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/lit/ - Literature

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14613060 No.14613060 [Reply] [Original]

I myself notice something deeply unsettling about my stories, not because of how violent or taboo it is (that would only make it cringey and edgy), but how unhuman it seems despite my attempts. My own stories make sense in my mind, but even I can tell just how *weird* they are.

I am also afraid that due to my own lack of human interaction (mostly depression and struggling with sexual feelings), that my characters will not be speak and think like normal people. They will sound more like books than people. Their conversations will seem uncanny - nobody in real life speaks this way. It would all just be the sound of belligerant rambling of myself in multiple mirrors.

And when people read my shit, published or not, they will see me for what I am - a stuttering failure of a human being, a sexual degenerate, a sociopath trying to imitate and make sense of real humans.

Loneliness lay at the heart of nearly all mental illness and that the lonely person is just about the most terrifying spectacle in the world.

>> No.14613067
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>says he's a "sociopath"
>cares about what people think or feel

>> No.14613071

you're not a sociopath

>> No.14613100
File: 24 KB, 460x276, 2A0A20B6-4714-41A9-A91F-C997D8CE4258.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sounds like you're struggling with a demon frend

>> No.14613221

A sociopath doesn't know they are a sociopath. If they do know, they don't care, as sociopathy doesn't outwardly hinder social interactions nor does it make artistic expression harder. A sociopath can understand empathy and emotions just fine, although they do not feel empathy. What you have is an empathy issue, but far from the '-pathy' spectrum. Medically speaking you're probably either Autistic or you have Asperger's. t. Behavioral counselor and psychiatrist.

>> No.14613235

If your characters don’t sound like real people just lean into it, don’t fret about making them more realistic. Realism is a style not a prereq, and an eerie inhuman feeling is something that would make a story unique and possibly interesting.

>> No.14613347

what sort of unsettling? like child of god by cormac mccarthy unsettling, or notes from the underground unsettling?

maybe being fucked up is what will help you write some real compelling shit.

>> No.14613359

Classic dissociated teenager

>> No.14613370

your ability to recognize this and put it forth and speak it so plainly to us is probably proof you're not a sociopath. lighten up and keep writing.

>> No.14613692

If you were actually a sociopath you wouldnt care. You probably wouldnt even be writing fiction.

>> No.14613697

>offering internet diagnosis
Isnt there a law against that kind of thing

>> No.14613722

This worries me too. Not because of awkward dialogue or anything like that, but because I can't personally identify with characters who are pro-social. I understand their motivation fully, but I can't write a conventionally heroic MC because heroism itself literally feels retarded to me.

>> No.14613738

>be abnormal person
>be concerned about seeming normal to normies
why not just write abnormal interactions for abnormal people? you can only write what you know, after all. you should embrace what you are, even if that involves changing what you can about yourself (you certainly don't have to be a sexual degenerate if you don't want to be)

>> No.14613988
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Yeah but who isn't? I can see my demons in my writing, though others may not.

I suppose. I still want the conversations to be believable. For example I don't want to pull an Orson Scott Card where the author projects his own desires into all the characters - like all his characters, even straight dudes, just happen to be mirin little boys.

sadly im too old for this shit

maybe not sociopath but still... out there.

What worries me is that none of my characters seem to be different from me. For example I haven't hung out much with other guys and don't know what guys do in larger groups. I also never had friends since childhood, so don't know what it's like to have people who has been in your life for years and actually know who you are. These are part of the things that make me feel unhuman and shows in my writing.

>why not just write abnormal interactions for abnormal people?

because that's not what my stories are about.

>> No.14614303

who cares, you're a sociopath bro. just make it your gimmick. intentionally unnerve normal people. id read it.

>> No.14614553

Whats the story about anon?

>For example I don't want to pull an Orson Scott Card where the author projects his own desires into all the characters - like all his characters, even straight dudes, just happen to be mirin little boys.

I don't think you want since you seem to be aware of wanting to avoid it

>> No.14614596

At the heart of authorship lies exposing yourself. A book can shows the deepest and most protected sections of the writer's heart. You must be prepared to show yourself.
Tht said, If you just want to learn how to write "normal speak", just sit in a busy place and listen.

>> No.14614944

I'm American doctor

>> No.14615305

You sound like every good writer. It's no excuse. Aren't most good writers weird as fuck I don't know what u r expecting. Just embrace your weird perspective and stop procrastinating. If you want to write, write all the time if u don't then fuck off. You will get way better all u have to do is write and read and make some time to have an experience in the world as well. That helps I have heard

>> No.14615310

Exactly u think people write how we talk alot of the time? Have a conversation and notice if u wrote it as it was said it would usually be very choppy disjointed and full of weird Grammer and shit

>> No.14615489

You don't have to be so hard on yourself. You're one who maybe knows right from wrong but maybe it just doesn't click in your head. Plenty of great writers were deviants. Hold on to that, live through it. So long as nobody gets hurt in the process its all in good fun; regardless of what anyone else says.

>> No.14615491

>self diagnosing your own mental illness
You have a mental illness problem. But you're not a sociopath. You're just retarded

>> No.14615492

>the 13 year old who thinks he's a sociopath

>> No.14615496
File: 603 KB, 900x900, Gtbeard+gtunwanted+_1c469e4e0ae024462ff2d264f73b80bb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>sadly im too old for this shit

>> No.14615503

>And when people read my shit, published or not, they will see me for what I am - a stuttering failure of a human being, a sexual degenerate, a sociopath trying to imitate and make sense of real humans.

You're describing almost all authors here and in most ways they probably are or were more fucked up than you are. It takes exceptional minds, unconventional thinking, to come up with good literature, but it doesn't take a good person.

>> No.14615584

if you're not aiming to expose your shadow in a cathartic aesthetic exercise and thus integrate and transcend your ego, then you are not writing for any significant reason.

>> No.14615666

This is why the genrally accepted idea of a "sociopath" dosen't exsit. All studies are biased because they're all based on interviews with untrustworty story tellers. "I don't feel anything and I don't care what you feel or think!... (but I'm not going to mention that I kept some heads to fuck because that's embarassing)".

>> No.14615688

No, op is a faggot who wants to feel special.
>I'm diffrent, I'm not human, I don't understand 'real' people, I'm a sociopath!
You're not special op. You're a human, just like the rest of us. Even all the bots on here lead back to another human. Don't be a fag.

>> No.14615735

If you're writing in English and it's not poetry nothing you write matters. It's a pedestrian language caught between the classical world and machines.

>> No.14615753

sociopaths may care about certain others, psychopaths are self-centered and concerned about their safety / status / future

>> No.14615948

Lol it's 2020 bro. Welcome to the club. What took you so long ? XD

>> No.14616196

Everyone cares what people think, the matter is lack of empathy or care for others

>> No.14617228

name a good writer who wasnt a degenerate

>> No.14618623
File: 321 KB, 1317x740, storm of steel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah it's pretty cathartic. I look at a lot of my stories and think "fuck I don't actually want to write this" yet it just keeps spilling out of me. Like a compulsive need.

>If you just want to learn how to write "normal speak", just sit in a busy place and listen.

I do, and it's great. I like observing people and listening to others talk. I tend to add them to my stories, though it comes across as sad. For example, I was with a group of coworkers and the guy who was driving was listening to Selena's "bidi bidi bom bom". We were laughing at the song, and we asked him what the song was saying. The guy was like "she's saying every time the guy passes by, her heart goes bidi bidi bom bom" and someone goes "is that what mexican hearts sound like?" and we burst out laughing harder. I turn it into a conversation between my characters in a story, though it sounds sad in my story for some reason.

>Whats the story about anon?
There are multiple stories taking place in the same universe, and they're mostly about "sinner" types, criminals, gangsters, hookers, soldiers, and then there are martyrs and people who have delusions of being ubermensch. There is an undercurrent of isolation and loneliness in my stories, even when I try to make them happy. Maybe it's just in my blood.


I suppose. The writers I like were all pretty fucked in the head too and their personal lives were a mess. I hope I can be a good writer without having to pay THAT sort of a price for it. I rather be normal and happy and have a friend.