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/lit/ - Literature

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14618798 No.14618798 [Reply] [Original]

What literature makes you cope with the fact that pic related will never want to have your babies and cope with never being able to be her?

>> No.14618801

wow, you're a fucking faggot who has never suffered a day in his life. grow the fuck up you faggot.

>> No.14618803

St. Jerome teaches that the carnal man does not live according to reason.

>> No.14618810
File: 162 KB, 1200x1800, 8A5CC68C-58D6-4BDC-A60C-5874FE1BEFB7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bad thread, robot.
One cannot fuck everyone we’re attracted to.

>> No.14618821
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>those nails
yikes. anyway a hole is a hole is a hole. latin women are hotter and less degenerate than that your pic related. the girl i'm talking to rn is whiter, with raven black hair she cute.

>> No.14618833

If you could, you wouldn't be free. You would be a slave to each passing distraction. It's worse for a man than unlimited access to heroin.

>> No.14618840 [SPOILER] 
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A post for both incels and trannies

>> No.14618841

Makes me want to rub my fiancée's nipples. Oh, a book? Is not a woman a book to be read in a certain sort of way?

>> No.14618852
File: 503 KB, 640x480, 60F0C4E7-2DE0-404B-850B-242A88B32591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Life would be such hell if you had as many lovers as days in a year drop by.

>> No.14618865

Projection, anon. I fucked a Lithuanian chick that looked like that the other week.

>> No.14618869

Yes, because you would lack agency. You do not want trajectory over your life or actions because you are content being anesthetized by anything pleasurable, and are discontent any time you are away from it. Such a scenario does not bother the smooth brain.

>> No.14618871


>> No.14618883

Why should I care? People only chase these overly-nubile women to satisfy their imbalanced sex drive and/or validate their crippling insecurities. Read any good book that encourages you to see the beauty in life, virtue, or the transcendent and you'll stop caring about such transitory things. Go and tell your mom you love her, help someone who is genuinely suffering (oooh, I'm so FUCKING horny is not suffering), and pray. That's my advice.

>> No.14618894

I made decent money.gambling altcoins on and now im simply banging luxury hookers while wearing hawaii tshirts and Gucci flip flops

Name a more based system than capitalism

>> No.14618925
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I will still want to do plenty of other things, but what of being distracted with niceties with numerous lovers stopping by for chat, snacks and snatch? If life were as easy it would be a heaven. And I’d be as free to leave it for whatever whenever.
You’re the smooth-brain

>> No.14618953

Daisies is a good film, but you're a retard. If you genuinely think that getting whatever your base desires are would lead to happiness, you're intentionally ignoring all the rich and famous people who desperately grasp at straws in order to find fulfillment. Read Ecclesiastes.

>> No.14618978

rich and famous people are happy and fulfilled and i'm sick of you fucks pretending that they aren't. try fucking working for a day and see how crushed your soul ends up.

>> No.14618983
File: 8 KB, 236x177, EF76D8C0-B049-41E9-A1D3-BA9ACAA30BBB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You aren’t even listening.
I would let my happiness direct me as I do now. No, anon. Getting whatever I desire isn’t even possible. Seven lovers a week isn’t all I could ever desire. And I would tire of even that!
Earwax build in your eyes?

>> No.14619005

>rich and famous people are happy and fulfilled and i'm sick of you fucks pretending that they aren't
>try fucking working for a day and see how crushed your soul ends up
I do work. It sucks so I started my own business. You can do it too. Stop being a victim. The only bad thing is that even after all your needs are met, you will still have existential anxiety and wonder why you're here. Physical things cannot solve that problem.

>> No.14619015

Is there more than one of you?

>> No.14619027

A very beautiful woman stops even being sexually arousing, feels totally removed from the realm of possibility that she would love me, and while their aesthetic beauty can be recognized they are less sexually attractive than more ‘ordinary’ or even somewhat strange looking/behaving women

Rate my cope

>> No.14619028


>> No.14619031

!!ol3 is butterfly's second trip, used briefly a couple of years ago. i assume it's for use on a mobile device. !mxvabloeSIE is her desktop trip and has been compromised somehow. but really who cares i have them both filtered because they both ruin every thread they enter.

>> No.14619050

fuck off bugman

>> No.14619052

i'm convinced the moth left after >her trip got compromised because the posts don't seem the same since then

>> No.14619056

The vast majority of rich and famous people work, anon. The greatest men in history were manic depressives. Material success won't solve you existential problems.

>> No.14619060

>bottle blonde with nail extensions
not the type I would entrust my kid with.
btw anon if you spend some time outside you'll realize that being a dumb bimbo is a massive turnoff.

>> No.14619064

There is a girl I know who is an honest 10/10. Dutch, blonde hair, very petite, but large breasts and hips. She is very religious and innocent, but that is at a constant compromise with the lewd remarks and continuous advancements she receives. I told myself I don't want her and that I don't want her, but she haunts my dreams, appearing next to my bedside, and asking me if I love her. Sometimes I think the universe hates me and wishes me the worst. Btw, I rate it 7/10, definitely a cope

>> No.14619065

Happiness is not categorically good, just as suffering is not categorically bad. Sometimes the most meaningful path is that which is most rife with suffering. To deny this possibility is to live a half life.

>> No.14619071


All trip users deserve greater jihad
Real regulars may be recognized by their posting style and interests, making tripcodes exclusively for the narcissist, who is best suited for literally any other forum

>> No.14619072

same tbqh.

>> No.14619082
File: 168 KB, 1200x1800, F064C04D-5C48-475B-B502-EF1D243C09E3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The guy who cracked the old mxvabloeSIE is still putting it on. He’s kind of alright. I mean I agree with some things he says, but I can’t persuade him to cut it out. So w/e.

>> No.14619091

this type of anguished pining becomes stupid if you're older than 16. do something or not. I mean, don't just randomly ask her, put some planning into it, but don't just scream in your dreams while hoping something happens.

>> No.14619099
File: 8 KB, 236x177, 79D5D36F-A5C2-4406-9459-AC41EE5D0080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Assward life is no way to live. The Good is lost to you.
Negative-hedonism is the best way to live life.

You misunderstand like all the rest, fool.

>> No.14619118

This >>14619091 either go after her or get over her.

>> No.14619129

>get over her
Sorry my dudes, but I've tried that

>> No.14619131

Life is in part assward. You are the type of person to forgo caring for a dying relative becuase you deem the whole ordeal to be "assward". In doing so you forgo the meaning the experience entails.

>> No.14619134

>So w/e.
And yes, the posts with mxvabloeSIE ITT are me.

Agreed. Don’t torture yourself. If her religion is bothering you, get over her or it. But do something.

>> No.14619147
File: 177 KB, 1200x1800, 4EA87260-E3F2-4653-82E4-239593D4817D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is assumption is wrong. Of course I’d care for a dying relative.
You misunderstand everything I’ve typed

>> No.14619155

i'm not worried about it

>> No.14619156

katherine waterson is so hot

>> No.14619182

If that is the case then you don't even understand yourself. You claim to have within you a drive towards the "assward" side of life for the sake meaning. If that's the case then you betray your self-proclaimed hedonism; you betray your claim that this part of life is not a part of life at all. You have a lot of thinking to do.

>> No.14619191

The fact that she looks like a insufferable cunt.
Like all women.

>> No.14619221
File: 152 KB, 644x967, 8888097A-2B75-405C-8420-96DACA8B34E6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, I said you (?) were assward. *backwards*
I am an Epicurean, a negative-hedonist. You subtract as much pain as you can and live simply.
*IF* I had lovers drop by we would enjoy ourselves.

>> No.14619499

who's the bust?

>> No.14619518

I can see her nipples

Have sex is bad, and one should over come the whole notion. Not in that monkish way where on gets off by repressing a desire. But outright will your self out of wanting to ever have sex. It will ruin your life and wast your time and money.

>> No.14619535

>implying killing your desires will not also prune or stunt your ego, leaving you a personality-less husk of a human
The point is to struggle with living, anon, not to stop living altogether.

>> No.14619591

It's kind of pathetic though. Why not subsume coom energy into something more useful?

>> No.14619599

well yes that is what I am suggesting, or what most any philosopher would argue

>> No.14619605
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>> No.14619611

>The point is to struggle with living, anon, not to stop living altogether.
I agree but sex is one thing that never has a good outcome (other than babies I guess)

>> No.14619616

Willing yourself out of sex kind of entails that. Something has to happen to that energy.

>> No.14619647

That is a depressing thing to read, the layers of cope you've put on depresses me

Just deal with your emotional problems you stupid idiot. Go do something embarrassing that you want. Stop repressing. IDK. You're repressing something. At least you won't get affected by sex robots though so you're doing better than the coomers.

>> No.14619669
File: 151 KB, 800x630, power-of-frau-square.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will the cumbrains realize no material pleasure can bring lasting joy beyond duality of pleasure-pain. Even if you did get her soon you would get bored and she would cause you suffering.

>> No.14619709

Actually I probably could if I tried
>t. depressed 9/10 chad who dated an actual model in high school but loathed the relationship because aside from making everyone else jealous of me it was miserable to deal with her outside of sex. I'm convinced a woman's personality sharply declines once she reaches about 8 or 9 and becomes the equivalent of a spoiled 16 year old.

>> No.14619804

Elderly women are generally based AF - young attractive women get incredible amounts of male attention (more so now that they have tinder/instagrams) to the degree that they need to be dismissive of most men out of necessity
Once they enter old age they’ve seen both the rise and fall, and with any luck gained wisdom

I also just really like a crone archetype

>> No.14619849

Why are you guys responding to my imposter as if he's me

>> No.14619966

Don't care. She probably goes to Dubai and gets shat on by Saudis.

>> No.14620033

this, op is a faggot

>> No.14620037

they're all sociopaths who would probably secretly eat someone else's shit for a billion big ones

>> No.14620064

I’m gay so I don’t need any

>> No.14620259

> pic related will never want to have your babies
Speak for yourself. Unfortunately for the staceys I'm an antinatalist

>> No.14620268

Homosexual literature.

>> No.14620299

You don't want sex. You want to be the type of guy who can get sex with ease. And you slowly realize that will never happen. You look at Trenton, with 2 girls, giggling on his lap; while you stand there, chugging your overpriced vodka-redbull, because you can't stand being sober, not here. You will never have what he has. So you give up. You smoke the cigs, because you hate being seen doing nothing. You take it easy and go home. Alone.

Waking up the next day, you realize there's a void. If I don't spend my waking hours chasing pussy, what will I do? You'll find something else to pursue: maybe music, literature, or gardening. You'll probably be mediocre at it. Maybe, with enough suffering and a stroke of luck, you'll be good, even great. You'll be something. You'll create something. But Trenton still has girls on his lap, and on their knees, making out on his cock, degrading themselves for him, willing to marry him and carry his babies. And you did what was supposed to be fulfilling. Well, do you feel fulfilled? You know what he feels? The pulse of his throbbing cock in the throats of a thousand sluts. You made something from suffering. He lived. So?

>> No.14621288
