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14611416 No.14611416 [Reply] [Original]

>So far this book is a meandering pedantic self indulgent mess of a book. Like James Joyce before him, Wallace sets himself as a scion of hyper intellectual demogoggery. It is written by somebody who does not wish to be understood, but by someone who enjoys the smell of his own excrement and sneers down at those he deems too inferior to bask in its odor as much as he does. The statement: "If you do not understand what I have written then you are an uneducated philestine," is laughably absurd. Wallace was a writer who fell head over heels in love with the majesty of his words; slurping down the poisoned Kool Aid of his own hype. No wonder he offed himself. His ego became too large for such a feeble corporeal form.

Review of Infinite Jest. Found on google reviews. Thoughts?

>> No.14611429
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>> No.14611436

Hopefully it's ironic

>> No.14611452
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Busta ass fool finna brap to they dome

>> No.14611464
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Why does Infinite Jest fissure the Semitic psyche?

>> No.14611540
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>Professor Wallace, you're awake!

>> No.14611567
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not bad

>> No.14611572

DFW has the advantage in any critical scenario given he hated his own work probably as much or more than everyone else

>> No.14611587

>It's bad because it's good


>> No.14611591

>can't spell demagoguery

>> No.14611666

except that's basically a giant cop out. Wallace was not an idiot, he could have quit writing or taken up buddhist meditation or something. He chose to live in his own head with infinite criticism because he had a romanticized notion that writers and smart people are supposed to suffer all the time. That's why hes a pretentious douche

>> No.14611772

>infinite criticism
>infinite jets
wooow.. i get it now,wtf i love IJ now

>> No.14611783


>> No.14611797

I never got the impression he hated his own work, rather that he hated the interpretation of his work. Literally teenage nobody understands me angst grown up into a man's body with a dose of serious mental illness. Which gives his nobody understands me claim some legitimacy.

>> No.14611848

>Like James Joyce before him...It is written by somebody who does not wish to be understood, but by someone who enjoys the smell of his own excrement and sneers down at those he deems too inferior to bask in its odor as much as he does

>> No.14611903

I think this person has a miserable life and I feel kind of sorry for them.

>> No.14612033

IJ and Ulysses were not that difficult. Lel.

>> No.14612084

Autistic people often have difficulty with aesthetics and beauty.

>> No.14612094


>> No.14612117

As much as I love DFW's way with words, I sometimes have a feeling that he puts style over substance.

>> No.14612208

>implying his style isn't the very essence of substance

>> No.14612291

This reeks of inferiority. He's not talking about what the book is saying at all, he's talking about how the book makes him feel. So it's probably a woman. This is a woman, isn't it? Wallace wasn't head over heels in love with the majesty of his words, he was head over heels in love with words, full stop, and that is, in my opinion, what ultimately consumed him, was that he put the form and expression on a pedestal which he never never felt adequate to. I think this was his Infinite Jest.

>> No.14612553

Good review with the exception of why he killed himself. He killed himself for his legacy. More self-indulgence.

>> No.14612569 [SPOILER] 
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Dave ain't dead tho

>> No.14612593


>> No.14613771

nah women aren't this harsh with their insults. the guy who wrote this is probably either an old hippy or an MFA grad who's stuck writing marketing copy for Blue Apron

>> No.14613890

There's literally nothing hard to understand about infinite jest, it's just long.

>> No.14614814

Literally couldn't be more wrong. It's painfully self evident, especially in his short stories but also in IJ, that there's nothing he wants more than a genuine connection to an audience who understands. The inability to be 100% frank and understood plagued him.

>> No.14615110



opinion disregarded

>> No.14615120

Based Meghead

>> No.14615183

>so far
so he hasn't finished it then

>> No.14615309

>I didn’t get it=this writer is a pompous, over-intellectual prick
Why do people find it so hard to look at themselves and say “maybe IM missing something”