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/lit/ - Literature

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14618273 No.14618273 [Reply] [Original]

It’s here, boys: at over one hundred pages it’s over three times as long as Volume 1.
What’s your favorite submission this time around?

>> No.14618281

i suppose this is the price i pay for mobileposting

>> No.14618338


>> No.14618346

Where to cop?

>> No.14618381

Review of Paramour, Reve d'amour:

Starting with this because I notice that the poet, Joseph Murphy, is twenty-five and out of Provo. This interests me because I am twenty-five and used to study in Provo. I wonder if I would recognize his face--I don't recognize the name, a brief search does not bring up a Joseph Murphy in Provo I've connected with. But in any case it appears Joseph is an unremarkable BYU student in that he is married; rather, the voice of the poem is married, but the poem seems in the form of an autobiographic experience and it is such an unremarkable thing that a man of twenty-five in Provo be married that I do not doubt at all that this is the case.
It's a freeform poem. I'm not in favor of these. Almost rupi kaur-esque in places if you remove the punctuation. There are two moments of note. "She's a kept woman, locked away in my fantasies" is a nice line. The second is of course the conclusion in which the voice of the poem confesses to his wife he has been dreaming of a girl; the wife either misunderstands and believes it is her, or she simply thinks the whole situation is cute (while he thinks it monstrous). He feels his dreams are infidelity; she does not. The man seems insecure in his virile male potential (ironic, considering we Mormons' polygamous past); the wife unworried.
Poetically, I think this poem uninteresting. Thematically it touches on a key issue--would it be out of place for Hoellebecq to write such? The distance between the masculine and feminine, the struggle for one and the effortlessness for the other, is central to the piece. Again, in my view, mostly limited by the poetry.
I will send some tendrils back into Provo to see if any of my old contacts there know a Joseph Murphy. Joseph, expect me.

>> No.14618385


>> No.14618395

wow hear it is. will it be waiting for me when I get home?

I'm nervous for the reactions to my piece :o I won't take things too harshly, I'm just a scrub.

>> No.14618423

Thank you

>> No.14618438

Review of Pleroma:

The title instantly brings the Gnostic to mind. Indeed, the opening lines "The machine twists our minds into such funny shapes:/Grey-matter dinosaur nuggets" certainly allude to the demiurgic creation of the physical world and imprisonment of Nous. The remainder of the poem deals with fucking and digestion. The voice of the poem is clearly hylic, demanding validation through sex. I had to look up the word "haecceitic." The title is plainly a misappelation, since the Pleroma or Fullness is nowhere present; the wisdom of Sophia is absent. All that appears is taken for the Fullness by the spiritually unregenerate. Good thematically. Poetically, this is good. I still prefer the old forms rather than this sort of freeform business but this is an admirable example of the latter. Well done, E.C. Lain.

tell me which is yours, I will review it next

>> No.14618480

Review of Brooke's Poem:

It begins as a series of pop culture references old and new drawing from Harry Potter, Shakespeare, Jane Austen, and The Hunger Games. A lighthearted mood. In closing, the tone shifts; the poet's love (presumably for Brooke) is deeper than that of any of the heroes aforementioned but he foresees a tragic end to it and so breaks things off. My enjoyment of the couplet form is marred somewhat in places, by "Nev'r" instead of "ne'er," by "would faileth to match" rather than "would fail." The thematic depth of the poem is not great. An entertaining toy work. Thank you, Martin.

>> No.14618489

Countdown to Harvest has color-matched nested parentheses throughout the entire thing. Reminds me of Zero HP Lovecraft's new work. Will have to read later.

>> No.14618525

ah! mine has arrived. this is so cool, I love seeing all the locations of the contributions. reminds me we're a global community on here! thanks everyone.

> >14618438
mind's the final piece

>> No.14618546

Review of The Internet is Serious Business:

Tarrant shot up the mosques in Christchurch. Meme culture is serious business. The internet is reality now. But you can't trust anything you read on the internet.
This essay is largely a summary of chan culture up to 2019; there wasn't much new information or surprising thought for longtime denizens of the chans. I think BEAST's piece here would be an excellent introduction for non-channers to understanding the political import of the imageboards, though.

gotcha braden, reading now

>> No.14618575

Is any of the fiction worth reading?

>> No.14618601

you might like some of it

>> No.14618616

I hope so, still waiting on my copy. I prefer prose to poetry.

>> No.14618632

I liked She Weeps (great!! gj caitlyn), and the two poems mentioned above from what I've read so far!

>> No.14618653

Fiction is not my forte, but I've just read this piece and liked it.

Review of Damned Machine:

/r9k/ literature if /r9k/ could write worth a damn. It's a good piece. The protagonist is as mechanical as the car he drives, fearing to open his mouth lest radio static come out. He is unable to connect with humans (women in particular) except in prescribed forms, such as going through a drive-through. Terrifyingly, the crash of the car following his self-immolation is part of the normal operation of the (damned) machine--we see that the protagonist lives in one great social machine with many cogs and interconnected parts, a machine that burns men like him as its fuel and as part of its everyday business. Of course, the protagonist is also himself a damned machine. Really quite sad, pathetic in the true sense of the word. A worthy piece.

>> No.14618703

thanks anon, I appreciate the time you took to read it and I'm glad about your response!

just read BEAST's essay and loved it.

>> No.14618722

Wait, there's going to be more /lit/ Quarterlys? I thought this was going to be a one-off thing.

>> No.14618774


I wrote the main portion of the text, without the parentheses, over the course of the five days that preceded the event. So Oct. 2nd-7th, 2017. I then wrote the parentheticals for the next three weeks. It was my 2nd workshopped piece in my MFA program. I liked the response. Some of what I talk about has been elaborated on and some still hasn't. It was fun to write. I recommend listening to Tim Story's 1991 album "Beguiled" while reading it since I listened to it through the entirety of writing it.

Thanks for turning me onto ZHPL. I'll check him out.

>> No.14618804

it would be interesting to see it adapted to a clickable, nested medium.

>> No.14618808

Review of A Day Without Me: Lines of Enquiry

This is a political essay written by a Brit. As a conservative American Christian, it is thus doubly offensive to me, first because it is further left than I could ever dream of being (note that it is not far left, really rather centrist as far as the UK goes I imagine), and second because as an American who has lived in the Commonwealth I have an eternal hatred for the British in general. Really a people with no redeeming qualities, all the decent sorts left generations ago, but I digress.
The author's diagnosis of Western culture is spot-on, examining hyperindividualism and its outgrowths. The author's prescriptions are facile; "we must recognize the type of thinking that perpetuates hyper-individualism and then try to change it," "perhaps what will be required... is the training of a new generation." Well, he's hardly the first to fall into this category, Kaczynski is in the same boat.
The analysis strikes close to the heart of the issue at points; it touches on irony, for which you should expect my definitive work in the next edition. On the whole, I prefer this essay to BEAST's largely for the subject matter, but Robin is English and BEAST is not, so I think I'd much rather hang out with BEAST irl.

what did you think the "quarterly" part meant, ya dingus

Will do when I get to it. ZHPL is a fun new writer, I think most anons here would enjoy him, would recommend to a friend.

>> No.14618816

we're all here writing, submitting and reading work published to the second lit quarterly, and WHERE ARE YOU bro

>> No.14618896

>Fiction is not my forte
Yes I gathered that, however I did also appreciate your honest reviews. I am still waiting on my copy but happy to hear that damned machine is actually good, as my internet sleuthing has discovered he is the cover artist and I was afraid his friendship with the publisher gave him unwarranted placing.

>> No.14618906

Is he really? Big if true

>> No.14618909

to further assuage your worries, let me correct you: those are not the same people, just saying

>> No.14618927


I thought about it.

I've written stuff like that before. If you go to bit dot ly /AD1985 my undergrad honors thesis is made up of both digital and regular texts.

I'm sure I could do it. Most of what I write is experimental. Controlled Faith is a rare version of my straightforward narrative prose.

>> No.14618960
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Well, shoot, how do I submit to the next one?

>> No.14618968

buy the book and we'll talk about it later

submit to litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14618970

Yup. No similarities at all.

>> No.14618990

I'll continue reviewing in this tradition as I have some favorite in the booklet.
Review of The Soul and the Lagoon:
Flowly poem with a floaty atmosphere. The poem is wrapped wrapped up well and goes full circle quite well but some of the language becomes a bit rigid in exchange for a slower pace that has a sort of melancholic rhythm. I have been noticing that the contributes of the /lit/ quarterly as frequenters on the /crit/ threads. Contributor I.C. and a few other ones that were on the previous booklet are showing huge signs of improvement but it would have been much more interesting to have seen a Fiction piece rather Poetry from this particular contributee as his last Fiction piece in the original quarterly was done quite well, regardless a really great piece to the booklet despite being short.

>> No.14618999
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His profile picture sure doesn't look like every cover picture of the lit quarterly.

>> No.14619026

that's a picture I cropped from rocko's modern life. it's just someone bursting through the body of rocko's dog Pal after being swallowed whole lol
the graphic designer is credited in the book anyway

>> No.14619069

but having a Twitter account in your real name? cringe and bluepilled, Braden, you’re better than this

>> No.14619080

im just a simple gamer

>> No.14619163

love these

>> No.14619219

How about that letter, huh? Just made me kind of grit my teeth and concede to a leveler judgment by just saying, OK... and moving on.

>> No.14619267

My favourites were Damned Machine, Swallow, Summons to the Edge of the World, and I Love Homework Now.

>> No.14619278

They're two different people.

>> No.14619299

Trying way too hard. At least you tried.

>> No.14619308

I am pregnant and the child is yours, but I'm killing it so :^(

>> No.14619310

Was your story posted?

>> No.14619317

What story?

>> No.14619322
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Anywhere I could get Issue 1?

>> No.14619333

Email litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14619339

The one he reviewed

>> No.14619345

These aren't tryhard reviews, just "some thoughts on the piece to get these dense anons to read it for themselves."

I will say Joseph Murphy's prose is better than his poetry.

>> No.14619363

But we did specifically ask for feedback

>> No.14619377


Let me add some small praise about Caitlyn Ann Thomspon's piece, "She Weeps". In a way that reminds me of the night-time literature of Anna Kavan, this story effaces itself, the "literal" reality that I over-rationally go seeking while reading is dissolved into either a whimsy or a nightmare. its ambiguity is alarming. loved to read it.

>> No.14619394
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Sorry boys, I'm just (you) whoring in order to bring attention to this important publication.

>> No.14619409

I like you. Here's another.

>> No.14619421

Don't worry, man. The deadline for spring is the 31st of January but there will also be a summer edition, so get your submission(s) ready.
>it is thus doubly offensive to me
Fair enough.

Remember everyone: getting fair-minded and sometimes hostile criticism of your work is a very critical stepping-stone towards improving as a writer. The story I submitted to the first edition was the first time I shared my writing with anyone and the feedback and edits it got were so so helpful.

>> No.14619441

Where's the free online version?

>> No.14619458

>Be the first to write a review
S-should I?

>> No.14619477

Doesn't exist yet. Trying to work out the easiest way to do a website.

>> No.14619489

If you've read it (or most of it), then go for it.

>> No.14619511

No I haven't received my copy yet, but the urge to shitpost is strong.

>> No.14619514

I liked I Love Homework Now too, just read it. Has a real funny voice to it.

>> No.14619568


>> No.14619755

You've no idea how much joy it gives me to know that you've read my work.

Thank you, and thanks KM.

I'm gonna rededicate myself to writing more. It will be a good year.

>> No.14619807


are there any plans for a kindle edition of this on amazon???????/

>> No.14619940

Probably not. Not sure how that would happen.

>> No.14620078

KDP (Amazon app u download) is supposed to take PDFs or .docs and format it for the kindle.

>> No.14620112

Haha, incredible OP. Even if the writing isn’t great, I love that you’ve actually materialized this. I will buy Volume 2 from Amazon. Is there any way to also purchase Volume 1? I want the complete set.

>> No.14620364
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WHERE is the submission email address

>> No.14620395

Review of Countdown to Harvest:

This story needs a lot of proofreading, a significant number of minor errors. But--what a joy to read. Great realization of schizoposting. Just a fun ride. My day is better for it.

see >>14618968

>> No.14620458

Sounds quite simple...might look into that.
Been toying with the notion of doing a small second run of the first edition because we ran out of the 50 hard copies...no promises, though.
I appreciate your support!

>> No.14620484

I’m a bit late to the meme, what exactly IS the lit quarterly?

>> No.14620493


Thanks man. I did a lot of research on /x/, /pol/, and listened to schizo podcasts.

>> No.14620501

A quarterly publication featuring poetry, fiction, and essays submitted by /lit/izens. Volume 2 available on Amazon (link is further up the thread).

>> No.14620868


Ebooklaunch is a good formatting service if you want to make KDP easy, send them a Word file and they'll take everything from there. Plenty of others available but can confirm they're good.

>> No.14620999

>what exactly IS the lit quarterly?

big dick energy

>> No.14621005

sitll waiting on my copy brah's, really curious on all yo's faggy works.

>> No.14621167

It's a beautiful thing.

>> No.14621215

My story is straight!

>> No.14621390

Would you review the letter, anon?

>> No.14621551


yeah tell that to your cat

>> No.14622237

Review of the letter to the editor:

I quite like it. Makes me want to read the letter in the next edition.

there's your review

>> No.14622260

Can I still get the first issue?

>> No.14622301
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>grey-matter dinosaur nuggets

>> No.14622318

oh cool we're going to start a new thing like the early internet zines modelled on pulp fiction short stories of the early 20th century.

i bet the next great outsider auteur is lurking ITT, don't be shy anoness submit your story.

>> No.14622334

nasty, right?

>> No.14622361


I already did, you plebe

>> No.14622437

>we ran out of the 50 hard copies
ABSOLUTELY BASED, congratulations

>> No.14622524
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Looking forward to reading it thanks!

>> No.14622650

Not currently, but I'll message the printers today to see what the cost of a small second run is.
If you want the PDF, shoot an email to litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14622700

First edition PDF:

>> No.14622726


>> No.14622734

feels like a good deal of this is reheated frogtwitter leftovers. mostly well-written though

>> No.14622768

what are the choice cuts from vol. 1

>> No.14622787

expand on that

>> No.14622959


I've seen some positive feedback about each piece, but I think the most well-liked pieces were "Charles' Friend" "Evocation" and "Losers."

>> No.14622977

I like the wolf motif.

>> No.14623148

Well, if you do decide to print another batch of volume 1, let us know ;)

>> No.14623203

Wait since when was this a thing?

Wtf. 4chan did something productive? And it's not a fucking visual novel?

>> No.14623251

First edition started last April/May and was printed in September. Second edition just came out two weeks ago.
Will do.
I do too, but we're going to be making it a less central aspect of the cover design going forward.

>> No.14623683

When should Europeans expect delivery?

>> No.14624060

They shouldn't.

>> No.14624143

Roughly 7-10 business days from when it ships.

>> No.14624194

Controlled Faith was great. If the rest of it is this good I'm in for a treat.

>> No.14624618

report back with thoughts anon!

>> No.14624754

Swallow is quite good.

>> No.14624814

Up to "new beat," impressed!
If these ages are real this is a pretty solid collection of very young writers.
Gonna try to submit next time I think.

>> No.14624886

Deadline for Vol 3 submissions is the 31st, so you may need to shoot for the summer edition

>> No.14624932

OK I'm at countdown to harvest, I wanna see some sources.

>> No.14624941

Quite the achievement! I wouldn't have thought someone on here had the basic coordination and discipline to make something like this happen.

>> No.14624944
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Checks out.

>> No.14624965


>> No.14624988

If you wrote countdown to harvest, I'm also really enjoying it. This is truly fun stuff. I think whatever headspace or inspiration you accessed for this, you should definitely return to. If you wanna keep writing stuff this fun.

>> No.14625012
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What the fuck? I was out for the last semester
You guys published a journal?

>> No.14625069


>> No.14625484

what's the max word count for fiction submissions?

>> No.14625520

I got my copy yesterday and the binding and paper are better than any Dover publishing, or cheap alternative I've had.

>> No.14625834

Nothing strict, but I've been saying around 2000-5000 words. Will not discriminate on shorter or longer works, as long as the writing is good. Also, we accept flash fiction too.
I'm very happy with how it turned out.

>> No.14625848

5000, according to KM Deezy’s earlier word

>> No.14625887

How do I get in on this?

>> No.14625950

First, you learn to read.

>> No.14625985
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Yes, but may I have the password, please?

>> No.14626002

he posted an email for submissions in another thread. The deadline for the spring issue for submissions is the 31st, but he mentioned there'd also be a summer issue on the way.

>> No.14626081

email inquiries and submissions to litquarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14626145

>ordered before they were even printed
>still no copy
>worried it got copped

>> No.14626175


>> No.14626188

First batch was shipped on the 18th. Shoot me an email.

>> No.14626257


>> No.14626280


>> No.14626303

I emailed him and I think he was unaware burgers stop working to honor ML "Blvd" K, Jr. Give it a few more days.

>> No.14626326

just shot ya an email from Australia!
hoping to order both through you coz Amazon is being a cunt

>> No.14626637

>I do too, but we're going to be making it a less central aspect of the cover design going forward.
That's fine, but I hope you keep at least some part of it.

>> No.14626723


Thank you very much for reading.

You're welcome to Google any of the stuff I put in there. Some is well documented, some is conjecture, some has been picked apart since I wrote this in 2017.

It was fun to write. I hope to read your work as well if you submit to KMD. :-)

>> No.14626783


>> No.14627004

Can KMD please upload this edition to Goodreads?

>> No.14627059

Yet another literary journal with an unwarranted and unnecessary presence of women.
Over representation is ridiculous in main stream publication and now even on 4chan it persists.

>> No.14627074


There is 1 right? Ill have to read here and if she (he; its most likely a tranny) is of inferior quality, i will personally drive to KMD's home to do a violence

>> No.14627095

You can add it yourself.
Besides, it's "not a book"

>> No.14627111

Man here, just so you'll take my response seriously. It seems this is the second time on two threads about the journal that someone (probably the same person) has mentioned that women shouldn't be in the journal because they are overrepresented elsewhere. While that sentiment is true, you sound worse than the squakiest hen on The View when you complain about the inclusion of ONE woman...ONE. Stop with the fucking insecurity and the hatred because you don't have a good rapport with your mother or what have you. It's obnoxious and makes it seem like you've never read a book in your life. Grow up.

>> No.14627116

Unsolicited whining about people who aren't present aggravates me to the point of wanting to contradict you out of simple abrasiveness.

>> No.14627120

You're an idiot>>14627059

>> No.14627126

I generally don't bother reading things before giving my opinion.

>> No.14627128

A loud and proud pseud, the average /lit/izen.

>> No.14627131

I apologise for nothing.

>> No.14627138


Cringe the post

>> No.14627144

i'm in europe and got mine a few moments ago

>> No.14627183


Cringe the person

>> No.14627234
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>> No.14627247

So this is another journal ruined by women?

>> No.14627431

Doesn't ship to my country, shame.

>> No.14627445

Email the dude, he ships directly if you're outside North America

>> No.14627476

Oh okay. I'll send him an email.

>> No.14627489
File: 268 KB, 1280x825, not_shopped_btw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am a poor third-worlder, though white, straight and male. May I get a free pdf, please?

>> No.14627531

Yeah i just sent an email too, i'm going to buy both issues
I was there from the beginning!

>> No.14627570

How do I get a copy shipped to the UK?

>> No.14627583
File: 73 KB, 560x683, Critic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's the criteria for getting in this thingamabob?

>> No.14627592

1. be a man

that's it

>> No.14627598

if it doesn't ship to you email him.
submit to his email. preferably in ms word

>> No.14627602

Alright. I'm going to write something and hope it doesn't bring shame to us all.

>> No.14627685


>> No.14627699

A grand surprise this morning. I am throughly delighted! In reaction to having seen the material fruits of this endeavor, the creative coals of my soul have been stoked anew. I shall improve upon my future submissions.

God bless you, KMD! You're better than MD.

>> No.14627766

Story ranking when?

>> No.14627794

start one

>> No.14627831

what should i wrote about?

>> No.14627834


>> No.14627837


>> No.14627847

How is it ruined? Because you have to skip past four pages of a 100-page book?
PDF isn't available yet but should be in another week or two.
Shoot me an email and I'll let you know what day I shipped yours and we can determine if it's lost or not.

>> No.14627856


>> No.14627861

A generous anon is helping with the design. I think it's gonna be cpanel or something.

>> No.14628032

it's not ruined, don't even engage with these anons. this is why we invented the "have sex" meme, remember

>> No.14628082

>PDF isn't available yet but should be in another week or two
Thank you. Will you make a thread when it's ready?

>> No.14628155

If there's not already a related one up, I'll make one yeah.

>> No.14628416

A question concerning 'Controlled Faith': Was Job murdered or molested by Warren in the end?

>> No.14628534

My understanding was that he was molested, just like how his father had molested Warren.

>> No.14628543

war-rent he
warren the
I mean the ghost seems to think warren was gonna kill him
I wonder who the ghost was

>> No.14628696

"warren the boy not safe" seems vague enough that it could be either.

>> No.14628709

why didn't W. just leave the mansion

>> No.14628757
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The Quarterly is in

I enjoyed the purple prose in letter to the editor

>> No.14628842

I suspect he was bound by his sense of duty. The general even asks him, "You're going to come all this way just to shrink from your duty?"

>> No.14628989



>> No.14629007


>> No.14629085

"...He kicked the sofa and, almost entirely out of breath, said, "There, you fucking faggot."


>> No.14629089
File: 254 KB, 840x825, FD57154A-D9E7-4E4B-BFAD-6493E0E674D6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>one of the first to order
>booklet still being delivered
>have poem in the quarterly
>no one is talking about my poem anyway

>> No.14629101


I think the central problem for me is it's never explained why either he or the general feel they have a duty to the house.

>> No.14629108

hey anon, i liked your poem ;)

>> No.14629112


I read bitter, I and discarded machine this very hour and i liked them but discarded machine i reallllly liked

>> No.14629169

I think that's simply part of the mystery of the mansion and the ring...
Who hasn't been there?

>> No.14629230
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Ok so whats going on in here?

>> No.14629244

this is really neat :3

>> No.14629246

>i will personally drive to KMD's home to do a violence
zettai ni bēsu

>> No.14629252


Sadly it was ok so the editor retains his laifu

>> No.14629258

it was so good we don't even know how to review it with out feeble, goyish level of verbal IQ.

>> No.14629267



>> No.14629278

>E.C. Lain

>> No.14629290


>> No.14629386

"Easy Lay"

>> No.14629551


>> No.14629617

next deadlines for the next volume

>> No.14629622

Spring edition deadline is 31st January.
Summer edition deadline will be probably late April.

>> No.14629643


>> No.14629644

Author was trying to be le ironic and show how the devil is actually the good guy in clever topsy turvy turning upside down of traditional and hypocritical morals as shown by cardboard pseudo-Christians

>> No.14629661

Is the devil the only entity that can communicate via Ouija board?

>> No.14629670

I’m gonna go out on a limb and hazard that nothing Good can communicate via ouija board

>> No.14629676

>clever topsy turvy turning upside down of traditional and hypocritical morals as shown by cardboard pseudo-Christians
which is itself trite. but i liked the story because it made me also want to pound becka cunny desu

>> No.14629688

Fair enough, but I didn't find the depiction of the Christian family particularly hostile or unsympathetic.

>> No.14629732

In a sense I admire the work because I abhorred it and it’s still living rent free in my head. Just thought that Hypocritical/Conflicted evangelical Christian family is cliche in the year 2020. Writing was fine, but I Love Homework Now has the best prose in this edition, by far.

>> No.14629870

>tfw someone liked my poem
You too.

>> No.14629893

I thought it was just anybody who died in the same house as you're using the ouija board

>> No.14629909

I didn't find it to be those either. I merely think the concept of 'actually the christian family is immoral, the priest is a fag' is a bit overdone now, particularly the second part. The son's beyond degenerate jerking habits and the mom's alcoholism didn't bother me though, those are ubiquitous in society—including even devout christians. Gay dad was basically just a bit of a let down.

>> No.14630142

Honestly, that's fair criticism.

And I Love Homework Now was submitted quite early and gave me a good boost of enthusiasm for the second edition.

>> No.14630155

It's ALL happening there.

>> No.14630318

I'm glad you enjoyed my poem; and yeah, it was mostly an aesthetic experiment.

>> No.14630414

I will say this though. You missed that the poem is written BY Brooke, and the Shakespearean vocabulary is ironic and trying to showcase how teenage girls take themselves too seriously.

>> No.14630702

Just read it. What did I think of it?

>> No.14630721

You loved all of them. <3

>> No.14630731

You were inspired to reread it in a couple weeks after working on a submission of your own.

>> No.14630791

I think I’ll buy it.
also have urge to write

>> No.14631037

Finally got my copy in New York. Haven't read anything yet, but we're all gonna make it, US deliverybros.

>> No.14631188


Thanks for reading my story. I was raised by a bisexual gigolo who liked to take my brothers and I to church so I guess I got some of the influence for the father from that. Didn't mean for it to seem cliche but I understand the critique and appreciate the time you took to read and analyze it. :-)

>> No.14631570

I went a piece and hope it gets accepted for the Spring edition. That would be fun.

>> No.14631637

this is fucking red hot fire flames

>> No.14631654

Dude you did good. I really enjoyed it. Still thinking about it.

>> No.14632249


>> No.14632262

what does everyone want an essay on?

>> No.14632298

I want an essay on essays.

>> No.14632420


My diary desu

>> No.14632460
File: 40 KB, 600x600, Sweat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When do we find out if we made the team
If we made the cut
If we're up to snuff

>> No.14632515


If you didnt get a reply yet you sadly didnt make the cut. However, I sincerely do hope you will try again for the summer edition so shoot me an email at lit.quarterly@gmail.com

>> No.14632524

wtf u said deadline was the 31st

>> No.14632652

It's actually litquarterly@gmail.com. There is no dot in between.

>> No.14632913
File: 18 KB, 250x296, HPL-Smiling!.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Im feeling /devilish/ lads

>> No.14633027

>hear it is

>> No.14633283

Oh well that saves me the effort of finishing.

>> No.14633358


That guy is a devilish imposter. Me and editing partner are reviewing all submissions, including those received today and tomorrow, during the month of February.

>> No.14633635

This trite shit is why none of you will ever find success in writing. Yeah, yeah, teenage girls are annoying. How old are you, to still be offended by the behaviours of adolescents? How many years since high school have you spent concerned over what teenage girls are doing?

>> No.14633656

Why are you so offended? The piece is just meant to be humorous and it's based on a real adult woman I know, so it speaks directly to my life experiences.

>> No.14633664

I validate E.C. Lain's clothes in real life. If you know what I mean.

>> No.14633670


Whats with the cringeposter

>> No.14633714

Bitter over his lack of publication.

>> No.14633730

Submissions are still open till tmr?

>> No.14633778

How do you come up with your Pen names? Need one but everything seems to be not as interesting as others. Particularly liked Ducasse's Pen name(Comte de Lautreamont) but I have a spanish last name so I don't want to be too off, nor too forgettable

>> No.14633814

Stop trying so hard, gain a little backbone and use your actual name like the rest of us.

>> No.14633842

Mine is based on a mix: a childhood nickname, a feeling of who I am on a fundamental level, a feeling of base humanity full of lust/uncomprehension/biological compulsion, mixed with the religious symbolism's inspiration of fear at base human traits and epochal change done in all caps because BOOM, you know, BOOM

You do you, homie. It doesn't have to be complex. It just has to be good. Errybody putting on airs and pretenses, like they're some great oracles, graphomancers and high priests of taste and the English Word. These goons are just the same as everyone else: hoping someone else likes their words enough to read past the 2nd paragraph. You do you, homie.

>> No.14633867

correct, but don't feel rushed as there will be a summer edition as well.

You should use the middle name of your favourite author for first name, and the village where your great-grandmother was born for last name.

>> No.14633868

pls drop the name :(

>> No.14633880

I'll give you a hint: it's on the cover of the Quarterly.

>> No.14634035

Oh anon you're incorrigible

>> No.14634185

Lit just doesn't look right without the slashes on either side.

>> No.14634238

it's not supposed to be affiliated with 4chan or /lit/ specifically.

>> No.14634240

Except it /lit/erally is.

>> No.14634248

No it isn't

>> No.14634252

Ok not officially, but you know what I mean.

>> No.14634260

I do, but it's just not right.

>> No.14634497


whats wrong with your real name? youre not a known rapist a-are you?

>> No.14635015

I thought I was paranoiac but these parts tend to attract more grifters than editors