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14603044 No.14603044 [Reply] [Original]

Why did he steal from the Finns?

>> No.14603063

And the most important, how did he learn finnish?

>> No.14603183

its not stealing you dipshit, he used to as a derivation for his own works, thats normal in every field of artistic creation. literally fuckin kys you mongrelized subhuman asswipe

>> No.14603204

the Finns stole from indo-arayans like everyone else
Kalevala wasn't exactly original

>> No.14603212

Someone post Tolkien tower of babylon quote, cant find it

>> No.14603247

t. guy who really loves tolkien i guess

>> No.14603255

kys anglo

>> No.14603284

He wanted a Finnish gf. Finnish women were made to be fucked by anglos.

>> No.14603306

just stop, you will never be as based as the finngolian who spammed /lit/ with anti tolkien threads twice every day

>> No.14603415

Also his Elvish languages are basically Finnish + th sound

>> No.14603507

>the Finns stole from indo-arayans like everyone else

They stole from the Indo-Aryans all right, that's why the Finnish word for slave is orja.

>> No.14603541

Why is LOTR so similar to The Ring Of Nibelungen?

>> No.14603871

Is this the anglo mindset? Just steal and never give credit and when someone calls you out for it: start insulting?

Tolkien was a thief. His son never gave credit or mentioned the Finns and they decided to monetize on it. Monetizing on Finnish national heritage.

>> No.14603880


literally niggerthink

>> No.14603910

Karelians wrote the Kalevala

>> No.14603925
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Another fact is that royal families of Europe, including England, derive their heritage from ancient kings of Finland.

This is not even some sort of "we wuz kangs" posting, but actual historical truth.


>> No.14603959


Tolkien's work is unparalleled in it's creativity. It's also his, it's not England's creation, not the creation of the Tolkien estate. The Finnish heritage you reference was also written by authors, it's theirs, not 'your culture's'. The attempt to claim someone else's creative work as somehow being 'yours' because they wrote in the same language as you, or lived in the same country as you do, is arrogant beyond belief.


Also this.

>> No.14604003
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Another post trying to deny and downplay the Finnish influence. You are probably ignorant of the fact that even the language of high elves, Quenya, was modeled after Finnish

Not old norse, not some old German script: you hear me: Finnish

The fucking elves of your childhood speak the native tongue of my beautiful country. Have respect, that is all I ask.

Humble yourself for once.

For me it is clear that Tolkien himself inserted his character into the books as Melkor.

The original song (Kalevala literally is a song, according to folk tradition, which the ancient rune singers used to sing) of Eru Iluvatar was corrupted by Melkor.

Just like Tolkien corrupted The Kalevala for his own designs. Just like the Sampo is the original symbol for Silmarils, Tolkien (or Melkor) steals the Silmarils from the Elves (and the Elves speak Quenya, which is derived from the Finnish language )

It seems as if Old Fakey (Tolkien) had a some sort of Freudian slip there. Sauron could be regarded as Christopher Tolkien who continued his father's work, just like after Melkor had been banished beyond the walls of night, Sauron achieves the new role of Dark Lord, or the Tolkien Estate and continues his vendetta against Elves (or the Finns)

Melkor = J.R.R Tolkien
Sauron = Christopher Tolkien

Perhaps subconsciously Tolkien did insert himself in the books.

There has been countless academic studies written on this matter, yet most people on this board still deny the chief influence of Silmarillion, Lord of the Rings to be the Finnish epic Kalevala, and instead deny its influence and say factually incorrect things like "No. Kalevala was just one of the many influences. Beowulf was a great influence too. So was Bible"

While the truth is, that the main body of Silmarillion, the skeletal structure of the story and even the flesh of its body of work, is literally the Finnish Kalevala. Other mythologies or stories of the Bible, or like the Beowulf or Norse Eddes, constitute only 5-10% of the Silmarillion mythos, while 80-90% is Kalevala.

>> No.14604024
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This is not even up for a debate, but academically recognized, historical fact.
Numerous academic treatises have also been written how Silmarillion is basically just retelling of the forging of Sampo:


Pic related is the first book Tolkien ever wrote. It is the story of Kullervo from the Finnish Kalevala. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kullervo

Tolkien invented nothing of his own. He was not a creative genius, he was a forger.

He started his career as a translator of Finnish myths and later called them his own invention.

>> No.14604052

Tolkien doesn't have consent to use rocks' likeness in his books. Any rocks in his books is stealing from us rock owners.

>> No.14604053


I need to humble myself? You're acting as though one of the greatest authors of all time owes you something personally because he used the language of your ancestors. Maybe you're the one who needs to learn some humility.

>> No.14604072

Based Tolkien making the finn SEETHE and BOIL with impotent RAGE.

>> No.14604078

>he used the language of your ancestors

Another underestimation of the Finnish influence yet again. Have you even read The Silmarillion? Why there has been numerous academic studies written on the exact parallelism in both of those books?

Why did Tolkien himself want the Silmarillion to be published ever during his lifetime?
Why did Tolkien say in a letter:

>"The Kalevala" was also said by Tolkien in the Letters to be “the germ of Silmarillion” (Letters, 87)

Even the geography of Silmarillion is modelled after ancient Finland and Beleriand itself is just a miniature of Finland proper.

>> No.14604103

Anyone who teaches himself Finnish deserves to steal whatever he wants.

>> No.14604119

How do you steal folk mythology exactly? I'm pretty sure oral poetry that's hundreds of years old can't be copyrighted

>> No.14604133

what are you going to do about it Finncuck?

>> No.14604170

>Thus the sage Väinämöinen wept, but he did it in a manly way: This is not the wail of children, These are not the tears of women, In this way weep bearded heroes; This the hero-cry of anguish

-The Kalevala

>> No.14604175

Very tukikohdistettu ja punapilleröity thread. Virile Finno-Ugric intellect BTFOing all the assblasted INDOcucks.

>> No.14604177

false, karelians sang the kalevala

>> No.14604186
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>> No.14604192

And yet, Tolkien copyrighted it.

>> No.14604196

There's some clear Welsh influence as well

>> No.14604226

Melkor does seem like a self-insert of Tolkien himself to his mythos.

Like Melkor defile the song of Eru Iluvatar (a reference to the Finnish God Ilmatar)

Tolkien corrupted the song of Kalevala the same way. He was Melkor himself after all and his son Christopher was like Sauron to him.

>> No.14604241

Tolkien copyrighted his mythology and language which were heavily inspired by the Kalevala and the Finnish language, not the Kalevala and the Finnish language themselves

>> No.14604249
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>this thread

>> No.14604561


Finland has produced nothing else of worth, other than being the basis for Tolkien's elvish. Congrats.

And of course English kings would have Finnish blood, all the royal families are inbred.

>> No.14604569

It's just a compilation of yoiked oral tradition from Karelia and surrounding areas. The Kalevala is typically sang as opposed to just being read. Try wrapping your head penis around that.