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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 80 KB, 645x773, 7r0z6ezlrbq01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14624444 No.14624444 [Reply] [Original]

books that will help me cope with the fact that I wasted my opportunities and that I basically wasted my life

>> No.14624461

Not a book, but I like Cavafy's poem The City: https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/51295/the-city-56d22eef2f768

>> No.14624464

How old are you?

>> No.14624471

Only way is forward.

>> No.14624472

Confession by tolstoy

>> No.14624480

Seconding this question. I reckon he is probably 24-29, so very young.

Guenon and/or Evola. Then read Sun and Steel by Mishima. As long as you are in your 20’s or even up to your mid 30’s there is much hope for you.

>> No.14624485
File: 84 KB, 750x1000, b61a25721d480ee00e72abff4fc491d9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 year old neet

>> No.14624493

I’m 22 also. We are both super fucking young, so don’t worry. Seriously though, read Meditations on the Peaks by Evola and Sun and Steel by Mishima. They are both short texts and will help set you on a good path.

>> No.14624503

The Persona Series

>> No.14624506
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You'll make the exact same thread when you're 32.

>> No.14624534

>implying day of the rope won’t 3 years from top (tops)

>> No.14624536

the problem is now that I messed up a lot during my teenage years, wasted a lot of time on uneccesary things and now im thinking that I missed my chance to properly develop my intellectual abilities, I could have read more books and studied more back then and I get this feeling that its too late now
I have massive concentration problems and cant stick to anything longterm

>> No.14624537

*from now
phones are gay

>> No.14624543

It'll get better

>> No.14624546

How the hell is reading Evola or Nietzsche supposed to help someone like this. You are just feeding him power delusions. If anything it will just make him hate himself more since he so far away from that idealistic view of hyper masculinity. No one asking this question will ever be an ubermensch or some esoteric sage. This is literally just an inverted coping strategy by deluding yourself that you are super powerful.

>> No.14624564
File: 89 KB, 897x669, 6832D980-821C-4A9D-9A16-4B25FA78B9B0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I mostly just played world of Warcraft during my teenage years, and didn’t read for shit. They seriously don’t matter though; stop romanticizing high school. Like I’ve said, you are really young so you have plenty of time. If you read Evola, you’ll also know way more than 99% of people in terms of philosophy. It feels really good to learn this stuff and understand it, and you can learn it pretty fast on your own.

Evola’s work has no power delusions. Nietzsche’s does, but that is why you read him WITH Evola, so you understand where Nietzsche dropped the ball.

>> No.14624595

Have you actually read Evola beyond a few of his minor works? If anything Evola was worse; metaphysics of war literally sounds like something Al Queda would write. He was so obsessed with power he flipped the entire Hindu caste system to fit it and interpreted Buddhism along the same lines, an interpretation that no genuine Buddhist would ever agree with.

I have to say though considering you admitted to wasting your life with WoW as a teenager, I am not really surprised that you think this. I don't even mean that as an insult, but so many forsaken young men think that larping as some ubermensch or magical esoterist is the solution to their problems when in reality they just need self control and outlets of positive affirmation more than anything. Both Evola and Nietzsche didn't intend for their work to be read and put into practice by men like OP and frankly most of this board, like it or not.

>> No.14624607

I have read Metaphysics of War and don’t know where you are getting this all from. It sounds like you read Evola’s Wikipedia page and some Guenon /lit/ memes and took it all seriously.

>> No.14624620

Nope. Try again

>> No.14624627

Not an argument. Do you have any specific examples from Metaphysics of War you have issues with? or are you just going to make meme arguments?

>> No.14624628

Unironically UG Krishnamurti if you can handle it

Mystique of enlightenment


Mind is a myth


Thought is your enemy


No way out


>> No.14624639


>> No.14624643

my man, you just accused me of not reading the book as you only argument. You are the one without any arguments.

Read my post if you want arguments instead of sperging out and asking for quotes. Do you unironically think I am going to waste my time with you? Please explain to me how evola has no power delusions if you want an answer. I can't respond if you are not even providing any reason for your belief. You made the claim, you have to back it up.

>> No.14624653

>Please explain to me how evola has no power delusions if you want an answer. I
I am bystander itt but this is ridiculous. You are the one who claimed he did have power delusions, you have to show proof. How is the other anon supposed to show that Evola never wrote anything that could be construed that way? By reproducing his entire work in the thread?

>> No.14624662

Ikr, this idiot is literally asking me to prove a negative right now.

>> No.14624665

I just did. please learn to read.

>He was so obsessed with power he flipped the entire Hindu caste system to fit it and interpreted Buddhism along the same lines, an interpretation that no genuine Buddhist would ever agree with.

>> No.14624672

nice larp retard
I too am an innocent bystander

>> No.14624685
File: 313 KB, 750x1334, DF21A7E1-2091-4F32-AE68-DF8A1D4EFF00.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That isn’t even actually true. He did put emphasis on the warrior caste, which is a mistake if you look at it from an outside of time perspective, but in his time, did make sense.

>> No.14624689

My class is starting in 3min, so I have to go.

Actually read Evola before making a criticism next time.

>> No.14624711

Are you in high school? You seem to have no reading comprehension skills. You are just arguing with a fact. Evola placed the warrior at the top of the caste system and said that action was superior to contemplation. That is like the entire point of his philosophy : esoterism through productive Nietzschean action. You can read the debates he had with Guenon about this very topic and see that there is no debate about it. Evola argued for that and you can't twist it .

> but in his time, did make sense.
You attack me for not providing arguments and this is literally all you provide. hahahhahahahah "uh yeah it would normally be stupid but just trust me bro in this scenario it makes sense"

>> No.14624727

I'm not even that anon, but please for the love of God show proof, post a quote from one of Evola's works where what you claim happens. You haven't shown proofs, you made claims.

>> No.14624737

Kafka, it won’t be inspiring but it’ll give you a sense of camaraderie that someone from a long time ago (compared to the length of your life so far) felt similarly

>> No.14624738

On the Shortness of Life - Seneca
The way to cope isn't to accept being an undeveloped loser. It's to get back in the game. Find out which things you value. Then how best to attain those things. Then go get them.

You might also unironically appreciate Jordan B Peterson's Future Authoring Program™, which you can get free off pastebin if you search for it.

>> No.14624749
File: 80 KB, 314x450, 9781607747307.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Start here and work your way up.

>> No.14624751

You made the claim that you are not that anon but did not show proof of that. Before you talk to me, I am going to need you to verify that claim.

>> No.14624792
File: 29 KB, 696x462, proof.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The reply to that guy doesn't have a (You). The reply to me has.

>> No.14624801

You made the claim that your photo is legitimate, but provided no proof. I am going to need you to send me a picture of your computer with your timestamp before you talk to me. Your claims need to be verified to be worthwhile in an academic discussion after all.

>> No.14624808
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>> No.14624864

>the problem is now that I messed up a lot during my teenage years
Think about this logically, you were placed on this earth with no guidstone, nor a guide. And you tried to figure yourself out by your lonesome. Does that sound like a recipe to know everything and do everything right?

The only people who are high performers (socially and academically) are those that have severly penalistic and judgemental parents that hound them through school.

No This is the time to choose your path, your early twenties, this is where you learn where you want to go and what you want to do.

If you don't find it before 26 that is fine as well.

I would say that 30 is the age where doors start to close.

>> No.14624875
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>I would say that 30 is the age where doors start to close.

>> No.14624884

I-im sorry anon, i, erm... Not all doors are closed, You could still get a dayjob and go Paterson mode ...

>> No.14624906
File: 419 KB, 1536x2048, 1549044212545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books to develop confidence? Not "looking in people's eyes" confidence but confidence in your convictions, choices and where you are in life.
I'm a 22 yo college drop out and have nerve wracking anxiety about being late.

>> No.14624914

You are oversocialized. No one reads books to gain confidence. Do you think the hyper masculine people you see in real life have read books to gain their stature and personality? Absolutely not

>> No.14624962

Arthur Schopenhauer - Essays and Aphorisms
Emil Cioran - The Trouble with Being Born

>> No.14624968

If you seek contentment, i will give you a warning. You might find it.

>> No.14624981

The Wisdom of Insecurity by Alan Watts

>> No.14625000

>when you get honorably discharged but your drill instructor forgot to say "at ease soldier" at the ceremony so you have been holding the same pose for 3 months now and your arms are getting kind of tired

>> No.14625002


>> No.14625007

You keep using that word, but it doesn't mean what you think it means

>> No.14625011

I used it once. What do you mean I keep using it. Are you off your meds?

>> No.14625023
File: 23 KB, 193x190, 1577543941089.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure i saw you in another thread, and given that you have such a rancidly horrible personality, i don't need medication to remember you

>> No.14625029

are you saying it's hopeless because personality is genetic? I've considered it but If I believe this it'll be my ruin.
no, I just seek the tiniest confidence in my choices, to not expect to regret every single alternative down the road.

>> No.14625043

Which thread. You are not exactly making a good case for yourself right now bud. Doc really said you shouldn't be off your meds

>> No.14625060

>no, I just seek the tiniest confidence in my choices, to not expect to regret every single alternative down the road.
If you pinch your arm, the itch in your foot disappears.

As such you worry because you have no challenge, no real difficulty to overcome. I was just like you until that day.

Man its 3am over here, and im starting to feel some kinda way, listen to this song with me.

>> No.14625076

28 and feel this way.
I've applied to Master's programs.
Will be 29 when I start. I feel that's quite old.

I don't like carrying the burden of a wasted 20s, which were unfulfilling. I truly hope 30 isn't the end.

>> No.14625101

Every single one of you read Oblomov right now or I'm killing everyone

>> No.14625121

Same. I played world of Warcraft mostly. Know I'm a doctor. 25 years old. 22 is young. I developed mentally most between 22 and 25. Was also unknowingly depressed and antidepressants helped with my cognitive problems, in my case it was memory/concentration (depends what you mean by concentration)

>> No.14625134
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>> No.14625136
File: 12 KB, 424x394, 1572891840555.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the anon you're responding to. I just wanted to say that i have the issues you mentioned, and i really hope you're future me. Wasted my childhood barely able to concentrate on a fucking book, this escalated into depression and videogames, and even now i'm stuck at that level. I hope i'll suddenly have some sort of a break in order for something to happen.

>> No.14625137

I'm not sure I know what you mean, but it feels patronizing.
Anyway, I'm listening with you anon.

>> No.14625158

>You attack me for not providing arguments and this is literally all you provide. hahahhahahahah "uh yeah it would normally be stupid but just trust me bro in this scenario it makes sense"
Wtf are you going off about? Savitri Devi talks about the heightened necessity of the warrior caste during the last throes of the Kali Yuga, which she explains through kalki’s symbolism.

>> No.14625172

Youre right im sorry, but that is what it was like for me at least.

I used to worry about so much. And ruminate over past mistakes, awkward moments, stupid decisions. I loved this girl, and we were scouts together for like 4 years, i loved her so much, and she got together with our mutual friend.

I cant go to college, i went to trade highschool and i got awful grades, ive studied 2 subjects again, but i need 4 more to become a teacher like i wanted to. I dont think i will get them.

Im right now looking for an apprentice ship to become an electritian. I would preferably work in construction, that way i can take the subway to work, and not have to get a car...

My only goal in life is to have read, to have listened to music, watched movies, and traveled somewhat.

Now i dont worry, im not ashamed, because i have plenty of work to do ahead to do this.

>> No.14625182

>entered into a state of perpetual becoming
I feel sorry for you.

>> No.14625200


>> No.14625207

Could you expand on this sir?

How am i in any way worse off than any other fool?

>> No.14625227
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its far from being too late, youre one of millions of people who never knew what to, how to do it or what you even want. Get a homegym, get fit and then get a warehouse job, thatll get you physically and mentally fit and give you a great opportunity and motivation to plan your life out and use your time better.

>> No.14625238

Exactly that, you are a fool.

>> No.14625242

And you're not?

>> No.14625278

Perhaps I am; perhaps I am not, but I strive toward the path of being, so I am less a fool than you.

>> No.14625307

Maybe, check this out
Its some food for thought.

>> No.14625365

How old are you?
Are you miserable?
If yes go see a doctor and ask for 5mg of escitalopram then increase it up to 8-10mg. Wait 6-8 weeks from when you started it. If not effect after 3 months stop taking it.

>> No.14625380
File: 50 KB, 960x516, 1579674425695.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally me, but i'm 25

>> No.14625388

Stop wasting time wallowing in regret
If you wish you had read more before, then you should just start reading more now
Use your regrets as a source of inspiration on what to do next, not a reason to do nothing now

>> No.14625447
File: 26 KB, 259x259, sweating.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

22 yo about to graduated college. How the fuck do I get a job? I lied to my parents about my gpa I'm gonna be so fucked if I can't get a job.

>> No.14625469

Whats your degree?

>> No.14625473

Delay your graduation a year, take like 2-3 classes a semester, and focus on internships.

>> No.14625526

Just turned 19 a few days ago, actually. I'm not miserable per se, but i have bouts of hopelessness, most of the time i'm just indifferent and hedonistic. If i get a bad feeling when i'm supposed to do something, i just don't do it.
Currently taking zoloft, has been of little help so far. I'll ask for that drug if zoloft proves to be worthless after a bit.

>> No.14625531

My parents will only pay for my uni if I do it in 4 years.

>> No.14625536

>I just turned 19
Buckle up, Bucko. You are in for a rough ride.

>> No.14625551

Im sorry but youre fucked. Youre competing with Chinese and Indian superstudents and savants, get a 5.0 or find a job as codemonkey.
>My parents will only pay for my uni if I do it in 4 years.
Take some student loans or get a dayjob? Or both?

Either do this properly or don't.

>> No.14625553 [DELETED] 

>tfw 26
>wasted my entire life and opportunities

I’m trying to get the balls to kill myself. It’s so hard to fucking psych myself up and I just puss out at the last second. In the end I’m just a worthless evil faggot who likes attention and pity from stranger online. I need to just fucking do it. The better I’m forgotten by family and “friends” and the world the better

>> No.14625563

i have a suggestion, instead of taking your life, just sit at the dock of the bay.


>> No.14625570

> unironically thinking a new age Anglo that worshipped hitler is an authority on Hinduism

>> No.14625571

19 is still very young. Dial down the hedonism, as in don't hurt yourself somehow, the indifference I guess could be depression but could be normal.
I wasn't impressed with Zoloft. Definitely give escitalopram a try.

>> No.14625576

What's a better major then?


>> No.14625579

Hedonism is pretty much the norm at your age and gender anyway

>> No.14625603

I know i am, old man.

The indifference and hedonism is most certainly depression. If i don't want to do something, i'll try to lie and wiggle myself out of doing it. Now, this wouldn't really be a problem if i had some self control and wouldn't be so damn good at lying to myself above all.

What can i say, your eyes may deceive you but the eternal COOM never will.

>> No.14625608

>What's a better major then?
There is none, if you put in the work of a chinese child who learnt violin at age 7

Engineering is good, any job that won't be automated or is in demand where you live is good.

>> No.14625631

Man, act now. You know you want to do it, let that force within you manifest. Cheers.

>> No.14625654

>old man
I’m 23. Shit hits the fan fast as fuck. Once I was about 19 and a half, i basically entered hell itself.

>> No.14625659

Why, what happened?

>> No.14625660

well, damn, someone's a judgemental little prick.

>> No.14625666

Computer science is engineering at many schools though, so I don't get your point

>> No.14625698

A goth girl ripped out my heart. I can never love again.

>> No.14625712
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>"I’m 22 also. We are both super fucking young, so don’t worry."
Should we tell him, bros?

>> No.14625805
File: 106 KB, 640x640, 1579238703784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>never had a gf
>never had any romantic interaction with a girl
>have not had a close friend since middle school

Uh we are all gonna make it one day... right bros...?
Some nights I don't care but tonight feels different. Everything that people have written in this thread resonates with me. I have lived my youth through other people on 4chan and social media. I've lived in a shell all my life, never wanting to take any risks. Books are just making things worse. Not sure what to do or where I am going. Pray for me bros.

>> No.14625826

Tell what?

>> No.14625839

Your not old until you're past the 25 mark. You have enough time to fix things still. Once you're 30, it's too late do go after professional ambitions other than maybe being a priest, but who would want to do that?

>> No.14625844

What a man reaps, so also shall he sow.

>> No.14625861
File: 120 KB, 719x765, Guenon 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25 is still young.

that's when door actually begin to start closing.

>maybe being a priest, but who would want to do that?
>but who would want to do that?

>> No.14625877

>I have lived my youth through other people... and social media
so has everyone else under 30

>> No.14625893

No one will know about this if you don't spill the beans, for all they know you couldve lost your virginity at 16 and are in a dry spell.

Focus on other things instead, are you out of shape? Are you unemployed?

Do your friends suck?

>> No.14625894

Not to the same extent. At least most people have friends.

>> No.14625902

have you spoken to a normie before?

>> No.14625904

first day on lit and its pretty based. i thought r9k was NEET/failure central but i guess i found a second home

>> No.14625910

Yes, plenty of them has had good fulfilling lives, maybe not the cookie cutter suburban normies, but most normies yes.

>> No.14625912
File: 51 KB, 404x390, Guenon 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>At least most people have friends.
LOL. if you think the average person has GOOD friends, you are just fooling yourself.

welcome aboard. be sure to read guenon.

>> No.14625927

I find it hard to take you seriously with those images anon

>> No.14625934

shut up, bitch. the guenon posting needs to die off one way or another. i dont see you trying.

>> No.14625963

thanks man

>> No.14625970

You just told a new poster who isn't aware of the meme to read him lol

>> No.14625973

Masterful pasta

>> No.14625981
File: 39 KB, 636x583, Guenon 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


guenon is fine, but guenon posters need to be fucking murdered.

>> No.14625990
File: 420 KB, 400x300, Raven.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you liked it!

>> No.14625989

You are making fun of him, not the posters in your images. The best way to kill a meme is to not interact with it period newfriend.

>> No.14625999

>You are making fun of him, not the posters in your images.
only superficially

>The best way to kill a meme is to not interact with it period newfriend.
guenon posters are transcendent autists; they will spam their shit nonstop even if you dont interact with them.

>> No.14626009

Guenon is fine, but traditionalism since than is not.

Evola is not fine.

>> No.14626038
File: 170 KB, 521x435, Raven Contemplating.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice strawman, faggot. She wasn't actually an esoteric Hitlerist, that was Serrano.

>> No.14626043
File: 83 KB, 379x387, 1558904976739.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm thinking of reporting this thread because it's not related to literature. Should I?

>> No.14626061


>> No.14626072

once you hit NEETdom theres no way out. the only way out is through yourself and i havent figured it out myself. good luck. 23 here. it doesnt get better

>> No.14626077

>very young
Sure, but one's twenties is when opportunities are seized or wasted. Take college as an example: if one cannot matriculate in four years directly after high school, they've severely limited their life's potential.

>> No.14626126
File: 550 KB, 250x250, Raven Dance.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if one cannot matriculate in four years directly after high school, they've severely limited their life's potential.
If you wish the play the rat race, money making game, then sure, maybe, but if you want fulfillment in life, you have shitloads of time.

>> No.14626211 [DELETED] 

Wether or not you report this thread, i will.

>> No.14626297

Fulfillment is purely economic in this world. Perpetuate a new system of valuation, and then we're talking.

>> No.14626586

this was my circumstance, but i became happy in 3 things in life. and it starts with finding a certain attitude mixed in, that is shared in common with all three of these things, and you only need to find that attitude in one.

>the sun (literally)
>a man i can respect (even love, its not gay)
>circumstance (be aware of your faults and deceits to yourself, and only aware, because that is the only thing you can become as a man, the only rest of you has a simple premise as a man, and theres nothing more you can overcome but to find this simple attitude)

now that first paragraph is more a of a lie in this case, because i'm telling you to just get some sun, find men on the internet you can respect (or authors, tolstoy and dostoevsky is common here), and be aware of negative and positive feelings in your body. for example this is the greatest negative to man kind. :today i do not feel well, so i must play a video game and not think why i feel unwell. And whenever you face the despair in you, 5 seconds after you think why you are sad, you will become happy! because its just that simple really, and you'll be wondering why you havent faced your regrets before.

>> No.14626603

>Fulfillment is purely economic in my mind
Yes we can tell

>> No.14627729
File: 111 KB, 1024x684, Gay Guys.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a man i can respect (even love, its not gay)
It's okay to be gay; gay couples are often super cute :3

>> No.14627745

not me obv

>> No.14627749

Nice quads, also >>14624485 you are a fucking idiot. You didn't waste your life at 22. Believe me I was just like you and these 3 books changed me (inb4 meme self help books).
>How to win friends and influence people
Boomer tier self help but that shit was cash, if you really put in use what that books states you'll improve your life no doubt.
>Mystery method
PUA shit, yeah I'm still a 25kv but it helped me learn something about women, I tried some of those tecniques and they work.
>Rich dad poor dad
Another meme book but it was really helpful.
Also I suggest you to go to college or some stuff like that, get a degree to get back on track.
Last thing I want to share with you my mantra: "I know that I don't know" (I believe it's called the Socrates paradox), keep your mind open and remember that you'll always learn something. Good luck anon.

>> No.14627773

It's never too late. I feel like my life only really started at like 25-26.

>> No.14627774

>I know that I don't know
Socrates literally BTFO'ed himself and all of western philosophy with that phrase. Having reason as your starting point of ontology is fucking cancer.

>> No.14628166

For a second there I wonder how such a shit poem could've gained such notoriety. Thankfully it's shit because it's a translation.

>> No.14628441


>> No.14628453
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>literature is self- help

>> No.14628464

You'll be fine LMAO

>> No.14628539

The term "NEET" holds the keys to your salvation. Just resolve to get

The one protip which ought to be obvious (but isn't obvious to decadent trust fund kids) is to get education or training that is actually marketable. If you just get a job at least learn how to be smart with money.

>Books to read
Whatever you actually enjoy reading, you'll need something that heals your soul from the drudgery of EETing.

2nd tip, just hit on girls, I didn't realize that girls just wanna fuck (for many their only hobby is masturbating) until I turned 26. Getting your dick sucked also heals the soul.

I've never understood the need for self-help literature. I just learned hard lessons as they came. Keep doing good stuff, stop doing bad stuff, resignation to your condition is for weak masochists.

>> No.14628573
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> I didn't realize that girls just wanna fuck (for many their only hobby is masturbating)
do they really?

>> No.14628635

browse more 4chan
it will help you in this regard

>> No.14629084

F.M. Dostoevsky-Crime and Punishment
Herman Hesse-Steppenwolf
David Lodge-The British Museum is falling down

>> No.14629165

If you actually want to make it you need to delude yourself and stop worrying.

>> No.14629235

Well, shit.

>> No.14629303

>whenever you face the despair in you, 5 seconds after you think why you are sad, you will become happy!
lol no

>> No.14629332
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>tfw all op said applies, except I am 40
You ain't wasted shit yet, kid.

>> No.14629546

what is it about

>> No.14629595
File: 2.06 MB, 1920x1080, [Commie] Psycho-Pass - 17v2 [BD 1080p FLAC] [CF566D37].mkv_snapshot_13.45_[2018.10.18_18.29.28].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw 28 year old neet who hasn't left house in years with zero prospects in life
>mfw still think half the faggots in this thread are irredeemably pathetic subhumans

>> No.14629927


>> No.14630010
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>PUA shit, yeah I'm still a 25kv but it helped me learn something about women, I tried some of those tecniques and they work.


Don't listen to this guy.

>> No.14630066

Lmao none of this shit is complicated, but that doesn't mean it is easy
Figure out right now what you want to accomplish, that word is important. Not who you want to be, not what you want to do, not what you want to aquire. It must be difficult. If it scares you you're on the right track.
Now figure out what needs to be done in order to move forward on that path. Force yourself. Nobody is going to give you the right set of words to suddenly fix you and make yourself stop procrastinating. No amount of analyzation and insights will fix shit. You either take action or you don't. There is nothing more to be said about your position than get off your ass. Looking for something else is only another form of procrastination. If this isn't enough you don't have what it takes. Stop coping and resign yourself to mediocrity
If you accomplished your goal, you move on to the next. Do this until you die
The end

>> No.14630103

Anybody have any experience with tulpas here ? I have friends and had a gf but still felt very lonely.

>> No.14630268

I am also 22, spend a lot of being regretful and being depressed. The dopamine drop is a bitch, and so is running out of salad days and taking up the yoke of responsibility.
Just start out doing little things, like working 10 hours a week and limiting the amount of time spent on idle activities. Any amount of time spent out of your comfort zone is valuable.

>> No.14630474

How to win friends is a fucking outdated meme book

>> No.14630771

>turn 25 next week
>spent years 18-22 roped into a really shitty family situation I should have left much much sooner. basically did NOTHING for 5 years straight in what's supposed to be the prime of my life
>22 I finally leave, take my life into my own hands. try to be an adult and a good person.
>since mid 23 to now, I've been homeless and completely lost

Eh, fuck my life. It's not all hopeless though, I've proven myself over time to be a human who constantly re-invents himself and who tries to do well. And I'm tangibly so much better off than I was, especially lately.

Still though. A lot to cope with… I have a difficult road ahead into uncharted territory, but I will not give up. I know a bright future as of yet unrealized is not far away.

It is also a very sad future, full of regret and despair. But I owe it to the world to try, and to give back.

>> No.14630900

Join the army or get trained as a paramedic right now. Do wild land firefighting over the summer. Every month put away $500, and enjoy the rest. By twenty five you'll be the coolest motherfucker in the room, have a solid 20 grand in the bank, and be at the point in your life where you're actually ready to decide on a long term career path. Then go to college, have unlimited 19 year old pussy on tap, and if you took the army path get the whole thing paid for.

There's nothing wrong with being indifferent and hedonistic at your age, just realize that if you make your hedonism productive (rather than just smoking pot and playing vidya) you'll be years ahead by your mid-twenties. Also your twenties are the stage in your life where you can adventure and have fun. After that things get serious, and you're probably going to want to start a family at some point.

>> No.14631146

If your life peaked at 18-22 you have a pathetic existencez your brain isn't even fully developed. 22-35 is peak

>> No.14631389

gonna favorite this thread and come back tomorrow to read it, goodnight /lit/

>> No.14631476

Hypocrite lecteur, — mon semblable, — mon frère!

>> No.14632022

i have a false sense of superiority despite doing jackshit, too. how do we stop it, bro?

>> No.14632036

It's about being a wealthy Russian NEET, much like Eugene Onegin.

>> No.14632045

Read Alfred Adler

>> No.14632048
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>> No.14632276
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You've got your causality mixed up. It is precisely because you are delusional that you do nothing. What you should do then is clear, not that you can.

>> No.14632479

I'm 75 and it applies to me you fucking zoomer.

>> No.14632487

So how its relatable?

>> No.14633274

Why is everybody so young ? Where do 30+ people who failed in life larp ? I though this is it, but it's not. Clearly not everybody have a family and great careers. All I see is 22 year olds "oh i've wasted my life" posts :). 95% are bellow 25. I know i fucked up badly but there is still about 30 years of life left to do something about it. Dear or dear, where are you bros ?

>> No.14633399


I just had my benefits cut out the blue after seven years of not working , I’d recommend at least having something to fall back on because I’m 28 and 23 feels like yesterday

>> No.14633981

they hang themselves anon

>> No.14634109

well that's a relief.

>> No.14634132

start working out my son

>> No.14634180
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Read the book of John in KJV after sitting through this 7 minute video op.

The Bible Way to Heaven

>> No.14634266

Have you not heard? Cope is bad. Just wallow in your failure and keep doing it until you stop caring or do better nigger.

>> No.14634662

Funny cause I was mostly NEET from 18-22, turned 23 and started going back to school
The most dangerous thing about NEETdom is you get used to not having to deal with stress, which is really bad. Stress sucks but once you learn to cope with it then you’ll feel a lot more alive and ambitious

>> No.14635467
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>Chinese and Indian superstudents and savants
Pajeets shit out the lowest quality of "work" possible