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14615817 No.14615817 [Reply] [Original]

What is the best translation? This is the version I have by the way. The translation was done by Michael Glenny.

>> No.14615857

I read P&V and it was GOOD, I tell you!!!

>> No.14616028
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Check out the Goodreads page. There are some old comments that compare passages between multiple translations, with some really good examples and there is some discussion over all that. Or at least there was, years ago. Look for a guy named Nate D.

>> No.14616032

>not reading in russian

>> No.14616131
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In a M&M thread I think the conclusion pretty quickly came to that pic related is the best translation

>> No.14616145
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this is a behemoth thread now fagots

>> No.14616237


>> No.14616246

Yes, I read this is the one that best translates the humor.

>> No.14616341

Чтo, кeм и кoгдa?

>> No.14616940
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Was it ever mentioned how big he was? (My memory is shit)

>> No.14616976

in chapter 4 he is said to be as big as a male pig, keep in mind hes walking on its back paws

>> No.14617820

Pigs can get pretty big though.
My translation isn't that good. At one point he's setting shit on fire with a primus, but I can't find out what the hell that is. As far as I can tell there is some Russian branded device called a пpимycь that the translator transliterated into primus.

>> No.14617840

why don't people freak out more about the giant cat?

>> No.14617949
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Something about the absurdity of soviet society. There is a scene where a dude freaks out over Behemoth, but as soon as he pays his fare everything is a-ok (Sorry if I'm wrong theres been a while since I read it)

>> No.14619169

I don't know I just hope to god my local library has a good translation.

>> No.14620081

I need to reread this book, I read it when I was 18 and I remember it being so fucking fun. Behemoth was a fucking cool character. My favourite part was him swinging from the chandeliers and revolver-dueling the Moscow PD.

>> No.14620142
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same anon. I have yet to read a classic I had as much fun with as I had with M&M

>> No.14620154
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thisbis a primus its an oven fueled with petroleum, he spills the fuel over stuff and it sets itself on fire (because its magical petroleum)

>> No.14620186

I read P&V and the Jerusalem bits were beautiful but the rest of the book really missed the mark for me, ended up being just fine and thus rather overhyped (compared to every Russian classic I've read)

>> No.14620289

Did the humor in this book go completely over anyone else's head or just me? I didn't laugh once and quit 100 pages in.

>> No.14620312
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I only ever read P&V translations.

>> No.14620829
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I'm Russian, laughed multiple times in the first four chapters (60 pages) which I read just now for the first time.

>> No.14620874

yeah if you didnt laugh like >>14620829 youre probably retarded

>> No.14620876

нaдo гoвopить БAЗИPOBAHO (&кpacнoпилюльнo)

>> No.14620896

you must be russian or interested in russian history enough to know something about 30's USSR. most "political" humor is very subtle for an outsider, of course he couldn't mock the govt in the open or make anything too obvious at that time.
or may be the translation, i've heard anons saying some editions completely botcher the humor and funny passages. havent checked any english translations

>> No.14621019

haoo robopntb baenepobaho! kpachounuouvho!

is russian just drunk spanish?

>> No.14621029
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Learn Cyrillyc.

>> No.14621049

this translation is hard to get online, why do people always shill it? is it a troll?

>> No.14621191

there is much more to mms humor than the political aspect

>> No.14621445

Will I like this book if I hate cats?

>> No.14621460

it must suck to be you

>> No.14621595

>this translation is hard to get online
>therefore if you recommend it you must be a troll
zoomers gonna zoom

>> No.14622516

its one of the first results when you look it up on amazon.com and has the most reviews

>> No.14622518

hes not actually a cat, he's a demon (furry) digsuised as one for shits and giggles

>> No.14623565

Me too anons. Is there anything even comparable to M&M?

>> No.14623602
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M&M is like Dead Souls. I was into russian lit pretty much, but these two failed books were so disappointing that I started reading British classics instead.

>> No.14623905

It's pretty unique so... still looking...