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File: 21 KB, 737x491, jordan-peterson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14641062 No.14641062 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine being so fucking stupid, impressionable and utterly useless as a human being that you consider Jordan Peterson to be insightful and profound. He's a bitter, cynical, suicidally depressed old boomer. Why the fuck should anyone care what he has to say about anything?

>> No.14641201

Someone's Jelly.

>> No.14641331

Hate to break this to you bud but you seem to care much more about JP than like 99% of people who consider him insightful and profound.

>> No.14641333

You're correct, but you're about three years too late with this post.

>> No.14641336
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>> No.14641350

Peterson is a very bad example of this though, don't get me wrong he's a retard but the rest of the academic system basically ostracized him, he's far less conformist than most of them, likely due to being literally insane.

>> No.14641371

I just like how he gets his ostoyesvsky wrong in one sitting, and no one corrects him, because somehow conservatards dont care about culture anymore, just defeating others

>> No.14641375


>> No.14641377

he's a liberal. he doesn't challenge the system's basic values. he's just a little more into the rebellion illusion than the rest of them.

>> No.14641384

>He's a bitter, cynical, suicidally depressed old boomer
Agreed, but I wonder what made him that way? I feel like he is deeply resentful about something, not sure about what though

>> No.14641397

Hes not particularly profound, but to normies he is at least insightful, especially compared to the reddit tier garbage most of them would otherwise consume. He offers half decent, but simple, advice on how to improve your life.
>He's a bitter, cynical, suicidally depressed old boomer
I think he's worn out on fame and is struggling with the cultlike following he has amassed against his wishes. Also, his wife does have cancer, so thats a good reason to be depressed imo. He should never have started doing such big lecture tours and whatnot, its been seriously damaging for him. He should have just kept posting his lectures, gone on a couple of podcasts and then finished with all that, stayed out of the public eye generally.

>> No.14641434

If this guy didn't become involved with SJW Cringe Compilation culture back in 2016, no one would gve him the time of day. He's an unremarkable meme and he shouldn't be taken seriously.

>> No.14641443

This. These people are unironically obsessed with the guy.

>> No.14641447
File: 32 KB, 600x600, 7ef.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't really care about Jordan Peterson, and i don't think nobody on here should care either. In fact, i think the only reason people on 4chan cares about this guy is because a lot of those 2016 MAGA newfags shilled him like he was some sort of reactionary, traditional, or even crypto-fascist ideologue that was going to pressure the leftist academia (despite the fact that he's been saying "i don't like nazis" since day one). Then, those same newfags got disappointed with him when they realized he was no more than a centrist conservative, at best.
Modern academia it's filled with demagogues, self-help writers, ideologues (both on the left and the right), and intellectuals that are way more harmful than Peterson. He's just an old, reddit tier gatekeeper, that once in a blue moon may say something mildly interesting to hear. Just ignore him, we don't need three threads a day about how much of a charlatan Jordan Peterson is, we already know.

>> No.14641459

I disagree. He should be taken seriously simply because a large number of people listen to him. It marks a colossal failure of the people who should be transmitting ideas to the general population.

>> No.14641466

I like his Bible series it was really interesting dessu

>> No.14641527

Imagine being such a hysterical tranny that you continue to bring this guy up.

>> No.14641637

>u bud but you seem to care much more about JP than like 99%

That is true. And you make a valid observation. However, this is actually why Peterson was used for this meme. People don't need to be reminded of how the system works in cases that are very obvious. They need reminding in cases that are subtle, sophisticated, and cunter-intuitive. Because Peterson SEEMS the most like he is rebelling against the system's value's, he can lead many people astray. It is therefore even more important to highlight how this process works in the case of Peterson.

>> No.14641686

forget about the quote--mistake.

>> No.14641729

I don't get this. It's criticizing people for not truly changing the values of a system. But what if they don't want to? Peterson has never made himself out to be some revolutionary; he's said that the things we have now are working relatively well, and that we should proceed with caution.

A better person for that quote would be Chomsky.

>> No.14641779

He’s jealous of the public/academic success of continental philosophy, and in particular Lacanian theory which he views as having overshadowed his own theories. He went into psychology primarily to create a cult of personality around himself to rival and act as a corrective to the cults of personality cultivated by in particular the French, but by extension other Continentals. Unfortunately, he wanted to create a cult of personality first and proposing a corrective was his secondary concern. And then he failed at both. But when the gender pronoun controversy dropped in his lap he realized his opportunity and ran with it. By that point he was already bitter over his failure to be embraced by the public as the next brilliant thing. This is why he seems so threatened and insecure, and why he’s so prone to angry rants. He got his fame, but not in the way he really wanted it and I think he already feels it’s too little, too late.

>> No.14641815

You make a good point. I guess Peterson was used because he was most prominent at the time of the meme.

>> No.14641818

That's how I see it. He's remarkable not because of any originality but because of his popularity. He identified this massive, unquenched male thirst for responsibility.

>> No.14641842

Who ever made that pic knows nothing of Peterson's work

>> No.14641861

We should really stop replying to bait threads.

>> No.14641867

That might be true. It's just that, who else would you use in Peterson's place?

>> No.14642060

see >>14641729

>> No.14642079

The only problem with this is that most of the people who rail against him the hardest are even less genuinely rebellious. Jbp is at least opposing the establishment on at least one or two issues.

>> No.14642294

The funniest thing about him is that he is very much an establishment mouthpiece. Somehow a lot of right-wingers are convinced he's some sort of novel thinker, or firebrand. That he actually challenges the status quo.

>> No.14642457

that is a good point.

>> No.14642467
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>> No.14642469

OP didn't get into that cave to slay the dragon

>> No.14642557

This was a good post, anon. Thanks.

>> No.14642594


>> No.14642622

How many years does this image need to be contested until the poster realizes Peterson is a bad example and his pic is shit?

>> No.14642642

I don't think that it is a good point. I think Peterson is a pied piper.

>> No.14642650

What did he get wrong?

>> No.14642677

>bitter, cynical, suicidally depressed

Not really. I do agree you have to be a special kind of weakling to follow his philosophy though.

>> No.14642751

i dont get it, in 2016 there were always active threads pro-meming peterson and discussing him, then he got popular, and now everyone shits on him
of course his debate with zizek was dogshit
his main contribution as an intellectual was that he was able to bring a lot of issues pertinent to many young men into the Conversation that noone had the balls or adeptness to say first

>> No.14642755

I never understood why people are so obsessed with Peterson from an anti-Peterson perspective. The people who like him, that I've seen, have either liked him in fairly noncommittal ways, like flirting with him for a while before moving on, or appreciating some of his debates or his opinion on free speech or whatever but not really caring otherwise. Even the rare diehard Petersonites seem to be more like 18 year olds going through a phase and binge watching his videos.

Where are all the Peterson-obsessde people that "Facebook meme group leftists" are themselves obsessed with? Is this a more common thing on Reddit? But then why do you care what a bunch of Redditors do? Whatever they do, they're guaranteed to be doing it in a shallow way that isn't even worth criticizing, any more than it's worth criticizing billions of basic-ass normie faggots who repost Zizek memes on their Tumblr.

For a very brief period when Peterson was in the news and the Youtube algorithm constantly I saw homegrown Peterson threads on /lit/, and even those were more like /pol/ leakage discussing viral video or latest news fad than anyone seriously worshiping Peterson.

Just feels like the Discord zoomer tourist leftist "4channers" are creating a mountain of a molehill with this guy. Nobody here gives a shit about Peterson. It's mostly normies who did, outside of the few times he made headlines for refusing to use tranny pronouns etc.

>> No.14642769

Reading Ted makes me think there is an actual distinction between verbal and spatial IQ

>> No.14642781
File: 10 KB, 250x250, pseudlove.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your comment made me think of pic related.

>> No.14642799

>just defeating others
If there were a fifth horseman then he would likely be named "Ideology". This is by no means a pathology that is exclusive to the right, though.

>> No.14642814

you need to be 18 to post on this board

>> No.14642930

where was he talking about Dosto?

>> No.14642952

Hes done everything in his power to cultivate the cult. From the 5000 dollar rugs to the 300 dollar suit touching sessions for paypigs.

>> No.14642980

>He's a bitter, cynical, suicidally depressed old boomer.

>Why the fuck should anyone care what he has to say about anything?
His speeches are passionate and his lectures are interesting (if you care about psychology).

I don't know why you are obsessed with him, desu. Actually, I do. You expect him to be some kind of god-like figure who can do no wrong. (Or you're trannies and you see him as your "enemy".)

>> No.14642983

>He’s jealous of the public/academic success of continental philosophy, and in particular Lacanian theory which he views as having overshadowed his own theories
This doesn't seem plausible because he clearly lacks any understanding of continental philosophy.

>> No.14642993

Because he BTFOs trannies and incels. He's the quintessential alpha male who gets all the lobster pussy.

>> No.14642995

Every time he talks about atheism he talks about how Raskolnikov had a conscience and that proves God exists.

>> No.14643353

imagine feeling this threatened by a bitter, cynical, suicidally depressed old boomer

>> No.14643661

Yes i often imagine being a leftist in denial. Gives You chills.

>> No.14643727

Psychoanalysis needs to be purged from the institutions. That it’s residue still stains the walls of academia is a disgrace.

>> No.14643802
File: 341 KB, 597x567, 1571508893238.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine thinking that only one person posts this.
You prove it correct, you've been completely tricked.

>> No.14643916

What kind of philosophy do the strong follow then?

>> No.14643926

Strong men reject systematic thought, especially systematic attempts at being anti-systematic.

>> No.14643940

the problem with peterson is that he is a leftist trying to appeal to conservatives to prevent them from bringing about a fascist reactionary movement. it is very forced, and therefore comes off as cringe

and it isn't working. the fist is clinching :) :) :)

>> No.14643959

It's a narrative, anon. I think he's a good guy who's pointed out a lot of things that were obvious to young men in times past but which have been forgotten due to the advancement of liberal society+media. Things used to be so much better; and yet he insists that the world is getting better, i.e. quality of life and all that.

>> No.14644418

What is an example of non-systematic thought?