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File: 202 KB, 792x612, erikerikson-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14599351 No.14599351 [Reply] [Original]

Thoughts about Erikson? Is this accurate for any of you? If so, are you in the correct stage or have you surpassed all of them.

>> No.14599387

I am on track to fail developing any of these virtues

>> No.14599404

Psychology is so fucking boring. Go get a real degree you useless cunt.

>> No.14599490

90% of my personality developed in the last 2 years

>> No.14599558

76 year old Plato here

Fully cultivated Reason into Wisdom

Any other ''''Philosophers''''' who haven't lived to my Age are unenlightened brainlets

>> No.14599585

i took a psychology class once and it started with
my professor saying
>haha freud was a coke addict dumbass that wanted to bang his mom, right guys? haha lets all laugh at the idiot
and then the rest of the year was just showing us retarded pointless models like this

>> No.14599663

college is useless right? haha no doctor needs to learn aboyt psychology haha we dont even need doctors hahaa

>> No.14600302

The "virtue developed" is a little vague, and inconsistent among depictions of the model, but the rest is right

>> No.14601169

I rebuke this chart

>> No.14601563

Failed at all stages
And I'm better than any of these hippie faggots who pretend to be happy while all they do is fuck and do drugs

>> No.14602192

keegan/wilber are better

>> No.14603082

the idea that there are static "virtues" that you attain in a linear fashion in life is so unrelentingly stupid. 1 year olds have absolutely no concept of Hope, whatever the fuck that is supposed to mean since everyone has a different conception and intuition of what it means to be hopeful. Apparently you have to be over 65 to attain "Wisdom"? How much? In relation to what? Here's some "Wisdom", throw this fucking image in the recycle bin

>> No.14603120

>haha no doctor needs to learn aboyt psychology haha we dont even need doctors hahaa
did i say that? what point are you even making here? why are you talking about doctors? and no, it is not part of the general medschool cirriculum to learn about these models of psychosocial development

>> No.14603240

>no doctor needs to learn aboyt psychology
They don't, doctors should only study empirical sciences like biology and medicine
Psychology is a hobby at best and should be self taught.

>> No.14603373

It's just a model, but probably mostly correct. Erikson was writing for and about the 1960's American middle-class though; so application of the model would be different now.

>> No.14603724

this notion is wrong, different people learn different things at different ages, take the Jungian Analytical Typology Pill

>> No.14603752

Eight Circit Model is better. This is just a rip off of that.

>> No.14604908

psyc-101 is gen ed (before medical school)

t. brainlet with an incapacity to delve into theory (psychology)

>> No.14604973
File: 10 KB, 480x360, image02.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you are retarded beyond repair. psych101 is not an inherent part of general education in any state i've lived in (indeed i've filled IGETC requirements and have never taken a psych class) and is patently not a requirement to get into medschool. AGAIN, what point are you making?

>> No.14604984

This is why you aren't a doctor

Should of learned your logical fallacies, brainlet

>> No.14604988
File: 35 KB, 679x679, 1447180785409.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's just angry that you insulted his meme degree.

>> No.14605016

>crying about fallacies yet spouting ad hominems instead of making a point, yet again
Wew, lad.

>> No.14605025

Always with the strawman argument

>> No.14605035
File: 9 KB, 549x455, 135699-135780.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the psychfag itt
oh no no no

>> No.14605059
File: 1.95 MB, 500x500, 1541259443801.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm asking you what point you're making and all you've said is
>psyc-101 is gen ed before med school!
no it isn't. you can opt for sociology, anthropology, business/economics, geography, fucking gender studies, basically any other social science to fulfill this requirement.
>this is why you aren't a doctor!
>should have learned logical fallacies, [insert ad hom here]
Which ones? Can you tell me what point you're trying to make?
I'm asking what point you're making. Would you help me, so that I don't have to like totally resort to strawmen? Please, help.

>> No.14605066
File: 65 KB, 1200x514, 35hp79.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit how do you get out of bed in the morning?

>> No.14605082

You're not even worth my time

Arguing with a chimp

>> No.14605089

>ad hominem
Brainlet disregarded

Mob syndrome

>> No.14605107

he's pretty clearly baiting you guys

>> No.14605116
File: 106 KB, 500x271, 1525792330735.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You're not even worth my time
You're the one that replied to me, lol what

>Arguing with a chimp
Again, what argument? You call me out for using "fallacies" such as "strawmen" but you haven't explained how >>14599663 isn't a strawmen. Where did I say, or even whisper the sentiment that college was useless?

>> No.14605124

>you used an ad hominem, brainlet! mob mentality!
are you just pretending to be retarded now?

>> No.14605134

>i was only pretending to be retarded!
It's funny how every 4chan argument eventually descends into this. I think it's more of a cope than anything

>> No.14605151

You guys are losers, no wonder you diss psychology

Insecure brainlets

>> No.14605163

Go back to your containment board

>> No.14605181

Too scared to reply now? You have to cry outloud to yourself and pretend to yourself that you were only joking?

Ok sounds good, see you there

>> No.14605203

have sex

>> No.14605215

>go back to r9k
>have sex
w-what? i'm getting mixed messages here from you guys

>> No.14605216

It's just very rare that someone this dumb would post on /lit/ so im guessing it's bait. Over at /x/ this would be par for the course