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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 60 KB, 1000x667, photo-1474888505161-1ace11ae3d81.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14599161 No.14599161 [Reply] [Original]

books to understand women?

>> No.14599168
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>> No.14599174

I have been married for more than twenty years and I do not understand them. So if you figure it out let me know.

>> No.14599182

I am a woman and I still don't understand them

(reading books about them will only confuse you more)

>> No.14599188

i am on nofap day 12

>> No.14599189

you know damn well what to do
My Twisted World

>> No.14599191

the best you can do is to read books about not understanding women written by people who had the best chance of understanding them due to their intelligence and/or experience

e.g. tolstoy or kundera

>> No.14599196

post your feet

>> No.14599197

You really don't need a book, just date a girl for a bit, they're not complicated. If you need a book to tell you what's going on then you're the type of person who will refuse to accept it even after being told.

>> No.14599200

"Pride and Prejudice." They're pretty normal, overall.

>> No.14599209

I think if you just reason through evolution and what it implies and stories of interesting mating strategies of other species you can usually draw parallels to female behavior. And reading a little but not too much about hypergamy helps

>> No.14599221

only God Himself understand women, so read the bible. protip: God recommends celibacy.

>> No.14599228

>you know damn well what to do

I really don't

>> No.14599247

post a pic of something you knitted.

>> No.14599311

post your asshole

>> No.14599427

my diary desu

>> No.14599443

tits or gtfo you stupid bitch where do you think you are

>> No.14599448

post balls or gtfo

>> No.14599451

The Quran

>> No.14599456
File: 10 KB, 236x236, b55e45e0487157a7cfb10db025f9aa19.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have nowhere else to go I just want to discuss stuff with people...

>> No.14599462

this thread i shit.
how do I log in to downvote it?
This board is shit now.
It used to be good.

>> No.14599472
File: 2.59 MB, 2156x2614, Leo_Tolstoy_1897,_black_and_white,_37767u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"...he experienced that pleasure which a man has when women listen to him- not clever women who when listening either try to remember what they hear to enrich their minds, and when opportunity offers to re-tell it, or wish to adapt it to some thought of their own and promptly contribute their own clever comments prepared in their own little mental workshop.
"but the pleasure real women give who are gifted with a capacity to select and absorb the very best a man shows of himself.


>> No.14599489


>> No.14599512
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>> No.14599519

I thought /lit/ was different from the rest of 4chan. KEK

>> No.14599528

Introductions to Parasitology by Bernard E. Matthews

>> No.14599562

Well said anon

>> No.14599589

I wonder how you can say that, maybe people who read are the more emotional types

>> No.14599633

This is something I hear a lot of people say when they explain what to do when someone comes to you with their problem, listen and don't try to actually give them advice.

>> No.14599643

you can come to my place and we can read books and cuddle

>> No.14599648

About 1/3 of them are mentally ill

>> No.14599653

If you show me your pooper We can talk as long as you'd like

>> No.14599667

But he says to breed and populate the world

>> No.14599684

thanks anon, you're a sweetheart

>> No.14599687

Imagine yourself. Now imagine you are a dog. Now imagine no one wants to tell you you have any faults.

Everyone stares at dogs because they command attention. Women receive far less criticism. Combine the two and now you understand. It's not an enviable existence despite what the surface looks like.

>> No.14599733

By realizing that there’s nothing to understand about women. The mysterious unknowable woman is merely a construct ingrained in society and the collective minds that serves to benefit a woman’s sexual strategy. Women have unconsciously placed the myth of the mystery of their sex into the world to help better their mating successes. If men could somehow believe that women are these unknowable, desirable creatures that should be sought after, especially if x woman could convince you that her reward of intimacy is somehow better than any other woman’s then the power is in their hands. The truth is that all woman and their behavior is easily explainable But the bigger truth is that trying to understand is perpetuating a woman’s power over you, which is an illusion to begin with, and exactly what they want. Unconsciously of course

>> No.14599779

>The truth is that all woman and their behavior is easily explainable
Then explain

>> No.14599789


>Jung shitposting from beyond the gave


>> No.14599818

Women don’t even understand themselves.

>> No.14600419

I've heard a woman respond to a remark by my father about them being impossible to figure out "we like it that way.

That's all I needed to hear, toots. I can rest more easily now.

>> No.14600522

Read books by women. That might help

>> No.14600529

KEK indeed.
Post your feet now. It's not a sexual part of the body so please go ahead.

>> No.14600593

Come on bb, post some feet for daddy ;)

>> No.14600649
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as long as they are diaries and memoirs. Don't read books about women by women as the authors are usually degenerate feminists who wants to justify their own behavior

Holy shit this place is worse than a first stop brothel for seamen. Why not look up pron somewhere else, and discuss books on the book discussion board
Seriously what is the explanation for this

>> No.14600698
File: 34 KB, 607x608, 29f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shut up WOMAN

>> No.14600705

you dont need books, all you need is this post:
all women are whores

>> No.14600708

she types like she has cute feet desu

>> No.14600751

you need to go back

>> No.14600789

i love you

>> No.14600796

Post your tits you godforsaken fucking whore.

>> No.14600810

Women are whores I'm only asking for what comes naturally to them

>> No.14600815

This post is a Doric Column

>> No.14600859
File: 101 KB, 612x636, blushu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well... thank you

>> No.14600861

tfw dating a qt 16 year old and 12 years older than her

>> No.14600873


>> No.14600877
File: 26 KB, 450x450, fuckyeah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking nice, I did that too. Don't let yourself get lax and stop fucking her anything less than "constantly," or you will regret it when you break up with her. You'll spend the rest of your life going "I could have fucked a 16 year old 5000 times instead of just 1000 times." Don't make that mistake.

Also smell her pussy and asshole and compare it with women over 23 and realize how perfect teenage girls are. They can't even smell bad. Their fat deposits are all perfectly jiggly, their skin is perfectly firm in a trillion different ways you can't detect except on an unconscious level. Teenage girls really make life worth living.

Just be careful about the post-PTP (prime teen pussy) depression if you ever break up with her and get with a DISGUSTING FUCKING 23+ YEAR OLD PIG ever again. It will be like the shock of going from a 21yo gf to a 40yo woman.

>> No.14601023

yikes anon, you can be better than this

>> No.14601053
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You think I could go lower than 16? Where is that even legal?

>> No.14601065

Argentina and Japan's AOC is 14 y.o.

>> No.14601070

Just watch You.

Its the epiteome for thotties that watch serial killer docs- they love that shit but only if youre handsome like Aron Hernandez or Jberg

>> No.14601107

no, plz be a decent person and hook up with someone closer to your age (or at least 18+)

>> No.14601164
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>> No.14601544

/lit/ has gone down the shit hole for real these last few months. I honestly hate this place now it's infested with incels and MGTOWs that watch JP lectures hoping for a low effort read of something that will pad their pet theories validating their insecurities because they are weak, worthless men that should shoot themselves or pay women money for being such a shit fuck

>> No.14601564
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Back to Redd*t, faggot.

>> No.14601606

I don't go to reddit, I've read Heidegger, van Fraaßen, del Razstch, Plato, Churchland, Iamblichus, Jung, Adler, Ecker, Ticic, PD Ouspensky, Gurdjieff, Kingsley, Plantinga, Maximus the Confessor (thank fucking god /lit/ hasn't ruined him), I have secondary sources on hermetica, I get a stipend to help faculty on a political theory proposal, and I have probably worked better jobs than you.

>> No.14601616

>I get a stipend to help faculty on a political theory proposal

I assumed you were joking until you said this and now I really just hope you're joking

>> No.14601620


>> No.14601867

Go fuck yourself. It's a tradition for woman to show their breasts after identifying themselves. It's the price to pay for breaking anonymity. Do you want 4chan to become like reddit or Facebook? So don't encourage that type of behavior, faggot.

>> No.14601873

And for Op, read Madame Bovary. Is the best example on how women don't care for nothing but having fun - even if it destroys the lives of those around them.

>> No.14601901

none, they are illogical

>> No.14601977

this exchange explains it all:
If you want to get women, treat them like shit. If you want to keep them, treat them like a princess until they kneel for your dick

>> No.14602032
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>> No.14602034

this, there is nothing to understand about women they are simple and primitive creatures

>> No.14602114
File: 32 KB, 335x352, 1168686596624.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are newfags really so new that they've never heard tits or gtfo before? why even post on 4chan if you get triggered by 4chan?

>> No.14602138


>> No.14602152

Get a cat

>> No.14602175
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>> No.14602178

Shut up and take my upvote!
Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger!

>> No.14602228
File: 1.40 MB, 1281x1113, Pfz1ZtV.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a faggoty little thread
Only beta males think that women are complex, because they refuse to acknowledge the simplest explanation for their infantile behaviour
Seriously, once you realise that women are emotionally and intellectually children, it becomes glaringly obvious, and you can't have anything but contempt for them
Sexually attractive men and sexually repulsive men know this automatically from experience, for these are the only men to whom women expose their true nature
The bluepilled losers in the middle (the vast majority of men), who are neither attractive or repulsive, but neutrally sexually charged, are the ones who have placed women on their pedastal, and grovel at their feet for a crumb of pussy, and then call them mysterious when they act like children
Grow the fuck up

>> No.14602294
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>> No.14602462

God bless you sir, been trying to get with this really hot goth 16 year old myself, wish me luck!

>> No.14602474

Juvenal, Satire VI

>> No.14602578

Based and, dare I say, redpilled.

>> No.14602609
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>> No.14602637
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The Handmaid's Tale

>> No.14602641

post your boobs or don't post whore

>> No.14602688

You will never be a woman. Dilate.

>> No.14602703

will women ever recover from being exposed by this book?

>> No.14602877

Bless you anon, It's always nice to see rational people here

>It's a tradition for woman to show their breasts after identifying themselves

? I've never seen this happen

>> No.14602878 [DELETED] 


>> No.14602903
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Pandora's box from Vin something, pretty intresting approach to female psychology.

>> No.14602974

pua garbage? no thanks

>> No.14602999

indeed, but read that shit man it really is very interesting.

plus op wanted to understand women, he should give it a shot with pandora's box

>> No.14603070

Women want chad. Men want Stacy.

>> No.14603477


>> No.14603519
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>> No.14603588

>Marie-Louise von Franz
>Jungian psychologist

confirmed bullshit

>> No.14603632

>he calls it bullshit after looking up two labels on Wikipedia
Fuck off coomer

>> No.14603939

based and pinkpilled

>> No.14604057
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>> No.14604088

based beyond mortal comprehension

>> No.14604302


>> No.14604358

It's not possible to understand women.

>> No.14604386


>> No.14604540

Oblomov & The Precipice by Goncharov

>> No.14604582

You do realise that your desire for sixteen year old girls indicates how deficient you are as a human? All you care about is fucking a child due to appearance and feel, you care nothing about women as people and that is both disturbing and sad. I have never met a sixteen year old girl who was genuinely interesting after turning about nineteen, women my own age and older are more mentally stimulating. Don't you want someone to grow old with and have wonderful dialogue and common interests and goals? Your obsession with the physical is so misguided and troubling.

>> No.14604658

High IQ post in a cursed thread, thanks anon

>> No.14604666

It's literally hardwired into men, you may as well get mad at women for liking tall guys

>> No.14604680

Wein Ninger!

>> No.14604705

Women are a lot like men, only different. I don't know how else to put it.

>> No.14604757

Came here to post this.

>> No.14604758

Came here to post this.

>> No.14604784

this book made me hate women even more.

>> No.14604800

>incels and MGTOW's
So incels and incels.

>> No.14604806

It's impossible to have common interests and goals with a woman unless you're a hylic.

>> No.14604818
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>> No.14604838

You think von Franz is bad? Pdf here:


>> No.14604847

>Seriously what is the explanation for this
Will you shut your fucking mouth and show your feet or move the fuck out of this board. Go discuss books with your 4:00PM all-female book club. Jesus Christ.

>> No.14604861


>> No.14604909

pdf's are for download, read it later

>While the entire system presented with overt characteristics of enmeshment (seven of nine adult male children between the ages of 34 and 49 had never been married, and paid daily visits to the family matriarch; the mother prepared daily meals and provided laundry services for the seven unmarried adult males), the relationship between the 74-year old mother and one son (then age 39) was particularly disturbing. Clearly this son had been designated the “chosen child.” Other members of the family were clear in their description of this son as the mother’s favorite. While this son was now an adult, his history revealed more than 20 years of adulthood with at least nine consecutive romantic relationships of short duration. The “chosen child” in this case, along with the mother in this system, described their relationship as one of “friends.” This family expressed no disease in volunteering that the mother took the liberty of interceding on her son’s behalf to secure a date for her 37-year-old son. The target of the son’s affection denied the man a date, so the mother called to find out why the woman had not wanted to go out with her son. Neither the son, nor the mother found anything inappropriate about this, or other similar incidents. Interestingly, or rather, expectedly, the relationship between the father and mother in this family was severely compromised. The father presented as a powerful figure, answering questions for the wife and other family members. In the father’s presence the mother was quiet and conceding. Whenever the “chosen child” son would enter the room, however, the father would exit. This was a noticeable pattern over the course of the therapy. In her son’s presence the mother clearly became more comfortable. Her facial expressions changed, as did her demeanor and her willingness to engage. In the son’s presence, the mother smiled frequently, responded to questions, and even volunteered information.

>> No.14604918
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>Don't you want someone to grow old with and have wonderful dialogue and common interests and goals?

yes, unfortunately however i'm only attracted to women

>> No.14604924

shit excuse, a normal man don't see attractive 23 year old women as disgusting pigs

>> No.14604957
File: 622 KB, 745x511, womentruthandfiction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If women didn't want to be evaluated purely based on their physical appearance, they shouldn't have spent the more than a century since they were given voting rights basing their entire existence on their physical appearance.

As usual with women, they want all the privileges with none of the responsibilities. All of the pros with none of the cons. They want to be equals but still pampered, they want to be worshiped for being young sex objects but not objectified except when it's convenient. Too bad roastie, sleep in the bed you made.

>> No.14605002

I said nothing about finding 23 year olds disgusting lol

>> No.14605038

>they shouldn't have spent the more than a century since they were given voting rights basing their entire existence on their physical appearance
Women have enjoyed looking beautiful since forever

Also what are you basing all the stuff you say on? Not every woman is a roastie

>> No.14605040

thank god i hate my mother

>> No.14605062
File: 576 KB, 1140x1068, evola sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All women are roasties. A few rare women are exceptions to the rule of their gender, but they are truly unique as a result and cannot be categorized into a class of "non-roasties." They are honorary men, and they are so vanishingly rare that they might as well be mythical creatures. Saying you know a woman who isn't a roastie is like saying you've seen Atlantis. I want for you to be right, but it's much more likely you're a crackpot.

>> No.14605103

most woman I have known has been rational, sensible and properly behaved, even the more party prone ones, so I must say I disagree. Plz don't judge the majority of women because of some who sticks out like a sore thumb, just like you can't judge men for the horrible stuff some do

>> No.14605140

Tu sexo es tuyo de Sylvia de Bejar

>> No.14605295

all women are whores

>> No.14605518

>you care nothing about women as people
Women aren't people, they're for cumming into and incubators for baby humans.

>> No.14605592

take it easy incel

>> No.14605606

post feet whore

>> No.14605613
File: 125 KB, 995x995, 1567080682874.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Post feet you fucking stupid subhuman pig who will never invent anything because she's not a man

>> No.14605616
File: 257 KB, 1700x1273, 5IvlDkh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I really fucking despise women

>> No.14605632


i´m a man (male)

>> No.14605639

post them anyway

>> No.14605646

No you aren't. Post your feet NOW!!!

>> No.14605659

i may be cute but i´m not a faggot

>> No.14605662 [SPOILER] 
File: 73 KB, 279x91, 1579996731776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we don't like self-identification 'round these parts. we don't like any kinds, your kind or not. we are anonymous. we do not forgive. we do not forget.

>> No.14605672

Three Essays on Sexuality
Letters From a Peruvian Woman
To The Lighthouse

>> No.14605682

Nice read. Why nietzsche though

>> No.14605687

canterbury tales

>> No.14605693

imagine trying to understand a diverse group of over three billion people by reading

>> No.14605706
File: 105 KB, 733x908, a2de5ca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no idea

>> No.14605720

your loss

>> No.14605729

based and rational anon

>> No.14605743
File: 161 KB, 1543x1865, 1577406641007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not much of a loss is it

>> No.14605773
File: 126 KB, 1640x960, tinder eggman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meanwhile, the experience of a "woman" on Tinder..

>> No.14605778
File: 985 KB, 2274x998, women tinder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now Exhibit 2. The level of thirst in Exhibit A is why women can afford to do this.

>> No.14605790

is that actually unironically eggman ahahaha

>> No.14605804

Men will never understand women we're too different

>> No.14605812
File: 4 KB, 249x203, 345345697.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But all men were children once.

>> No.14605817 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 474x266, 1579331805894.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give me an hour and I'll unload my woman hate folder onto this thread

>> No.14605919

yes, you could be literally eggman with a vagina and get laid no problem

>> No.14606124
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>> No.14606337

Man here, women are super easy to understand.
The key thing to remember is that the majority of women (and men) are intellectual and emotionally retarded. The ONLY difference is women try to understand themselves more frequently than men. They are ultimately shit at it just the same as a man would be if he actually tried, and they tell you about all this broken shit that doesn't make any sense because that's how they see it. You are listening rather than watching and getting confused, but then again you are probably a moron too.

>> No.14607104

you must think very highly of yourself then

>> No.14607121

>some degenerate women on tinder

I guess that means all men are rapists because of some creeps then


>> No.14607125
File: 53 KB, 206x278, the-song-between-her-legs1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

a guide to a woman's heart.

>> No.14607250

just think petty, self absorbed, and evil

>> No.14607266 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14607272
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>> No.14607277
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>> No.14607285
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>> No.14607291
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>> No.14607292

imagine not hating women lol

>> No.14607294

>Ugh just bored. Bored and looking for fun
Listen here kids, this is women for you. Understand this and you will understand women

>> No.14607295 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14607300

Please source. This gotta be satire.

>> No.14607304
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>> No.14607309
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>> No.14607314
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>> No.14607317


>> No.14607334
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hello cuckold

>> No.14607343

women dont understand women

>> No.14607350

What the fuck is the context of this?

>> No.14607349
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>> No.14607353
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>> No.14607365
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>> No.14607372

Rob Lowe creeps me out. He's just a weird looking dude.

>> No.14607378
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>> No.14607380
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>> No.14607391

I didn't coom all thursday or friday, and I just made a big coom to some porn a few minutes ago. still felt just as meaningless and frivolous as it always does. I should have saved that load for my gf, but I didn't. Why am I like this?

>> No.14607405
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>> No.14607415

just remember it for the next time anon

>> No.14607420
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>> No.14607428
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>> No.14607430

This. Those 3 billion people have nothing in common at all. It's not possible have generalized knowledge about anything.

>> No.14607436
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>> No.14607438

yeah I never do that. since I first figured out how to coom when I was 12 I've never gone more than five days without masturbating. I'm 25 now.

>> No.14607445
File: 157 KB, 1080x1054, apkdu4tcsns21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Human beings like sex
It's just cuckold logic, don't bother trying to reason with them

>> No.14607446

>books to understand women?
Fuck you 4chan, fuck. You.

>> No.14607456 [DELETED] 
File: 511 KB, 750x788, BjCIVe6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14607460

nevermind anons, incels want to be miserable

>> No.14607469
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>> No.14607476
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pour vous

>> No.14607483 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14607501

To be fair, most men are shitty. Go to any dating site and ask yourself would you even spend time with these people? On the other hand any 5/10 average woman could look 7+ just by some makeup.

>> No.14607502
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>> No.14607507
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>> No.14607516
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>> No.14607524
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>> No.14607530

shes cuter without desu

>> No.14607534

Nietzsche was suck a fucking faggot
Life could be a leisurely fuck fest if it wasn't for autists like him

>> No.14607535
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>> No.14607544


>> No.14607551
File: 141 KB, 1125x963, rayh4471cck31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all she has to do is go to a dermatologist and start a skincare routine
But too bad she's a dumb fucking whore who would rather slather poison on her face to create a pleasing canvas for chad's cum
I know instantly that you're a man because men look for positives while women look for negatives
You complimented the before picture, while women would critique the after picture

>> No.14607554
File: 73 KB, 1092x766, something about women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me tell you boys something about women.
Something about women.

>> No.14607561
File: 71 KB, 827x748, bwqo5qpqmqs21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sex and Character
On Women
The Rational Male
The Predatory Female
The Manipulated Man

>> No.14607566
File: 69 KB, 1105x762, women is a trip.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, women is a trip, uncle Funcle.

>> No.14607585
File: 2.33 MB, 1800x8208, lqwzmb894va21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14607592

I'm curious, woman hate poster, how often do you do these dumps? Mind posting a screencap of your woman hate folder? I'd like to see how much you've collected over the... years? How long have you been at it.

>> No.14607603

Oy, this thread is somehow a bigger shitfire than usual.

>> No.14607607

>gets outed as an incel
>posts the most incel meme there is in response

>> No.14607646

I know what this pic is getting at, but I unironically think that the coomer lifestyle is not exactly the most fulfilling path a man could pursue.

A healthy sex life is important, but just more vapid casual sex won't make you any happier after the novelty wears off.

>> No.14607651

not him but i've been hating women since before it was cool on /r9k/, it's a fun hobby.

>> No.14607657

That doesn't really answer any of my questions.

>> No.14607658
File: 231 KB, 2280x1200, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't do it often
I did it once on /tv/
I've only been keeping stuff for about a year
I'm not actually an unattractive guy
I'm 21
5-6/10 face
I've had about three girls show interest in me, and I've considered them, but then it takes a very short time for me to realise how vapid and pathetic they are, I just don't want to be around people like that, and once I look past the surface and your sexual attraction, I've never met a woman who isn't like that
They're just losers
I went out with a cute, short, skinny girl for a few weeks, and then I forced myself past the attraction into objective analysis and realised how worthless she was, and then ghosted her
I do sometimes regret how cold I've been to girls who like me, but it's for my own good
So there, I'm not an 'incel', I just don't like women, in fact incels would call me 'volcel' or 'fakecel' or some shit if I tried to join in with them

>> No.14607664

I had two broads say this right in front of me, almost verbatim. I think it was
>Do you ever feel like, am I actually attracted to him, or is he just tall?

It was very emasculating because I'm not very tall. Oddly enough I later slept with one of them, and went on dates with the other. I declined to sleep with the one I went on dates with and she got upset because she felt like she wasn't desirable. Two months later I found out she had chlamydia. College women are insane.

>> No.14607666

I'm not trying to shame or attack you or anything. Just kind of idly curious. It's not a huge commitment to dump a bunch of images in a thread, but it is something. Obviously the subject is important to you. But I doubt it's the only thing you care about. I assume you've got other tabs with other threads you are browsing as well right now. Do you solve a captcha for every image or did you buy a pass? I bought a pass. I figure it's either google that makes money off me or Hiroshimoot. You say you've posted on /tv/, what's your opinion of Sneed? Your answer here is very important.

>> No.14607670

this is certainly part of it. the average woman who uses dating sites does so for side attention. the average man who uses them does so because he's revolting in real life and can find no one. there's also the fact that women don't have a consensus on which men are attractive, while men do for women.

>> No.14607696

>I'm not an incel I just autistically spend my time screeching about how terrible women are
bro you are the poster boy for inceldom.

>> No.14607698
File: 60 KB, 684x539, 2yyco5umnps21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

keep your wits about you when dealing with women who you have reason to be wary of
It is important to me because I struggle with how much I intellectually dislike women, but remain attracted to them, and am able to attract them
I used to be a 'normie' with a lot of friends, but then forced myself into objectivity and saw no value in any of them
I can be friendly and nice to people, so most people I interact with like me as a person, but it's just banal socialisation, I have never found someone with enough intellectual substance to respect them as someone I want to spend time with
I care about a lot of other things, I'm a philosophy and science student, I've been involved with musical study since I was a child, I lift weights, I read fiction and non-fiction, I enjoy films, I play chess
I have to click the captcha button everytime
I find sneed funny because of how fucking annoying and retarded it is, I never post it, but it's funny how someone is always there to bait people with it

>> No.14607702

this. Incel has also become a word for pathetic woman hater now

>> No.14607710

shut up hole

>> No.14607712

You're overanalyzing anon, most people are good and smart, all the bitter people on 4chan are poisoning your mind. Have you talked with a psychotherapist? For your own wellbeings sake

>> No.14607716

How tall are you?

>> No.14607723

>how much I intellectually dislike women, but remain attracted to them, and am able to attract them
>I used to be a 'normie' with a lot of friends, but then forced myself into objectivity and saw no value in any of them
>I can be friendly and nice to people, so most people I interact with like me as a person, but it's just banal socialisation
Interesting, I feel like I can relate to you in some ways but I have a more optimistic perspective. I can get along and be friends with anybody who will get along with me but I let go of most of my pessimism about the general public a while ago. I found if I take the time to listen to people you can learn about them and while people as a group act like sheep, individuals have their own unique stories I like to hear about and understand. I tend to systematize my interactions with people or dissect them, but I no longer let that take any value away from it. The things I say, my body language, etc. are "calculated" in a certain sense but because I want to participate in social interaction in a way that will make for the best mutual understanding. I encourage you to try to be a little more charitable with people. I think you'll be happier that way. It's easy to tell yourself there is nothing valuable there. I don't think it's the bravest way to face society. That's my opinion anyway.

>I find sneed funny because of how fucking annoying and retarded it is, I never post it, but it's funny how someone is always there to bait people with it
Based. I have probably 60+ days of cumulative time banned from posting on all of 4chan or just /tv/ due to my aggressive sneedposting. Though it's mostly because I caught a 30 day ban for posting the letter S during what the tranny jannies referred to as an "intra-board raid". Fuckin fags.

Anyway, thank you for sharing your story with me anon. I hope you're able to be happier in the future.

>> No.14607733

what i find fascinating about the whole incel thing is that it was originally this deeply wounded, fragile community's self-deprecating word for itself, it had all this irony and self-awareness packed into it, it obviously was interwoven with ugliness depending on your perspective (i am a misogynistic "incel" myself but even i acknowledge many of these communities strayed too far from black humor and into borderline cult shit), but it was meaningful to that community nevertheless. which is to say, even if your official position on the self-proclaimed incels was that they are pathological, they are still fragile, they need to be handle delicately so as to rehabilitate them.

instead, the mainstream picked up the term and used it in the most predictable, i almost want to say "dated" way, like something out of an '80s movie, from the years before sex positivity when "LOL UR A VIRGIN" was a straight-forward insult with no compassion and no hesitation necessary.

what i mean is, they didn't just find incel communities and go "lol fucking bitter virgins," they specifically took up those communities' own term for themselves, a term which WAS self-aware and self-deprecating to a pretty great extent, and turned it into the least subtle, most cruel cudgel they possibly could, until it was watered down to the point that every basic bitch on twitter can use it reflexively as a weapon to insult the already-marginalized man

i genuinely fear for the future, there is going to be a reckoning for how badly these past 2-3 generations have mismanaged their wayward young men. there are a lot of sick, sad men out there and as soon as they are given an outlet they are going to take it. who do they think these spree shooters are? who do they think all these radicals are? bored, horny, family-less young men, being asked to work testosterone-draining desk jobs for 500 years with their sole consolation prize being that they can play Battlefield 9: Tranny Nigger Edition. not one aspect of being a male is good anymore, EVERY SINGLE THING has to be taken away, every space has to be colonized by nagging cunts

i don't even care personally, i ended up escaping the whole /r9k/ thing and getting pussy etc., it doesn't affect me personally. but that's not what matters. all normies can comprehend is "i got mine." they think that anyone like me, anyone who escaped /r9k/ and technically got pussy should automatically become a normie and join the ranks of incel-hating normoids. but i hate normies more than ever, and i not only sympathize with the rising incel population far more than with normies, i also know how dangerous incels are.

it's just amazing to me, i've seen literal scholars of 1920s fascism who wrote actual books about "horny young family-less men become fascists 10 times out of 10" and then that scholar will turn around and go AND AS FOR TODAY'S YOUNG HORNY LONELY MEN, FUCK 'EM!! BUNCH OF LOSER INCELS LMAO!!

>> No.14607739
File: 147 KB, 750x735, 0kmgz6w1doe31.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I probably am overanalysing everything, but I genuinely can't help it
I don't really believe that most people are good nor smart
Most people are 'accidentally' good, just by following social norms and standards, as well as social self-preservation, without internalising and genuinely understanding the morality or immorality of their behaviour
Also a lot of people are 'smart' in that they are highly capable in academic situations, but most people just float through life without ever having an original thought enter into their minds
The vast majority of people I've met who are my age have no genuine interest in anything, they just mindlessly browse social media, occasionally posting something themselves
People are impressed when I speak about anything I'm even mildly knowledgeable about for more than five sentences, not because it's actually something to be impressed by, but because they don't know any better, and just intake garbage day in and day out
People hollow their own souls because they're not self-aware enough to do any better

>> No.14607747

ngl this is literary

>> No.14607753

Fantastic post that summarizes what has happened very well. It's laughable. I don't blame the normies though. They are brainwashed and it's not their job to be moral agents or think for themselves. They aren't capable and it's cruel to hold them responsible for their own thinking. They are bombarded with propaganda and psychological abuse from birth and it never ends. It's not their fault. I won't weep when they are finally punished for their moral and intellectual failures but I don't revel in it either.

>> No.14607755

Ever notice how these high reply "incel" threads are much more lower in quality than the rest of the board? Not to shit on our less fortunate brethren, but at least educate yourself to /lit/'s standard. These threads are basically /pol/ and /r9k/ tier.

>> No.14607760

you're right about a lot of what you said. Hate breeds hate. But the problem here is all the genuinely hateful incels out there who blame everyone but themselves for their unhappiness, who makes people hate incels.
It's all quite depressing imo. I really hope the "good incels" find some happiness or at least contentment in their lives

>> No.14607763

Fuck off, you've never even browsed /pol/ or /r9k/. You don't even know what goes on there.

>> No.14607777
File: 203 KB, 2110x969, social intelligence autism test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I relate to you, but I don't know if I have it in me to let go of my negativity
I have given people a chance before, like the girl who I 'dated' for a while, but I genuinely cannot overcome aggressive analytical dissection of every interaction, and it rarely ever produces charitable results
You are probably braver than me, and definitely happier, thanks for the well wishes
PS pic related is my results from the emotional/social intelligence test that they give to autistic people, in case you're interested in any sort of proof that I'm not socially retarded

>> No.14607780

I have definitely visited them a few times. Do you mean to imply these threads on /lit/ have a much higher quality?

>> No.14607790

>Hate breeds hate. But the problem here is all the genuinely hateful incels out there who blame everyone but themselves for their unhappiness, who makes people hate incels.

People brought this mess upon themselves. You think anyone is born with a gun in their hand and hatred in their hearts?

>> No.14607827

>But the problem here is all the genuinely hateful incels out there who blame everyone but themselves for their unhappiness
>People brought this mess upon themselves

>> No.14607832

>but I don't know if I have it in me to let go of my negativity
I'm curious, how old are you? I've felt this many times in my life, the feeling being stronger or weaker, but finally I have just about totally let it go. I'm only 25 but it still felt like a very long process. I'm making a wild guess here, and I am emotionally prepared to be wrong, but I speculate that you are a youth. I hope you realize the value of letting go of the negativity. It takes a certain degree of humility, and I don't mean that in a sense of accusing you of pridefulness. On the other hand, it's unlikely but you may be cursed to unhappiness forever (I doubt that's the case though). I never doubted that you were socially apt. Many very unhappy people are. I'm going to ask a weird question, don't take it as an attack: Are you confident in your self-knowledge? In the deepest and most profound senses possible. Are you confident that you know yourself, know your place in the world, know your place in nature, know your place in society, know your relationship with god (however you define that, i'm not a xtian)? Most people don't, and introspection is a never ending inquiry, but I have found that my own happiness and contentment with the absurdities and frustrations of life correlated well with my own better understanding of myself and where I stand in relation to other things. Just my thoughts.

>> No.14607873

I'm 21, these are my posts:
I do realise how beneficial letting go of negativity would be. But here's the thing, and I don't know if you'll relate to this: I feel like if I let go of overanalysis and negativity, then I will let go of objectivity and leave myself vulnerable to whim and chance. If I'm always assuming and proving/accepting the worst, then I'm always on guard, and prepared for anything that would negatively affect me. As arrogant as it may seem, it feels like I'm always right in my judgements, and no matter how charitable I begin, further dissection almost always reveals a negative core to most people
I think I have a thorough and almost complete self-knowledge. Part of analysing everything is also incessantly analysing myself, and the product of this is the often-felt cringe and self-hatred at things I've don/said/thought in the past
I would never be arrogant enough to claim that I know myself absolutely, because no-one does, but too be honest I'm not exactly sure of any introspective method by which I would discover anything about myself of which I'm not already aware

>> No.14607919

>God himself recommends celibacy
You mean a disciple to Jesus recommended it decades after his death. Sex can be one of holiest of acts we partake in this material existence.

>> No.14608062

Tell us about these books anon

>> No.14608086

You got it reversed. We men are what create the myth, in order to keep the charade going we attribute great meaning and importance to women. Even women struggle to play this part.

It is why the redpill. The truth of women... is wholesale rejected across normies. We choose the myth instead so the story of humanity goes on. You go tell people the truth of women they will just give you blank stares.

>> No.14608365

>the reddit tourist white knight brigade has arrived

>> No.14608615

Choose one, faggot.

>> No.14608881

How did you get sex

>> No.14608934

> applying basic evolutionary psychology theories to a modern 2020 woman

A modern woman has the capacity to act beyond this simplistic behaviour, not saying the book is trash but you can run into women out there that dont posses a single trait from that book

>> No.14608939

Pass me your email anon and we can meet up, also can my bf come along too? :)

>> No.14609399

>I feel like if I let go of overanalysis and negativity, then I will let go of objectivity and leave myself vulnerable to whim and chance.
This is fear. In my opinion this idea is motivated by fear. Fear of being vulnerable. Fear of being wrong. And in large part by attachment to your ego and your presentation of yourself.

>I think I have a thorough and almost complete self-knowledge.
I think you're 100% wrong. Nobody 21-years-old has complete self-knowledge. Not even close. You might be very judgmental of yourself and others, and you might have a lot to say about yourself and others, but self-knowledge is not accompanied by hatred or cringe. You might have knowledge of your past actions and your tendencies but you don't know anything about your soul.

>I'm not exactly sure of any introspective method by which I would discover anything about myself of which I'm not already aware
You're 21-years-old, you have your whole life ahead of you. I think you will be shocked by your own personal growth and evolution in the next five years, let alone how you will change and learn throughout the rest of your life. My unsolicited advice is to realize that it's okay to let go of hatefulness, negativity, anger, and that you should learn to be forgiving: first of yourself, and then of others. I know it sounds vague and cliche and all that but just think about it. Try reading some religious texts like the Bhagavad Gita or some Plato. You don't have to believe everything you read but I think you'll be interested in a different perspective on life. Here's a copypasta I've drawn up about the Gita for anyone interested:

Read that^ first

then just hop right in:

Don't worry about the commentary on the Gita, you can read that later. Just read the contents of it. It's pretty short as well, you could read it in a day easy. In fact, it can be recited in less than 3 hours! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PC0FW407FVs
Here is a beautiful reading of the Gita with some background information explained as well.

Anyway, I wish you well anon. I think you'll be alright, and I think you'll be happier and more fulfilled when you let go of the anger, fear, and hatred in your life. I'm not accusing you of cowardice or anything here. You know what I mean.

>> No.14609455
File: 190 KB, 2332x3675, 20200127_023846-min.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You make good points
I don't necessarily agree with you 100% but I know what you mean and will take it into consideration, so thank you
It's funny that you mention the Bhagavad Gita because I just got given a copy a couple of days ago, pic related

>> No.14609489

That's a good translation. Where are you at that has Hare Krishnas still active?

>> No.14609504

I'm in Australia, it's my dad's copy from years ago when they were trendy

>> No.14609524

Talk to women. This is the only answer

>> No.14609569
File: 35 KB, 333x499, 51VkmFk3--L._SX331_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>imagine trying to understand a diverse group of over two billion pigs by reading

>> No.14609629

>what is divine inspiration

>> No.14610210

that one image has done more damage than any amount of false flag raiding could.

>> No.14610297

Wow, what a world. I didn't expect you to be a based Australian. If I were to visit Australia, where is the best place to go for an authentic Australian cultural experience (and I don't mean abbo shit)? Tourist traps are for fags.

>> No.14610438

lmao if i ever find a girl to date I have always assumed this will happen

>> No.14610931

>and accidentally have sex with them.

>> No.14611036

They're shit, nothing else to understand about them.
Been married for 6 years and every year that goes by just baffles me more at how evil and different they are.

>> No.14611054

Why did you get married then?

>> No.14611060

ah that explains it

>> No.14611090

Because I want my bloodline to persist

>> No.14611094

give us some hate fuel, what has she done

>> No.14611110

I feel like the difference between a good marriage and a bad one is like being in heaven and hell.

And being single is the limbo.

>> No.14611122
File: 2.88 MB, 600x600, The Weak should fear the Strong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women cannot be understood. They dont follow any laws or rational patterns.

>> No.14611124

she has fucked multiple BBC niggers behind my back, probably in our bed, too. every time she sees a black guy out in public, she starts biting her lip and i can tell her hole is quivering. days where this happens are the only days she ever lets me fuck her, so i put up with it.

>> No.14611128
File: 1.02 MB, 400x226, 1571764473439.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if a girl comes along
yeah, if

>> No.14611132

I want an elephant bros

>> No.14611138

Meant to answer you instead of myself

She's not that bad, I'm happy with my marriage.
But the way she (and her sister and mother) interact with people, it baffles me.
They can't say "I disliked that"
They will say "Oh my god I love it!" and then laugh at the thing.
I've never seen them being honest about bad feeling with anyone.

For example, that's why women never admit it was simple lust after they cheat.
It's always the man's fault. "He didn't treat me nice" or "I don't feel loved anymore".
They just can't admit, not even to their best friend, that they just found the guy hot and couldn't resist.
Men will admit that.
Women will always find a way to not being the one to blame about every misstep in their life. And after sometime they believe their own lies.
I've never met a single woman who wasn't like this.

They literally have a completely different thought process than men

>> No.14611144

>tfw no elephant companion to patrol thots with

>> No.14611153
File: 2.79 MB, 640x360, Horton hits a Ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

feels bad man

>> No.14611157

The based part is that the was said by a woman. What's her main works that I should read?

>> No.14611158

It is part of their brain to avoid conflict as much as they can socially, as they are physically weak and need to use manipulation and deception.

>> No.14611162

why are elephants so freakin based?

>> No.14611172

>a harlot in my /lit/


>> No.14611189
File: 2.04 MB, 1280x720, Horton heaves a ho.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One of the most intelligent animals on earth

>> No.14611526

>How a smart woman fell for a sociopath


>> No.14612160

Fun thing I learnt the other day: cosmopolitan used to be an actual journalism magazine that Hemingway used to write for

>> No.14612162

"Naughty New Ways to DO IT"
omg, Cosmo does it again!
They have discovered YET ANOTHER way to fuck that was not discovered in the previous 100,000 years of human beings constantly fucking!
How do they keep doing it?

>> No.14613443


>> No.14614017

Don't know really, but if you want authenticity then Sydney and Melbourne are probably the worst and most pozzed

>> No.14614195

Right looks like he's had cosmetic surgery

>> No.14614684

Good morning gentlemen, I hate women.

>> No.14614833

Rollo Tomassi - The Rational Male
He also has a YouTube series, gets repetitive but is good. Also the redpill and married redpill subreddit is also good but don't engage because the mods have OD on their Egos

>> No.14614865

Lolita, unironically.
Madame Bovary takes you on a journey through the mind of a roastie.
The Art of Seduction
50 Shades of Grey, also unironically.

>> No.14614895

This is true. Teenage pussy is how god intended it.

>> No.14614906

This is true but you don't have to have contempt for them, just understand this is how it is, accept it and live a great life.

>> No.14614918

This always make me laugh

>> No.14614962

Based. I'm 28 and the second I find out a girl is over 19 my penis basically shrivels up and I lose all interest in her. Will never stop chasing that shit until the day I die.

>> No.14614980

cool fantasy David