeachment scenario, is the sign of absolute brainlet. Did your parents have lead paint on their walls when you were a kid? I unironically think you should get tested for heavy metal poisoning.

>> No.14650093

Based. Looks like I'll be voting Sanders after all.

>> No.14650107

How can you in good conscience vote for a 79 year old man? I wouldn't trust him to drive me to the airport, let alone run a country.

>> No.14650249
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It's simple. I respect my elders.

>> No.14650259

Biden will lose to Trump.

>> No.14650268

That's a given since Biden will lose to Bernie in the primary.

>> No.14650279

The Congress and Senate are not part of the Judicial branch. It was only a "trial" in a loose analogical sense; it had nothing to do with common law.

>> No.14650280

>Biden will lose to Bernie in the primary.
Berniebros falling for the same delusions as last time lmao. You guys remember that superdelegates are a thing, right - or do you have the memory of a goldfish?

>> No.14650281
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>> No.14650373

Not gonna happen. Berniebros, like Marxists in general, live in an echo chamber cult where they constantly think they're about to win and the revolution will happen in their lifetimes.

Biden will lose to Trump.

>> No.14650380

Funny you should suspect me of being mentally crippled by toxins after spending your whole life drinking the fluoride your government dumps in your water supply

>> No.14650417


Absolutely this. I don't know why anybody wastes time on debating about the guy, he's objectively an imbecile.

>> No.14650449

What is a Kantian?

>> No.14650465

are these the consequences of being on the pill for years straight?

>> No.14650472

based. when will we get a categorical imperative candidate to vote for?

>> No.14650565
File: 86 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bernie Sanders already stated that he will reject ANY binding electoral resolutions that do not result in his uncontested victory. Here's how the real world works, dipshit. The superdupers know if they don't vote for him, he's going to order his supporters to storm the DNC and force them to anyways, and guess what happens after he is elected? Bernie's going to crank up the Bern to 100 and inter each one's whole family in the gulags, and separate them, for being counterrevolutionaries and enemies of the people that they are (to him). Or, they could vote for him, admit their treason, rejoin as menial members of society, such as unpaid janitors. It's like Bernie Sanders used to say whenever he was mayor of Vermont in his weekly TV sitcom (Marxcos Vermont) : "silver or gulags".

Take a look at this picture. Look at it. It's obvious what Bernie Sanders was thinking. His face says it all, "You will all pay for this". They cucked him against his will, threatened his family, blackmailed him and crippled his border collie. Rest assured, Bernard "I'm going bring back Gulags and a hell of a lot worse" Sanders, has not forgotten. In fact, one could argue, based on Freudian-Derridian anaylsis that this was his ONLY reason for running again in 2020.

I disagree with everything this communist stands for. He is a danger the the American way of life and affront to our democratic system. Bernie is hellbent on destruction. But to pretend he is docile, and will partake civilly in the election like last time? No. You will notice the absence of Mr. Sander's Wife, Children, and all closely related relatives, associates, not just from the campaign trail BUT from the entire country. This is exactly what the dictator Vladimir Ilyich Unalnov Lenin did. He put on a farce with his Bolshevik party and when he didn't win he made sure he won anyways. And Lenin was a man who had a lot more to lose at 40 years young, than 79 year old impotent and bald man with bad eyesight.

Which brings me to why I am dumping EVERY paycheck I have into the campaign of Andrew J. Yang. He is the only sensible man who can stop this nonsense, reverse the polarization, and restore stability in the American way of life. Mr. Yang is from Taiwan, knows first hand the danger of the red menaces in this world, being himself a victem of communism. Unlike his grandad (RIP, mao beat him up and threw him in the ocean) his gradma fled from Gulag in the mainland under Mao's regime, and was able to get on a boat to Formosa (now called Taiwan). Face it, Biden does not know what communism is, doesn't understand the ramifications if Bernie Loses. None of the democrats do except Sanders himself.....with one exception. Andrew Yang. He has personally paid the price for communism. All Yang needs to do is get on a microphone and say "Sanders is staging a coup, I've seen this before". But he needs more support for people to care, which is why I am asking every person in this thread to donate to Andrew Yang.

>> No.14650583

A person who Kant win an election if his life depended on it.

>> No.14650594

A God among men.

>> No.14650765


>> No.14650777

A 1700s incel.

>> No.14650810

agreed, I'll still vote for him though

>> No.14650821

How can women be so evil

>> No.14650934

no souls

>> No.14650950

just take the Bill Weldpill ffs

>> No.14650983

The democrats alread5had their witnesses testify in the House, but when the republicans wanted to have their witnesses heard, the dems said no. Also, allowing surprise witnesses after you have submitted all of your evidence and testimonies sets a bad precedent that can let the trial go on indefinitely.

>> No.14651050

A disaster for the government, yes we agree.

>> No.14651284


>> No.14651291


>> No.14651355

My eyes are all open now

>> No.14651360

You forgot basement jews

>> No.14651378
File: 174 KB, 1125x873, B818AC74-BF0E-4A66-8BE2-F3C68E2A4DED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have we all forgotten the words of KantBot
“Donald Trump will Complete the System of German Idealism”

>> No.14651408

How is all that stuff against the categorical imperative?

>> No.14651479

based, is kant needed more than ever?

>> No.14651502

If everyone acted on their list for men, there'd be no children. No children, there will be no more men. Thus in acting on the lust for men that we all share, we'd be destroying the very object of our lust.
Therefore we ought not fuck our fellow man out of lust, no matter how absolutely scrumptious they look after lifting weights on a hot summer day.

>> No.14651528

I've always been fairly certain Trump is highly intelligent. He's a master-manipulator of publicity and the zeitgeist. The hysteria over him being a moron is an impressive dupe, and further exposes the uptight arrogance of the opposition which helped him win voters.

>> No.14652035


>> No.14652044

Are you saying all men are homosexual?

>> No.14652116

Thanks, anon. Looks like Bernie's got my vote

>> No.14652141

I'd really say just nuke America. What a shithole.

>> No.14652327

>literally the worst candidate from either party
outstanding bait my friend

>> No.14652955

this is excellent

>> No.14652975


>> No.14652985

you really don't need to be highly intelligent to pander more brazenly to a disaffected constituency than most politicians are comfortable with

>> No.14652997
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As someone who was a field organizer for some local and congressional left-wing campaigns (necessity, not choice) I can say you end up hearing some truly ridiculous shit being spouted out the mouths of pot-bellied 20-30 year old soijacks who think they're going to be leading the revolution soon. It's inane

>> No.14653082
File: 29 KB, 399x385, laughing-pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14653092

>Pot-bellied 20-30 year old soijacks
>Revolution feels
>Dreams of overthrowing the bougies
>Does some quick research
>Vast majority of revolutionaries were killed after communist governments were established
>Revolutionaries do not make good manslaves
>Cuba had no place for revoluties
>Cambodia had no place for revoluties
>Vietnam had no place for revoluties
>China had no place for revoluties
>Soviet Russia had no place for revoluties
>Revoluties generally are massacred after they've performed their function
>Pot-bellied soijack starts sweating
>"Buh-but, I'm on the right side of history..."
>He cries into his anime bodypillow
>Hammer&Sickle (TM) flag on the wall sways gently
>Soijack cries himself to sleep

>> No.14653101

He's a pretty simple man. Anyone who has worked with wealthy business owners will know his ilk. Very good merchants tend to be simple minded. They focus on money, and they are very good with it. Trump is not some 200 IQ 4d chess master, he's just very good at his craft. He's not a Kantian, nationalist, or whatever. He's a money man. He was born into wealth, and used his position to create even more wealth. He's an excellent merchant, and that's it. On political and philosophical issues, he's an average Joe. You don't have to be a genius to be wealthy, although wealth does tend to correlated with IQ to an extent.

>> No.14653835

He beat those politician, he became president with no prior political or military experience. This wasn't pandering to a small group, he won the national election.

>> No.14654919
File: 848 KB, 1687x1076, finally whole.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity the dead that they shall not witness such glories.

>> No.14654947
File: 869 KB, 637x722, TRUMP FOR PRESIDENT 2024.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

second and third term

>> No.14654951

These cunts will do anything to get elected. I don't believe for a second that they have some sort of "comfort zone". They just got lazy and complacent and ended up paying the price.

>> No.14655117

So bisexuality would be fine?

>> No.14655131


>> No.14656185

If he could prove that his categorical imperative is derived from reason maybe

>> No.14656195

What about people who don't support onanism but practice it anyway, such as 90% of traditionalists today?

>> No.14656211

If every man was a woodman, there would be no people who did other jobs and human civilization would collapse. Therefore, being a woodman is morally flawed.

>> No.14656674

Sanders has a non-zero chance of winning the primary, but that is damningly faint praise given that he's running against Biden and Warren.

Trump will absolutely win 2020, that's not even up for debate.

The question is, what happens in 2024, and does that Jewish whore Ginsberg live long enough to die with Democrat in office to nominate a replacement who also supports child murder.

>> No.14656707

It's more like if every man were an unemployed NEET who didn't pay taxes.

Faggots are a moral threat to your society. The more of them you have, necessarily the less sustainable your society is. It is therefore to your total advantage to discourage them in your own nation and encourage them in the nations of your enemies.

>> No.14656729

You can be a woodman and do other things as well. If you chop once at a tree you are a woodman but then you could go teach at a university for the next 5 hours or so and grade.

>> No.14656739

Maybe i will vote Bernie after all

>> No.14656824


Have to call a based on this anon, sorry guys

>> No.14656845


How did he know?

>> No.14656857

73 really isnt that far behind. all the candidates are too fucking old besides buttigeig and yang

>> No.14656863
File: 49 KB, 680x788, 4a0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy... i didnt know 4chan could get this based...

>> No.14656905

You know, I keep thinking about some form of Kabbalah related to Trump, maybe I've confused it at some point, but I feel like I've read he was trained in it.
There is something to his consistent sobriety and attunement to a certain frequency of the zeitgeist...

>> No.14656977

If Bernie somehow manages to win the primary I think he wins the presidential race with relative ease. The nonthinking Democratic centrists "vote blue no matter who" but the more left-leaning Democrats won't show up for a centrist, just like they didn't when Hillary was the nominee, so if Biden wins the primary we get four more years of Trump.

>> No.14657092


>> No.14657400
File: 34 KB, 437x349, 2ufn31xjtmpy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Trump will absolutely win 2020, that's not even up for debate.
The only thing he's going to win is a free ticket to to Camp Bernie north of Fairbanks, Alaska.

>> No.14657408


he's a hegelian, like all elites

>> No.14657443

part of me wants bernie to win just so we can start killing socialist smuggies under the guise of a revolution

>> No.14657470

Bernie IS the revolution.

>> No.14657477

>a career politician ripping off tropes from stalin to trick angsty teenagers into voting for him "is the revolution"

>> No.14657509

Teenagers can't vote.

>> No.14657520

teenagers make up less than 1% of voters. steel workers and truck drivers are actually his strongest supporters, dipshit.

>> No.14658036

but stalin was based?????

>> No.14658231

Bernie has the most support from active duty troops.

>> No.14658341

Trump lost the popular vote to a fucking Clinton. Meanwhile Bernie flips the Obama-Trump counties, has broken the record for individual donations, has the most military support, locked down a large segment of labor unions, has populist policies, a long history of consistency and consistently outperforms his polling.

Cope harder.

>> No.14658402
File: 126 KB, 720x460, 6a35a88c377e9d0aa8e18789c8bc69c99888dbab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So did Lenin in 1917.

>> No.14658439
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>> No.14658516

Maybe but your argument waa shit

>> No.14658525

So being a woodman sometimes is fine, but being a woman full time is morally wicked?

>> No.14659331

Do women only exist as a category during sexual acts?

>> No.14659338

all the candidates who have a chance are above 70, including Trump>>14650249

>> No.14659345

He needs a second term to finalize german idealism. After he derives the complete system he'll be elected monarch.

>> No.14659442

unironically this

>> No.14659481
File: 63 KB, 750x1024, 1573863451570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>more like a critique of pure RACISM!!!!
I've always thought that the best policy would be to take aborted fetuses and nail them to a bullseye so they can be used as target practice for our troops.

>> No.14660311 [DELETED] 

Are you retarded, this is not a response to my post

>> No.14660333

Fucking autocorrect, I meant to say woodman not woman

>> No.14660402

>He's an excellent merchant, and that's it.
I think of him as more of an advertising man. Trump didn't make his money by typical mercantile activity. He turned himself into a brand, and got others to pay to buy into it. It's a similar mentality to a merchant, but with slightly different political implications.

>> No.14660428
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tfw your Greco-Roman phase was in perfect accordance with a rational moral system.

>> No.14660461
File: 187 KB, 1296x730, 1570156231430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is only one gender. Women are property.

>> No.14660492

He is playing you. The Trump you see today is a carefully constructed character.

>> No.14660828

>There is something to his consistent sobriety
He does not drink at all after his brother died of alcoholism. I remember hearing an interview where he said he was never into pr0n at all, so maybe he also did nofap.
>and attunement to a certain frequency of the zeitgeist...
He went to Norman Vincent Peale's church as a child and studied his positive thinking techniques. If you're familiar with Peale's ideas, you see them all the time in Trump's behavior.

>> No.14660843
File: 803 KB, 3000x2000, irony.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he's a hegelian, like all elites
But what level of irony is he on?

>> No.14660853

This is not /pol/ or r9k. We back our claims up here, you are entitled to your edgy view, but a meme alongside it is not due support. Thank you Herr Edge.

>> No.14661050

>We back our claims up here, you are entitled to your edgy view, but a meme alongside it is not due support.
Very well. The male is the complete form of a given being. The female is an incomplete example of the same being, lacking the full physical and mental powers that a complete being would possess. What the modern world refers to as sexes and gender identities are simply different degrees of completion.
Man, being made in God's image, is capable of reason and morality. He is, however, still subject to the same natural laws as the animals and therefore the female human will have less capacity for these things, as she is the incomplete form of the man. It is thus inhumane to allow the woman to act as an autonomous being, as in this state she is deprived of the full faculties natural to the species.
De Generatione Animalium, Liber II, CCCMXXXVIIa, Aristotle.
Summa Theologiae, (1a, q. 92, a.1, Obj.1), Aquinas.

>> No.14661101

Some have said that Trump manifests a Hegalian synthesis but indeed his profoundest intellectual contribution to history is more appropriately a Nitzchean transvaluation of values. Trump's embodies an epistemic principle which in itself is the ideological destructuring of social truth. In embodying a anti-government government, by calling out the very entity that yielded him, he exposes that the *fragility* of underlying assumptions, in the same way that the phenomenological consciousness of knowing gains a residuum of insight by *isolating* what is from what is presumed to be. In functioning as an anti-president, as a refutation of established political norms, he exposes the irreducible complication of the office in which he resides, and the conflicted and ultimately irresolvable contradictions underlying the surface appearance of "business as usual." Some have called him a postmodernist, that is post-truth president, but in some way he has shown that what operates in the sociopolitical domain are not truths, it is rather a raw circuitry of power merely concealing itself within decorum, standards, and expected behavior. Trump implements Heidegger's principle that awareness is consciousness of error, of anomaly, and that only through interruption of regular processes is suprisal value--innate meaning, a new thought or possibility, rendered actable.

>> No.14661114
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>He doesn't mean anything, all things are a lie, language is a false construct action is to only truth. He acts.
Steiner but racist is what your looking for.

>> No.14661138

That defeats the purpose of truth.

We can't keep going down this spiral of irony, we have to find some "eternal" eventually.

>> No.14661152


>> No.14661192

Who is the other guy with him? The one who looks like a young Sam Hyde.