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/lit/ - Literature

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14610390 No.14610390 [Reply] [Original]

Will /lit/ be reading the most insightful book into contemporary UK politics?

>> No.14610803

>uses arcane parliamentary procedures to BTFO the "muh sovereignty" Brexiteers
>an unfailing champion of the most culturally and philosophically refined institution in the Western hemisphere, the EU
>worldview is grounded in painstaking empiricism
>poster boy for the most righteous political campaign in living memory, Remain
>makes the right-wing media apoplectic

Bercow is the encapsulation of the /lit/ ethos.

>> No.14610813

ordaah :D

>> No.14611150

epic post

>> No.14611164


Not sure whether to laugh or cry

>> No.14612163


>> No.14612178

The EU is an organisation of European capitalists solely concerned with entrenching capitalism. It has only refined exploitation of European workers and barbaric repression of refugees from Libya/Syria, wars provoked by imperialist meddling of the same EU member states. The veneer of refined liberalism is a mask for naked exploitation.

>> No.14612272


>> No.14612416

I like Bercow, or what I’ve seen of him since I started keeping up with UK politics in 2015, but these books that come out at prime money-making times (eg. after resignations, etc.) make me think twice. They’re too opportunistic.

>> No.14612479

I've ORDAAAAAH'd my copy already. It has yet to clear the lobby.

>> No.14613129

Mr. Peter BOO00oone!

>> No.14613175

Jewboy Berkowitz, literally a midget, who thinks he can maintain order in the mother of parliaments while every other week sees him publicly and humiliatingly cuckolded by his coal-burning wife

>> No.14613191
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>in the end none of it mattered and he got BTFO anyway