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14628231 No.14628231 [Reply] [Original]

tl;dr: There's an upcoming novel (American Dirt) that centres around a Mexican mother and her son immigrating to the US. And controversy sprung because it was written a white woman.

>A bookstore in Houston has canceled an upcoming event with Jeanine Cummins, author of American Dirt. The cancelation follows a major outcry from writers of color and the Latinx community over the novel's portrayal of Mexico and Mexican migration, particularly as imagined by a predominantly white-identifying writer with little firsthand experience of either. It's not the first cancelation, and it's likely not the last.

>Blue Willow Bookshop in West Houston had planned to host Cummins on February 3, but tweeted on Tuesday that though "[i]t was our hope to have a meaningful conversation about the book and the crisis on the US-Mexico border, which affects our city deeply...[i]t has since become clear to us that we could not deliver the event we had envisioned."

>"We hope that you will visit us and engage us in conversation about these and other important topics," the bookshop tweeted. "We are listening."

>Blue Willow's event was one of several canceled stops on the American Dirt tour, which is in full force as we speak. On Monday, NBC News reported that three upcoming bookstore events were canceled. One was planned for Monday at Warwick's in La Jolla, California; another, scheduled for Tuesday, was supposed to be held at Vroman's Bookstore in Pasadena. NBC News reports that those cancelations were actually at the behest of the book's publisher, Flatiron Books, which reportedly cited alleged "safety concerns." (More likely, though, Flatiron Books was worried Cummins would be hit with some hard questions.)


>> No.14628234

>female writers

>> No.14628238

Who cares.
Krumpa grunka

>> No.14628263

>Latinx community
>predominantly white-identifying writer
The absolute state of mutts

>> No.14628359

How are immigrant narratives not passe at this point?

>> No.14628378

simply love literature

>> No.14628394

The solution is easy. Stop writing about minorities. Write predominantly white characters.

>> No.14628401

>all characters are white
>wtf this isnt diverse enough


>> No.14628405

the absolute state

>> No.14628515

Russia pls nuke us

>> No.14628597

Everything about minorities and women is so boring

>> No.14628631

Who cares?

>> No.14628877

>that stinger at the end

>> No.14628915

>using latinx unironically

>> No.14629004

>expecting anything except snarky superior wokeshit from jezebel

>> No.14629193

I wish I could lynch the stupid cat bitch and soiboi that came up with that retarded fucking word.

>> No.14629223

Not even once.
In all seriousness though when are you guys going to step up your game?
It's getting boring.

>> No.14629224

The fact is that you'll never win with the people who are opposed to this book. You'll never appease the "woke" race-baiting POC, because all they want is for themselves to be better and there's nothing else white people can do to make them better, so they'll always be unhappy.

>> No.14629331

What should we do next, have a Yugo-style 3-way race war?

>> No.14629406

We probably won't until people stop being assblasted over everything, so probably never.

>> No.14630266
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Estos pinches gringos escribiendo mamadas sobre lo que desconocen e impregnandolo de estereotipos, argumentos hiper rebuscados, mentiras y pendejadas sin sentido, se nota que Cummins en su puta vida ha pisado México.

Lo que Gringolandia necesita son dos muy buenos putazos como los que le dio a Japón en la segunda guerra mundial para que agarren el pedo los putos blanquitos, capitalistas y racistas de mierda, obvio digo la mayoría, no todos; hay gringos que son bien a toda madre.

Un día de estos haremos carnitas a todos esos pinches putos gringos blanquitos, racistas y ricos, y los acompañaremos con papas y guacamole.

Amable recordatorio de que la diversidad es un meme.

Un minuto de silencio por todas esas monas chinas que murieron en Hiroshima y Nagasaki.

>> No.14630315
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Hasta para escribir estereotipos valen verga jaja

>> No.14630361

there's something so fucked up about stuff like this. I don't think we have the words to describe why exactly this is fucked up, but it's really fucked up. the implication is something like it's impossible to empathize with anyone who has not lived the exact same life as you. we need a buzzword for why this is fucked up unless there already is one

>> No.14630491

It's not impossible to empathize, but writing from the perspective of another person about going through something you have never even came close to experiencing isn't empathy, it's just silly and arrogant. Anything written like this is bound to be shallow trauma porn filled with caricatures anyways

>> No.14630500

Also writing about a relationship without having been in one is completely different than writing about an illegal immigrant fleeing the cartel or whatever

>> No.14630507

Kill whitey

>> No.14630516
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>“I was worried that, as a non-immigrant and non-Mexican, I had no business writing a book set almost entirely in Mexico, set entirely among immigrants. I wished someone slightly browner than me would write it.”

>> No.14630526
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>mfw writer talks about her "undocumented" irish husband so people stop hating on her shitty book

>> No.14630548

Gringorance (Gringorancia)

In general terms:

Culture snatching

I think cultural appropriation is the best and most accurate term we have for now.

>> No.14630586

Should we cancel Pearl Buck now too?

>> No.14630598

She actually lived in China for a long time though

>> No.14630668

Enshrined in Progressive Dogma is the idea that people cannot truly understand one another and are too different to try.

Progressive logic actually leads directly to a rejection of multicultural and multiracial societies. They are too stupid to realize how they feed the right wing.

>> No.14630757
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¿Por qué si un mexicano escribe una novela con temas e intenciones similares y lo quiere vender en EUA, no vende ni un pito, pero si eres una gringa, blanca y rica que en su puta vida pisó territorio mexicano, y ni se molestó en investigar en el puto Google sobre usos y costumbres, situación política y social, geografía, sitios históricos, leyendas y tradiciones, estilos de vida, diferencias culturales... venderá un chingo?

¿Qué quisieron decir los gringos con esto?

No cabe duda que vivimos en un pinche mundo de payasos.

>> No.14630837

El taco es bueno

>> No.14630842

El taco es malo

>> No.14630873

By this logic why write fiction at all? Why write about anything besides your own navel?

>> No.14630879

El taco es.

>> No.14630885

Para serles sincero, el taco estaba más o menos.

>> No.14630898

My understanding based on what I've read about the book is that it's just not very good, and shows the author's lack of knowledge of Mexican life throughout. One essay I read pointed out that one character, a rich woman, has to take a dangerous, gang-run train to get to the border, instead of just flying to Canada and crossing from there which is what any rich Mexican would do. Stuff like that. The controversy may be overblown but the book just isn't a good depiction of the actual lives of Mexicans who want to get into the US. But I haven't read it so who knows.

>> No.14630901

Ssupposedly this author travelled a lot in Mexico, did research, et cetera. I'm a /his/fag who believes research is critical go understanding anything, but even then if the writer's a dumbass all the research in the world won't solve the issue.

I'm actually curious to see if this book is as bad as they say or if the writer's just being gangraped by the woke brigade.

>> No.14630914

El taco es el gobierno de amlo

>> No.14630952


I'm mexican and this writer is telling the truth, not woke/progre BS


And this is another opinion piece in spanish by a mexican writer that read the book.


What do you think?

>> No.14630980

I can't read Spanish. Gimme a tldr.

>> No.14631033

Honestly you can write about whatever the fuck you want, but if you’re writing about experiences/feelings you’re unfamiliar with (especially as something as specific and extreme as being a Mexican escaping from the cartel) it’s not likely to be honest or effective without a lot of research and care, and I definitely wouldn’t care to read something like that. I wouldn’t want to read Tolstoy’s take on a novel from the perspective of a Mexican immigrant either

>> No.14631052

bueno, entonces

>> No.14631092

Fair enough, but by that logic what right do 2nd generation Chicanos with degrees in intersections gender studies have to berate someone else for writing about something neither of them experienced?

>> No.14631120


Anon, use Google Translate or Bing Translator.

TL;DR: Horrible writing, lots of inaccuracies and falsehoods about mexicans and mexican culture, stereotypes everywhere, cartoon characters, rich and white mommy tier worldviews, shallow and uninspired commentary about migrants, cartels and violence, lots of covered racism.

>> No.14631126

>her publisher couldn't get an actual mexican to look over her book so it was accurate and politically correct

lmao. retards

>> No.14631137

Maybe they see it as irresponsible for giving people a false impression of Mexico/Mexicans, or maybe they see it as wrong to make a quick buck off of others’ misfortunes. I personally wouldn’t “cancel” the author or stop this book from being published or anything, but it from what I’ve heard it seems pretty clear that it’s insincere

>> No.14631160

La idea del libro y el autor son un error. Las banderas rojas se ven a kilómetros.

The idea of the book and the author are a mistake. The red flags can be seen for miles.

t. latino mutt scum.

>> No.14631166

Me cagan todos pendejos

>> No.14631169

>white-identifying writer
What is this supposed to mean? Are they white or aren't they? This preoccupation with 'identities' seems like one enormous narcissistic con to me. What a way to be as aggressively boring as humanly possible.

>> No.14631171
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Por cierto, solo Juan Rulfo es basado y una de las pocas voces latino americanas que tienen el derecho y la potencia de tocar los tópicos que American Dirt quiso.

Saca vino y tequila anon. Hagamos un hilo de literatura latinoamericana para pasar este mal sabor de boca que nos dejó Cummins

By the way, only Juan Rulfo is based and one of the few Latin American voices that have the right and the power to touch the topics that American Dirt wanted.

Pull out wine and tequila anon. Let's make a thread of Latin American literature to pass on this bad taste that Cummins left us.


>> No.14631175

it wouldn't surprise me if her agent/publisher/pr team are setting the stage for her next book launch already. some sort of weepy redemption narrative. who wants to bet it's autofiction about getting dragged on the internet?

>> No.14631191
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Thank God I'm a Nazi and don't have to deal with any of this shit.

>> No.14631195

From what I've read it doesn't seem insincere at all, just highly misguided. The author comes off as a super bleeding heart who wants to save all the poor brown people and I'm sure she sold the novel to and for people with the same liberal savior complex.

She's 1/4 Puerto Rican which is frankly pretty white.

Unlikely. Woke warriors only want the most merciless kind of justice.

>> No.14631246

Please use the appropriate and politically correct term: faceless brown mass.

>> No.14631251
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I'm going to give you the twitter thread. Thanks Deepl.

>Let's see, with your forgiveness I won't keep my rage. It's going to be a long thread full of #AmericanDirt and I don't know how long it will last. Let's go in order.

>In Mexico, we don't call "quinceañeras" to the fifteen year old parties. The quinceañera is the girl. And you'll rarely see one with "a long white dress" what is that, a wedding?

>Neither my grandmother nor my mom has ever called me "mija", some older ladies do, but assuming that's the common nickname is rare. My mom NEVER refers to her own mother as "grandma", why would she do that?

>The book says that ALL Mexican children have seen bodies on the streets because these are "casual killings" regardless of whether they are upper, middle or lower class. How do we explain to them that in Mexico the class differences are very marked and serious? Translator note: Cyberpunk was right, the the division of social classes in Latin America is extreme. The upper class in my country also lives in just another planet in comparisson with my ghetto

>Continuing with that, it is not the same to be a poblano, as to be a jalisciense, yucateco, oaxacano, regiomontano or chihuahuense. Between the states there is a tremendous diversity of life experiences, food, local culture, etc.

>It seems that Mexicans, not even the upper-middle class to which the protagonist's family is supposed to belong, know that banks exist. It must seem totally logical to have about 15,000 pesos under your mattress!

>Which leads me to believe that the idea of "church clothes" sounds very Protestant to me. I have rarely heard of Mexican Catholics wearing "their good clothes" to Mass. Nor do I find that anyone from the upper-middle class has "good clothes" that they treasure as a single good sweater.

>Besides, there are no "boxes" of shells. They're not donuts, we don't buy them by the dozen or arrive at friends' houses with a traditional box of shells. There are trays of pancakes in the supermarket but the joke tells itself.

>I understand why it's normal to call a child "Luca" and not "Lucas", which, by the way, is a fashionable name now, but it's assumed that we use Spanish names like "Yénifer" or "Estéfani".

>I also wonder why anyone assumes that a journalist earns so well in Mexico or that it is rare for us to get killed, for a change the author assumes that the Mexican news media (especially print) is the same as being an investigative journalist at a large gringo and ño newspaper.

>Lydia goes to the bank to get over 200,000 pesos and asks for "large bills", of course because going around with a wad of thousand bills doesn't attract attention. There are Mexican cities where changing a 500 note is complicated and many businesses that don't accept thousand dollar bills

>> No.14631291

the latin mind is incomprehensible to the anglo.

la mente latino[x] es incompendable a los anglos.

why would you look to ban a piece of literature?

porque tratas a prohibir una obra de escrito?

>> No.14631292


>Lydia goes on the run and buys herself a map of Mexico! at a Walmart in Acapulco. Also a knife (which they don't usually sell in the supermarket, by the way) and she even calls it a "machete". I know it's a shock but we Mexicans don't call any knife a "machete".

>By the way, not all Mexicans listen to band music by default. This must come as a shock, but there are diverse musical tastes in this country. And I don't know why people who live in the HEAT of Acapulco every day would wear northern boots as a hobby.

>By the way, do you think a journalist's wife doesn't know what La Bestia (The Beast) is? Because Lydia Googles it? *insert recorded laughter here*

>Also, note that Lydia and all the shops in the area are supposed to pay a flat rate to the local billboard, but doesn't she know that her client who is also flirting with her is the boss of that billboard?

>And I don't want to force anyone to read this thing, but there should be a drinking game every time things like /sicarios/ appear in Spanish and italics in an English text. I will do this along with anon

>It's dangerous how idealized the drug lord gets here. He's educated, handsome, an avid reader, a kind man who gives away shells and ALSO in a flashback on Lydia's husband JOURNALIST says he hopes the cartel will make the city economically stable again.


>There are two problems here, one is that there seems to be only one kind of "acceptable" migrant who is like Lydia: educated, upper-middle class, white-skinned, English-speaking, who had his family slaughtered.

>The second is that it reduces a whole country to stereotypes and makes everything worse for entertainment. Lydia doesn't get on a plane right away because "the narco controls everything" and as soon as her name jumps on the passenger list she's going to be killed.

>However, it omits that most Mexican and other migrants are not only not as "acceptable" or as wealthy as the protagonist of the book, they go through much worse things than described in the book. But they're not going to put that in "Too Much".

>WARNING: I speak from my experience as a Mexican woman who has lived in Guadalajara for a few years and spent most of her life at CDMX. I have no authority to relate the experience of people in Chilpancingo, Acapulco or other cities.

>AND THAT'S THE POINT. If I, as a Mexican, do not have a complete picture of the experience of many of my compatriots, what makes the author think that she does? That she can sum up the entire culture of my country in shells and baggies?

>> No.14631300
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Try this one. It is very good and entertaining.

>> No.14631315
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>translating conchas as shells

Eres el blowjob mijo

>> No.14631319

Yeah yeah fuck you too.

>> No.14631344

These are all valid complaints but it seems like most of them could have been fixed by having actual Mexican editors/test readers.

Insisting people can only write about what they've experienced directly does nothing but balkanize literature.

>mfw when my favorite Latin American novel is a Peruvian writing about a 19th century peasant revolt in Brazil

>> No.14631351

It is list of fake nsdp writters in LA. LATAM has had a lot of them in reality, Bolaño makes a pastiche compilation in that book a la Borges. 2666 also touch the idea of a Nazi writter.

>> No.14631368

You running toward the border can be seen for miles. (Lol)

>> No.14631378

Yes, I'm very tall.

>> No.14631407

Title of the novel?

>> No.14631436

mi diario desu

>> No.14631464

La Guerro del fin del Mundo

I actually went to a lecture by Vargas Llosa where he mentioned to took shit from Brazilians for writing about their country but felt compelled to do the novel because he felt the Canudos War encapsulated the struggles of Latin America as a whole, specifically the inabilities of lower and upper classes to comprehend each other.

>> No.14631478

Thats right, it's a fucking dogma, If progressivism ignores multiculturalism, plural and mutual racial co-existence, the acknowledgement and embracing of other cultures, religions, philosophies, and the many, many ways of human experience, social, and class differences, and gives advantages and benefits to minorities because of superficial traits like: skin color, height, weight, genre, sexual preferences, nationality, religion, political and/or ideological affiliation, social class and status... instead of experience, skills, knowledge, personality, cleverness, imagination, creativity, iniciative, empaty, humor, social capabilities, life goals, world views, solidarity and altruism, forward thinking... then, Why the fucking fuck we still keep calling it progressivism if isn't progresist?

>> No.14631533

Another interesting piece of opinion about the book.



>Rather than look us in the eye, many gabachos prefer to look down their noses at us. Rather than face that we are their moral and intellectual equals, they happily pity us. Pity is what inspires their sweet tooth for Mexican pain, a craving many of them hide. This denial motivates their spending habits, resulting in a preference for trauma porn that wears a social justice fig leaf. To satisfy this demand, Cummins tossed together American Dirt, a “road thriller” that wears an I’m-giving-a-voice-to-the-voiceless-masses merkin.

>I learned about Dirt when an editor at a feminist magazine invited me to review it.

>I accepted her offer, Dirt arrived in my mailbox, and I tossed it in my suitcase. At my tía’s house in Guadalajara, I opened the book.

>Before giving me a chance to turn to chapter one, a publisher’s letter made me wince.

>“The first time Jeanine and I ever talked on the phone,” the publisher gushed, “she said migrants at the Mexican border were being portrayed as a ‘faceless brown mass.’ She said she wanted to give these people a face.”

>The phrase “these people” pissed me off so bad my blood became carbonated.

>I looked up, at a mirror hanging on my tía’s wall.

>It reflected my face.

>> No.14631540


>In order to choke down Dirt, I developed a survival strategy. It required that I give myself over to the project of zealously hate-reading the book, filling its margins with phrases like “Pendeja, please.” That’s a Spanglish analogue for “Bitch, please.”

>Back in Alta California, I sat at my kitchen table and penned my review. I submitted it. Waited.

>After a few days, an editor responded. She wrote that though my takedown of Dirt was “spectacular,” I lacked the fame to pen something so “negative.” She offered to reconsider if I changed my wording, if I wrote “something redeeming.”

>Because the nicest thing I can say about Dirt is that its pages ought to be upcycled as toilet paper, the editors hauled out the guillotine. I was notified that I’d be paid a kill fee: 30% of the $650 I was initially offered for my services.

>> No.14631549

This is how the latinx writers are btw

>> No.14631590

Can we say the author got LATINED?

>> No.14631594
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Anon, Are you ready for the unavoidable Lxtinx Kino?


>> No.14631616

That's been posted a couple times.

Valid point aside that author sounds like a self righteous cunt.

>> No.14631631

That article and its spanglish is fucking cringe WTF

>> No.14631669

It could have been a cool term for like a giant ship or a mecha created in Mexico but that isn't this timeline.

>> No.14631703
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>“Pendeja, please.” That’s a Spanglish analogue for “Bitch, please.”
This is insufferable.

>> No.14631735

Indeed but there are interesting opinions, btw it is a parody of the "writing style" of the book, if you're cringing with the article, now imagine it with the book in your hands.

>> No.14631816

It'll get cancelled for sure.

I'd much rather watch a movie about the writing, editing, promotion, and reception of American Dirt. It would be a black comedy without a single likeable character.

>> No.14631864
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Anon, don't underestimate the power of capitalism.

>> No.14632005

>he mentioned to took shit from Brazilians for writing about their country
What a dishonest faggot. I though his lies were limited to the political articles on El País.
He was getting shitted on for writing wrong and for focusing on the messianic part. Plus, Euclides da Cunha retroactively btfo his book even with the 100 pages of geological autism.

>> No.14633148

Chicanos btfo

>> No.14633218

>I'd much rather watch a movie about the writing, editing, promotion, and reception of American Dirt. It would be a black comedy without a single likeable character.
i'd watch this if it was done ianucci-style

>> No.14633251


>> No.14633263
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>banning books
>banning shitty mom-tier fiction


>> No.14633268

Fuck, I guess there goes my WW1 novel out the window :/

>> No.14633282

>My mom NEVER refers to her own mother as "grandma", why would she do that?

My mom does this sometimes, and my dad does it all the time referring to his mother-in-law. Must be a white people thing

>> No.14633286


>> No.14633289

You don't get it. This was the first WW1 gay Indian romance novel. I am hoping it can become a Bollywood film.

>> No.14633394

I participated in that. I miss Sarajevo and Zagreb

>> No.14633400

I don’t speak taco nigger

>> No.14633404
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>> No.14633913
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Daily reminder that progressivism is a fad and a meme.

>> No.14633938
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Vete al pito.

>> No.14633961 [DELETED] 

Page by page real time analysis.


>> No.14634029

Page by page, real time analysis from a burger point of view.


>> No.14634046

>predominantly white-identifying
the fuck does that mean?

>> No.14634236

She's 1/4 Puerto Rican and considers herself white.

>> No.14634242

It's almost as if that was her point, she's it white.

>> No.14634264
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Toda la razón, mi marrón amigo. Mucha suerte en su cruzada contra los protestantes sin fe.

>> No.14634588

To whomever wrote, "In order to choke down Dirt, I developed a survival strategy. . . " I'd love to publish your whole "Dirty" review in my houstonrepublican.com. You will see that we skew everyone there in satirical form. We began the site as a response to the rank hypocricy of the right, and no continue it to attack PC bullshit now stifling free thinkers everywhere. At HR.com, we know both "parties" are bought, sold, and virtually worthless for suffering humanity. email me at mmfreelance.com if you can send me your whole piece cause I really dig your writing and POV. Ironic how you've been censored by those who wear the woke mantel, the really scary idiots.

>> No.14634635

Jeff VanderMeer opinion on the matter.

>It sure seems like the American Dirt marketing/PR campaign just completely screwed up--in addition, of course, to substantive issues with the novel itself. (Creative classes could study the analysis of the book for a whole semester...if it weren't better to just assign better, more authentic reading.

>The book culture elements are so bad. From barbed wire decorations at a pre-launch party to the author doing her nails with the barbed wire design from the cover, there were a lot of things that didn't have to be inflicted on readers and reflected a promote-at-any-cost attitude. This includes cynically depicting the author's husband as an undocumented immigrant, allowing people to assume he was from Mexico (he's Irish). They also included with the advance copies advertising language stolen from graffiti on the border wall put there by an activist group, repurposed without credit.

>The cynical recruitment of influencers to promote a book they didn't read added another level of WTF in that it exposed how book culture has been moving for a long time toward the same territory as companies that sell products and get spokespeople to endorse them. While that, in combination with the Oprah book club selection of American Dirt, called into question whether there's a level playing field for authors in terms of access to opportunity. Which then also led to a useful conversation about diversity in editing/publishing.

>> No.14634639


>The other element that received attention was the way in which book sites themselves buy into hype and push books that have not yet been read--and, frankly, how reviewers may fall into line with a general narrative about a book if there's enough push behind it.

>Throughout it all, Flatiron Books and Cummins have tried to make themselves as small as possible as targets while working against that goal with statements from Cummins about "how could I turn down a seven-figure deal" that seemed to address an allegation that hadn't been made or address an issue peripheral to the main point--this statement cocooned within something vaguely meant to look like engaging in conversation with criticism while not actually doing so. This only reinforced the impression of privilege and disconnect already in play because of the prior mistakes. (Some of these mistakes may still not read as mistakes to those who made them.)

>But because the subject matter is so serious and people are suffering right now, the controversy has not gone away and will not go away. Even as the author and Flatiron wrong-footed themselves again by canceling the book tour today and made things even worse by citing security concerns...even though the discourse has been largely analytical. "Security concerns" just reinforces the view of critics that there's a lot of privilege and cluelessness and racism at work here, while also reinforcing the idea that Cummins has no interest in an actual dialog about the issue, despite the supposed tour of the border she was going to do with Oprah.

>> No.14634658

Final part.

>(This in a context where much else about Flatiron Books' statement is encouraging--except they don't actually outline anything they're substantively going to do about it, which would have been wise, even if they just mentioned a couple of things to start.) EDIT: Apparently Cummins will meet with some of the groups who have been most critical.

>A counter-narrative that this is about stifling authors from writing about what they want to write about is false--it's been about the execution, as post after post pointing out bad writing and factual inaccuracies proves. (Especially as the author cited having studied a lot of nonfiction to write the novel, so it's fair to judge the novel on its accuracy based on the author's own statements.)

>In short: A clusterfuck of massive proportions. But hopefully this will shine a spotlight on problems in publishing and also underrated and underrepresented authors.

>> No.14634679

agreed genders should be abolished

>> No.14634729

So what will the longer term fallout be for the publishing industry?

>> No.14634771

None. Jews and women control the publishing industry and they’ll continue running it into the ground. Seven fucking figures for this piece of shit book - I wish the planes picked better targets in New York

>> No.14634836

The left eating itself again

>> No.14634851

the only way this could be funnier would be if immigration services sent the author's husband back to potato island all because of her deranged pr cycle

>> No.14634883

why did immigration to the US change from

ellis island: turning people away if they were sick or unable to find work right away


modern: let everyone in, including people with no hope of working or being meaningful citizens

>> No.14634896

Jewish publishers scrambling hard for autobiographical sob stories by token minorities.

>> No.14634966

wow al jazeera is pretty based desu


>> No.14635116

Good question mexibro I suspect it's the same economic forces that doomed console fighting game tournaments to extinction while PC gaymers make millions.

>> No.14635134

loving that inclusive and diverse crowd behind Rockwell

>> No.14635143

i mean props to the fellas for walking the walk

>> No.14635151

This sounds like a /pol/ shitposter's ideas about Mexico that they got from too much Breitbart and Fox News

>> No.14635157

They make a good point. I'm pretty sure a holocaust fictional story written by a neonazi would cause massive butthurt too. Either way the author is a fucking wine aunt fuck her I'm glad she's cancelled I only wish Oprah would go down with her.

>> No.14635164

just face it fellas...the horseshoe theory fags were right all along

>> No.14635179

Basado. Vivo en Tajas puedo confirmar que lo que neccesita lo estados unidos son unos putasos para que paren de ser tan culeros con todo los paises. Al mejor China los hace.

>> No.14635190
File: 119 KB, 1311x1008, received_176017153611261.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spanish is a European language you fucking monolingual moron. Fucking white American trash.

>> No.14635198

>used to have some spanish *chan site bookmarked
>had fucking based boards even though i didn't understand half of them
>lost my bookmark

>> No.14635200


The people opposed to this book are mostly other writers or journalists looking to selfishly benefit their "careers" by shoving themselves and their criticisms into the media / Twitter limelight.

>> No.14635218

This. The whole thing is hilarious and appalling at the same time.

>> No.14635764


>> No.14636091

Its not meant to be random or progressive... just a heart-wrenching story based on real memoirs.

>> No.14636137

>goes on twatter to look up literary agents
>all of them say we want diverse books
>don't send to us none of your MCs are gay or brown
Agents won't sign on books with predominantly white characters.

>> No.14636169

This. They're just mad they didn't get a seven-figure publishing deal to promote a fakeass newsmedia-headline-generated victim narrative.

>> No.14636201

>nitpicing about things 99% of readers wouldn't give a shit about
Sheesh, this person's worse than a Trekkie.

>> No.14636251


I suspect they've already being trying only stories by actual minorities don't fit enough oppression checkboxes for the Woke crowd.

>> No.14636712


>> No.14636716

I was talking about your comment, you absolute Cringelord

>> No.14636740

is family unification the most retarded form of immigration

like why are we letting in some shitskin's 80 year old grandmother? she will never work, pay taxes or learn english

>> No.14636758


whoa...the Iliad has been canceled

>> No.14638245

stop posting