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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 81 KB, 576x718, unnamed1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14603169 No.14603169[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Did I do the right thing? Will this bring about any reflection within her? A desire to improve or change?

>> No.14603173

You're kind of a monster, bro.

>> No.14603175


>> No.14603178

Post the video so I can upvote it.

>> No.14603179

If you didn't have a connection prior, you will come across as a stalker. If you had a connection prior, you will have come across as fake beforehand and hurt her a little.

>> No.14603202
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>> No.14603203

seeing her dad kinda ruined my image of her

>> No.14603226
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>> No.14603228

Damn, that's some b rate cringe there

>> No.14603230

All of these book youtube channels and those weird channels run by retired publishing agent assistants (who are all women) make me self-conscious about how little I read.

These people blaze through a novel a week practically, and I might read only so much as 5 in a year.

>> No.14603233
File: 923 KB, 1140x755, katdad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It revealed that she has low genetic quality.

>> No.14603235

How do I breed this zoom zoom?

>> No.14603244

Pops had some unironically based commentary on Dr Sleep. Kat barely spoke the whole video.

>> No.14603252


>> No.14603261

get on goodreads. tht shit will turn you into a machine if you're a completionist.

>> No.14603263

girls with fathers freak me the fuck out. i don't know why.

>> No.14603265
File: 602 KB, 1280x800, time stand still.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op post this to reddit so I can upvote and give you reddit gold

>> No.14603275

Just go for black girls then.

>> No.14603289
File: 86 KB, 772x564, kat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14603297

No he wasn't. She basically conceded every other point.

>> No.14603299

fucking kek

that means she's mad for real

>> No.14603302


>> No.14603311

Eh yo she's legal

>> No.14603315

ahahahaa fucking destroyed

>> No.14603318

Scroll to the very bottom of the comments, and it's there

>> No.14603321

>buying physical media

Oh sweet summer child, etc.

>> No.14603323
File: 61 KB, 720x480, SAGE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you faggots need to stop spamming book-sluts.

>> No.14603324

damn op how does it feel to try this hard to get attention and not even phase her? seriously kys

>> No.14603328


Pretty shitty, inane, not even misogynistic, sad.


hahahaha get owned

>> No.14603334

he got a response, he broke into her world, he succeeded.

>> No.14603337

Hahahaha cringe bro

>> No.14603339

Thats exactly the kind of shitty passive aggressive comment you'd expect her to make. She's seething

>> No.14603347

She could've deleted the post and ignored it, but now she's validated it in front of her fans so they can give her emotional support and dogpile a troll.

>> No.14603348

nobody who reads stephen king has the capacity to take criticism like that on board. the reason she replied as she did is likely as she only read the first sentence

>> No.14603353

It's the e-girl way

>> No.14603358

OP will be thinking of this commend when he goes to sleep for years to come thinking he actually made an impression on her lmao

>> No.14603361

>you use books for anything but their purpose
>capitalist method of material consumption
remove the plank from your eye bro

>> No.14603368

The fact is, it is so sad that you have to shit on some teenager youtuber who nobody gives a fuck about to make yourself feel valuable, OP

>> No.14603375


>> No.14603379

Le post tres sperg-tastique

>> No.14603380

based kat

>> No.14603386

however retroactively rendered un-based

>> No.14603387
File: 10 KB, 415x162, kek.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14603395

Let this go for another hour or so. Then I'm going to reply linking the thread.

>> No.14603397

Someone post the vocaroo, you know which one.
Cope harder

>> No.14603406

This. Women are frail and sensitive as fuck. Just the fact that she read this will "upset" her (whatever the fuck that means) for days.

Look at all the waifufags in this thread scrambling to do damage control. You pathetic cucks.

>> No.14603417

that would be even harsher than what OP did

>> No.14603422
File: 193 KB, 900x1200, 1579567842802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop bullying Kat.

>> No.14603423

someone say "animee was a mistake"

>> No.14603425


>> No.14603434

/lit/ use to be ruthless with these attention whoring women, now your all the equivalent of /jp/ cucks praising their K-pop waifus. kys, all of you

>> No.14603438


nah. the fact that she responded means it got to her... what were you guys expecting, for her to respond with 'wow you made me cry :(' or something? the fact that she responded sarcastically means that the attack was powerful enough to make her feel that she needed to save face by dismissing it publicly

it probably made her cry irl

>> No.14603439
File: 144 KB, 593x692, sad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i hope you're happy anon.
she just woke up and you made her sad.

>> No.14603443

it's a vocal minority of normie tourists and surprisingly often roasties who can't handle banter. also samefagging, several of the initial "LOL u didn't affect her at all" posts were the same retard.



>> No.14603447

retroactively unbased to BTFO
Based once again, you've done us well OP.

>> No.14603448

I just have less patience with attention whoring men like OP nowadays. This shit is really cringy when you're past the age of 16.

>> No.14603450

She's been incepted. Growth and maturity are coming soon.

>> No.14603458


Let's not go too far. She's still a woman.

>> No.14603459

dare i say, op is based

>> No.14603466
File: 1.19 MB, 1660x1398, damn nibba.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dat drool doe

>> No.14603467
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>> No.14603468


>> No.14603472

She's really cute with longer hair.

>> No.14603474

Hi Kat :3

>> No.14603478

All he did was make her more jaded, turned off to the idea of lit as high art and to men who claim to like books. it's not nice but he hasn't ruined her life, he's probably ruining things for the next poor schmuck who wants to be her boyfriend

>> No.14603479

okay guys don't post child porn like last time okay if we behave she might become my gf

>> No.14603480


>> No.14603482

to any girls reading this thread: please post feet

>> No.14603484
File: 119 KB, 624x434, urpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey Kat, since you're reading this thread - you should start with the Sumerians and begin with the Babylonians, so as to reach the goal of mastering the Mesopotamians, you fucking useless turd.

>> No.14603485
File: 63 KB, 630x420, 5db99c2a210000bb3634b77c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14603486

>it's a tranny
woah I am shocked

>> No.14603495

wait girls know about 4chan???

>> No.14603498

Better than leaving her a fucking dilettante with fair-weather fans (mostly women who would clap like seals for anything that validates their books-as-fashion, basic bitch lifestyles, with a few absolutely pathetic and frankly lecherous men who are attracted to her youthful cutesy act).

Maybe this will plant the seed in the back of her mind: "Maybe I'm getting attention and praise for the wrong reasons? Maybe the 'core' of what I'm doing is basically irrelevant to my success? What does that mean for that core? What does it mean for me? How can I ensure the integrity of my own spiritual development when I'm surrounded by these insincere kiss-asses and pathetic men who would defend me no matter what I do?"

>> No.14603506

Sperg-tastic post

>> No.14603508


hahaha it literally is a fucking tranny

>> No.14603513

Tranny sexual predator. Stay away from children in the women's restroom before you get shot.

>> No.14603524

why don’t little girls need makeup to be cute, bros?

>> No.14603531

>Maybe I'm getting attention and praise for the wrong reasons?
Absolute foreign concept to women, will never happen.

>> No.14603542

>being this new
You know "there are no girls on the internet" is not literal, right? Femanons are a thing.

>> No.14603544
File: 7 KB, 275x183, download (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wonder if they realize how clearly woman hatred is related to their social isolation and inability to regulate their own consumption

>> No.14603551

Just look at the twitter responses of "support" from her mewling woman fans.

>Omgggg that's so bad you're amazing!!! Person I've never met omgg you're so great!!!! I bet everybody who criticizes you just isn't popular or happy!!! We're all popular and happy all the time and it's only the bad people who have bad thoughts!!!

Is this really the kind of "support" you want, Kat? Better an honest enemy than a treacly, insincere ally.

>> No.14603553

>Femanons are a thing.
Is... is someone going to tell him?

>> No.14603556

>implying femanons count as women

>> No.14603560

Man*, stop replying to yourself this is embarrassing now

>> No.14603568

I doubt many people on 4chan are popular or happy though

>> No.14603573

Has there always been this many incels here?

calling that success is depressing af

>> No.14603576

what are you even trying to achieve? you know if you were a girl you'd take advantage of beta males just like she does, stop moralfagging

>> No.14603589
File: 73 KB, 654x216, 1579473116906.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shut up tranny. enjoy permanently ruining your endocrine system and fucking up your entire adult life all so you can be a low-test sex pervert jacking off to his own reflection for a short period in your early 20s.

very womanish opinion there, are you basically admitting you are incapable of imagining moral behavior and self-respect?

>> No.14603591

Kat! Review Infinite Jest next.

>> No.14603596

had sex last night. will again soon.

>> No.14603613

naw man i've had sex

>> No.14603617
File: 134 KB, 768x1180, artaud oldie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I come here to escape people like you, fuck around shitposting with my brothers in arms and have good conversations about literature. None of which you are capable of doing properly, you have degenerated this peaceful sanctuary with every second you spend browsing this site, leave and never come back. We do not want you here just as anyone sane wouldn't want you walking down their street. Let this safe haven remain to those who are sane and let your mental-illness choke you out of years of your life, but not here, go somewhere else.

>> No.14603629

Good. I think it's important we don't lose that aspect of humanity.

>> No.14603635

Imagine caring so much about a brainlet bookoober that you write a whole paragraph

>> No.14603637

Which one of you just posted that fucking poem?

>> No.14603642
File: 66 KB, 405x720, 1578386794684.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>4 Steven king novels
I can't watch anymore

>> No.14603645

based and isolationistpilled, artaudanon

>> No.14603650

What poem?

>> No.14603652

fucking kek

>> No.14603661


In nineteen ninety nine her life began.
Her father and her mother named her Kat,
And dreamed that she would find a decent man,
But she would not be satisfied with that.
No she was drawn to hoards of men online
Who peer at her through cages made of glass
And salivate for not what she opines,
But for the visage of this dainty lass.
And when a man had come along to say:
"Dear Kat, born in the year two-thousand none,
I truly beg you not to live this way!"
"Twas nineteen-ninety-nine" she said, not stunned

But she could not forsee the cruelest fate:
That i was born in nineteen-ninety-eight!

>> No.14603664
File: 75 KB, 501x442, Screen Shot 2020-01-25 at 1.10.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14603670

it was a rush job, not my best work desu.

>> No.14603671

Your meter sucks

>> No.14603673
File: 190 KB, 2048x1536, 1447200252589.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i am le purveyor of moral behavior and self-respect on 4channel.org! :P

>> No.14603678
File: 22 KB, 317x267, 385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this thread is hilarious.

>> No.14603687
File: 113 KB, 468x714, 1464389013523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can become a better person. I believe in you.

>> No.14603696
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>Outed yourself as a tranny

>> No.14603701

I go where I want my good bitch. As for your
>comrades in arms
that was absolutely sperg-tacular

>> No.14603703

cry more newfag

>> No.14603707

>woman hatred
Modern feminists are always conflating the hatred of certain types of women with universally hating women. I know it sounds crazy but I can love women who aren't vapid whores, and hate women who are, at the same time. Hating bad women intensifies my appreciation of good women if anything

>> No.14603715
File: 5 KB, 224x225, 043FC1DF-EA88-4513-929B-CEE2108B282F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hi kat

>> No.14603716
File: 14 KB, 335x450, artaud scarf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't reply to my post you disgusting subhuman.

>> No.14603718

We actually have "discord trannies"?

>> No.14603719

Care for a dicc pic

>> No.14603720
File: 697 KB, 2671x2154, 1576301919897.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making fun of autism

>> No.14603722
File: 82 KB, 200x138, d10.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Hating bad women intensifies my appreciation of good women if anything

This has given me a lot to think about.

>> No.14603723

Care for a mutilated-hole-in-my-body pic?

>> No.14603727
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>> No.14603730

I'll take whatever you got, my good bitch

>> No.14603731
File: 102 KB, 800x739, 1556392275617.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and liberty posted

>> No.14603733

look at me, I'm a 19yo tranny zoomer on 4chan

Ummmm yikes yall? :S Pretty heckin racist in here? smdh 4chan didn't used to be like this...

>> No.14603739

>this fucking cuck

>> No.14603743
File: 63 KB, 425x960, 1445635479208.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i must protect my fellow beta males from random roasties online!

>> No.14603745

post feet please

>> No.14603748

Bobs and vegebe

>> No.14603750
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>> No.14603751

nah, if you had ever had a girlfriend or consumed any real art you'd know that isn't how it works. we don't choose how to hate like that. the intensity of your hate has nothing to do with the object or rationality, but more to do with the state of your life
ok boomer

>> No.14603762
File: 680 KB, 822x802, 2049 face.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>my good bitch
WE actually have trannies that browse through here daily. Whatever happened to /lit/ man...
I thought it was a meme too

A thread that was suppose to be shitpost poking fun at a booktuber(just as we always have) turned out to be an exposure of /lit/ in it's modern state.

>> No.14603763

>be iconic

What does this tumblrspeak even mean?

>> No.14603764

You're 19, kid. Stop being such a fucking faggot and there's still time to turn your life around. At least stop filling your head with twitter catchphrases that are fifth-remove derivatives of 4chan memes from two years prior and then forcing yourself to come to 4chan to regurgitate them. You know you don't like it here and you know you're not welcome.

It's Saturday. Is this how you want to spend your Saturday? Don't you have some sissy hypno porn to get to or something?

>> No.14603769

this bitch wakes up at noon and gets offended by a comment online about her job that probably makes her shitloads of money while only requiring her to make a 10 minute video of her talking about shit she already talks about anyway and then freaks out about it online to the rallying of hundreds of fans in a matter of minutes, and still thinks her life is tough.
this is why i hate women.

>> No.14603774

Qck question, how new are you? Lurk more. I'd also recommend studying the Last Binge Ever, volumes 1 & 2 before posting.

>> No.14603776

damn, this dude is totally gonna get dat pussy now!!!

>> No.14603777
File: 59 KB, 906x425, basedbutterfly.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The only tranny allowed on this board is butterfly, and she doesn't like you either.

>> No.14603780

>umm sweetie i only rationally express hatred towards the CORRECT targets

utterly liberal post

>> No.14603791

This post is coming from a corrupt and evil place. But there is truth in that hating anyone only reflects itself on you. You shouldnt hate anyone, but forgive. Lest that hatred manifest itself in you.

What a fucken fag lul

>> No.14603794

>brighten other people's day
/lit/ can't refute this

>> No.14603795

>nah, if you had ever had a girlfriend or consumed any real art you'd know that isn't how it works. we don't choose how to hate like that. the intensity of your hate has nothing to do with the object or rationality, but more to do with the state of your life
Are you mental? Why do you think rapists and pedos are usually hated? If I say a mean thing to a man that I find despicable is it because I hate men? We're naturally disgusted by certain actions and characteristics in others, which then inspires feelings of hate. Yes, that's how it works

>> No.14603799

Really 90% of the comment he wrote can be reflected back on him. It's a sore cry for attention. At least video making and curating a YouTube channel is a productive activity that requires a modicum of responsibility.

>> No.14603800
File: 192 KB, 1161x764, women.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

god damn women can't take criticism at allI

really think most of them go their entire lives without hearing anything negative so when they finally do it breaks them

>> No.14603803
File: 1.58 MB, 1442x1604, 1576706562403.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And stop reinforcing a homophobic ideology. You are mentally ill and you need help accepting that you are gay.

>> No.14603806

This one and the tranny talking about how tough it is to be a woman online are top tier.

>> No.14603808
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>> No.14603811
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>> No.14603815

utterly misunderstood my post, as that is the literal opposite of what i was saying

>> No.14603816

Butterfly is some retarded anarchist, I don't like her either and I'd most likely neck myself if some scum like her wanted to suck my thick prick, or like me in a non-sexual way. Mongrel anarkids are stuck before 1945, unless they somehow think that their utopian stateless "societies" can protect themselves from the nuke, to which I haven't got an answer from any anarkid I've met. Hobbyist, adventurist cunts.
Butterfly needs to take a break from this board, along with most of (You) mongrels.

>> No.14603819


TAKE THE NORMAL PERSON "Haha wait a minute they chop off their dicks? That's a bit far for me haha" PILL

>> No.14603821
File: 715 KB, 961x1626, 1557705087660.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's how it started for me, then you realize it's all just a corporate gig to extract wealth from the mentally ill.

>> No.14603822

>people born in 2000 are 20 now
when the fuck did this happen

>> No.14603824

KEK, hannah was spot on.

>> No.14603827
File: 51 KB, 632x296, women's existence.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>really think most of them go their entire lives without hearing anything negative so when they finally do it breaks them

that's exactly it, the blessing and the curse of being a woman is that you live in a completely hermetic bubble of saccharine feelgood bullshit your entire life until you're about 30, at which point you get steadily demoted to "Average Man" status, which for a woman is like going straight to hell because it now means you can be treated like an equal and have reasonable expectations for adult behavior placed on you

prior to hitting the wall, a woman's life is like a dream

>> No.14603831

feels like just yesterday people were sperging out that zoomers born in 2000 were 18 and allowed to post. damn

>> No.14603833

the signifier is not the signified. read more desu

>> No.14603834
File: 498 KB, 1972x1106, mira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14603835

because their moms' were emotionally abusive
Is this true?

>> No.14603844
File: 280 KB, 1536x2048, D-qPcrTXkAEkwhS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stop bullying her now please guys
you've made her cry

>> No.14603845
File: 32 KB, 300x458, SecondConstantFulmar-mobile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wtf I hate women now

>> No.14603846

thats probably true in my case desu

>> No.14603847

Holy fuck man, this is sad.

>> No.14603850

my mom is an an alcoholic

>> No.14603851

Dodges the point.

>> No.14603854

looks like a dude i went to high school with

>> No.14603857
File: 271 KB, 1536x2048, D-qPcraWkAAHlLZ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14603859

Sammy found Jesus and went off hrt. I’m not joking

>> No.14603860

Type less

>> No.14603861
File: 261 KB, 1536x2048, D-qPcrbX4AY_sbC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14603863

damn, with long hair she's kinda cute but with short hair she looks like an ugly boy

>> No.14603868

please link so I can have faith in this world

>> No.14603869

i think women haters had mom's who didn't set boundaries/never taught them how to deal with frustration and also not having a father to create a healthy separation from their mother.

having an absent or abusive mother can create feminist simps

>> No.14603873
File: 142 KB, 353x264, katt.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.14603876

shes an english major according to twitter so she probably reads more classics than most of /lit/

>> No.14603877


>> No.14603886

>english major
>reading classics
pick 1

>> No.14603887
File: 260 KB, 706x717, 5B46382C-8F78-4F4D-9DD5-1AC1EE5D7FC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He deleted his account but I found this

>> No.14603891

praise be!

>> No.14603898

wtf do you consider classic? cave paintings?

>> No.14603899


You can just invert all of this stuff for men who are into literature, but instead of saying men are trying to look cute, you can say they're trying to look cool/sophisticated