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14637348 No.14637348[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

if life is suffering, why am I the only one I see suffering? normal fags seem so chipper

>> No.14637361

>posts amputee
>why am I the only one I see suffer

>> No.14637362

Normies are npcs at this point

>> No.14637364
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>> No.14637374
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because they're dead

>> No.14637426

Normalfags are not people. They are automatons who have relinquished their souls in pursuit of sensory pleasure and psychological comfort. Don't compare yourself to them. Read Nietzsche.

>> No.14637437

Bruh you can see her hands behind her

>> No.14637444

Assuming they even have consciousness, normalfags are suffering too but they don't understand how or why.

>> No.14637454

what are you gay?

>> No.14637458

if I fuck an amputee girl, does it count as rape?

>> No.14637460

>is feeling depressed atm
>why isn't everyone feeling depressed atm
Have some perspective anon. You may well see your suffering as the greatest of emotional achievements, but it's not the only experience nor an eternally constant one.

>> No.14637494


>> No.14637705

The guy has a point unfortunately. The reality of cybernetics has made it clear to any prodigal loner that normals are like solid blocks of personality in the walls of society. Some people want to rather be chiseled and broken and warped into statues

>> No.14637721

Normal people are too stupid to be sad. It’s less dangerous with the lights out.

>> No.14637753

A lot of this board is cancer. You are an animal and a certain lifestyle will appease your brain meat. Once you do that, I'm sure you will find some philosophy that will justify the happiness you feel, same way you're trying to justify how you feel now.

>> No.14637777

"Life is suffering."-thing pseudo intellectuals say

>> No.14637791

Based and checked

>> No.14637793

Why so sad bros?


>> No.14637804

You gotta love posts where you legit cant tell if they're trolling or not

>> No.14637834

Did you ever think to actually look at why the loner feels that way? Also, cybernetics taught us that people are constantly in a cause-and-effect with each other

>> No.14637845

I was that guy once, I'm not now. Being yourself is the organizing principle of a lot of philosophy

>> No.14637930

Same. That's how I know it was all in my head

>> No.14637947

Not if you cut your act short.

>> No.14637967

Because normies put on the mask and with time they become the mask.
Untill something extraordinarily bad happens they will keep acting.

>> No.14638054

Suffering is sometimes easy to hide. Everyone I work with seems to think I'm a really happy and kind person, yet I'm in the worst position I have ever been in. Same counts for normies going through tough shit relative to their lives.

>> No.14638159

based quads of truth
Op is someone who should think less or more so he can get over his midwitness and "suffering"

>> No.14638174
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>why am I the only one I see suffering?
boo hoo hoo

>> No.14638190

You're so repulsive to the female sex that they'd consider any intercourse with any female as rape.

>> No.14638198

jezebel posting isnt cool

>> No.14638200

Yeah this one is a great example

>> No.14638207

They distract themselves or otherwise anchor their sense of self to something more stable than the personal mind, eg the nation, religion, family or something else

>> No.14638213

because they arent a fucking faggot like you op

>> No.14638240

literally digging yourself a hole to live in.
Not that I'm any better, I did that for a long time. Excusing my total social inability by the fact that I was being smarter than almost everyone around me (which I was and still am). But there are people who are smart enough to be your friends, and with which you could share your sophisticated, intellectual suffering. But you know what the kicker is? You have to go out and actually look for them, because they are walking around pretending to be normies, just like you are.
Can't argue with the facts.

>> No.14638241


God FUCKING damn. If that were me I'd ask the doctor to give me a shot of cyanide, fuck that life

>> No.14638428

Isn't this supposed to be the smart board?
Are you retards really implying normal people don't suffer hardships?

>> No.14638473

>white knighting normals

>> No.14638489


>> No.14638523

Why is your life suffering? I keep seeing faggots here that keep saying that. Suffering is boring truth to be told. Suffering should have made you stronger, but you turned gay. There's so many more interesting things. Even watching paint dry. Suffering isn't profound, neither are you. Not even all suffering is equal.

>> No.14638525

normalfags don't even think in words, they can't comprehend suffering, they merely exist like cattle chewing on cud.

>> No.14638529

who is this and where can i see her swallow a bbc?

>> No.14638530
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You're pathetic, self-centered and possibly blind.

>> No.14638544

I put on a happy mask at work so people won't give me shit about looking sad or something. I wonder how many other people do the same thing.

>> No.14638553

>wah wah so sad :-( I couldn't say I don't want to hang out to my colleagues because I don't like them, instead I have them some pussy excuse :( not every thing was handed to platter to me and unfortunately I need to work and things aren't EASY, which is such an injustice to me
This is how you sound like. I fucking hate all of you faggots. "Normies" might be cattle, but you're worse because what have you done with anything? How are you better? You've procrastinated your whole life and are so weak you can't slog through your own trivial "sufferings". Why do the weak always read and see suffering in art and life as some justification that it is fine to be weak, thus to suffer, rather than seeing that everyone suffers and it is precisely the strong or profound that suffer with most value ( whereas your suffering has none, in fact no one would even read about it or care), for they either react to it in ways that show off amazing mental strength or insight?
All you've done is
>muh normals I'm so superior xD
You're so profound for being such a pussy, my friend. Wearing masks! So special. How about you quit your job and live a life you actually clearly want to live ( I know you're so clueless you only know the live you DONT want to live, not the one you want to, that is to say, you don't know what the fuck you want) or stop being such a coward and care about what everyone thinks? If they're so valueless to you, why do you let their reactions control your life? Truth is none of you are pretending, you're just cowards.

>> No.14638562

>You're so profound for being such a pussy, my friend. ...
I have a job because I need to pay bills and put food on the table. I have my particular job because it's the only place I could find that would hire me. I act like a normalfag (at least I think I do) at work because it makes my job easier if I get along with my coworkers. Hope that answers your questions.

>> No.14638573

>I wonder how many other people do the same thing.
Many. Sympathize with your coworkers.
>How about you quit your job and live a life you actually clearly want to live ( I know you're so clueless you only know the live you DONT want to live, not the one you want to, that is to say, you don't know what the fuck you want) or stop being such a coward and care about what everyone thinks?
Cringe. People don't work because they give a shit what other people think. Working work you actually "want" isn't necessarily a tenable thing either. Ideally you eventually find bearable or passably enjoyable work, but blindly following your passions is a great way to be taken advantage of by other people for your entire life.

>> No.14638574

Are you really trying to tell me you only have one option in this world where you are drowning in an ocean of possibilities...?
You're not really pretending. There's lots of people like you. They used to call them a different name, but you instead have your own names and self delusions. Name one great person who pretended to be a "normal fag", rather than doing what they did. Ah, right, you must be merely pretending to be mediocre, it's not like you actually could be, but no, you're SECRETLY profound and special.

I'm only ever rarely here, sometimes because there's interesting things, but mostly because I needed a laugh.

>> No.14638580

>Are you really trying to tell me you only have one option in this world where you are drowning in an ocean of possibilities...?
Yeah let me just completely uproot and move who the fuck knows where. I don't have any family or responsibilities in my current location and I have the ability to easily travel to deal with interviews and whatever other bullshit. Get fucked you naive moron. When you graduate school and have to actually go out into the world and see what it's like, it's going to kick you in the teeth hard.

>> No.14638582

Stupid word used as an excuse to try and sound superior again. Listen to me: you're an absolute knobhead and a pussy. You're only taken advantage of not because you have amazing talents, but because you're too weak. Sometimes two of these two do go together, mostly you're just weak. Few people are truly talented and strong, those almost universally are remembered in history for one thing and another. None of you have either, you're talentless and weak, that's why you're here crying over your shitty "job" when you're living in the best time so far in human history for finding opportunities and means to do what you truly find interesting.

>> No.14638589

>Are you really trying to tell me you only have one option in this world where you are drowning in an ocean of possibilities...?
You're either a troll, still in high school, still in college, a trust fund baby, or fortunate enough to have been interested in and educated in a highly marketable field. Regardless, what you're saying is not representative of reality for the vast majority of responsible adults.

>> No.14638591

Another post of in the same vein: imagine doing a stupid dead end job at your shitty warehouse or retail job when you could be designing space shuttles. Lmao.

>> No.14638596

>None of you have either, you're talentless and weak, that's why you're here crying over your shitty "job" when you're living in the best time so far in human history for finding opportunities and means to do what you truly find interesting.
Actually, I work a highly lucrative corporate job that I only mildly dislike. But when I was younger I followed my passions, and was taken advantage of for it. I'm much happier in my present situation — now I'm self-determining and have opportunity for career growth, and maybe even early retirement. If I had followed my previous path, other people would have effectively owned me most of my life.

>> No.14638625
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>if life is suffering
What makes you think that this is a given fact? It's just something you believe in so you can cope with the fact that you are a faggot.

>> No.14638627

I like how you have all of these excuses. I've already been living in the "real world" for long enough to know there's countless possibilities for doing interesting and cool shit at any given time, only if you are not a completely neurotic pussy that can only bet on anything that is 100% safe and sound rather than taking your chances.
I'm laffin.
I've not gone to school. I'm from a very poor background coming from a very shitty country, but I left my home to do whatever I thought was what I wanted at the time. Most of my last 2 years I've spent travelling and working for minimal amounts of time. I don't know what your stupid job is, I don't want to, but when I do work it is for such a short time and in such a concentrated form that I couldn't give a shit if it is boring since I'm there for a short while. Next year I'm going to pursue an entirely useless degree from terms of employment in pure mathematics through distance learning. Next week I'm going to Italy to stay for a week with my gfs family and then I'm going to an amazingly beautiful country in Caucasus, which also happens to be cheap enough for me to rent nearly 2 months worth of excellent private accommodation for weeks worth of work in UK. I don't even know what I'll do there. I think I'm mostly going to prepare myself for learning maths. I also want to write our some of my ideas for prose. I also have couple of places I'd like to see, mount Ararat for once. Last thing I'll do is "suffer". Even if I do suffer for one reason or another, it will be for reasons entirely foreign and above you.
So you've given away what you truly wanted to do for some creature comforts. Amazing. Exactly what anyone sets out to do: to live entirely mediocre, conformist life. Well enjoy your retirement lmao.

>> No.14638629

As long as you're working, your owned. Even at the top of the ladder, you are owned by those below you.

>> No.14638635

Conflating mdcdonalds wage slavery and some lucrative non-demeaning job as 'being owned' seems like much too broad a category to be useful

>> No.14638645

I know, but there's different qualities of cage.
So I was right — you're young and you've not yet had to worry about your future. Just bear in mind that if you still behave this way in your thirties you'll be doomed. Enjoy getting stuck in some maths assistant professorship for pittance pay.

>> No.14638650

Got to go, though; commute's ending soon.

>> No.14638656

I'm not gonna be stuck anywhere. Worry about what exactly? I like how you faggots like to pretend that you have some sort of a wisdom with age, but what it really is your own sense of defeat conflated with some sort of an idea in your about what is "realistic". You can't even really parse it in your head that not everyone lives like you and that there are different ways. I on the other hand can perfectly understand you, but I still hold you in contempt for I found better, more interesting ways. Its not like I won't suffer, but at least I won't suffer out of having done things I never wanted to do, rather I'll suffer for my own faults and errors, entirely committed out of my own folly for having followed what I wanted. I might as well be entirely alien to you.

>> No.14638659

>non demeaning job
Such a thing does not exist, unless sprinkles make shit turn to gold. Slaves are slaves.
Being "lucrative" has no effect on this, unless you think escorts are respectable people.

>there's different qualities of cage.
Just a cope. You are an owned human being, paper money for your lifespan.

>> No.14638669

>rather I'll suffer for my own faults and errors
Why do you have to suffer bro?

>> No.14638680

Because empathy requires more intelligence than you can provide at this moment.

>> No.14638708

Mostly it's been running out of money or being put in difficult situation because some of my plans didn't work out as intended. It wasn't the end of the world. I know it would be for these people, but it's only a problem if you're completely useless and can't think of anything you'd do then. It sounds scarier than it is. Also taught me not to rely on material goods and savings as a clutch, but to always rely on my character instead. Those things are good, but if your comfortable and sheltered life was suddenly to come to an end, either because there is some war or a massive economic crisis, you'd be fucked without character. If anything being homeless for a very short while taught me that homeless are retarded and that it's actually fun having to figure out what to do when all you got is enough for a food for one week. I got out of that situation quickly. I had some sadness over my ex, but I left her. My hope is she is alright. I'm in very thin contact with her and suspect she's still in love with me. She still wants to see me, so I already know what that is going to spell out if I'm actually physically there. Besides this I got a cold and my legs are bit stiff, but I don't think that's suffering. I'm not happy at the time being either for there is no apparent cause to be, but mountain air and a change of surroundings hardly ever fails to make me come close. I got interesting things planned and already going on. Challenging things that aren't easy. My life isn't easy, but I don't see why should I suffer from it lmao. God I despise these dumb fucks so much.

>> No.14638717

>not Buddhism 2,500 years ago

>> No.14638719

did you not read the same conversation?
the dude's already lived like you
he said that at the start, retard
>when I was younger I followed my passions, and was taken advantage of for it
dumb niggar lmao

>> No.14638730

Trust me he didn't live anything like me.

>> No.14638758

I feel you bro. If I may ask, what is the meaning of your life?

>> No.14638759


>> No.14638766

nope, hes mostly right, in the posts ive read at least

>> No.14638772

So how did you get out of being homeless? Share some interesting stories, maybe you can save this gay thread.

>> No.14638784


I believe their suffering to be of a less existential nature.

>> No.14638788

You're pathetic.

>>14638656 is actually really based. And watching middle-aged losers like you desperately trying to justify their way of life is amusing.
>Waaah I had no choice
>Waaah you're just immature and naive
You're a slave. Your suffering is banal. Hope the comfort was worth it.

>> No.14638804

Alright kiddo

>> No.14638907

Meaning? I don't think life has any inherent meaning. With that out of the picture, clearly one's meaning is their own. I can't put it down to a singular cause or statement. I think what is "I" is more than just my conscious mind, it is a plethora of psychological underworks and circumstances that came to make who I am. Right now I'm interested in taking on difficult mental and physical challenges. Learning higher mathematics is difficult. Learning how to climb is physically demanding. I have some writing in conception and early stages of writing. Whether or not it is any good remains to be seen. Time itself is the best judge, it never fails to sift through the bad grains, only worthwhile things retaining any sort of relevance. I really enjoy Heraclitus. Here's some fragments that come close to my understanding of the world:
>Much learning does not teach understanding.
>This universe, which is the same for all, has not been made by any god or man, but it always has been, is, and will be an ever-living fire, kindling itself by regular measures and going out by regular measures.
>Character is destiny.
There's a few more. Read them yourself as there are not many fragments in total.
Not particularly amazing story. I merely asked numerous hostels around the city if they needed someone to work in exchange of a bed. I got an almost private room in what used to be a ball hall in a Georgian building. Almost private for there was a receptionist staying over in that room as well for 3 days of the week during day as they did night shifts. I gave them 15 hours weekly as agreed, but in practice it was usually less as I was just doing some shopping and painting around the place, with rest of my time to get some savings and do whatever I wanted at the time. They paid me a little too.

>> No.14638916

You likely have below average IQ and your cognitive faculties are too underdeveloped to correctly classify input and develop appropriate responses to stressors.

>> No.14639181

The guy was specifically talking about cybernetics and got it wrong

>> No.14639233

he could still kiss girls or give gay blowjobs or kickstart a career in theoretical physics

>> No.14639261

People don't give a shit regardless. I can't be bothered with the effort of putting on a mask at work and no one cares.

if anything most people seem as miserable as myself