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14627096 No.14627096[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books about the oversexualization of modern society?

>> No.14627106


>> No.14627107


>> No.14627110

back to /pol/
jesus fucking christ

>> No.14627115

Don't fall for the bait, lads.

>> No.14627148

faggots learned awhile ago that if they ask about books in their post they can shit up the board with their /poltard topics of obsessive interest

>> No.14627200

Is that really related to “society”? More like it's a…


>> No.14628251

All houllebecq

>> No.14628293

what bait? my pp is hard

>> No.14628300

At least she didn't say y'all

>> No.14628319

Oh shit she lives (or lived) in my town, she and her boyfriend are banned from like every bdsm club.
I'm not a D-gen they just have the only good disco nights and I love to dance. You can pretty much dodge the sex stuff entirely.

>> No.14628355

Hinduism, Christianity, Islam etc... every major 'religious' movement with eschatological/endtimes/cosmic cycles 'prophecies'.

The preponderance of the female principle and sex is a sign of the end times.

>> No.14628360

this cant be real

>> No.14628367

>this cant be real
It is. But, she's borderline retarded (like, really low IQ. Maybe doesn't have decision making capacity) and her boyfriend is a known creep.
Surprised her parents aren't more involved honestly, it's a pretty clear case of abuse in my opinion.

>> No.14628383

well now I feel kinda bad

>> No.14628389


>> No.14628398

how do you know all of this?

>> No.14628418

I don't know them, but they come up in conversation pretty frequently as one of those cases of "lifestyle BDSM" that is actually just blatant exploitation. If he was doing it systematically it would be human trafficking, no doubt in my mind, but it's really just her as far as I know.
They're not welcome in any of the "sex positive" institutions in portland oregon. I think people have called the cops a few times, but there's enough technicalities that he hasn't been arrested.
Like she's not "technically" mentally disabled, but she's got a ton of emotional problems, didn't graduate any high school and is really low IQ, so basically zero opportunity for employment. She's not "technically" abused but her public image is trashed (under his manipulation) and she wouldn't be able to leave him as she's alienated from any support structure.
I partly blame her parents. I guess they shut her out, which means to her that if she tried to run away from him she'd not have their place or support as an option. If you have a daughter like this you NEVER shut down the lines of communication.
This is how a lot of human trafficking happens in this town as well, except they would have moved her to a different place. It's like a one on one case of trafficking.

>> No.14628424

How do I log in to downvote a thread?

this board fucking sucks now

>> No.14628434

And there's the political angle. but even the most woke wokies can tell this is an issue.

>> No.14628437

What did they do to get them banned?

>> No.14628451

Reminder that dadaists wanted this

>> No.14628452

Like I said, their situation really bothers a lot of people. The ladies who run those types of clubs probably do not want this type of situation associated with their business. There's been conversations with cops and social workers.
There's a lot of people banned from these things though, for all the reasons you would expect.

>> No.14628465

>having that skin at 16yo

>> No.14628468

So you think it’s domestic abuse/ manipulation that’s involved?

I could buy it. No mentally stable person advertises their sexuality like this.

>> No.14628475

Yeah, exactly.

>> No.14628482

i want to be your precious little sperm bib that you carry around in your back pocket, in case of emergency; when the broth drips out of your bowl again, i will be there for you; the breathing wide-eyed tongue flapping thing between your fingernail-smudgy icky little paws and your fleshy wobbly cleft; with my pink diving goggles I wallow in your little steamings swamp of a mumu; I gobble your shit like salty licorice

>> No.14628485

I think there is a screenshot of her father wishing her a happy birthday, and she writes back telling him to fuck off.

The entire thing is really tragic, especially seeing a low IQ girl get manipulated to modify both her body and her life to satisfy her "master". But I guess all girls who get with niggers are low IQ, so that part is hardly surprising.

>> No.14628486
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really makes you think logically

>> No.14628533

I think it might also be down to the girl’s naivety too. 16 is way too young to be getting into that kind of relationship where setting firm boundaries is so important. Most girls into maledom I’ve seen still have modesty and have standards.

Equally, I blame the parents for not intervening when this is clearly grounds for an intervention.

>> No.14628574

Marx would beat the shit out of those niggers and sluts

>> No.14628586

dont, she still gets to vote and still contributes to a fucked system.

>> No.14628587

There's no way that girl is 16.

>> No.14628595

retards like op ruin this board, this has nothing to do with literature. take your shit elsewhere.

>> No.14628600

heroin wrecks your appearance

>> No.14628602

If shes an adult the parents cant intervene and her brain is literally too fucked to see anything but anger at her white dad.

Subhuman IQ meets a subhuman end, move on.

>> No.14628603

das kapital nigga

>> No.14628612

does anybody know her @? @cascadianpoppy leads nowhere

>> No.14628617

it's only on black twitter

>> No.14628629

alas, once again shall i see the world from afar

>> No.14628645

Isn't that a pedophilic relationship

>> No.14628649

Keep in mind these fucked dynamics next time some anon tries to talk about the age of consent.

>> No.14628655

i'm not libertarian, so not sure about the legal specifics

>> No.14628706

Jesus Christ

>> No.14628714

I doubt this would be allowed to continue were the races reversed

>> No.14628721

A lot of human trafficking happens just like this, with all kinds of races.

>> No.14628724

Human trafficking is illegal and done in secret

>> No.14628736

"In order to recieve this certificate, you will need to perform sexual intercouse to a black male of central african descent.

>> No.14628738

Not really that secret. A lot of it happens in broad daylight and by social media, a slow but steady process of a "boyfriend" alienating a vulnerable (due to low intelligence, addiction, poverty, abuse) women from every support structure that could prevent it.

>> No.14628742
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>> No.14628746

Wow, someone on /lit/ has actually written something. Like, the limit for the first half of 2020 has already been reached with that story. Congratulations!

>> No.14628749

>dead eyes
I guess that's what you look like after the Jewish demoralization is complete.

>> No.14628754

Do you think you can find a race-reversed version of this somewhere on social media?

>> No.14628755

If you think about it she's racist herself.

>> No.14628760

how do you get a certificate like that? is there like an office or something?

>> No.14628764

Yeah, but it wouldn't be shilled as hard on 4chan.
Seriously dude, just read into human trafficking patterns. There's all kinds of weird shit exactly like this, it's a total nightmare. And it's all races. White trash, black trash, asian trash, mexican trash. They manage to rise past their racial differences when sociopathically exploiting the vulnerable.

>> No.14628765


>> No.14628769

i know this is a faggy thing to say, but all this sick shit really saddens me.

>> No.14628770

Death to ameriga

>> No.14628779

Anon, no! I live in Ameriga!!

>> No.14628781

To me, that's a healthy response. It's a sad situation.
Acting brutal, cold, or distant from it is just a cope.

>> No.14628786

you can dance in places other than sex pervert clubs, sex pervert.

>> No.14628790

coomer eyes

>> No.14628796

It's not as fun!

>> No.14628803

>I guess they shut her out
based. you're supposed to disown shithead failures like this thing. why would you want this in the family?
>If you have a daughter like this you NEVER shut down the lines of communication.
faggot. "yeah you can and should be able to do whatever you want and have open ended support" kys

>> No.14628806


>> No.14628809

You sound like a muslim dad, you'd rather your daughter's abusive partner killed her than your, what, neighbors talk shit about you?
Grow some balls.

>> No.14628811

post feet

>> No.14628829

This is the best post in the entire thread.
I can recognize that since I've read so many threads before.

>> No.14628844

>Yeah I'd let my retarded daughter be abused, not my problem
Super badass

>> No.14628848

either you're fucking with me right now or you're a women. you don't and shouldn't get unlimited support to be a disgusting whore. no one gives a shit about what neighbours think, that isn't the point and if you weren't retarded you would understand that immediately.

>> No.14628871

being dumb doesn't make you retarded. she was capable of getting herself into this situation.
shoe some actual proof that she's retarded and 16.

>> No.14628896

The girl is 16, the guy 31

>> No.14628898
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Fox, it's okay. Tell us how Master Kain hurt you.

>> No.14628900

so no.

>> No.14628923

I'm glad your wifes boyfriend made you get a vasectomy so you'd never be a father.
What you're doing when you cut off a kid is you are creating further opportunity for them to be fucked with. You don't have to "support" them, but they should always know that they can talk to you, no matter what, or else you're creating yet another victim.
Your anger here is because you'd feel cucked and shamed if your daughter acted like a "disgusting whore," because you would feel it reflected poorly on you in front of your gay little friends, and your disgusting cope reaction would be to do something even worse than raise a daughter who couldn't talk to a non-abusive man if her life depends on it. It's the same logic behind muslim honor killings, "better she didn't exist than bring this shame upon me."

>> No.14628925

Ok let's agree to disagree

>> No.14628926

>Implying this is not a LARP

>> No.14628950


>> No.14628966

Beyond cringe
>better she didn't exist than bring this shame upon me.

>> No.14628972

>from like every bdsm club
>i'm not a D-gen
its ok famalam, we re not here to judge. You are on the very interwebs which gave birth to Charles II/A.Frank preggo porn. Also going to an sm club involves actual social interaction, and is therefore more virtuous than soiling your laptop tbqh

>> No.14628979
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>you're supposed to disown shithead failures like this thing. why would you want this in the family?
>what is the parable of the Prodigal Son?

This kind of faggotry is why we ended up like this.

>> No.14629014

ah so the prodigal son was hot, now i understand the story

>> No.14629024

Login in plebbit

>> No.14629030
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>> No.14629036

that's totally why we ended up like this after people started allowing their kids to act like retards and preached "acceptance."
this things father cut off his support of her because she continued with this degenerate behaviour, and you seriously fucking think he should not have. absolutely pathetic. the prodigal son has to actually change and return, they don't get unlimited support to do whatever they want.

>> No.14629045

This is just childhood sexual trauma and neglect.

>> No.14629046
File: 388 KB, 1600x1440, pan naczelnik.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Industrial Society And Its Future

>> No.14629048

>the prodigal son has to actually change and return, they don't get unlimited support to do whatever they want.


>> No.14629060

>blah blah blah degeneracy blah blah blah
An outsider is hurting your daughter. You don't abandon her, you kill the outsider.

The fact that you're unable to do this and tiptoeing around this are the broader problem. Why can't you solve the problem? Why aren't you allowed to solve the problem? Who is preventing you from solving the problem?

That, you'll see, is the real problem.

>> No.14629067

Seems like there's a miscommunication happening:
You say support you mean like financial support, right?
I'm talking about emotional support and making sure she knows she can always call/ reach out to you.
It's the same principle as telling your kid that if they ever get drunk at a party and it feels like they have to drink and drive, they should just call you.
You wouldn't be happy, but you'd be glad they reached out and asked for help instead of doing something truly retarded and risking their life. That line of communication's gotta stay open.

>> No.14629068

Embarrassing female–posting going on and almost everyone just going along with it? No, you should not support your children as they defy you and adamantly ruin themselves, it’s embarrassing that anyone can still think otherwise when they look at the society around them.

>> No.14629073

>An outsider is hurting your daughter. You don't abandon her, you kill the outsider.
This is not practically speaking possible. We don't live in a patriarchy, you'll just go to jail and your daughter will hop over to some new retard

>> No.14629086

Read the rest of my post, and then ponder what you've just said.

>> No.14629119

your daughter willingly ran off to the outsider and refuses to leave.
do you believe we should live in a patriarchal society where fathers own their daughters until marrying them off? fine, but that isn't the world we live in. she wants this and i'm sure she's a vocal proponent of female 'choice' she made the bed, she sleeps in it.
you do not seem to be capable of understanding the difference between reaching out for help and reaching out for someone to cover and fix mistakes you gladly make and will continue to, which your example is. you also punish the kid for being a fucking degernaerate and tell them not to do it again, an ultimatum which requires stakes. she could reach out to her family at any time and she could leave her nigger at any time, but she doesn't want to.

>> No.14629124

Women are the ones preventing you because they want it. Let them have it

>> No.14629150

>let your daughter continue to be a whore and be there for her
>let your son drink at parties and always fix his problems for him
>what, have them take responsibility and improve their behaviour if they want you to be with them? no, that's too 'muslim.'