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/lit/ - Literature

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14618103 No.14618103 [Reply] [Original]

Booktube is the foil of /lit/. The two cannot exist without the other. Men v women. Literature v populism. This has been a battle going on for centuries.

>> No.14618212 [DELETED] 
File: 223 KB, 632x632, cursed chihuahua image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss old Youtube. The interface, the star system, AMVs, the stolen flash animations from Newgrounds, the Youtube Poops, organic viral videos. Now it's like television for Zoomers. Fuck these e-celebs going "NOOOOOOOOO Youtube changed its algorithm, now I'm not getting as much ad revenue despite the fact that I have more money than people with legitimate jobs" and the unashamed airing of unironic commercials and "a word from our sponsors". These "people" are the antithesis of old YT, this was a platform meant to post funny shit, not to see ads and make money. It's telling that YT dropped it's slogan "Broadcast yourself". YT isn't a platform for the average joe to share funny, creative videos, it's a platform for entrepreneurs to make money while pumping out safe, sterile crap.

>> No.14618226

>This has been a battle going on for centuries

>> No.14618234
File: 223 KB, 632x632, cursed chihuahua image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I miss old Youtube. The interface, the star system, AMVs, the stolen flash animations from Newgrounds, the Youtube Poops, organic viral videos. Now it's like television for Zoomers. Fuck these e-celebs going "NOOOOOOOOO Youtube changed its algorithm, now I'm not getting as much ad revenue despite the fact that I make more money than people with legitimate jobs" and the unashamed airing of unironic commercials while these Internet prostitutes break up a video to talk about their sponsor's product. These "people" are the antithesis of old YT, this was a platform meant to post funny shit, not to see ads and make money. It's telling that YT dropped it's slogan "Broadcast yourself", YT isn't a platform for the average joe to share funny, creative videos anymore, it's a platform for entrepreneurs to make money while pumping out safe, sterile crap.

>> No.14618426


>> No.14618428

Kat probably has the worst personality of all book tubers. Disgusting little boy.

>> No.14618440

the entire internet is dead, name a single place that doesn't suck now

>> No.14618444

oh man, did Quentin seriously transition?
Fuck, he looks like shit

>> No.14618446

My Twitter feed

>> No.14618484

she has about 15 IQ points higher than average though which make her the queen of fools

>> No.14618487

ok boomer

>> No.14618488

old ass bitch

>> No.14618498

It always sucked you were just a stupid kid.

>> No.14618499

That one thread on /d/ with the ‘venus’ women

>> No.14618501

My email account/livejournal is pretty damn based.

>> No.14618502

>tfw mom wouldn't let me use youtube until like 2011, when i was approximately 13
cry more boomer.

>> No.14618514

This but with all my fetishes immediately relevant to me as well.

>> No.14618521

Based fellow /d/eviant

>> No.14618524

>"NOOOOOOOOO Youtube changed its algorithm, now I'm not getting as much ad revenue despite the fact that I make more money than people with legitimate jobs"

>> No.14618536


>> No.14618538

shit taste

>> No.14618843

It has stifled a lot of creators though. Basically, when (((they))) said that they wanted the internet to "work for everyone" they made it so, by making sure Hollywood was gonna get top billing. The status quo has gone back to something like old TV, everything's stagnant, and only those who made it beforehand can stay afloat.

>> No.14618853

Not to mention said algorithms are hopelessly broken and incompetent. Robots do a terrible job at finding "offensive" videos, even demonetizing pro-LGBTQBBQ and history vids in the process. Pure, simple incompetence.

>> No.14618866

>you will never make passionate love to Kat and then cuddle her as she cries into your chest

>> No.14618881

>ywn kill Kat in a single strike and proclaim over her lifeless corpse "It's amazing how much better men are than women".

>> No.14618900

K... Keep me posted

>> No.14618957

She is such an annoying halfwit. I'm glas that man made her cry.

>> No.14619214

I want to extensively train in every type of hand to hand combat that is out there in the world right now, and I'm a quick learner, believe me, so it'll only take about three months before I become a fully nuclear-autistic, unstoppable, lethal force and I'll be more than capable of tracking Kat down and kicking her skull from the rest of her body.

>> No.14619329

She's also 150 QT points above the average. The rest look like wild beasts.

>> No.14619457

Would you creeps leave this girl alone? You all deserve your asses handed to you.

>> No.14619932


>> No.14620068

IDK matters what you find. You can find gems still. dont be a nostaliaite.

>> No.14620152

The internet isn't an exciting ad free wasteland anymore, just face it. Now we're living in the soulless dystopian corporate era

>> No.14620220
File: 258 KB, 480x512, 079EB5D8-0686-44FC-AA17-D84B49B5AF4A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You also forgot
>misogynistic lonely self pitying myopic incels one bad day away from snapping vs women with a healthy sex life and significant other

>> No.14620225

It's my life's dream to travel around the world and personally rip out every single superfluous piercing from every filthy, disgusting thot.

>> No.14620229

>men v women
>literature v populism
if you mean guenon, sniff*ing, fart jokes, books for dat feel, and general illiteracy: sure

>> No.14620241

how come no matter what you post, it's disgusting or else worthless? I can never take you seriously. You've never demonstrated a single shred of reading in your (/lit/) career. Your entire oeuvre consists of shitposting and whining.

>> No.14620250

shes very sexual to me, it's mostly the neck.

>> No.14620277
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>> No.14620284

elf on the shelf

>> No.14620300
File: 1.45 MB, 1453x1077, Marshall_Mcluhan.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

New YouTube is just the natural evolution of YouTube because from it's inception YouTube was an extension of television and this is what television naturally evolves into.

Marshall McLuhan was right about everything way back in the 60's. Arguably his analysis of T.V. is way more relevant now then it was back then.

>> No.14621325

Okay Quentin

>> No.14622425


>> No.14622468
File: 255 KB, 1097x1280, goodreads reviews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Men v women. Literature v populism.
I find it a shame men have essentially ceded women literature and have mostly retreated into non-fiction. Maybe it was always like that, but the modern publishing industry just seems to be an extension of Oprah inspired book clubs.

>> No.14622476

Lil' Q-T

>> No.14622961

you talking about the Book Club guy?

>> No.14622966

tl;dr: boomer man sad

>> No.14623009

When was the last time you looked at this shit board?

>> No.14623019


>> No.14623028

More like reading and writing better stuff, also open to older books that don't need a lot of reviewing, at lower volumes and expenditures.

>> No.14623048

>reviewers by genre and sex

Stupid statistic, women might as well write most reviews on Amazon and it wouldn't mean shit.

>> No.14623140

this is the first based thing i have ever seen you post, butterfag