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File: 334 KB, 1071x1600, Ruhollah-Khomeini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14609637 No.14609637 [Reply] [Original]

How lit is Khomeini?

>> No.14609642

>remakes Iran as a Shiite Guenonian Traditionalist state
/our guy/

>> No.14609650

He literally added an entire new theological aspect to his religion through his writings to justify his rule and form of government so pretty /lit/

>> No.14609659
File: 14 KB, 320x200, Based Khomeini.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beyond based

>> No.14609716

He's literally the Philosopher King

>> No.14609723

Then Trump is the Shitposter King

>> No.14609751
File: 100 KB, 750x1334, 45th President.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14609813

Sounds about right.

>> No.14609848

Seems based, one of the few theocracies still around, doesn't cuck to powers that be.

>> No.14609938

What is he holding?

>> No.14609942

Fine actor.

>> No.14609948

The Complete Tweets of D. Trump with introduction by N. Chomsky

>> No.14610825

Fucking LMAO

>> No.14610850

Quite based. Although, the current state of Iran demonstrates that no undertaking of the spirit can survive in our times without completely severing its links with the Great Satan- which is the modern world itself. The clear collision in modern Iran between western and Islamic values is a clear proof of mine assertion. If the break doesn't come, one can only see the Revolution ending or being totally subverted to a point where the Islamic aspect of it becomes unrecognizable.

>> No.14611053

What books should I read to understand Khomeini's thought?

>> No.14611095

Plato, Aristotle, Avicenna, Alghazali, Sohrevardi, Mulla Sadra. Good luck.

>> No.14611171

That's hopelessly incomplete. To understand Khomeini, you should understand the nature of Islam and especially the Shi'i ethos.

>> No.14611187


>> No.14611197


>> No.14611214

No. The philosophical underpinning (which most people don't bother understanding) is more important. What you said comes only secondary.

>> No.14611229

The "philosophical underpinning" is wholly based upon Islam and on Shi'i ethos- its doctrine of the Imam and its eschatology.

>> No.14611248

That's included and elaborated on in the philosophy as well.

>> No.14611264

Not as deeply as needed. A introductory work to Shi'i Islam is the start point and a necessary entrance to Khomeini's thought.