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14610535 No.14610535 [Reply] [Original]

why aren't we normal

>> No.14610546

speak for yourself

>> No.14610559

we arent fit for this world

>> No.14610562

define normal

>> No.14610563
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A combination of genetic and environmental factors as everything else in this world

>> No.14610564

define normal my fair weather friend

>> No.14610566

Anything that humans do is normal. Regardless if it's the average behaviour or not.

>> No.14610567

Because "Normality" means mediocrity. We're. above all the normals

>> No.14610568

i lived in the normie realm succesfully for 4~ years, it is not worth it

>> No.14610576

anyone who is able to socialize without wanting to commit mass murder

>> No.14610578

so you had a job, a gf and friends?

>> No.14610590

dumb frogposter

>> No.14610600
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We're above and below, god forbid, mediocre.

>So then because thou art lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will spue thee out of my mouth

>> No.14610604

prove it

>> No.14610608


why is having a job part of being a normie? but yeah

>> No.14610612

I am, and you probably could be too if you were not so preoccupied with being different. Not thatt I did not say "Indivigual", there is a difference between actively trying to differentiate oneself from their context solely for the sake of reaction for reactions sake, and simply understanding your influences and having a nuanced comfortability with your correlation and contrast with the mean.

>> No.14610614

normies don't know about neetbux and they need to afford their starbucks and iphones

>> No.14610623

Because some people are more close to God, whereas others are closer to animals. I'm saying this as an atheist.

>> No.14610636

>tfw 125 iq so don't really fit anywhere

>> No.14610643

having a job is an essential part of the normie life experience anon

>> No.14610648

>tfw you are not a human but something in between a God and an animal

>> No.14610663

If "normality" exists in our modern society it is definitely a minority experience. We live under conditions of such inequality that the amount of people stacking up in the loser columns of all metrics is increasing with no reflexive rise in the numbers of the winner column. Difference existing is normal, but inequality increasing is unnatural.

>> No.14610664

Everyone feels that way, you’re normal. Stop thinking otherwise you pretentious “unique” faggot

>> No.14610674

Anon, most people talk with other human beings and have friends.
If you don't socialize, you will have feels that aren't experianced by normal human beens.

>> No.14610761

This number of people is growing. Soon it will become "normal". Amazon has a sale on friday. Don't forget to tip the uber eats driver.

>> No.14610835

I'm not so sure about that, big boy.

>> No.14610862
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Because reading books makes you autistically introverted

>> No.14611038
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We are here to suffer.

>> No.14611213

I just blame my parents

>> No.14611251 [DELETED] 
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, Blessedness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Republic, Plato tells us of how those who are by nature philosophic stand in the most danger of being corrupted into political life: he claims that because these men are smart enough to understand how to appease the crowd, they are liable to becoming beholden to the crowd, to seeking what the crowd deems worthy of seeking. And no matter what an educator might do to steer these towards the light of the Good, the monstrous echoing voice of the crowd's approbation will inevitably steer the philosophic types toward the corrupting loves of the crowd and the life of 'winning'.

This remains true. The crowd draws one ever onward toward becoming a ruler of normies: and even the users on 4chan reflect this corrupting love through their recurring fascination with becoming Chad: which is at root a fascination with becoming a winner.

And yet Plato also talks of how some lucky few are saved from this corruption: he writes
> there are some who are restrained by our friend Theages's bridle
> for everything in the life of Theages
conspired to divert him from philosophy; but illhealth kept him away from politics.

Theages is saved from corruption of soul, from popularity and winning, through his illness; be grateful if you also have some sort of soterific illness preventing you from this lust for winning, and turn then to seek the Good.

>> No.14611277
File: 806 KB, 1001x823, Blessedness.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the Republic, Plato tells us of how those who are by nature philosophic stand in the most danger of being corrupted into political life: he claims that because these men are smart enough to understand how to appease the crowd, they are liable to becoming beholden to the crowd, to seeking what the crowd deems worthy of seeking. And no matter what an educator might do to steer these towards the light of the Good, the monstrous echoing voice of the crowd's approbation will inevitably steer the philosophic types toward the corrupting loves of the crowd and the life of 'winning'.

This remains true. The crowd draws one ever onward toward becoming a ruler of normies: and even the users on 4chan reflect this corrupting love through their recurring fascination with becoming Chad: which is at root a fascination with becoming a winner.

And yet Plato also talks of how some lucky few are saved from this corruption: he writes
> there are some who are restrained by our friend Theages's bridle
> For everything in the life of Theages conspired to divert him from philosophy;but ill-health kept him away from politics.

Theages is saved from corruption of soul, from popularity and winning, through his illness; be grateful if you also have some sort of soterific illness preventing you from this lust for winning, and turn then to seek the Good.

>> No.14611295

So if it weren't for my social anxiety I would have become a superior normie instead of a philosopher? Based Plato.

>> No.14611303

The 4chan mentality is becoming a lot more common in younger generations
Long periods of social isolation on the internet (necessary for college) really fuck people up

>> No.14611441

>life denial

>> No.14611453

There are no normies anymore. Zoomers are all socially incompetent

>> No.14611461

peak cope

>> No.14611495

Cope they are more successful than you

>> No.14611505
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>> No.14611514

I don't know what that would even be cope for.

>> No.14611525

How is a life of winning corrupting??? Control and influence over others isnt a bad thing

>> No.14611535

who dis?

>> No.14611548
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>> No.14611550 [DELETED] 

This is why the "capitalism == freedom" argument doesn't hold water, or rather it misses the point of the criticism it's trying to respond to. Too much wealth inequality with very little economic regulation is defacto corporate oligarchy, and corporate oligarchy is a form of authoritarianism same as any other- probably worse because citizens don't get a vote on how corporations are run.

The point I'm failing to articulate is that libertarianism is just authoritarianism with extra steps, and you actually need economic regulation and socialist policy to ensure a free market and system of government that serves the people.

>> No.14611561
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>> No.14611611

Normalfag, millenial logic. If thing is not a), it is automatically b). There is no in-between for this simplistic, insipid mindset.

>> No.14611670

as I marveled at the beautiful image that gave rest to my weary soul, a terrifying realization came to me, the thought that I would never be able to FUCK her cute little face, was a truly confrontational though, I had had this same thought about thots almost every day since I remembered, no... that wasn't it, the fear of FUCKING a cute girl wasn't what shook my soul, I could do that easily, I just needed my passport and a couple of pesos and in about an hour id be in Tijuana, an hour more of driving and id be far enough from AIDS capital, there id find a quaint little inn and id ask the concierge for the best room in the torn out shack. after being settled in id ask the same man for the nearest strip club, on my way there I was sure to find some whore working the street.
that would be easy I thought to myself I had the money and the time, but that is not what my soul yearned for the fact of the matter was that I was sick I gave properties of my perfect woman, to a poor little girl that was now was being glorified on an underwater basket weaving forum, this same thing had happened many a time there have been so many (insertgirlname)-chan it was repulsive to me. I knew this was a vicious cycle that had to stop, like ouroboros, I was destroying my future by my own volition.
So I closed my laptop to become a man worth the love of a muse...
might as well nut to her, one last time.

>> No.14611691

We were chosen and thank God for that. You wouldn’t want to be snuffed by the layers of psychological deception in Norminium would you? Immortality is the obvious choice

>> No.14611754
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raised with only one parent

>> No.14611760

If you can hold a job you're normal. A NORMAL FAG.

>> No.14611845

Why did you delete this post, I thought you made a good point

>> No.14611931


>> No.14611969

it's boring
there's nothing