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14616926 No.14616926 [Reply] [Original]

I only support British authors, recommend me great books by British authors

>> No.14616946

Read Wilkie Collins, EM Forster and Evelyn Waugh

>> No.14616950

Midnight's Children
White Teeth
The God Delusion

Are these the recommendations you were hoping for?

>> No.14616953

Hanif Kureishi
Zadie Smith
Kazuo Ishiguro
Kamila Shamsie
Preti Taneja

There's your british authors Anglo

>> No.14616992
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Haha very funny Amerimutt.

I asked for British authors not foreigners who just so happen to live in Britain

>> No.14616995

they're british

>> No.14617003

Will self - book of dave. Ranting taxi driver goes mad at mooslims and foreigners. Writes a manifesto, it gets uncovered after an apocalyptic event and a religion forms around it.

Will Self - Umbrella. could've carried on writing ballardian, houllebecq style stuff to pay the mortgage, but writes a high-modernist masterpiece when modernism isn't even in fashion anymore.

watership down. tarka the otter, orwell, the mage, lord of the flies, the cement garden, life and loves of a she-devil, ballard - empire of the sun and the kindness of women, clockwork orange, Doris lessing??,
Fucking do your own homework, prick.

martin amis is probably the only pro-brexit british author. Money is an exquisitely good black comedy

>> No.14617015
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British nationally.

They’re not an Ethnic Celt, Gaelic, Anglo or Welsh. They are British by nationality alone and many foreigners only consider themselves British when its convenient

>> No.14617019

>born in England
>write in English

They're as british as you are you butthurt anglo shithead

>> No.14617023

implying you're not some heavily mixed mongoloid

>> No.14617039
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Only thing I’m mixed with is Irish and Scottish mate. I’m a pure-breed Briton my friend

>> No.14617059
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>> No.14617066
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>their names have no history in the UK
>they practise a religion with no cultural or historical relevancy to Britain
>they all hate the UK and for what it stands for
>their ancestors have no tie to the British Isles

Pfft and Any white/black dude must be South Korean because they were born in South Korea and write in their language. They are only South Korean by nationality alone and even then the average Korean wouldn’t even consider them nationally Korea. Keep seething faggit.

>> No.14617067

You're lucky I like the Irish and Scotts

>> No.14617095

sorry to burst your bubble but the UK is now doomed. Only your past is left ifs you do nothing.

The Irish and Scotts have more national pride than you do

>> No.14617115
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Scotland’s national party isn’t very national. Scotland as a whole only does things to spite England. Ireland is more based. I didn’t come here to be lectured by some middle class weirdo or some americunt who can barely grasp why the working class vote Tory.

>> No.14617123

I'm neither of the 2.
Political parties are not the people

>> No.14617197

>Ireland is more based.
Wasn’t their last president the gay son of an immigrant?

>> No.14617229

Based, had to read this during uni

>> No.14617245

>Irish and Scotts
>national pride

>> No.14617296

Anthony Powell - A Dance to the Music of Time
Arnold Bennett - The Old Wives' Tale
Evelyn Waugh - A Handful of Dust
Ford Madox Ford - The Good Soldier
Graham Greene - The Quiet American
Henry Green - Loving
Ian McEwan - Atonement
J. M. Coetzee - Waiting for the Barbarians
John Fowles - The French Lieutenant's Woman
John le Carré - Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy
Kingsley Amis - Lucky Jim
Lawrence Durrell - The Alexandria Quartet
Malcolm Lowry - Under the Volcano
Martin Amis - Money
Patrick O'Brian - Master and Commander
Robert Graves - I, Claudius

>> No.14617604

Howard's End
A Passage to India

>> No.14617955
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Sartor Resartus

>> No.14617978 [SPOILER] 
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Most of them are Irish or Scotch.
Conan Doyle

>> No.14618009

Scots are British though

>> No.14618027

There is literally nothing of value from Britian. The entire nation is the epitome anti-aesthetic. Their religion and morals are steeped in puritanism, their philosophy is empiricist and pragmatic, and their cultural outlook has been so blinded by anglo-exceptionalism that they failed to see any development in thought passed the 18th century. It is no coincidence that the best writers in the English language are either not British, or from the middle ages/renaissance.

>> No.14618133

Post nose

>> No.14618150
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>> No.14618239

>Ireland PM Leo Varadkar visits ancestral village in Maharashtra
The Irish really have won

>> No.14618368
File: 104 KB, 524x400, neetch.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Good old Neetch had the A*gloids figured out over a century ago.
>They are no philosophical race ‑ these English: Bacon signifies an attack on the philosophical spirit in general, Hobbes, Hume and Locke a debasement and devaluation of the concept `philosopher' for more than a century. It was against Hume that Kant rose up; it was Locke of whom Schelling had a right to say: je méprise Locke'; in their struggle against the English-mechanistic stultification of the world, Hegel and Schopenhauer were (with Goethe) of one accord: those two hostile brother geniuses who strove apart towards the antithetical poles of the German spirit and in doing so wronged one another as only brothers wrong one another. ‑ What is lacking in England and always has been lacking was realized well enough by that semi‑actor and rhetorician, the tasteless muddlehead Carlyle, who tried to conceal behind passionate grimaces what he knew about himself: namely what was lacking in Carlyle ‑ real power of spirituality, real depth of spiritual insight, in short philosophy. ‑ It is characteristic of such an unphilosophical race that they should cling firmly to Christianity: they need its discipline if they are to become `moral' and humane. The Englishman, gloomier, more sensual, stronger of will and more brutal than the German ‑ is for just that reason, as the more vulgar of the two, also more pious than the German: he is in greater need of Christianity. To finer nostrils even this English Christianity possesses a true English by‑scent of the spleen and alcoholic excess against which it is with good reason employed as an antidote ‑ the subtler poison against the coarser: and indeed a subtle poisoning is in the case of coarse peoples already a certain progress, a step towards spiritualization. English coarseness and peasant seriousness still finds its most tolerable disguise in Christian gestures and in praying and psalm‑singing: more correctly, it is best interpreted and given a new meaning by those things; and as for those drunken and dissolute cattle who formerly learned to grunt morally under the constraint of Methodism and more recently as the `Salvation Army', a spasm of penitence may really be the highest achievement of `humanity' to which they can be raised: that much may fairly be conceded. But what offends in even the most humane Englishman is, to speak metaphorically (and not metaphorically), his lack of music: he has in the movements of his soul and body no rhythm and dance, indeed not even the desire for rhythm and dance, for `music'. Listen to him speak; watch the most beautiful Englishwomen walk ‑ in no land on earth are there more beautiful doves and swans ‑ finally: listen to them sing! But I ask too much . . .

>> No.14618482

>It is characteristic of such an unphilosophical race that they should cling firmly to Christianity: they need its discipline if they are to become `moral' and humane. The Englishman, gloomier, more sensual, stronger of will and more brutal than the German
but, anon, this is based. christcuckery stripped this from the anglo and we have only to find it once more within us. why would i want to be an insect german, by neetch's own characterization, barely above gooks in sentience? why would I want to be 'moral/ or humane in the christian sense, something neetch didn't even think good, of being a passive slavefag?

>> No.14618604

>tfw anglo musician
Fuck knee chee

>> No.14619263
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Anglos authors (and anglos as well) are going to disappear and that's a good thing!

>> No.14620389

I never understood why Nietzsche was so upset with Carlyle given the influenced owed to Teufelsdröckh.

>> No.14621380

As if Celts and (((Anglos))) have anything in common

>> No.14621385

William Self

>> No.14621409

There's like one good british prose(bronte), you're better off with the irish and americans
Plenty of good british poets though

>> No.14621412

I keep forgetting what an absolute savage Ny Chi was.

>> No.14621702

"Britian" built the modern world, mate. While your ilk were crying in huts, the empire was upholding world order and fostering scientific development. As for Puritanism, one of the greatest English poets was an acolyte of said movement—John Milton. His influence even reached the Germans of Goethe's time. You may not care for empiricism or pragmatism, but they have been historically important nonetheless; they enabled changes in thought well beyond the 18th C, even as refinements or counter-arguments in Western philosophy.

Your last statement only betrays your ignorance of British history, including its literary endeavours. While Shakespeare is a difficult example to live up to, there have been plenty of great writers from later years. From poets to essayists, to novelists to historians… and in other forms besides. Some of them may not be to your taste, or possibly a little obscure; but they are there. Look in anthologies, or broaden your horizons beyond meme authors. Keats is highly regarded for his vivid odes. De Quincey for his impassioned prose. If you're not prejudiced against all genre fiction, then Lindsay might be worth a look. Even technically non-British writers of English have been indebted to the island, though. Wilde and Poe are just a couple of examples (quite clear if you look up the stories of their lives). If anything, it proves there has been substantial "value" from Britain—branching out far from its roots.