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File: 35 KB, 460x317, pynchon-simpsons.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
1464092 No.1464092 [Reply] [Original]

hey /lit/. I want to read some Pynchon, but have never read any before. Where should I start?

>> No.1464095


>> No.1464104

Well i just read Crying Of Lot 49 (my first one of his) and I thought it was lazy, trite and mostly charmless. So I guess not that one.

>> No.1464107

If you want to read something confounding and dense read his earlier work.

If you want to read something dense and comedic read his later work.

>> No.1464110

I started with V., I only read it really so I could go on to Gravity's rainbow, it was pretty good but he is sometimes too digressive for me, I still haven't read Gravity's Rainbow but it's maturing on my shelf.

>> No.1464127

it seems that most people think that Gravity's Rainbow is his best work, but needs an introduction before reading it. I am inclined to read The Crying of Lot 49 just due to the comparatively shorter length.

>> No.1464141

I just started reading Gravity's Rainbow for a class and it's been a little hard on my feeble brain so far. There's a lot of really juvenile humor in it though, which is great if you like this website.

>> No.1464280

I've read 4 books by Pynchon, and didn't like any of them much. V was boring. Vineland was kind of erratic. The Crying of Lot 49 was boring. Gravity's Rainbow was too hard to understand.

There are better postmodern writers out there. DFW, Roberto Bolano, Mark Z Danielski.

>> No.1464294
File: 37 KB, 344x344, Wallace, David Foster (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>David Foster Wallace

>> No.1464541
File: 14 KB, 305x276, cheryl_phone_annoyed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>better than Pynchon

>> No.1464567

Start wherever the fuck you want. Anything you read by him will be as erratic and and as much of a spin as the other.

>> No.1464568

>DFW, Roberto Bolano, Mark Z Danielski.
>Those writers
>Those writers

>> No.1464607

Grab Slow Learner, and read it first. It's a collection of his six short stories including an essay, by Pynchon, where he explains how the stories aren't as effective as his novels are. Good read.

Regrading his novels: >>1464107 is pretty much right.

My first Pynchon novel was Mason & Dixon, and I fell in love with it. I'd start there, only because it prepares you for the exhaustive research that his older novels dump on you, but it has a lovable, charming comedic presence that is even absent in most of ATD and IV.

Slow Learner then M&D= good intro.

>> No.1464656

The Crying of Lot 49 is great once you get through the scene in the hotel room that goes on forever towards the beginning.

>> No.1464838

What genre is Mr Wallace, then?

>> No.1464863

these faggots are wrong.

DFW even calls himself postmodern.

>> No.1464865

Inherent Vice is my favorite, OP.

>> No.1464872

He is definitely postmodern. No clue what they're trying to say about that.