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14623310 No.14623310[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14623338

Lmao. I'm gaining a little more sympathy for him now. I actually don't dislike peterson even though he has 0% philosophical substance. My perception of him is transitioning from "money grabbing conservative boomer" to "early-onset alzheimers sentimental boomer"

Actually after watching it through I'm actually a little impressed. He actually managed to avoid the question really well. Even I didn't notice that he avoided answering a very difficult and pertinent question for him

>> No.14623352

JP really has only two modes of speaking,
a) an aggressive and confident rant against strawmen like postmodern neomarxism (pomo nomo)
b) misguided rambling on topics in which he is totally out of his depth, so he breaks into crying

>> No.14623360


>> No.14623361
File: 34 KB, 693x960, 1570551304027.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Zizek: "I'm not trying to say you're an idiot who has no idea what he's talking about..." *wink wink*

>> No.14623366

Even Richard "Hot Stuff" Spencer shit on Peterson after that debate.

>> No.14623367

why does he still have a career?

>> No.14623369

name one thing he is wrong about

>> No.14623378

>Who would have the audacity to claim they believe in God?
Thanks for reminding me why I fucking hate this man and everyone who likes him.

>> No.14623380

peterson is a failed hero. he lost it after binging on Klonopin to level out the Adderall that he was taking for his tour schedule, he keeps touring while his wife is sick with cancer, and he and his daughter promote a terrible carnivore diet that is going to give anyone who tries it ass cancer. he promotes dangerous ssris that are making peoole sicker than they were before. his daughter is getting banged out by OfWudan, as a pump and dump in his stable of bitches. still refuses to call out zionists. would not want to be a peterson fan right now

>> No.14623381

Are the memes about him being a ((())) true? He sure seems to have The Phenotype.

>> No.14623382

That's one of the few things he's absolutely correct about.

>> No.14623402

remember when he got completely obliterated by sam whatever on a debate and his excuse later was that he underperformed because a glass of APPLE CIDER was killing him? lmao why would anyone take him seriously after that

>> No.14623410

looks pretty anglo to me

>> No.14623411

>peterson is a failed hero
You either die a hero, or you live long enough to see yourself become the postmodern neomarxist.

>> No.14623414

You stole this from the comment section you sneaky bitch

>> No.14623422

no but his wife is jewish

>> No.14623427

dickie "literally who cares" spencer shits on everyone what do you even mean "even"? wignats have long disavowed jbp because he wasn't present at heil gate.

>> No.14623435

He speaks in terms of absolutes. If you can't find one thing he is wrong about you are probably double digit IQ.

>> No.14623442

>refuses to call out zionists
>he isnt personally responsible for the holocaust
patrick little is a failed hero you wignat

>> No.14623445

Pomonomo is the only intelligent thing he ever said, though he appears incapable of explaining what he meant by that to anybody, maybe because he is afraid of really following the conclusions where they lead.

It means that the 'neomarxists', who call themselves intersectionalists and similar names, use pomo rhetoric about science not being objective when said science has results that are problematic for their position. If it's not clear what Im talking about, consider the way these people approach research on IQ compared to 'stereotype threat'.

>> No.14623450

i steal everything from the internet and post it somewhere else. go ahead and deplatform me

>> No.14623462


i can't really discern what this comment is about

>> No.14623467
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>> No.14623500

interesting. the point that slavoj made that peterson likes, zizek has been saying nonstop for like 10 years now. it's really weird hearing someone else restate it

>> No.14623510

>when he got completely obliterated by sam whatever

>> No.14623515

He was kind of cool when he was just a professor talking about Jung and Egyptian occult stuff, but at this point he's a fucking wreck and a total pseud. You can probably see in real-time through all his videos him degenerating into a fragile little bitch who's constantly blubbering on camera, and it probably has to do with being surrounded by psychopathic Christcucks every day, whose sole interest in life is no different from Judaism and Islam: to spread their mind disease and cripple everyone who believes in themselves more than in others.

>> No.14623522

>and it probably has to do with being surrounded by psychopathic Christcucks every day
i think its the fact that his wife is dying with a rare type of cancer

>> No.14623530

also weird he had months to prepare for the debate and never even got around to reading Zizek's encyclopedia page

>> No.14623533

Probably a combination.

>> No.14623538

Man, his grasp of theology is beyond weak. Whenever he brushes up against the topic, it's clear that he loves the idea of Christianity, but only in the abstract, and he has spent more time thinking about that abstraction than actually engaging with either the Bible or Christian thinkers.

>> No.14623540

What's the reason for lit's obsession with this nut?

>> No.14623549

lol. Zizek played him like a kazoo in that debate. he knew to add that fucking thing about Christ toward the end, and shatter Peterson's god-fearing brain. even though the same idea is mentioned in Pervert's Guide to Ideology, which Peterson would have known if he had just done ONE, TINY, bit of research into his postmodern neomarxist opponent

>> No.14623551

true but preparing for a debate with a hegelian marxist continental philosopher as a psychologist is almost a lost cause. i would probably have just winged it and pocketed the money as well

>> No.14623556

i wonder if peterson has ever read/attempted girard. they seem like they would get along

>> No.14623557

Peterson should actually READ nietzsche and realise all his psychology rambling is just pure COPE

>> No.14623559

someone give me a rundown of the peterson timeline. Is he still as big as he used to be a year ago? what happend?

>> No.14623569

why doesn't Peterson do research and preparation for these debates.

proper preparation prevents piss poor performance.

>> No.14623570

>He was kind of cool when he was just a professor talking about Jung and Egyptian occult stuff
This. Just compare maps of meaning to 12 rules to see how far he's fallen.

>> No.14623572

he's in rehab. Prescription pills addiction

>> No.14623576

well they both are psychoanalysists so they had more common footing than anyone could hope for, and Peterson was at one point a socialist and is now an anti-Marxist who gives entire lectures on Marxism so he should probably have that covered too (he didn't)

>> No.14623577
File: 141 KB, 1080x1080, f45f1b27d14cd3c671c0e627f26f3715.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Because the whole intellectual dork web is a fraud, these clowns are propped as gatekeepers, a safe and kosher alternative to sjw trannies.
Their purpose is to stop young huwhite men from going full nazbol, that's it.

>> No.14623585

He pulled a Britney and now we're all waiting for him to be smothered to death by a Native American gentleman.

>> No.14623589

Jordan "can't do it" Peterstein.

>> No.14623591

yes https://youtu.be/YC1pvjyKYr4?t=1245

>> No.14623597

>I dreamed I saw my maternal grandmother sitting by the bank of a swimming pool, which was also a river. Her genital region was exposed dimly. It had the appearance of a thick mane of hair. She was stroking herself absentmindedly. She walked over to me with a handful of pubic hair compacted into something resembling a large artist's paintbrush. She pushed this at my face. I raised my arm several times to deflect her hand. Finally, unwilling to hurt her or interfere with her any further, I let her have her way. She stroked my face with the brush gently and said, like a child, isn't it soft?
This is a real quote from Jordan Peterson

>> No.14623603

He-he's gone into a "safe space" where people treat him "correctly", as a "snowflake"?

>> No.14623605
File: 92 KB, 1200x675, 1562385931910.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Liberal hucksters

>> No.14623606

Embarrassing. Ben Stiller is a pseud, he got manhandled by non other than Dan Carlin.

>> No.14623631

those ideas make you liberal in the usa? lmao at least half of those are just common sense

>> No.14623655


>> No.14623669

i know it doesn't seem real, but you have to think to yourself, who would have the audacity to claim they dreamt of touching their grandmas pubes? if they examined the way they lived, who would dare say that? to have the audacity to claim that, means that you live it out, fully. and that's an unbearable task, in some sense. He's a kind of hero, really.

>> No.14623679

I'm sure all of them are pro women's suffrage. That's liberal too.

>> No.14623684

Is this photo the 21st century equivalent of Raphael's School of Athens?

>> No.14623685

have you read memories,dreams,reflections? it's part of being an amateur psychoanalyst to tell the world every bizarre dream you have

>> No.14623689
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Was she at least young?

>> No.14623703

undeniably based

>> No.14623712

more like Girard runs fucking LAPS around Peterson. If Girard ever put out something as pedantic as 12 Rules for Life, he'd be laughed out of the academy.

>> No.14623718

you can listen to him read it himself in his audiobook

>> No.14623769

major kek

>> No.14623781
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>gets eternally BTFO
>i-it wasn't a debate

>> No.14623809


>> No.14623820

this is only a sick burn if you think being a wignat is badass. no one is impressed youre a nazi

>> No.14623850

>propped as gatekeepers
I don't think there is real coordination going on. Its just an early wave of 1337 boomers that figured out theres more to the internet than facebook and were able to monopolize the territory, in greedy boomer fashion.

>> No.14623858

your criticism seems to be anyone that hasnt gone full patrick little mode isnt a hero

>> No.14623867

It's a burn to le free speech man because it directly calls him out on not actually being willing to discuss everything. He could just give his argument against what the kid said.

>> No.14623873

All of them look like they're just there on a formality except Joe who is absolutely ecstatic and loving it.

>> No.14623877

No, it's a disgrace he couldn't come up with any answer to a fairly straightforward question. I didn't expect him to go full 1488, but anything would have been better than this weak shit.

>> No.14623892

he makes a good point.

>> No.14623893

They're propped up, at least in the media coverage they get. Most of them are kikes with a couple of shabbos goy after all.

>> No.14624029

is it just me or does he sound drunk

>> No.14624064

What a mess.
The least he could do is read the Psalm that Christ was referencing though.

>> No.14624120
File: 243 KB, 680x709, yes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>anyone that hasnt gone full patrick little mode isnt a hero

>> No.14624168

redpilled take

>> No.14624377

why'd that boomer make kermit cry? >:(

>> No.14624707

Prager is thinking "when we going to get back to owning the libtards?"

>> No.14624748


it is wrong to criticize the state of the modern world's symptoms without criticizing the CAUSE, yes. i'm not a /pol/tard either, its just the truth. peterson is dishonest

>> No.14624830

there's some /pol/ infographic about his ties to the UN which lays out how jbp is basically one of the most intricate memetic psy-ops there has ever been.

>> No.14624835

Can you share it?

>> No.14624836

i don't have it

>> No.14624857

i tried looking around but it was extremely detailed and autistic to the point where it would take you like 20 minutes to read the whole thing so it isn't very popular to see around given the nature of imageboards. if you ask around for it on /pol/ you might find someone who has it.

>> No.14624881



>> No.14624913

you should've used a pic of jbp or at least some thot, then people would actually notice the thread.

>> No.14624974


i thought about that after i hit post

>> No.14625033

What do the different colors mean?

>> No.14625049

did he dip in popularity after the zizek debate or was it just the fact that I completely lost all interest after that?

>> No.14625071

>doesn't know any philosophy
>doesn't know any English lit
>barely versed in Jungian psychology
I still don't understand WTF this guy does, why people like him, or why people hate him.

>> No.14625078

If he actually said that in public that’s pretty based. Like just going out and telling people shit that anyone else would barely even let themselves acknowledge is ballsy.

>> No.14625080


>> No.14625097

he's accurately exposing psychology as a fraudulent pseudoscience, although unintentionally.

>> No.14625111

His original advice and what he was talking about when he became popular is good. Don't let PC culture censor you. If you can't find purpose map out your life and where you see yourself. If you're stuck start doing things, even if it's simple like cleaning your room.

I haven't paid much attention to him afterwards honestly.

>> No.14625143

No one believes in that which is not fucking real.

>> No.14625153

Also Petersen said "I can't do it."

>> No.14625215

No, they would be the Sophists.

>> No.14625219

Think it's supposed to indicate the level of conviction they have on that position. The bolder the color, the more conviction. Green/Red is just Good/Bad in the eyes of the table creator.

It's also wrong, Shaprio should be the light green pro block for man-made climate change.

>> No.14625224

He sounds like he is about to cry.

>> No.14625261

imagine being American

>> No.14625288

Look mom I posted it!

>> No.14625308

based and grandma-pube pilled

>> No.14625379

Why do you always post this? He's a psychoanalyst, it's his job to dig up weird sex shit in the mind. It isn't that strange he would bring this up in some book or lecture of his.

>> No.14625436

I actually like Peterson - but he does this too much now.
I think he realised it adds a certain emotional gravitas to his performances. A bridge across the gap to the human watching the video.
I cannot help but think its a tool.

>> No.14625482

nigga thinks he's in a dostoevsky novel lmaoooo calm down bro

>> No.14625534

Jordan Peterson doesn't believe in man-made climate change? He's dumber than I thought.

>> No.14625709

He took his soul

>> No.14625718


>> No.14625720

I fucking hate that sobbying little voice I want to kick his teeth in

>> No.14625750

It's an improvement.