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14641988 No.14641988 [Reply] [Original]

Who are some authors that sympathized with fascism?

>> No.14642010
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Not an author but David Bowie

>> No.14642033

Ezra Pound


>> No.14643003

this makes him sound like a bolshevik (right-marxian)

>> No.14643013

National* Bolshevik.
Regular Bolsheviks (Stalinists) are internationalists. That was the main cause of tension between Fascists and the USSR.

National Bolshevists are people like Otto/Gregor Strasser, Ernst Niekisch, Christopher Lasch.
Maybe Alexander Dugin too, but he has to pretend to be an anti fascist for the sake of Russian Politics

>> No.14643018

Martin Heidegger, Julius Evola, Alexander Dugin, Friedrich Neitzsche (Neech is more of a Paleolibertarian than a Fascist)

>> No.14643021

>Neech is more of a Paleolibertarian

lol how fucking dumb are you?

>> No.14643024

He supports literal Aristocratic rule retard. Go back to your fucking Deleuzian safe space bubble circlejerk

>> No.14643032
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>> No.14643036

>supports Aristocracy
>supports slavery
>supports the subjugation of women

Cringy postmodern leftists who just found Cuck Philosophys YouTube channel:
>nEecHaY wAs a lEfTy sOcIAliSt

>> No.14643041
File: 84 KB, 789x460, Aristocracy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh no no, the rule of a few rich elites isnt Aristocracy at all, its actually full Communism, you are just too much of a Brainlet to realise it

>> No.14643047

>thinks im even remotely leftist
>thinks being elitist makes you a libertarian

>> No.14643053
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>> No.14643055

And you can be an Elitist while being a libertarian, thats literally what Paleolibertarianism means.

The only thing that stops Neitzsche being a full blown fascist is that he was a huge critic of Nationalism.

>> No.14643056

Nietzsche is an Ancap no doubt

>> No.14643066

fake edited fraudulent

what the fuck even is this shit nietzsche is both a lolberg and borderline fascist? did you do get your entire political education from /pol/?

is this retard hours or something?

>> No.14643069

He's closest to Ancap. You know it

>> No.14643090

Nietzsche only describes the world. He is not an ethicist. His only decree is to survive. If you think otherwise, you have simply misread him. There is no Nietzschean utopia.

>> No.14643108

No, he supported an individualist elitist aristocracy, that functioned on might-makes-right and asestization, in the eventual hopes of creating an Ubermensch. The capitalist bourgeoisie which are the ruling-or "master-class" of today function on nothing but the value of money, it directly degregates art and the individualism of man as it softens him and his "subjects" to mild nihilism or hedonism. Beauty and euphoric feeling, passion, art, personal value and will are all pushed to the side in the pursuit of capital to satisfy vice and mild comforts. Capitalism has led to the last man Nietzsche prophized.

>> No.14643121
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Individualist Aristocracy is still closer to Anarcho Capitalism than it is to Socialism. I dont agree that he was a full blown Ancap, but Paleolibertarianism includes Nietzsches Aristocratic worldview.
Anarcho-Capitalism is just one branch of Paleolibertarianism, which also includes things like Minarchy, AnarchoFascism, National Anarchism etc. All the "Dont tread on me" types

>> No.14643122
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>He's closest to Ancap. You know it
t. brainlet
Industrial revolution didn't even reach Germany for most of his life. And all he mostly read were ancient Greek texts.

>> No.14643125

t. hasnt read Nietzsche
Hes just a right wing version of Max Stirner

>> No.14643129
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If he were alive today his views come somewhat close to Ancap is what I'm saying

>> No.14643136

Just because it's closer to it than it's complete fucking opposite doesn't mean it is it. Reread how I addressed capitalism and it's direct contradiction with Nietzchean aristocracy, you didn't give any rebuttal but rather repeated yourself. Also if you think any form of fascism even retarded shit like anarcho-fascism is remotely libertarian you completly fail to understand fascism.

>> No.14643142

If you think that any forms of Socialism or Communism are even remotely libertarian then you completely fail to understand Socialism

>> No.14643145

Uhhhh ok I'm not socialist or communist and I'm talking about right-wing libertarianism here.

>> No.14643187

No, they wouldn't, because he would probably figure ancap is a meme (capital can't exist without the state). His ideology is not tied to any economic system.

>> No.14643355

DeMaistre and Plato would if they existed at the time.

>> No.14643374

>Maybe Alexander Dugin too, but he has to pretend to be an anti fascist for the sake of Russian Politics
Half his political/philosophy is literally based on the idea that fascism failed but I still think you're right.

>> No.14643475

His philosophy is retarded because he basically says "woah bro fascism failed here is my totally new ideology that is definitely not just fascism with my own personal modern russian twist" which is exactly what it is.

>> No.14643489

He supports Democracy though, just not "liberal" Democracy.
I think the biggest thing holding Fascism back was their obsession with Ethnonationalism.
I like Julius Evola's approach with the idea that Fascism is supposed to be a society that cultivates Nietzsches Overman, regardless of an ethnicity. I think Dugin is trying to carry over from that, and wants an alliance between all the Eurasian races against western modernity.

His ideas are incomplete, but he is on to something. If Authoritarian-Egoism is a thing, then thats what 4th Positionism is supposed to be

>> No.14643743

Nazbol David Bowie
Nazbol David Bowie

>> No.14643756
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Very based. Im waiting for Nazbol to become a mainstream non-meme ideology in retaliation to rampant Neoliberalism.
Communists and Fascists genuinely have more in common with eachother than Neolibtards

>> No.14643947

coke is one hell of a drug

>> No.14643963

He isnt wrong though. Im not sure why its so hard for a Nation of workers to own their own means of production and preserve their cultural traditions.
Read Strasser

>> No.14644112

the workers are never going to control the means of production they're fucking retards fascists know this, commies delude themselves

>> No.14644189

is death on credit as good as journey?

>> No.14644272

Sean F Kay is probably among the most fascist authors.

>> No.14644276

I dont believe direct ownership is possible (ie. Anarcho Communism), but its definitely possible through State Socialism, but the dictator has to be a manifestation of the countries spirit, like Hitler was for Germany. Stalin was okay too, but its so much easier to achieve Socialism when you focus only on your own country rather than trying to spread it to as many countries as possible

>> No.14644323
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I hear the late sean f kay has something to say about this

>> No.14644588

Based Celine. Also Knut Hamsun

>> No.14644598

thats just propagnda dude elite individuals always control society

>> No.14644607

Well the only tine it was ever tried resulted in the leader and his wife getting executed with guns on public TV.

>> No.14644612

Not as great but still very good

>> No.14644836


>understanding the status quo as something that is controlled by elite individuals rather than a complex system of relationships and incoherent concepts that work in a tri-dimensional, non-lineal way

go back to r/the_donald you fucking pleb

>> No.14644842

it's both really, there is an elite that dominate but it's within a complex and ambiguous system

>> No.14644871

National Bolshevism is working pretty well in North Korea. Ethnically Homogeneous Nationalist, Anti-Globalist, Anti-Capitalist, Anti Western Degeneracy, and one of the only countries without a Rothschild central bank.

>> No.14645100

Lasch is not a National Bolshevik you dumb fuck

>> No.14645113

Hes close enough you nigger. National Bolshevism is just the most memey/extreme form of Paternal Conservatism

>> No.14645142

I also see people joke about Tucker Carlson being a Nazbol because he is a High Toryist

>> No.14645275

Worthy of note? Egghider and Hamsun.

>> No.14645450

Hans Fallada. Really interesting guy, wrote really good books.

>> No.14645597


>> No.14645857
