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/lit/ - Literature

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14631557 No.14631557 [Reply] [Original]

As fun as it is to post about 1000+ page hypertext postmodern shit, I never see serious posts about children's literature on this board. Iv'e always felt that children's books such as pic related can discuss profound topics such as the nature of death in a very simple, approachable way and can be as effective as adult novels due to their direct nature. Any other kid's books like this you can think of?

>> No.14631591 [DELETED] 

you just know she was getting dicked down by some dirty barnyard animals. no way she wasn't.

>> No.14631600
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Kipling writes children’s literature like nobody else. The Just So Stories, are a series of profound soul-searching questions afloat in a sea of whimsy and childlike fantasy. Hearing them as a tiny kid, I felt the depth and while I didn’t understand it, I understood it was something The Cat in the Hat lacked.
As an adult I enjoy The Jungle Books even more. Kipling adds elements to his worlds that stick with you like a pebble in your shoe.
Borges said that Kipling could have written the last true epic, but instead settled on children’s literature.

>> No.14631614

Mentioning The Jungle Book got me thinking of other great works Disney has deprived the world of by making people think they know the story. Peter Pan is brilliant; the most charming motherfucking thing I’ve ever read. To say nothing of Winnie the Pooh.

>> No.14631624


>> No.14631633

Hans Christian Anderson stories are genuinely great

>> No.14631653

Wind in the Willows
Huck Finn and Tom Sawyer
Treasure Island
The Once and Future King
Robinson Crusoe
The Bible
Grimms Fairy Tales
Wizard of Oz
Chronicles of Prydain
Roll of Thunder, Hear my Cry
Aesops Fables
Arabian Nights

>> No.14631661

the little mermaid riled me up so much when i was wee lad, i wanted to fuck that mermaid so hard before i even knew what a boner was. based on that, i say its degenerate kike propaganda to sexualize children. or maybe it was just disney's fauly

>> No.14631764
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>> No.14631770
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>> No.14631777

I've read it when I was younger but forgot everything but a wrinkle in time. I've been wanting to re-read it.

>> No.14632147
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Patrician taste. What's your favorite book in the Edge Chronicles saga, anon?

>> No.14632155
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>No Moomin books


>> No.14632167

Have you read Puck of Pook's Hill? It's my favorite work by him

>> No.14632180

it was a metaphor for a closeted fag. The story was his love letter to a guy whose dick he wanted to suck

>> No.14632275
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>I cannot believe that the ancient occurrence of sensitive young men and sensitive young women going apart, in great solitude, to read for themselves and by themselves—I cannot believe that that can come to an end.
>There will always be sensitive young men and women who will discover Jane Austen, who will discover Shakespeare. If there aren’t, then of course we are all doomed. But I can’t believe that something which is so powerfully resistant to merely social criteria will come to an end. These things cannot die
RIP Bloom

>> No.14632470

>Hearing them as a tiny kid, I felt the depth and while I didn’t understand it, I understood it was something The Cat in the Hat lacked.
This is how I felt about Astrid Lindgren as a kid. Just this vague notion of there being something more that I couldn’t grasp at the time. Really cool feeling. I think it’s part of what got me into literature.

>> No.14632518

The Phantom Tollbooth
Moby Dick

>> No.14632565


enid blyton is a god of the genre. famous five, secret seven. i re-read the first famous five book again last month and it held up real good. beatrix potter is also very good.



>> No.14632633


>> No.14632807

Pure beauty anon

>> No.14632876

>Charlotte's Web
Good, but overrated.
>The Phantom Tollbooth
Utter shit.

My recommendation:
>The Mouse and His Child
I totally missed how funny it was when I read it as a kid.

>> No.14633066

Isnt he a COOMER?

>> No.14633117

I remember those. They were fun, but got a bit ridiculous to the end. Still great reading as a kid.

>> No.14633136

Finally! Brian Jacques was the best. I still think fondly on his descriptions of food. The books were pretty mature too.

>> No.14633354

this shit made me a goddamn furry

>> No.14633373

I distinctly remember the word abalone from Island of the Blue Dolphins. Also Narnia

>> No.14633424
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Pretty underrated book from my furry youth. Also Astrid Lindgren is amazing.

>> No.14633756

Aye good shit

>> No.14633774

I enjoyed Blyton a lot; I think everyone did, but I don’t think there’s even an argument for placing her at the top tier of children’s writing. Compared to the timelessness and wit of Beatrix Potter, what can thebFamous Five series say for itself?

>> No.14633926

I liked a lot of Roald Dahl when I was younger. I recall most of them having this great balance of whimsy, smart writing, and dark humor. If I had to pick a favorite it would be The Wonderful Story of Henry Sugar and Six More. Tear my assertions apart, but it was a lot of fun.

>> No.14633932

Did you read The Midnight Fox? 8-year-old me thought it was the best thing ever.

>> No.14634665

it teaches children how to be a decent human being.

>> No.14634809

Operation dump the chump

>> No.14634822
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A. A. Milne is my nigger and this is my shit

>> No.14635389

My man, the illustrations and the world are so good.

Not that anon, but my favorite is probably Curse of the Gloamglozer

>> No.14635453

What about that tranny girl?

>> No.14636754
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Read Charlotte's Web to my daughter this past week, it's ok. Looking forward to getting my Easton press copy of secret garden

>> No.14636765

Peter pan is garbage https://www.exposingsatanism.org/peter-pan-the-lost-generation/

>> No.14636848
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>> No.14636855

There's literally a thread discussing the Jewish dumbfuckery of Goosebumps.

>> No.14637387

she gets manned by the older boy and falls in love with him, discovering her femininity. tranny girls are just in search for a megaman.

>> No.14637394
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Holes was fantastic. Probably the first book I read as a kid that made me love reading. I remember liking it so much that I wrote my own fanfic story of it.

>> No.14637972

FUCK i just found out i somehow gave away/donated my copy of his complete short stories to the library or goodwill or something damn i wanted to read the last few i didn't get to, chief among those, the ice queen.