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14636729 No.14636729 [Reply] [Original]

What the fuck is this book about?

>> No.14636745


>> No.14636746

Read the damn title.

>> No.14636749

International bestseller?

>> No.14636900
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God, religion, life and teachings of Jesus, the meaning of life and spiritual secrets of the universe, as told by Angelic/Celestial beings with a divine mandate from on high.

132:3.4.Revealed truth, personally discovered truth, is the supreme delight of the human soul; it is the joint creation of the material mind and the indwelling spirit. The eternal salvation of this truth-discerning and beauty-loving soul is assured by that hunger and thirst for goodness which leads this mortal to develop a singleness of purpose to do the Father's will, to find God and to become like him. There is never conflict between true knowledge and truth. There may be conflict between knowledge and human beliefs, beliefs colored with prejudice, distorted by fear, and dominated by the dread of facing new facts of material discovery or spiritual progress.

132:3.5.But truth can never become man's possession without the exercise of faith. This is true because man's thoughts, wisdom, ethics, and ideals will never rise higher than his faith, his sublime hope. And all such true faith is predicated on profound reflection, sincere self-criticism, and uncompromising moral consciousness. Faith is the inspiration of the spiritized creative imagination.

132:3.6.Faith acts to release the superhuman activities of the divine spark, the immortal germ, that lives within the mind of man, and which is the potential of eternal survival.

>> No.14636920

It's a bestseller in the genre of Urantian religious texts.

>> No.14636938

Saging all forced memes and pop metaphysics

>> No.14637050

its amazing 60 years on from the end of the "contactee" movement and people are still buying this.
lets all go to giant rock for the saucer convention

>> No.14637116
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why does the book threaten you so much that you have to resort to such silly defamation attempts

>> No.14637896

Has it really been that long? I used to read Edith Fiore and Budd Hopkins when I was a teenager. Good supplement to The X-Files.

>> No.14638610

I tried reading this after A Course In Miracles. Well, it sucks.

>> No.14640341
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>> No.14640363


>> No.14640754

Probable author is Edgar Cayce, elite among psychics/mediums in the pre-New Age era. tl;dr it's theosophy, more or less.

>> No.14641692

t. clueless brainlets

>> No.14641696

t. gullible retard
Explain how Urantia is true

>> No.14642169
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2:7.4.The false science of materialism would sentence mortal man to become an outcast in the universe. Such partial knowledge is potentially evil; it is knowledge composed of both good and evil. Truth is beautiful because it is both replete and symmetrical. When man searches for truth, he pursues the divinely real.

2:7.5.Philosophers commit their gravest error when they are misled into the fallacy of abstraction, the practice of focusing the attention upon one aspect of reality and then of pronouncing such an isolated aspect to be the whole truth. The wise philosopher will always look for the creative design which is behind, and pre-existent to, all universe phenomena. The creator thought invariably precedes creative action.

2:7.6.Intellectual self-consciousness can discover the beauty of truth, its spiritual quality, not only by the philosophic consistency of its concepts, but more certainly and surely by the unerring response of the ever-present Spirit of Truth. Happiness ensues from the recognition of truth because it can be acted out; it can be lived. Disappointment and sorrow attend upon error because, not being a reality, it cannot be realized in experience. Divine truth is best known by its spiritual flavor.