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14621709 No.14621709 [Reply] [Original]

any good philosophy youtubers?

>> No.14621720

youtube is cancer.
youtubers are cancer.
monetizing youtube was the worst thing to happen to western culture since anime and vidya was introduced to it

>> No.14621721


>> No.14621725


>> No.14621728

no memeshit please

>> No.14621730

youtube is memeshit

>> No.14621796

t. hasnt read Evola

>> No.14621907

I like Fripozo. He is spanish thought

>> No.14621938

I'm assuming there's some knowledgable dudes who use the platform for teaching/self expression rather than making money or getting famous.

>> No.14621970
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Renaissance Man and Kane B.


>> No.14621993

That guy gets paid thousands per week to spew horseshit about becoming a millionaire and sleeping with tons of women and morons actually buy it.

>> No.14621996

is he into non-binary stuff or was he joking?

>> No.14622004

Cuck philosophy

>> No.14622005

The most unchaste, people, the ones who revel in their sexual exploits to the point of scandal, are usually very ugly. This pale hominid is no exception.

>> No.14622078

Who the fuck watches this shit

>> No.14622164

Desperate men that need to coom now.

>> No.14622189

I thought this dude was about being zen and enlightened..

>> No.14622212

this and Then & Now are the only good ones

>> No.14622214

Yeah. Only half decent philosophy youtuber I found as well.
Manly because he narrows his scope to specific topics instead of channels like wisecrack or philosophytube who try to teach Hegel or Heidegger (which they've clearly never read) in a single video.

>> No.14622233

Gregory B Sadler AKA the Milwaukee minatour. Kane B. Cuck Philosophy. Wes Cecil. All I can think of off the top of my head.

>> No.14623297


>> No.14623788

shamanic breathing was actually pretty legit
did you guys know that leo is actually a sex offender though? scary stuff
just kidding, I made that up

>> No.14623804


>> No.14623909

There are good recordings of philosophy professors like Rick Roderick. Besides that I find a few smaller channels like older John David Ebert stuff, Friedrich von Uxküll has a great selection of audio books that I listen to while on the road.

>> No.14624002

I used to follow some of his stuff, but it's fucking unbearable.
He's one the most arrogant people I've listened to.

>> No.14624025

Why do his thumbnails look like he found some stock images of hands and photoshoped them without knowing how to use photoshop?

>> No.14624036


>> No.14624133
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>> No.14624221
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with drugs

>> No.14624327

what is he on?

>> No.14624333

a superdrug that nobody know about except him because he's literally Einstein.

>> No.14624335

A triple dose of estrogen infused plaster soi product.

>> No.14624346

I'm skipping through it and he's keeps repeating that he's god and blathering on about oneness and infinite? I thought psychedelics were supposed to dissolve ego, not amplify it

>> No.14624352


>> No.14624359

this: Rick Roderick is based af.

>> No.14624365

yeah, they do if you don't form a bunch of preconceived ideas about it beforehand. The problem with this guy is he is a tryhard

>> No.14624422

mmh, wouldn't be surprised if he's got narcissistic personality disorder.

>> No.14624432

The whole New Centre for Research and Practice video library

>> No.14624634

The only one fun thing is that he shits on the aesthetic of yogis and poverty fetishization which makes people seethe.
spirituality is just a hobby not a workaround for problems.

I think this is could be his niche but his sanity is slipping
also this

>> No.14624650

Justin Murphy

>> No.14624708


>> No.14624735
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PlasticPills too

>> No.14625879


>> No.14625909

the thread should have been over with this post.

>> No.14625921

Ebert is pretty good. He has read Guenon and has a series on The Reign of Quantity and the Signs of the Times, and he also has an exhaustive series on Spengler's Decline of the West. I'll also throw in Jonathan Bowden as a suggestion.

>> No.14625924

youtube is the undisputed main platform for videos, it's where anyone uploads videos if they want them to be seen. It's not an expression of assent to youtube policy to upload a video to youtube, it's an expression of wanting to upload your fucking video to the fucking internet in the place where it makes the most motherfucking convenient and pragmatic sense to put it. It's like calling google "memeshit"

>> No.14626032
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>is actually complete leftist ideology and apologetics
how does he get away with this?

>> No.14626119

Youtube has plenty of old videos/audios of Alan Watts

>> No.14626162

This, desu. It's unfortunate that your attempt to remind midwits to use common sense will likely be lost on them, anon.

>> No.14626201
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>>is actually complete leftist ideology and apologetics

>> No.14626217

I hate this fucking insufferable cunt

>> No.14626231

>I hate facts and reasonable philosophical conclusions

>> No.14626444

Why is there no female philosophy tubers?

>> No.14626448

He's a pedo apologist

>> No.14626453

Haven't you heard from your from the MSM approved social critics? Right wingers can't be philosophers by definition because they are clearly backward cavemen and bigots. You are clearly not woke enough to understand this and should try to be woke like me. Ever since I became woke, my IQ instantly shot up 50 points!

>> No.14626456
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Kill(ss)ing Asuka


>> No.14626470

look philosophytube is a fag but the right-wing is lacking in worthwhile philosophers, that's pretty hard to argue against. and the worthwhile ones get ignored in favour of total memes like Evola or Geunon; you faggots should at least try reading Slaughterdjk or something

>> No.14626474
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>he has never heard of Julia Galef


>> No.14626508

>and the worthwhile ones get ignored in favour of total memes like Evola or Geunon
Like who, and don't name any limp dicked neocons?

>> No.14626525


>> No.14626544

autistic retard

>> No.14626562

Based, this guy rocks

>> No.14626563

>Right wingers can't be philosophers by definition because they are clearly backward cavemen and bigots
I mean...

>> No.14626611

What the fuck happened in the third video LMAO

>> No.14626819

Thing is, Slot-a-dyke is so far out in front that the whole left-right spectrum is redundant. He doesn't mindlessly repeat left-wing talking points so he's "right" by default tho apparently. When he wrote "Rules for the Human Zoo" he got lumped in because the Germans couldn't handle that fact that he tried to warn them that medical science was about to make eugenics unavoidable. (in that sense he pre-empted Land's critique of racism)

>> No.14626824

William S Lind.

>> No.14626829

Dan Attrell/Academy of Ideas/Cuck Philosophy

>> No.14626847

There's been some interesting theories around the logo.

>> No.14626862


>> No.14627009
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Geunon is not right-wing; he transcends such profane dualities.

>> No.14627146

This is the only worthwhile post in this vomit-inducing thread. God, seriously kill yourselves you dumb shits.

>> No.14627273

Imagine wasting half an hour of your life (and some electricity in dozens of devices spread across the globe) on blabbering idiots who don't even plan the talks. Even listening to music is a better way to introduce some harmony into your head.



>> No.14627288

every youtuber who approaches this topic either talks absolute made up shit, or very poorly recycles things better people already wrote down. complete waste of time

>> No.14627296

Ernesto Castro

>> No.14627310

absolutely based swedenborgian channel

>> No.14627323

but there are good lectures

>> No.14627341

Not sure how to answer that. I will say this: Robert Stalnaker presents 'Modal Semantics & Metaphysics' in the last of four talks on "Mere Possibilities". Obviously, Stalnaker's aim in these lectures is to get clearer on how to think about issues in modal metaphysics, and about how semantic and metaphysical issues are related....


>> No.14627402


>> No.14627408
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>> No.14627419

>ruining actual women's masturbatory instagram photo ops
Are trannies secretly based?

>> No.14627456

the tranny one.
The others are sooo cringee.

>> No.14627463

dugin's russian lectures

>> No.14627484

Philosophy Overdose is the best

>> No.14627683

why are you so mad? YouTube is a platform that allows for self expression. Conceptually there’s bound to be some interesting and well expressed thoughts considering the amount of content available.

You guys sound like elitists..

>> No.14627686
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>> No.14627764

>YouTube is a platform that allows for self expression.
Youtube is a “free” video hosting site, one that generates enormous amount of losses to its owner, and which is also enormously valuable while it continues to be a monopoly, a leverage in technical discussions and decisions, and in partnership contracts. Last but not least, every video/cover image embed on every website is a free tracker/counter for Google and those who have access to its data.

What you mean is YouTube the Social Platform, simply a next generation TV with millions of “TV personalities”. In other words, useless shit.

>> No.14627949

non sequitur

>> No.14627962

legit looked it up to see if it was real, now I’m disappointed. any youtubers that legit have that kind of content?

>> No.14627969

I hope these are real

>> No.14627994

The book club

>> No.14628002

ahem, any lolisopher recs?

>> No.14628018

Stefan Molyneux
Sam Hyde
Milo Yiannopolous

>> No.14628022
File: 101 KB, 640x480, F7ED271E-3CBC-4932-BD7F-BBE64106405F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesse Lee Peterson

>> No.14629571


>> No.14629693
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>King of Carrot Flowers cover

>> No.14629725



>> No.14629816

I'm left and there's something about the videos that put me off from watching him. Must be the forced presentation style and not really interesting substance. I'll take Then & Now and Sadler instead everyday of the week.

>> No.14629890

are there any psychologists who are into metaphysics and can prevent me from becoming this?

I can see through all his delusions, but at once my own falling to them :(

>> No.14629911

Disregard paunchy zoomer, embrace boomer schizophrenia.


>> No.14629963

I wonder what kind of life someone one who read and applied the information in the books on the shelf behind him would lead.

>> No.14630565

Stefan Molyneux
Joe Rogan
Dave rubin

>> No.14630830

The filename "fake moly videos" didn't give it away?

>> No.14630857

>so triggered he couldn't read to the end of the sentence that answers his question
the absolute state of the right

>> No.14630875

Academy of Ideas is a cool intro to some topics

>> No.14631402

>can see through all his delusions
Redpill me on why he's delusional

>> No.14631428

If a "philosopher" is left or right wing, they are no longer a philosopher.

>> No.14631511

Keith Woods.

>> No.14631782

CuckPhilosophy is this guy but good. I wish they would switch names desu.

>> No.14631808


Psychologists will tell you that this man is moral and healthy while philosophers are aspie freaks

>> No.14632085


Footnotes to Plato

John David Ebert

Theory & Philosophy

Philosophy Overdose

The Partially Examined Life

Philosophize This

https://www.youtube.com/user/egsvideo/playlists?disable_polymer=1 (European Graduate School)
https://www.youtube.com/user/shinobirastafari/playlists?view=1&sort=da&flow=grid (especially Rick Roderick)


>> No.14632127
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So this is what David Mitchell has been doing lately.

>> No.14632133


Checks out

>> No.14632141

Immediately closed.

>> No.14632159

>if anyone tries to say wisdom isn't the most important thing then they've contradicted themselves
What a fucking fat retard. Essentiality =/= "most important".

>> No.14632164

>people are dumb because they want to argue over anything
What a fucking fat retard. Imagine not knowing the pleasures of meaningless debate, for whatever meaning it may contain, even if that is meaninglessness.

>> No.14632170

>The only thing that's important is wisdom
What a fucking fat retard. You're a fat retard, that isn't wisdom, wisdom is the imminence of experience also.

>> No.14632175

>is ugly but thinks he's intelligent
What a fucking fat retard. If you don't look interesting you aren't intelligent.

>> No.14632179

>how well a person is going to do a job should be judged by their philosophical understanding
What a fucking fat retard.

>> No.14632185

>Because life is too short to read crap
What a fucking fat retard. Of course he mistakes the suffering of his own life for the shortness of it.

>> No.14632198

>but no one has time today to learn ancient greek or sanskrit in our modern society
Yeah no shit idiot, man should value his social experience, rather than cast it aside as a fat retard like you does. That doesn't mean to conform or not or whatever, just to value it well.

>> No.14632225

What a fucking fat retard.

>> No.14632251

>mistakes intelligence for character
>over prioritises intelligence
Yeah truly, what a fucking fat retard.

>> No.14632257


>> No.14632260

youtube is the worst cancer that has ever plagued mankind

>> No.14632356

the revival of the greek academia by the humanists and memeing the plebs to think and be educated

>> No.14632594

>memeing the plebs to think and be educated
Particularly this. Mass literacy makes it easier for propaganda to have a wide reaching effect on people, and giving them a modicum of knowledge turns them into narcissists.

>> No.14632662

Didn't the Greeks say beauty is truth? He says he read them yet he's obese.

>> No.14632704

Stefan Molyneux
0 monetization

>> No.14632881

This, but unironically


>> No.14633192

Thanks anon!

>> No.14633233
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>only gives the most superficial wikipedia article explanation of things
>sprinkles in random quotes from secondary sources
>fills video with film school production so you won't notice how little information you're getting

>> No.14633266

How is Sloterdijk right wing in any way?

>> No.14633309

Cuck Philosophy

>> No.14633629

>When he wrote "Rules for the Human Zoo" he got lumped in because the Germans couldn't handle that fact that he tried to warn them

>Der Philosoph Peter Sloterdijk hat seine umstrittene Elmauer Rede bei einer Diskussion in Hamburg als "Scherzo" (heiteres Stück) charakterisiert. "Der ganze Text ist eigentlich ein lang gezogener, melancholischer Scherz", sagte der 53-Jährige bei der Vortragsreihe "Ist der Humanismus am Ende?" in der Evangelischen Akademie. Sloterdijks 1999 in Elmau in Oberbayern gehaltener Vortrag "Regeln für den Menschenpark" hatte eine öffentliche Debatte über Eugenik und Menschenzüchtung ausgelöst. In deutschen Feuilletons machten Kritiker in der Argumentation und Sprache Sloterdijks "faschistische Anklänge" aus.

Der in Karlsruhe lehrende Philosoph hatte den gleichen Vortrag bereits 1997 in Basel gehalten. "Damals in Basel hat das Publikum vom Anfang bis zum Ende gelacht", sagte Sloterdijk. Vor allem über Platon gebe es in dem Aufsatz "unglaublich komische Stellen". Er staune nach wie vor darüber, dass man ihn so habe missverstehen können.

>> No.14633765

Without watching any of his videos, this is pretty common take on meditation, transcendence and zen-ness. The part you have a problem with is probably that he is saying he is god, but that's just a Christianity influenced viewpoint, god in everyone of us.

Just because you don't like people and want to partake in the big identity politics game, please don't pester /lit/ with biased opinions about arguments you would vehemently defend if spoken in a different context.

>> No.14633781

Being fat and a philosopher is a contradiction.

>> No.14633784
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>> No.14633827

I really like a lot of John David Ebert's videos, but I haven't made up my mind yet whether I think his constant self-mythologising (his autobiography, Mary Church, 'hypermodernity', etc.) is endearing or insufferable.

>> No.14633942

Jay Dyer is pretty good.

>> No.14634149

stop samefagging ffs

>> No.14634155

Contradiction in terms.

>> No.14634161

the part I have a problem with is him acting psychotic.

> Just because you don't like people and want to partake in the big identity politics game, please don't pester /lit/ with biased opinions about arguments you would vehemently defend if spoken in a different context.

what the fuck?

>> No.14634607

Is Philosophize This good/accurate? I've started listening to it at work

>> No.14634638

What do you mean?

>> No.14634643

I mean does he actually know what he's talking about? I once mentioned I was listening to Sapiens and everybody told me it was bullshit pseudoscience

>> No.14634673

kind of a pompous ass desu

>> No.14634695

you literally get brain AIDS from watching his shit videos

>> No.14634739

the far right in Germany has basically adopted him as their ideological ring master, one of the centrist partys even publically denounced him as a right wing puppet. I dont think he is far-right but he is certainly conservative

>> No.14634767

Academy of ideas and Einzelgänger

>> No.14634805

Based retard trying to force meme "fat fucking retard" onto this fat fucking retard by aggressively samefagging.

>> No.14634807

Is being far right even legal in Germany

>> No.14634826

>Looks nice wait.. Philosophize this!

Philosophize this is unredemable trash and you cant tell anyone otherwise
He even said out loud that he wouldnt dare to speak his mind if he would lose patreons by it

>> No.14634842

he is a major influence on the AfD

>> No.14634868


>> No.14634876

>click link
>immediately close tab

>> No.14634885

I thought the Germans threw their nazis in jail as a legal matter

>> No.14634891

I mean they pretty much do but I never used the word nazi once so idk why that would matter

>> No.14634895

This looks like Jreg but better and less forced.

>> No.14634924


Id agree.

>> No.14634928


>> No.14634960

>I thought psychedelics were supposed to dissolve ego, not amplify it
and that's why it was the duty of the tribal priests and shamans to distribute that shit, not for everyone to self-medicate

>> No.14634961

Are you a woman or a homosexual? Your writing is feminine and the excessive fucks are usually used by twitter cunts who need to make edgy points and stick it to the man.

>> No.14635773

she cute

>> No.14635852

this guy

>> No.14636646

took me like 30 secs to realize this was fake

>> No.14636664

Endless Jess

>> No.14637336

Even if this is satire, I still hate it.

>> No.14637855

Blessed with a top tier athletic 6'2 male body. Such a waste

>> No.14637873

>Ctrl F
>No exurb1a

What are you guys doing?

>> No.14637878
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Martin, is that you?

>> No.14637882

Can't find a lot of shit in english though. But he is really good.

>> No.14637906

>>Philosophy Overdose
This is a good one.

>> No.14637921


>> No.14638233

Okay pig, why are you flexing then?

>> No.14638252
File: 19 KB, 480x360, 7DF18D40-8C4D-43CF-B591-E9A32DE25F91.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kenneth Brown

>> No.14638315

John David Ebert has a masterful understanding of philosophy.

Other than that Averoll, Kenneth Brown, Truediltom archive, 0arthou0 (or some shit), Chad A Haag (lol he was some Canadian shitlib who got a phd in philosophy but has to runaway to India to escape student loans, super smart guy tho) and Justin Murphy (even he sounds like a gag) are all pretty good

>> No.14638318

My nibbas

>> No.14638322

He's good for simplified explanations, it's like a slight jump over School of Life. Still pretty pleb tho, you should try and read the authors themselves

Partially Examined Life are the guys everyone recommends but I personally find them insufferable. Half of their episodes are just them completely failing to understand the actual text and then claiming the philosopher is shit cause they don't actually get it

>> No.14638332

If you're being unironic pls kill yourself in minecraft and then in real life as well

>> No.14638341

Michael Millerman

>> No.14638358
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He's really come a long way, who wouldn't take advice from an ex-KKK guy?

>> No.14638360


>> No.14638372

It’s not actually about being right wing. I don’t know why leftists can’t understand that right wing philosophy does not look the same as left wing philosophy. “All of your philosophers, whom I haven’t read, are memes. Here read this overly intellectual deleuzian rationalist who I find some validity in because he contains my presupposed orientations. Now, that’s philosophy.”

>> No.14638373
