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14647747 No.14647747[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What's the point of life? It's all just a roll of the dice anyways.

>> No.14647751

Don't be a mope.

>> No.14647754

I can't help it, I was born into circumstances that eventually made me a mope

>> No.14647759
File: 192 KB, 938x614, cioran_550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It doesn't have a point

>> No.14647766

I feel you anon it is really hard when you got fucked so hard by the unfortunate randomness of life.

>> No.14647783

You think my life's any good? Well I ain't just gonna make things worse and mope about it.

>> No.14647793

anime girls

>> No.14647797

that's just because you were born into circumstances that made you less of a mope

>> No.14647814

Sounds like you could take a little more responsibility for your actions. It's not my problem though.

I'm going to get off 4chan now and go exercise, then come home and prepare a green salad to eat during the night's hours of reading.

>> No.14647820

Is this from a song or something?
>Uughh. There’s no point. I couldn’t possibly make my own. I’m much to weak and a natural born follower and foot kisser.
And a child you’ll stay with this mindset.

>> No.14647829

Well that's merely because I was born and raised with this mindset while other people weren't. A roll of the dice, if you will.

>> No.14647833

>It's all just a roll of the dice anyways.
The gambling rush.

>> No.14647844

You change throughout your life. You can direct the change with enough attention

>> No.14647849

Do what you can. "Whatever your lot in life is, grow something on it."

>> No.14647853

I can't, probably. Because I was born and raised with a mentality where I am either unwilling or unable to forcibly change my life. And even if I was able to that is merely a reaction to a series of other circumstances and random events that I, too, had no control over either and were also merely a roll of the dice.

>> No.14647883

No, you can. You know how long you take to completely change out the old you? I hear it’s about seven years. This is something you have to concentrate on for a while.
I’m telling you to sprout wings or a tail here. This is your very malleable head.

>> No.14647886

Okay. But even if I did decide to start changing my life right here, right now that just happened because I happened to post a thread here and you happened to reply to me. Which is all a roll of the dice.

>> No.14647942

Try reading Julian Baggini's What It's All About: Philosophy and the Meaning of Life.

>> No.14647955

just kill yourself or stop complaining, no one cares about you or your problems

>> No.14647981

I can't kill myself or stop complaining because I was raised under circumstances where I've developed a mentality where I can't do either.

>> No.14647994

i have this idea for a novel where there is a post-apocalyptic city where everyone has a car and cars are their whole life and everything they do is based around cars and if you didn't have one you would basically starve to death because you wouldn't be able to function in the city the way its set up. kind of like mad max but with a more stable society just with the grid down. anyway the city decides which car you get when you turn 18 via some test which takes into account your genetics and family tree and shit like that and basically if you're a loser you get a shit car. so the protag gets an absolute pile of shit, then he basically says fuck it and rounds up all the other guys who get shit cars and the leave the city to drive to "the golden city" or something on the opposite coast of america, which no one knows if its even real or if its just a rumor.

>> No.14648011

You are just an NPC.

>> No.14648016

If that's true then that was merely because i was born and raised under circumstances where I became one.

>> No.14648027

like i said before, no one cares

>> No.14648038

Maybe you are just a pussy.
Nobody cares.

>> No.14648051

>roll of the dice
is this some kind of delusion that your conscious could manifest anywhere else somehow. That you could have been some Boltzmann brain in extreme agony floating around the universe?

>> No.14648095

Evidently you do because you keep replying. But I don’t blame you, you were merely raised in circumstances where you developed a mentally of not being entirely honest with yourself and not reflecting the sentiments of your words with action

>> No.14648096

Fucking this. Kek. Lol! XD

>> No.14648097

Nothing makes you a mope, moping is a choice. Gird up your loins

>> No.14648105
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To crush your enemies, see them driven before you, and to hear the lamentations of their women!

>> No.14648111

you're a modality of god's self-knowledge

>> No.14648116

>its just a roll of the dice
everything is going according to plan anon. the greatest lesson of all is yet to come.

>> No.14648118
File: 158 KB, 1120x812, Nietzsche_Olde_04_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's all just a roll of the dice anyways

>> No.14648120

if you think that way why not kill yourself and save the rest of us your shitposting

>> No.14648125

And what causes me to make certain choices over others? Being raised with a mentality due to circumstances developed from a roll of the dice

>> No.14648128

>I’m NOT telling you to sprout wings or a tail here
Geez. (Making my dinner at the time)

>Keep in mind, close to you heart, you are NOTHING without big daddy god
Fuck off, you degenerate scum

>> No.14648167

Join my DND group and find out

>> No.14648317

You accept determinisim, but you reject the positivity of it? If everything is cause and effect, not right and wrong, than you can make your own. Your mentality is within the system of causation, so yes you may be predestined to be a mope, but you may also be predestined to be unmoped later on. determinism does not mean defeatism as the self is still an active entity.

>> No.14648351

What would be the point if it were not a roll of the dice?

>> No.14648520

Ehhh I'd read it.

>> No.14648528

>It's all just a roll of the dice anyways.
And that's why I'm rolling for repeating numbers

>> No.14648631
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>What's the point of life?
It's whatever I say it is.

>> No.14648704

Ask the Sun. We all know it's gonna die in 5 bln years so why this bitch bother shining anyway.

>> No.14648721

At this point (assuming you are an adult) your life is a reflection of a series of choices. Try pulling a George Costanza, within reason, do the opposite of what you would normally do. Flout your natural instincts if they haven’t put you in a place you are happy with.

>> No.14648751

To be rational.

>> No.14648773


>> No.14648799
File: 632 KB, 1464x1986, Nietzsche187a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>What's the point of life?
There is no inherent point to it, but one can create there own reason to live. If living is suffering, they one should live to make the suffering of life worth while. Redeem the suffering of being. In doing so one negates all previous felt suffering.

>> No.14649055

To be rational you either need to be born with the right genes (assuming our genes have any influence over our capacity to be rational) or raised in an environment that fosters rationality (i.e. by the right parents, having the right education, and so on). This is all merely a roll of the dice.

>> No.14649102
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We are animals. Living beings, nothing more. We eat, shit, fight, and (if you're lucky) have sex. And that's it. There is no reason, no metaphysical goal.

>> No.14649106

Bro just use your mind buddy

>> No.14649143

You think life is bad now. Oh anon it gets so much worse.

>> No.14649378
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You sire are the lowest of the low creatures i pity you for i too was once trapped in lower realms although i knew there had to be more then such a pitiful existence

>> No.14649423
File: 35 KB, 369x387, 1499924305589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i laughed

>> No.14649449

t. bugman

>> No.14649451
File: 31 KB, 378x378, wtf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We are animals. Living beings, nothing more. We eat, shit, fight, and (if you're lucky) have sex. And that's it. There is no reason, no metaphysical goal.

>> No.14649457

The funny thing is, a lot of people learn to give up because they fail their rolls a few times when rolling dice is free and you can do it continuously until you hit the jackpot.
Your willpower does matter in whatever you do in life. Perseverance is the difference between being a chad or a cuck.

>> No.14649475

Reducing life to "roll of the dice" gives you permission to not use what you have to become. It is better to use well what you got than it is to only succeed due to a lucky roll. The first is an true quality while the latter might be an mere accident.

Sometimes being a good failure is the supreme advantage. Would chad win at life if he was virgin? But if virgin or chad can win despite themselves, then they have actually become something with lasting merit. Being a slave to what happens to be is not really a victory worth boasting about.

>> No.14649709
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How can you take life serious and wageslaving serious after you made 5 years salary by investing in cryptocurrency back in 2017? I made more than some doctors make in 5 years

How can you make life serious after that? I was just home watching anime and muh digital currencies suddenly went +900%

You can't take modern wagie life serious after that with "responsibilities" my man. The worst part is you did not make enough money to retire for good.

>> No.14649716
File: 88 KB, 1019x660, 00b40d863eac1db888e287581b4845c2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Just take responsibility bro!


>> No.14649758

all who have enjoyed anime have won a great victory.

>> No.14650488
File: 224 KB, 1024x683, gettyimages-90542316-1024x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i was ready to put 3000 in chainlink at 50 cents but my bank wouldn't let me make the payment and every number i called with them just directed me to a different number so i gave up

>> No.14650530

>ann does menial jobs that are soon to be automated
>bob is a futurist, accurately predicting the path of society and carving himself a niche in the most efficient way possible
>he's already preparing for pedophilia's addition to the lgbtp movement and wants to help pedophiles deal with their urges in a healthy, private way
ann should blame her parents for her inferior genes and not bob for making something of himself

>> No.14650571

Kilgore is that you?

>> No.14650755

Sounds pretty wicked, Do it! Remember that if there is something that seems like a glaring problem just make it into a solution!

>> No.14650799

The most exciting and empowering aspects of maturity are self-awareness and independence. You can undo that damage and forge yourself in the fire of your will, or you can just allow yourself to be a complacent victim of circumstance who chose not to do anything to change his life for the better because you’re too pussy to try.