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File: 38 KB, 415x599, McMindfullness.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14628895 No.14628895 [Reply] [Original]

What is the deal with Burgerpunk-Spirituality? Can we talk about it? Currently reading: "McMindfulness" by Ronald Purser.

> Mindfulness is such a well-known commodity that it has even been used by the fast-food giant KFC to sell chicken pot pies. Developed by a highpowered ad agency, KFC’s “Comfort Zone: A Pot Pie-Based Meditation System” uses a soothing voiceover and mystical images of a rotating Col Sanders sitting in the lotus posture with a pot pie head. The video “takes listeners on a journey,” says the narrator: “The Comfort Zone is a groundbreaking system of personal meditation, mindfulness and affirmation based on the incredible power of KFC’s signature pot pie.” Mindfulness is now said to be a $4 billion industry, propped up by media hype and slick marketing by the movement’s elites. More than 100,000 books
for sale on Amazon have a variant of “mindfulness” in their title, touting the benefits of Mindful Parenting, Mindful Eating, Mindful Teaching, Mindful Therapy, Mindful Leadership, Mindful Finance, a Mindful Nation, and
Mindful Dog Owners, to name just a few. There is also The Mindfulness Coloring Book, a bestselling subgenre in itself. Besides books, there are workshops, online courses, glossy magazines, documentary films, smartphone apps, bells, cushions, bracelets, beauty products and other paraphernalia, as well as a lucrative and burgeoning conference circuit.
Mindfulness programs have made their way into public schools, Wall Street and Silicon Valley corporations, law firms, and government agencies including the US military. Almost daily, the media cite scientific studies
reporting the numerous health benefits of mindfulness and the transformative
effects of this simple practice on the brain

>> No.14629672

Seems to be an alt-right crap.

>> No.14629966

The author [Ronald Purser] (appears to be rather left-leaning) professor teaching in San Francisco, and an ordained teache in Korean Buddhist Taego Order.

>> No.14630089

America was founded by the Masonic Protestants of Masonic Protestants--a second movement of individualistic and self-emanating rebellion against the first movement of that same rebellion.

There is no such thing as a man without a master. As men turn from God, they exchange their chains of gold for chains of iron. Rejecting the the house of their Father, they take up residence under crueler lords. The greater the resistance, the greater the pain. The more a man seeks self-control, they more he will give himself to the control of others.

By turning to his own strength, a man accepts the law of strength. It follows naturally then, that the strongest will rule.

>> No.14631017

Wish I had read this, so I would know what you're talking about. I'll speak to you like a strawman, and say that I wholly endorse cannibalizing Buddhism and trying to grasp enlightenment in secular terms.

>> No.14631032

I don't see anything wrong with taking the practical benefits of buddhism and ditching everything else

>> No.14631065

Don't let these incels here trick you, it 100% is. All of the authors are CIS gender-normative fit white males who endlessly mansplain and white-whine on and on about how much they hate capitalism while sitting there and profiting off of centuries of privileged white oppression. If Burgerpunk wants to survive as a genre it will have to embrace diversity, this means more PoC authors, more female authors, more LGBTQRS++ authors, more fat-positive authors, more IQ underprivileged authors, and most importantly more Jewish authors. It will also have to shift its themes and tone from focusing on the white experience to a more universal, vibrant subject such as the struggles of structurally-oppressed individuals in a white-supremacist, patriarchal system typical of 21st century Western democracies. We have a lot of work to do but I think it's possible to turn this around.

>> No.14631077


Russia Today's Chris Hedges talks to Ronald Purser about the book, in case you want to just watch a video primer

>> No.14631083
File: 80 KB, 848x800, B849D695-92F3-4301-ADBF-AEB0CDA6A492.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>nooooooo... muh propheteer Guenon says a belief is only worthwhile if it comes from a culture without toilets or before toilets were invented in the west! The western enlightenment is why I can't get laid

>> No.14631253

Dude are you allowed to just type all that??

>> No.14631270

I'll give (You) attention if (You)'ll reciprocate... even if I'm not sure what you're implying.

>> No.14631284

>ordained Buddhist priest