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14599559 No.14599559 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14599573

>nooo! they cast a brown person in my favorite tv show! Europe is dead!

>> No.14599579

Who gives a shit about muslims?
Let's start talking about the people who are bringing the muslims in instead.

>> No.14599602


>> No.14600018

>Murray is the recipient of frequent death threats as a result of his views. Following the Charlie Hebdo shooting in January 2015, he was advised by the police not to appear in public.
So diverse, so tolerant.

>> No.14600747


>> No.14601097

>white people set to be minority and islam majority in 30 years
Yeah nothing wrong with that.

>> No.14601111

>Yeah nothing wrong with that
Reminder that Europe was and is an absolute shithole full of insane lunatics for all of it's history.
It's full of people who cannot stop raping each other and the rest of the world. They fought two World Wars. One because it set it craved too much riches outside of Europe, and a second because it turned it's colonial desires inward. Fascism is nothing more than the tools of colonialism turned against a countries own people.
White people are a plague and Europe should sink into the sea.

>> No.14601127

Savage quints.

>> No.14601246

Can you not count to four?

>> No.14601266

good book. changed my opinions on immigration.

>> No.14601290

By 'minority' you mean 49.99999% of the population?

>> No.14601302

Yeah and it’s a little odd. He doesn’t include white muslims or non-white Christians? Weird stat to cite


>> No.14601368

>Reminder that Europe was and is an absolute shithole full of insane lunatics for all of it's history.
If you think Europe is a shithole, what do you think of the rest of the world with dysfunctional sewage systems, widespread rape, no inventions, and average IQs below 90?

>t-the C-CIA!

>> No.14601437

So you haven’t read it.

>> No.14601471


>> No.14601618

If you're a leftist or progressive who scratches their head at why these bigoted right wing jerks hate Muslims so much then this is the book to read. It's not theory or philosophy, it's just pure journalism, describing the world as it is. No benign view of Islam will withstand this book.

>> No.14601804

You know what these people are like when they get even the slenderest majority?

White muslims are a tiny proportion of the intake, most white muslims are present in europe to begin with. And African or Arab immigration will be little different in the result, it is demographic change that matters, not their faith.

>> No.14601869

>these people

Minorities aren't a hivemind bro, they hate each other too

>> No.14601896

about as edgy as the establishment will permit, so it's all very anodyne. another homosexual gatekeeper to keep those who stray from the politically correct path mollified. see also, the intellectual dark web

>> No.14601914

>he doesn't think people who aren't part of his ingroup are all allied in an effort to undermine his people

>> No.14601920

Irrelevant. They are a minority enclave in a dominant culture, they will always bw combative towards the majority. They might turn on arab christians afterwards but first and foremost if they become 51% or more they will be in a fierce struggle against whites.

>> No.14601951

While the author doesn't explicitly want anyone going over to the far-right I don't see how anyone could read this book and subsequently remain in the 'sensible middle ground'

>> No.14601953


>> No.14601959

>they will always bw combative towards the majority.

Just as well that whites won't be a majority then

>> No.14601972

Demography is destiny.
/pol/ was right all along.
same goes for enoch btw.

>> No.14601988

A fine work. But the conclusion of the likes of Murray, Hitchens, and other misery propagandists is always 'theres nothing we can do but lament'. It's a cowardly conclusion to come to.

>> No.14601992

>white people are a plague!
>save us white people!

>> No.14601994

JIDF out in force today it seems. I mean, in terms of Murray’s predictions, there’s no way they (whoever they are) can keep pushing this shit forever without normal people noticing - since our new guests themselves aren’t exactly big brained subtle political Metterniches. They will get increasingly uppity and force us to confront them. I have faith that Europeans will pull through, as they usually do. It’s all really rather terrific dialectics. Come the second half of the 21st century you will see a renewed, self-confident Europe with a greater sense of self - having overcome this latest challenge. It’s always darkest before the dawn.

>> No.14602020
File: 3.76 MB, 870x350, 33BCF386-2C04-4706-A463-3B47A27AF092.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14602028

Does anyone else absolutely loathe the aesthetics of >>14602020 regardless of political views? To me it feels incredibly corny and tacky.

>> No.14602039

How do you do, fellow 4channeller?

>> No.14602054

Getting a bit sweaty huh?

>> No.14602067

Doug is a smart dude. The book is very euro-centric but postulates a very compelling argument if you are a student of philosophy. The book however is not neutral and is very idiocyncratic.but that's a good thing he is fighting for his existence!

If what Doug says is true (it very much is just look at global migration patterns and general warming trends). You can see why everyone is getting more racist, but its all natural as a global directional trend.
In a genetics standpoint. Anglos are the winner of the game(in the context of game theory). They not only hold all global laws but also have incredible wisdom from brave acts of humanity. If this was to be decemated the results will be catastrophic in nature. We are seeing it now with the rise of technocapital.

I personally do not want to see the end of Western philosophy. What's to come will be much worse than the burning of the library of Alexandria but on a global scale. It's no fun.

>> No.14602083

I don't even agree with those guys but the syrupy talks about the glory of secular humanism, Progress, Equality, and other leftist axioms are a lot more cringeworthy (not to mention, common) than neonazis larping. The latter is at least honest, if quite foolish; the former has an aura of self-righteousness and dishonest demagoguery about it that I just can't stand.

>> No.14602087

>they hate each other too
Guess we should let in these people that are also at each other's throats. Then on top of it add some more government-funded social justice and identity politics that adds more fuel to the fire with internecine feuding across multiple categories. Seems like another genius plan from the political faction that calls everyone who disagrees with them "stupid" or "conspiracy theorists" or "ackually it's capitalism's fault, but you deserve it."

>> No.14602095

I just mean these vaporwave glitchy edits of wholesome/traditional/fascist imagery, nothing else. And I'm talking pure aesthetics, not ideas. It's really really cheesy.

>> No.14602102
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>> No.14602129

And there we go, not long till the death urge and resentment comes out.
>these people turn up on your doorstep as a minority
>they might pose a threat
>better get the occupanta of the house out of the way to accommodate the invader
You are either a self hating white or a nasty mystery meat hybrid that cant wait until we are all speaking his language and making him feel at home. Fuck you anon.

>> No.14602143

You're obviously unaware of where the "fashwave" imagery comes from. It's not actually /pol/ or traditionalists doing this. The vaporwave stuff tied to fascist imagery comes from atomwaffen and its various offshoots from a forum called IronMarch. They are the same guys with the skull masks and "read siege" memeing. They stick out like a sore thumb, and /pol/ tends to call them GITDs for good reason. Several of their members have been busted irl for either being feds or members of a satanic group called the "order of the nine angles". The latter rarely gets mentioned by people talking about this stuff as it doesn't fit the official media explanation and sounds like a conspiracy theory (it isn't). The basic gist is that a bunch of insane left hand path (black magic) occultists are trying to get morons on the internet to carry out attacks for some sort of vague apocalyptic ends. For the last few years they've been doing the same thing with the Unabomber (these guys are heavily involved with pine tree twitter and if you see that glitchy vaporwave aesthetic with Ted, that's O9A again. You'll notice these guys pop up in threads on that topic here). They've been active on /x/, /pol/, and here for quite some time (a few years). See:


Alternatively, google "atomwaffen" + "nine angles"

>> No.14602161

I've never heard of this, thanks for filling me in. I just thought it was imagery concocted by regular /pol/ types.

>> No.14602165


>> No.14602170

Guys like Murray are just scratching the surface and don't provide any deeper insights or solutions.
Sure, we can all agree that the PC freaks, SJWs and such are retarded and short sighted and are doing some damage.

But what does Murray propose? Just to slow everything down? Take 1 mil immigrants a year instead of 2 mil a year? This is lame and can't push forward a cultural shift. It's just whining and not even quality whining--which would require more self-reflection/self-criticism, a better understanding of historical processes and the courage to talk about taboo ideas.

>> No.14602174
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I’m sure most ‘rightists’ don’t even hate them if they’re off doing their own thing in their own countries. Their view is just an expression of the belief that in general it’s stupid to bring any more than a reasonable minority of foreign peoples into established societies through some kind of baizuo saviour complex, since significant minorities will invariably cause tension.

>> No.14602180

It's definitely not. Some delusional /pol/ idiots might spread the imagery unwittingly, but it's mostly a coordinated campaign by a bunch of dangerous psychos offsite.

>> No.14602193
File: 1.09 MB, 1300x1282, how things work in guenon threads.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>order of the nine angles

>> No.14602194
File: 214 KB, 1280x941, freedom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let them all in.

Every last one.

If you do not let them cough on you.

Directly in your eyes and on your tongue.

You are racist.

We must not allow wu flu.

To become the next gay cancer.

Demand Corona Positive restaurants.


>> No.14602214

>we can all agree that the PC freaks, SJWs and such are retarded and short sighted and are doing some damage
This isn't agreed at all, and that's the point. Murray makes our case in a way that is as palatable as possible for all corners of the political spectrum without diluting the point beyond recognition.

Your average centrist thinks all these Arabs, Turks, and Pakistanis will just turn into enlightened liberals overnight. Your average leftist thinks there are zero legitimate reasons to fear Muslims categorically. Murrays book shows these people that Muslims coming into Europe is a lose for all of us, regardless of political views.

>> No.14602233

Nice try, rabbi.

>> No.14602242

occam's razor, ugly dipshits can't into art

>> No.14602485

and yet it still ended up contributing 99% of the things you enjoy in life to humanity, what does that say about the rest of the planet?

>> No.14602488

>This isn't agreed at all
>Your average centrist thinks all these Arabs, Turks, and Pakistanis will just turn into enlightened liberals overnight.

Come on, that's not true. There are a few activists and weirdos on Twitter that maybe think that, but most people don't. Even soi normies on Reddit criticize islam regularly.

Fighting against SJW weirdos is a low hanging fruit. There's still some value in it, but you need to do better at this point. You need to tackle the underlying issues that are causing mass migrations and societal changes.
These "conservatives" rarely talk about the role of the economic system in general, the effects of technological changes, the problem of obesity, environmental issues...
It's too easy to score points with "omg look at those MUSLIMS". They don't even have the balls to say that it's actually more about race than religion.

>> No.14602499

>Even soi normies on Reddit criticize islam regularly
In a "NotAllMuslims" sense. They criticize "militant" or "fundamentalist" Islam, they blame what they believe is an extremist minority causing all of the terrorist attacks, and those terrorist incidents are the only bad thing they really have to say about Islam as a whole.

The reddit position is "terrorists are bad." Murray is guiding them to the next step by saying "actually, Muslims in Europe are causing far more problems than the occasional explosion" and I think you've misread the mood if you think a majority of people hold this view.

>> No.14602519

Daily reminder that O9A was led by a muslim.
Also a reminder that atomwaffen have never actually done anything beyond kill a gay kike and that Breivik and Brenton had a much larger impact than the LARPers in O9A

>> No.14602751
File: 117 KB, 680x788, e61.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't want any minorities in my country. Get 'em all out. This is England, not Bongobongoland.

>> No.14602808
File: 53 KB, 470x352, kinki_chavs_015_470x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let's be real. Bongland was a shithole before the minorities came.

>> No.14602822

Then go back to germany, hun.

>> No.14602826


>> No.14602841
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This but unironically.

>> No.14602842
File: 577 KB, 1341x912, 1579966186536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On which layer of irony is he on?

>> No.14602845

Enoch was right.

>> No.14602885

This desu. Get rid of the wogs.

>> No.14602988

And its definitely going to stop there, lol, so we'll have nothing to worry about.
Being a minority in a culture that blames us for everything and accuses us of being specially immoral is gonna work out fine.
Who cares if the people never wanted this.

>> No.14603002
File: 19 KB, 480x480, IMG_20200103_122114_819.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, it's an incredibely unoriginal and paint by numbers form of "art"

>> No.14603012

>Talking about human rights and progress is cringe
Holy shit, leave your room.

>> No.14603022

Uh yikes, not a heckin good look sweetie pie

>> No.14603319

Great book, great writer

>> No.14603327
File: 469 KB, 741x583, vaporwave_AI.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Vaporwave was fun when it was first and foremost an off-shoot of plunderphonics and had no clear political image whatsoever.

>> No.14603583

Europe isn't dying, it's being fulfilled. Centuries of European philosophy have inexorably led to this.

>> No.14603614

He’s right.
Christian “philosophy” is middle eastern

>> No.14603658

I don't mean Christian philosophy per se, more the past 300 years or so, as in, the liberal/socialist stuff you'd like.

>> No.14603713
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>> No.14603728

Look if you want the world to end just kill off the winners. Maybe we can drive the car into the wall!

>> No.14603735

If your own worldview leads you to think that mass Afro-Arab migrations must take place lest we betray our values, or pay for elder pensions, can you really be considered a winner?

>> No.14603761

White people deserve to go extinct.

Good riddance.

>> No.14603766

I understand but you need to view this as game theory.

>> No.14603778

Maybe it's for the best. But can the Galaxy really Handle such a huge loss to the solar system? Earth is

>> No.14603793


Earth is a once in a googol kind of thing so it takes a few cycles before things get back to how they are now.

>> No.14603802

Get a load of this goy

>> No.14603807

Between who and whom? Within the context of the past few centuries of the Western tradition, stopping the migrations would actually be "killing off the winners" and driving the car into the wall, since it'd be a complete betrayal of our tradition.

>> No.14603814

But that would effectively be the end of human scientific progress and innovation.

>> No.14603878

Bad riddance. We're the most moral and humane people on earth right now. We're pretty intelligent too. Without us the world will be a darker place for everyone left behind.

>> No.14603894

>We're the most moral and humane people on earth right now.
Blatantly false.

>> No.14603903

Who do you think is providing all the aid to the rest of the world? China?

>> No.14603905
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>> No.14603909

That doesn't mean the aid is moral to provide. We're just making Africans into dependents that won't be able to function without Western money, and then patting ourselves on the back for it. Plus, modern Westerners rejected their own moral systems for not being nice enough.

>> No.14603927

What's the premise here? In what way is Europe dying?

>> No.14603931

We need a final solution to the non-white problem. Miscegenation is evil distilled into its purest form. The concept must be completely and utterly destroyed in itself.

>> No.14603945

Even better. Even Agriculture was a mistake.

>> No.14603977


>> No.14603998

I always thought fashwave was purposely ironic.

>> No.14604000

>had no clear political image whatsoever.
Vaporwave started as a political statement against consumerism and late-stage capitalism.

>> No.14604035

Someone please convince me that the perennial gloating over white birth rates is anything but pure seething untermensch ressentiment.

>> No.14604038

read the book or fuck off you dumb faggot, we're not here to spoonfeed you

>> No.14604045


If Europe is so shit why is every sandnigger and nigger traveling the whole world on foot and drowning in seas to come to said Europe?

>> No.14604049

ruthless but not truthless

>> No.14604056

If Euros are working to pay for Mahmoud's kids while having none themselves, while Mahmoud lives off welfare, and wealthier Euros browbeat the others for not working hard enough to welcome and care for Mahmoud, who's the real untermensch?

>> No.14604066
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Yeah its dorky as fuck but makes for good parody

>> No.14604071


why oh why must every brainlet faggot append this fucking prefix, it's literally the only thing worse than "military-industrial complex"

>> No.14604076

Lots of Muslims coming in, soon Europe will be majority Muslim, will become Very Muslimy.

>> No.14604085

This is a complete troll and bait thread to begin with, so, no. Fuck off back to /pol/ if you're just going to post retarded shit.

>> No.14604092
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>> No.14604117

How many more millennia are we going to be in this supposed "late-stage capitalism"?

>> No.14604161

Both late stage capitalism and military industrial complex are real concepts regardless of how often people you dont like mention them

>> No.14604167

Mahmoud for being a scrounging sandnigger

>> No.14604200

Well, since Trump did a good job of providing the downtrodden masses with a scapegoat, who knows. Perhaps we finally get the end-stage capitalism where there's a small oligarchy of the wealthy and the rest of earth is part of a slave class from cradle to grave.

>> No.14604223
File: 525 KB, 1536x1110, trump_trudeau_smackdown_web-1536x1110.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, in four years a single man averted the ever-impeding post-capitalist apocalypse? He's got my vote!

>> No.14604275

No, he delayed it by taking the anger of a put-down class of people and directing it away from the people who were actually making their lives worse. Eventually, the people who are part of his cult of personality will realize they've been had or die off and you're right back to where you were before, with a large group of people in a perilous economic situation in need of real systemic change, or another scapegoat. Continually finding new scapegoats to push the buck down the road has been going on for a long time and I personally blame the horrible education people receive in public schools.

>> No.14604298

>downtrodden masses
most of those downtrodden masses (who aren't black) probably voted for him and will vote for him again in 2020. horror at Donald Trump is largely an upper-middle class phenomenon.

>> No.14604389

>late-stage capitalism.

>> No.14604414
File: 177 KB, 620x387, %22refugees%22.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

to all the people saying the migrant crisis is a big nuffin, just wait until climate/environmental disasters, overpopulation, disease and civil strife across the developing world reach a critical point. European and western systems are already stretched as it is to accept all these people, and they are a drop in the bucket compared to what's coming. While I know Murray and others are really concerned about the cultural and social aspects of this, when you look far enough ahead it will simply be a problem of numbers as western societies reach their carrying capacities but aren't able to stem the flow of third world masses. And that's not even taking into account the massive problems and socioeconomic/environmental externalities that western societies are already facing domestically.

>> No.14604439

I'm a Canadian and I genuinely don't know what this comic is referencing or trying to convey to its audience (besides how cool Trump is).

>> No.14604488

the American working class does benefit from restricting immigration, that isn't a scapegoat, it's just true.

>> No.14604560

That's only ever somewhat true under the very economic system you're defending

>> No.14604574

Cringe boomer cope, Islam is already on life support.

>> No.14604579

Assuming you mean capitalism I think this discussion is not going anywhere.

>> No.14604645

He says as much in the book which I'm sure you've read. He argues that Islam will go through the same sort of degeneration that Christianity went through once the inevitable secular criticism of Islamic sources starts to filter down to the populous.

>> No.14604651

no one benefits from being around central americans, least of all themselves.

>> No.14604688

Nah I just think your argumentation is inconsistent. No wonder Europe is failing

>> No.14604770

i don't see the opponents of Trump complaining about the International Jew, the World's Foremost Problem; or about the Federal Reserve destroying the purchasing power of their currency and blowing up asset bubbles by creating inflation. their immediate concerns seem to be restricted to importing more transgender 3rd world islamists while tweeting about their vagina (if male)

>> No.14604791

all these narratives about the climate are fake and gay globo-homo propaganda, explicitly designed to give a cover story to the flow of migrants i mean refugees into the west which all governments and NGOs will be facilitating

>> No.14604853

regardless of whether climate change is "real" or not the population pressures and rising levels of civil strife alone are enough to trigger a massive crisis that will make the 2015 crisis look like child's play.

>> No.14605350

what do expect from 15 yo mutt /pol/acks?

>> No.14605540

Go back.

>> No.14605552

Which tranny discord or /leftypol/ thread or reddit post was this thread linked on ’cause it was going good for a while

>> No.14605999

>Miscegenation is evil distilled into its purest form.
Chill out mate

>> No.14606004

Marxism is not a falsifiable idea.

>> No.14606474

based leeds anon

>> No.14606508

you're implying (1) that capitalism has existed for at least 1,000 years already and (2) that lthe term ate-stage capitalism is meant to imply that capitalism is about to be supplanted, neither of which are true