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14629862 No.14629862 [Reply] [Original]

What are books that accurately portray the soul-crushing nature of wageslavery?

>> No.14629864

Wealth of Nations

>> No.14629875

The Metamorphosis

>> No.14629880

Read the works of Delicious Tacos.

>> No.14629888

i only wish my life was also full of crushing pussy

>> No.14629933
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The soul was teleoplexically refuted by capital aka Nick Land.

>> No.14629947

goddamn it

>> No.14629969

If you're legitimately poor and have spent years slaving away, read marx. If you're a resentful young person, just fucking read.
The Good Earth and A Little Life have work themes

>> No.14629989

Fuck you. I have been slaving off for my entire life in vietnam and marx writes least what I want from world. He wasn't realist in any way.

>> No.14630002

bukowski maybe

>> No.14630024
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>I have been slaving off for my entire life in Vietnam.
>Marx, writing about political economy in mid-19th century Europe, focusing on Britain, France and Germany.
>Marx wasn't realist in any way.

T. Only read the Manifesto or some similar shallow pamphlet.

>> No.14630027 [SPOILER] 
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the saddest of posts. i love you comrade.

>> No.14630043

This is why I said to read Smith, he believes repetitive tasks destroy the worker

>> No.14631332
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And retroactively reaffirmed by Abd al-Wahid Yahya (a.s)

>> No.14631377
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i just found out that i have to pay 25% of what i earned this year in taxes in one lump sum. all of my fucking savings. i'm going to buy a scratch ticket tomorrow and if i don't win i'm going to either become a vagrant or go to prison so at least my meals will be prepared for me. i fucking hate capitalism, protestants, and jews, the trinity of human evil so fucking much and i cannot coexist with them much longer.

>> No.14631401

>double dubs
>off by one

I think it's pretty clear who refuted whom here if you catch my drift.

>> No.14631409
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>> No.14631411

The Pale King

>> No.14631415

kek, based and subtle joke.

>> No.14631437

Become a sovereign citizen.

>> No.14631446

Where do you live that you have to pay 25 percent?

>> No.14631447

your diary desu

>> No.14631458

I have to pay my tax this month which would be fine, but my laptop just died on me and I need that for work and they're so god damn expensive. I can claim the laptop on tax but I only get a fraction back, and it makes me so angry that these tools which are more or less non-optional today are somehow still hundreds of dollars if not thousands.

>> No.14631468

if you don't need too much performance, buy a used thinkpad. Got my x220 for less than 200$

>> No.14631470

NH. my boss pays me as an outside consultant or subcontractor or some shit so all the "profits" i made working for him are taxed i guess idk. after i quit i'm legally changing my name to sasuke uchiha then burning my license, broth certificate and social security card. probably gonna do a heavy bulk with my remaining money then just go to prison.
yeah fuck it i'm done

>> No.14631542

You'll need your broth certificate when you're a vagrant visiting the soup kitchens anon.

>> No.14631547

Last laptop I bought (5 years ago) I bought refurbished for cheaper, and when I took it home it wouldn't work. They let me exchange it for a new one but made me pay the difference. The injustice..

>> No.14631567
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This is a reply to both OP and based tripsposter

>> No.14631587

The jungle by Upton Sinclair

>> No.14631625

just started a wageslave job. I did the math and have 3hours of free time a day. I'm physically exhausted for all of it and I wouldn't even be able to support myself with the job.

>> No.14631630

any work week over 24 hours is inhumane. You are paying for my time, my life, more than my labor.

>> No.14631638

how the fuck do I create passive income without capital? Seriously considering just going to fucking prison for life, only issue is I want the opportunity to breed.

>> No.14631641

thats literally what it is. no way we're doing all this bullshit so we can, what? lie have tv's and shit? we're doing it because they want us to suffer. its pure futility.

>> No.14631644

5h/day is sub-minimum wage here in South Europe. Around 500eu. It's livable if you don't pay rent and don't want a family

>> No.14631647

>Seriously considering just going to fucking prison for life, only issue is I want the opportunity to breed.
hmmm, how on earth could we reconcile the two???

>> No.14631655

bukowski unironically

>> No.14631659

>we're doing it because they want us to suffer.
The long hours of work actually has the purpose of alienation and exhaustion. It keeps you too busy to notice or care about anything, your family is only family by name.

>> No.14631665

I would have to have kids with someone before going to prison, but even then I would have to wait for them to give birth.

>> No.14631679

I have to go to bed now, If I get less than 7 hours sleep I work too slow and bossman yells at me and will take away my livelihood on a whim

>> No.14631697

i was implying that you should rape someone, as a joke. but its fucked up because i have a very similar fantasy, where i just plant my seed in a white trash girl with a heart of gold then go commit some morally acceptable crime like killing abortion doctors or some shit. literally anything but wageslaving my life away.

>> No.14631721

You should do it in some Scandi country
.Comfy prisons, read all day, maybe earn a degree too.

>> No.14631724

>i was implying that you should rape someone, as a joke
by breed I meant actually pass on genetics. Raping thots isn't practical with birthcontrol and abortions abounding.

If I don't have something set up before doomsday (parents retire and move away leaving me homeless) I'm probably going to vagrant around for a while trying to seduce woman k selection style before becoming and absolute madman and living cozy in prison. I'll probably try to do it in a country like norway or some shit.

i'm honestly surprised "right to reproduce" isn't an issue in prisons.

>> No.14631731

how exactly do these tourist crimes work? If I just fly there and commit crime will I go under their system?

>> No.14631748

fuck that shit i want to get hard in prison, lift weights and stab people, not be some gay little swedecuck in timeout.

>> No.14631767

I wonder if it's possible to completely bluepill my mind to accept wage slavery. Can it be enjoyed if I think about it as contributing to my fellow humans?
How do normies do it? There has to be some trick

>> No.14631788

numb the mind with netflix and those funko toy things. or alcohol.

>> No.14631790

the thing with normies is that they aren't noble beings and their highest innate desire is to breed, so as long as they're getting pussy, nothing else really matters to them

>> No.14631819

>my boss pays me as an outside consultant or subcontractor
If you're paying 25%, either you're making so much money that you really ought to not have to worry about a $1,000 tax bill or you don't know how to file taxes. You need a real tax guy, not turbotax or HR.

>> No.14631823
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>how the fuck do I create passive income without capital?

>> No.14631836

>How do normies do it?
The NPC meme isn't actually a meme. Most people just passively accept what someone else builds for them. "Go to school, get a degree in X, now work 40 hours a week until you're 68.5 years old to maximize your retirement."

>> No.14631840

no, i need to overthrow the government and gas every single fucking usurer in the land.

>> No.14631859


>> No.14631874

I don't buy the ego-stroking narrative about braindead normies. They obviously have a different constitution and orientation that allows them to be happy in difficult situations. This is advantageous. I define this as arete.

I suspect its essence is that they lack individualism/narcissism. This allows them to share conscience and overcome alienation through conformity.

>> No.14631936
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your hate is not strong enough yet little brother

>> No.14631945

fucking el oh el