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/lit/ - Literature

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1463282 No.1463282 [Reply] [Original]

Tonight top tier tripfags: [Sunday]




Don't forget to vote for tomorrow chart!

(Let us know if you'd like to see how many votes every winner got, we've been thinking about that)

>> No.1463290

fuck this list

>> No.1463296

you should be nicer

>> No.1463297
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>> No.1463299

I'm the best.

>> No.1463300

I vote for all of the fake Deep&Edgies but not the real one.

>> No.1463305

That's easy; it's the one who doesn't know what he's talking about.

>> No.1463310

tybrax should win this everyday

>> No.1463317

why brownbear won?

>> No.1463319

does tybrax even post with a tripcode?

whatever, I heard he doesn't even like sascha grey

>> No.1463363

he post with a tripcode but without a name

>> No.1463373

what about onionring?

>> No.1463374

wut happened to brownbears sticky??

>> No.1463376

he got banned and they removed it

>> No.1463385

too bad tybrax is asleep right now?

>> No.1463407

he will wake up and see this in like four hours

>> No.1463461

i vote for stagolee

>> No.1464312

where's koro?

>> No.1464314

what about isabelle huppert

>> No.1464318

I didn't like La Pianiste.

>> No.1464321

>whatever, I heard he doesn't even like sascha grey
i'm indifferent. she's one of those things everyone here seems to hate (like me). i dont know why.

i always see a post saying this in threads :o

sometimes im on all night but im trying not to do that anymore.

is this the 'who did you think was the favourite' site?

>> No.1464329


Fuck the ban!
Also still emailing moot about the stick

>> No.1464334

won't you flatter about your win?

>> No.1464336

Is this like a day-to-day performance analysis?

how come i'm always 3rd?

>> No.1464339

votes reset to 0 everyday

every month they count it all and give the tripfriend of the month award

>> No.1464342


only so many people want to troll and vote for you

>> No.1464344

>opinions i dont agree with are trolls

that's ok then because i might win from consistency. is the site secret? not that i even want to vote for people that arent me

>> No.1464347

What's up with the D&E clones?

>> No.1464349

Bannedbear shouldn't be in that list because he was banned

I don't even know what Poke is doing on this list considering he hasn't been here in like over 24 hours. probably pickpocketing to feed his grandmother and 25 brothers and sisters

tybrax is the lowest common denominator as usual

>> No.1464350

i'm usually wrong

>> No.1464353

speak of the devil

>> No.1464354

i'm sorry for being mean

>> No.1464359

>tybrax is the lowest common denominator as usual
what do you mean?

did anyone screen cap the ban?

>> No.1464361

Was brownbear really banned and why?

>> No.1464367

I guess you could say that as a tripfag on this board you were tybraxiomatic

>> No.1464385

The D&E clone that makes shitty jokes.

>> No.1464388

The apologist D&E clone.

>> No.1464390

The soliloquy D&E clone.

>> No.1464392

you mean i'm generic tripfag? :(

>> No.1464398
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>shitty jokes

>> No.1464424

someone say something nice

>> No.1464428

You are a fag.

>> No.1464429

you're not that generic

>> No.1464439

Today this nonsense will stop and you're gonna win.

>> No.1464444

i'm sorry if i hurt anybody

>> No.1464445

i don't care what -you- think.

you're just mad that you only socialise slightly more than me yet you have so much stuff/effort to do whereas i'm chilling all day. i think you're jelous.

>> No.1464447

not even you like your own life.
in fact, you complain about being lonely constantly.

why should anybody else be jealous of you...

>> No.1464526


>> No.1464563


>> No.1464594
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im so so srry

>> No.1464630


not every ban is USER WAS BANNED FOR THIS POST you fool

>> No.1464706


the ban was retarded and I did them a favour by evading it, saved them the job of realising their idiocy

>> No.1464709


What happened?

and I vote Brownbear for tripfag.

>> No.1464731

Also what happened to the sticky??

>> No.1464734


they banned me for 'thinking you're important and trying to force a sticky, your post had 0 redeeming qualities.'

I think that says more about what moot thinks of this board.

>> No.1464737

Someone deleted it, but I made a revised edition and I am emailing moot about it.

>> No.1464809

at least we will have a children's recommended list.

>> No.1464814

there was a horror list as well

>> No.1464837
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I remember when I had haters. I even had a janitor-hater.

Good times, man. Good times.

>> No.1464848

Remember when /lit/ talked about books? Oh, that was never. And what is this thread, some sort of contest?

>> No.1464855
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you're so fucking mad

>> No.1464867
File: 143 KB, 661x716, litpicture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This board is good (sort of), but needs more discussion of books. It's still better than some of the literary boards I've been to.

>> No.1464874
File: 8 KB, 245x205, baby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>posting with a trip
no one beleives you kid

pic related, its you
you're a baby

>> No.1464888

Baby or not, lots of people post on /lit/ with tripcodes. What's wrong with that?

>> No.1464891

Nothing. I'm simply the best.

>> No.1464892

i don't know

this board isn't even fun anymore

>> No.1464901

I for one miss Gamer Girl.

>> No.1464916

she trips regularly here i beleive

>> No.1464940

Remember that time sunhawk makes twenty threads a month about his plan to read a lot of books. good stuff