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/lit/ - Literature

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14628671 No.14628671 [Reply] [Original]

>Julius Evola
>Alexander Dugin
>Ted Kaczynski
>Otto Weininger
>Savitri Devi
>Rene Guenon
>Giovanni Gentile
>James N. Mason
>Guillaume Faye
>Andrew MacDonald
>Jacques Ellul
>Ernst Junger
>Oswald Spengler
>Patrick J. Buchanan
>Samuel P. Huntington
>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
>Frances Parker Yockey
>Alain de Benoist
>Tomislav Sunic
>Ragnar Redbeard
>Kevin B. MacDonald
>Jared Taylor
>Erik von Kuehnelt-Leddihn
>Alfred Rosenberg
>David Luke
>Mark Steyn
>John Derbyshire
>Tony Blankley
>Christopher Caldwell

>> No.14628689


>> No.14628690
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>Ragnar Redbeard

>> No.14628692

just ignore the pseuds

>> No.14628698

All shallow thinkers. Read one good book in your life.

>> No.14628704

wow, americans are so brainwashed it's frigthening. the CIA is 100% successful in the total politicization of society

>> No.14628730

yeah and what secret truths unfettered by glowies do you have access to buddy

>> No.14628734

eye rolls are for schoolgirls.
it's the adolescent anxiety you never grew out of that gives the gesture such weight in your mind. same with cringing.

>> No.14628849
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why won't you look me in the eyes, faggot

>> No.14628870

theyre not brainwashed just stupid

>> No.14628907

They're also fat
And they have no significant history compared to real countries
Their flag, constitution and national anthem are equally shitty
Only good that comes out of america is soldiers

>> No.14628921

And Tom Waits you ugly fuck. And Jim Jarmusch films.

>> No.14628936

Their national anthem is top tier

>> No.14628938

>>Kevin B. MacDonald
Anyone know if this guy is actual meme shit or a somewhat decent take(not biased) on Jews and their influence?

>> No.14628963


>> No.14628964

Alright they get a pass.
But no fatties.
Sorry not sorry but no, it is not.

>> No.14629577

>T. “Marx is like so deep guys!”

>> No.14629600

Imagine believing this.
Post your great thinkers though.

>> No.14629625

>leftist eyerolling like the prissy bitch he is

Makes sense

>> No.14629633

who does he trigger exactly

>> No.14629739

Both. So despiste being clearly biased, he makes some good points on culture of critique. Its not worth reading, though, if you are not aware of Adorno, Benjamin and the rest of the Frankfurt School. Also, he has a nice analysis of the Freudian point of view. Essencially, what he says is that some Jewish people use political techniques as survival techniques, making them fit for modern life because they pretty much created modernity.

>> No.14629764

Plato, Kant, Deleuze. Don't reply.

>> No.14629794


>> No.14629843

neolib technocrats

>> No.14629872

you forgot H.L. Mencken and Hunter S. Thompson

>> No.14629985

Ernst Jünger is unironically one of the greatest modern European novelists.

>> No.14630017

No significant history is one of the greatest things about America. The history of America is the history of the world. Your nation, no matter what it is, is a bit part in America's story. Cope harder.

>> No.14630022

>Jacques Ellul
yeah, he doesn't belong on this list, fuck you

>> No.14630099

Elull, ernst, spengler and argualbly otto and giovanni are worthwhile. Rest are memes though

>> No.14630123
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>> No.14630170

His writing is trash. Only his early stuff is good.

>> No.14630797

Their arrogance is hilarious considering how ever since Kant their entire system of metaphysics has been a giant cluster fuck that gets disrespected and overturned every 10 years.
I wonder how many more levels of irony and new sincerity the post-left will go through before psueds stop falling for this snyde nonsense.

>> No.14630814
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This isn't the 1800s sweaty

>> No.14630836
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>Jordan Peterson
>Yuval Noah Harari
>George Orwell
>Malcolm Gladwell
>Steven Pinker

>> No.14631325

Ellul is based.

>> No.14631328

all correct except the last one

>> No.14631521

yeah nigga fuck wit me imma beat your shit u degenerate pansy

>> No.14631532


>> No.14632516

kaczynski is based

>> No.14632738

Like poetry.

>> No.14632748

>>Corneliu Zelea Codreanu
He's actually a pretty good read anon.

>> No.14632831
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>Your nation, no matter what it is, is a bit part in America's story.
el devorador....

>> No.14632858
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>Nassim Taleb
>Benoit Mandelbrot
>Bronze Age Pervert

>> No.14632861

America is still a young nation so what do you expect? America is shithole, but there are worse places on this globe.

>> No.14632900

The beast functions by appealing to the simplest ideas of universal human experience. American cultural exportation can be summed up by Disney.

Every country contains more idiots than intellectuals and American media is accessible by all.

>> No.14632938

Why do I know you have a MAGA hat anon? Read real conservatives not some cucks and cryptos

>> No.14632987

Name one.

>> No.14633040

Your country

>> No.14633049
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>> No.14633128
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Is there more? If so, post rest of the comic, you got me hooked.

>> No.14633258


>> No.14634041

no secret truths is the real secret truth