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14639272 No.14639272 [Reply] [Original]

Did you read this, senpai? Ugu

>> No.14639277
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that's a big book

>> No.14639300

normie apocalypse

>> No.14639321


>> No.14639408

I did: it really sucked desu.
A bunch of edgy, anti-consumerist ramblings (not surprising) and the writing was god awful and loaded with cliches and chiasmus (surprising; I’m not a Marxist but typically I like reading their postulations)
No, it’s under a hundred pages. I read it in a couple days

>> No.14639490

>i'm just oppressed as women queers and people of color just because I have to wake up early for work every monday(nevermind I get paid more for the same job) and because I am smug for not watching tv(which believe doesnt have anything to do with the fact that "the spectacle" has begun to represent people who aren't me)

Debord is fine if you are a teenager who is just finding out about the social justice critique of white supremacist capitalist patriarchy. But trying to LARP as a 'situationist' amongst actual leftists and marginalised folks will only result in tremendous embarrasment for everyone involved. You have to understand the revolution isnt about you or your dead white male 'theorists'. If anything it is time for you to shut up sit down and listen

>> No.14639523

>if you are steeped in revolutionary theory, you need to shut up because that’s too white
And thus socialism negates itself. How efficient.

>> No.14639603

Yeah, my favourite part was the cover

>> No.14639663

I read it and got some useful terms and tools. Of course you can no more call yourself a debordian than a lacanian in actual contemporary discussion but that doesn't discredit the insights he does have.

Its a good read for early to mid level marxists.

>> No.14639707

You're right in one sense, which is to say calling yourself a situationist is laughable. On the other hand I'd say you're overhasty in discarding theory because of your annoyance with neoliberal oppressions (like who gets paid what for a job.) There's still a lot of work to do, 'marxism' as it is barely exists and is still split into three or four schools of critique; what purpose does theory have but to scientifically interrogate these issues of the historical materialist theory? If the goal of capital is to create an epistemology that can replace commodity rationality how can we call ourselves marxists if we aren't scientifically examining these problems and are instead attempting to reform grievances like the ones you described?

This is not to say that feminism and other social justice writing doesn't need to be there. Any marxist gesture towards theory needs to take works like Milletts Sexual Politics and Spivaks Critique of Postcolonial reason seriously (and this is just to name a few works immediately connected to what I was talking about)

>> No.14639838
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The real rebels and revolutionaries are on the alt right. Marxists are just the left wing of global HR, providing justifications for PC totalitarianism and whatever trendy social engineering projects soros and the clinton foundation happen to be backing atm.

>> No.14639891
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Check it out everyone, we have an idiot who thinks he can be saved from capitalism by investing his identity in its state of siege. Fascism is planned, the state form unmasks its authoritarianism and then is saved by its own autophagia. The state uses fools like you to save capital and political economy as a global order.

I am not 'debating' you. Die, fascist scum.

>> No.14639899
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Every fucking thread

>> No.14639902

>I am not debating you
Smart move, you’d have your asshole ripped apart

>> No.14639906

Comments is better

>> No.14639916

capitalism blatantly prefers tranny Marxists waffling about in the Ivies to even a hint of outright Fascism.

>> No.14639954

Why not choose fascism? Leftists will always hate you no matter what you do, they literally think the main problem with the world today is that your life isnt shitty and alienating enough.

>> No.14639957

Why the American leftoids use this term all the time? Wasn't it popularised by your nigger right-wing war criminal president, who's literally on the Wall Street payroll?

>> No.14639959

>Why not choose fascism?
How does one do this?
>Leftists will always hate you no matter what you do, they literally think the main problem with the world today is that your life isnt shitty and alienating enough.
But 'leftist' love taxpaying white males, kind of like stckhlm synd

>> No.14639961

I'm a leftist and I don't think that though

>> No.14639971


>> No.14640305

radioactive bait.

>> No.14640542

It might be some kind of subconscious (or conscious) way to appeal to people that they deem odious and beneath them but still necessary for popular support of their movement (e.g. lower working class people, lumpenproletariat).
You can see a similar thing in the use of "y'all" by other coastal elites and neoliberals like Warren and Clinton.

>> No.14642120

i bet youre a white woman or discord tranny.

>> No.14642137

Mediocre bait.

>> No.14642165

It made more sense the 60s but a lot of it is still relevant

>> No.14642939
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God I hate "y'all" posters.