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14602140 No.14602140 [Reply] [Original]

Why would someone be drawn to Buddhism over Christianity, or vice-versa? What explains their difference? What kind of person is drawn to the Buddha versus Jesus, and vice versa?

Both seemingly are messengers of peace and good tidings. And yet their philosophies are radically different at their root.

>> No.14602158

>God is absolute reality and the ground of all being, also if u follow our 10 step program you go to heaven and be happy forever and we have an entire system set up just to facilitate that by educating you and helping you along the way.

>lmao u aint real
>God is nothingness lmao
>kek heaven? more like nibbana, also its right here lmao
>God doesnt actually exist but you should care about our morals
>prank'd!!! morality is just a raft you leave once u reach nibbana
>u dont exist btw so you should really try for some reason
>nothing exists
>errything is nothing
>im smart huehuehuehe

>> No.14602163

Christcucks are the bane of every attempt at an intelligent discussion.

>> No.14602168

Location and social pressure.

>> No.14602171

you don't worship G-d, you worship a man called Jesus along side the holy spirit, don't try to preach, you sub 60 IQ idolater.

>> No.14602172

Okay kike.

>> No.14602176

>being this salty
Anti-christianz are the best you can spot them a mile away just follow the smell of butthurt.

>> No.14602177

Buddhism and Gnostic christianity attract people who want a spiritual component in their life, but are disgusted by the anti-intellectualism of the churches and other religious institutions.
The church-imposed christianity on the other hand panders to people still on the lower levels of the spiritual ladder, who cling to it either from fear or superstition, or because they long for spirituality but either are not ready to renounce the commodity of the system and take the job into their own hands, or haven't yet met the person or event that would open their minds

>> No.14602181

Fuck off back to your incel power fantasy deus vult threads on /pol

>> No.14602186

hmmm, I don't see any arguments, idolater. have fun in hades

>> No.14602196
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seethe harder fags
no-one is stopping the laity from education
you are basically saying that buddhists and gnostics are too vain and prideful to mix with the plebs which ironically goes against both buddhist and christian teaching

>> No.14602198

People who choose buddhism over the christianity of their forefathers usually do so based on aesthetics and convenience. That is to say, the former is perceived to be much more trendy than Christianity because of its exotic nature, and since people (even its followers) tend to lack exposure to the sangha they are allowed to retain an idealized view of it, unlike Christianity, which almost all people, even atheists, experience up close and personal in basically every aspect of western culture and tradition. Buddhism is also a good deal more individualistic at its core than Christianity, which appeals to your average deracinated consoomer a lot more than the holistic nature of Christianity.

People who have actually experienced Buddhism firsthand tend to have a lot less idealized opinion of it than westerners, e.g.: Mishima in "The Temple of the Golden Pavilion".

>> No.14602201

Buddhism is a genocidal ideology.

>> No.14602216

>complains about Jews
>follows the jewish religion created by a jeew, for the jews only, by reformating the original jewish religion

>you are basically saying that buddhists and gnostics are too vain and prideful to mix with the plebs which ironically goes against both buddhist and christian teaching
Nice strawman, but no.

>> No.14602221

kike =|= jew
no arguments fucko
get better or get out

>> No.14602230

/pol/tards should be given IQ tests before posting on other boards.

>> No.14602256

liberals should be put in mental asylums

>> No.14602257

Different timescales but if followed produces different but similar-enough results when creating societies and morality systems. Bondage vs suffering. Some say suffering is less kinky, I guess it's all in taste.

>> No.14602276

This is only vaguely related, but I find it interesting that Christianity's premise of us having only one life on this Earth, and promising eternal life by God's side to the virtuous, is contrasted by the promise of a final, eternal break from the cycle of reincarnation in Buddhism. In other words, the West strives towards eternity from finality, while the East strives towards finality from eternity.

Somebody smarter than me could probably untangle the symbolism, and how it reflects on differing attitudes between the West and the East.

>> No.14602278

Christ cuckoldry is a Jewish psy op

>> No.14602279

>h-he doesn't agree with my desert religion so he must be a liberal
FOX and Prager have had their ways with your mind son,haven't they

>> No.14602330

buddhism doesnt require you to act morally and feel bad about your wrong choices

>> No.14602369

Christianity simply isn't believable.

>> No.14602457

It's interesting to note too that that narrative is only really 100% applicable to modern Christianity, a lot of ancient sects that were eventually wiped out after Constantine consolidated power into the Roman Church believed in reincarnation.

>> No.14602655

So to start, I'm English, my mum's whole side of the family is Catholic, my dad has explored spirituality throughout his life, he managed to convince my mum not to Christen any of us so we could choose our own spiritual path, that meant that I didn't learn about religion until I was around four/five. When I was taught about the six big religions I resonated with Buddhism most, there was something inside me that was so drawn to it, this has led me to a lifelong search for enlightenment. I think we need to refrain from giving religion to a child and teach them about lots of options when they get older, we need to let the individual decide so they can follow their correct path. The greatest gift my dad ever gave me was choice.

>> No.14602858

Have you awakened?

>> No.14602890 [DELETED] 


>> No.14602979

The place you were born, who you were born to, where you grew up etc.
Practiced religion in nearly all cases is a product of lottery of where you were born. You really don't see many people changing their faith into something they didn't grow up facing daily. It's a shame something as beautiful as religion is being practiced mainly by accident with no deep thought put into it by most people.

>> No.14603014

Why doesn't anyone ever bring up Taoism as an option?

>> No.14603020 [SPOILER] 
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>> No.14603049

>You are basically saying
>Nice strawman

>> No.14603104

In my own personal experience, I was drawn to both at different times. Christianity drew me in culturally and with the practice. Reading the gospels really taught me what the meaning of faith was — something I had been without during my athiest phase. Ultimately, while I still highly regard Christianity and Jesus has a place in my heart, there was still much that needed to be reconciled. Buddhism has many overlaps with Christianity and fills in some the gaps as well as having a a worldview which more accurately corroborates my other philosophical endeavors. Though I have been engrossed in both, so far no single religious system withstands the most challenging philosophical questions and so I find myself being somewhat dynamic within them I suspect others, after the immediate awe of entry into religious life, will commit themselves and be faithful, not requiring further exploration.

>> No.14603123

Anyone with taste knows the Buddhism is shit. All the great minds, from Hegel to Guenon, have despised Buddhism.

>> No.14603194

Not yet, but I've made major strides, I understand the nature of reality and what's going on on this level of existence, that's brought me great amounts of peace, I've also learned near ultimate forgiveness and I'm almost at a point where I've fully gained mastery of my emotions. However I'm not a buddhist, I love a lot of it but there are many parts I disagree with, I can't commit myself to any religion because they are all fundamentally flawed, no human can actually put into words what comes next, even if they've seen it it's almost incommunicatable, no man can tell you what comes next and any that claims to is lying unless they fully admit to you that they can't put it into human understanding completely, they can loosely try though to give you an idea. Most religions have a glimmer of truth somewhere but none can be right.

>> No.14603221

Theres a text by c.g. Jung, Yoga in the west. It might answer your question more coherent than /lit/

>> No.14603754

>I didn't learn about religion until I was around four/five
lel is this supposed to be late?

>> No.14603826

Christianity is sustainable in the real world, no nation can be run on Buddhist Ideals.

However Buddhist Ideals in a non Buddhist society are important to certain intellectuals

>> No.14603852

>Christianity is sustainable in the real world, no nation can be run on Buddhist Ideals.
<Ashoka laugh

>> No.14603937


>> No.14603958

I personally thought it must be pretty late, everyone in my class had been Christened and their parents had told them about Jesus, the Muslim in my class was very deep within her religion, so I was the only one in that class without a concept of religion. I was more into the paranormal, my dad told me all about ghosts and things like that, and whilst those discussions did lead to questions about the afterlife and reincarnation I had no concept of organised religion.

>> No.14603997
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>Both seemingly are messengers of peace and good tidings.

Utterly absurd statement. Jesus is prominently Apocalyptic, the Buddha is a (bad) Phenomenologist.