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File: 214 KB, 1024x1253, Adorno.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
14598984 No.14598984[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, can you guys explain Cultural Marxism for me and which person has best described and written about the phenomenon?

>> No.14598996
File: 42 KB, 356x499, 51L2jztyAEL._SX354_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You posted him brother. Get reading.

>> No.14599001

Yeah. It's a right wing buzzword

>> No.14599005

Its just a dumb internet meme name for whites and others who bought way to hard into intersectional politics and think everything bad about the world is because of the west and like to ignore most their favorite pet solutions and theories are also western in origin

Source: Me

>> No.14599016
File: 22 KB, 483x695, 1574963559338.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cultural marxism

>> No.14599023

I mean the guy did write the Authoritarian Personality.

>> No.14599037


>Germany's left has its own tales of abuse. One of the goals of the German 1968 movement was the sexual liberation of children. For some, this meant overcoming all sexual inhibitions, creating a climate in which even pedophilia was considered progressive.


and you can see history repeat itself with the whole lgbt/gender ideology movement, mandatory drag queen story hour and the push for transgender toddlers. Once you learn about history you will realise, Leftists have never been motivated by rational or concern for the common man, but by the perverse and fanatical impulse to normalise, promote and engage in every imaginable abnormal sex act, up to-and including- bestiality, pedophilia, and necrophilia. Anti capitalism is just a cover for their true depraved sexual motivations.

>> No.14599045

This. He literally wrote the book that helped destroy the family structure, something which enabled cultural decadence.
It reflects the pathological relationship the left has with hierarchy.

>> No.14599054
File: 182 KB, 1080x1227, 1566257309200.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if you have 2 and a half hours then watch this:

tldr= Marxism went out of style in the mid 20th century due to the large death toll of communist regimes. In order for Marxists to keep their ideas alive they shifted the narrative from proletariat vs bourgeoisie to many different structures of us vs them.

Blacks against the oppressive whites
Women against the oppressive men
Gays against the oppressive heterosexuals

These became the primary narratives that many leftist intellectuals pushed on the public. The emphasis is always on power dynamics and oppression.

This will trigger /lit/ for two reasons: its an oversimplification (which it is, and I am aware of that) and because the video is JBP. I agree that JBP is reductionist, and even sometimes just plain wrong, in his views on both Marxism and postmodernism, but I think his assessment of neo-Marxism is fundamentally correct.

>> No.14599057

What was his fucking problem?

>> No.14599071

Doesn't it describe a legitimate phenomenon, though?

>> No.14599079

it's quite obvious to everyone that the phenomeon you describe is real, it's the term 'cultural marxism' that bothers people. Marx' whole thing was about material conditions being the most important aspect of society.

>> No.14599087

This. cultural marxism is fucking real. From the F-test, to civil rights, to water fluoridation, mkultra, feminism, pornography, psychiatry, mass immigration, lgbt hollywood entertainment, drugs, these were all jewish led endeavours aimed at undermining the white gentile volksgeist. After WWII, a massive program of 'democratic education' was implemented worldwide with the goal of neutralizing tribalism and Man's god given Fear, Hatred, Disgust and Aggression reflexes, reflexes which as we all know form the basis of any functioning civilization. Fascism is a natural immune system response that kicks in whenever things get too degenerate, even the full strenght of the ZOG machine can only keep the white man down for so long.

>> No.14599088

>a german academic single-handedly destroyed the family unit
>vs capital's constant escalation of pop cultural degeneration setting increasingly poor examples

>> No.14599090

Incel who got triggered by Aryan American white Chads with wholesome families

>> No.14599094

But the Marxists are in cahoots with the bourgeoisie! It's all gone full circle, man!

>> No.14599099

I didn't say Adorno was the primary cause of anything, just that nobody who writes the AP is really all that gung-ho about 'traditional western culture'.

>> No.14599102
File: 121 KB, 400x500, michel foucault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the marxist bourgeoisie control the capital and the entire pop cultural sphere
how could we have been so blind?

>> No.14599105

it's an alt-right conspiracy theory, so the best description can be found on Wikipedia or Snopes

>> No.14599111

Michel FouCOOM

>> No.14599112

They certainly seem chummy with each other at the Ivy League schools

>> No.14599122
File: 618 KB, 236x280, tenor[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

different people have different interpretations as to what "cultural marxism" means.
Frankfurt school, in a roundabout way, addressed the questions as to "what would marx think if he was aware of Freud and psychoanalys?" So instead of just economics being determining structures of social life the interplay of economics and the Freudian subconscious becomes important.

its also a conspiracy theory about "multiculturalism" and so on that doesn't really make any sense

>> No.14599131
File: 79 KB, 944x960, mlyltjcakvp21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if leftists were legit they'd go after gays and trannies, seeing all the corporations promote them.

>> No.14599149

It's a mixture of capitalism and "cultrual marxism". Capitalism has essentially absorbed the 60s counter-culture.

>> No.14599160

That's what's so devious; capital can absorb and commercialise literally anything. It's wholly superficial, and the critique capital might levy against itself is never truly biting.

>> No.14599166

STFU libshit, didn't the term exist before the alt-right?
Fuck off. You just don't want to admit admit that the Frankfurt school helped destroy the workers movement.

>> No.14599185

I'm pretty sure at this point that things like transgenderism, otherkinism, etc. is just capitalism manufacturing desires as liberalism alienates people from their legitimate, natural roles in a social hierarchy. Notice how most of these people are unmarried and in debt?

>> No.14599187

Yes academics are bougie boys generally

>> No.14599194

Well, it encapsulates the right's tendency to reduce all competing ideas into plots to destroy the one true people, so I suppose it could describe that phenomenon. It says nothing of Marxism or the cultures of Marxists, however.

>> No.14599211

Only if cultural capital counts against the exceptionally greater wealth found amid industry giants, even administrators (who are not academics, typically).

>> No.14599220

Maybe the right noticed that both marxists and liberals talk about hating white men all the time. in fact Marxists seem to talk about hating white men more than class these days, which is decidedly fucking weird for a materialist ideology that emphasizes economic class.

>> No.14599277

>in fact Marxists seem to talk about hating white men
Where? And at the risk of running afoul of a "no true Scotsman" fallacy, are these Marxists writers or theorists or are they Twitter warriors?

>> No.14599289

They are

>> No.14599318

>bald fat little man VS western civilization
>who would win?

>> No.14599332

Name a socialist organization you consider properly Marxist and I can pretty much guarantee you their website front page will be full of stuff about race and sex

>> No.14599395

He's in denial. As I stated previously, the Frankfurt School helped destroy the Old Marxists. I think its undeniable at this point that its merely Jewish subversion trying to prevent the rise of the Fascists, which are really just right-wing Marxists, honestly.

>> No.14599419

40 minutes and we'll stated

>> No.14599442

Couldn't even name one, eh.

>> No.14599450

Can you just pick up and read Adorno's culture industry or do you have to have a lot of Marxist/modern philosophical background before it? I never know with some of these social theory books whether they are completely self contained or academic masturbatory amalgamations.

>> No.14599466


>> No.14599485
File: 559 KB, 869x1132, 1579766685649.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bourgeoisie means capital owner. It means you have a fucking hedge fund that gives you a return-on-investment. You niggers think that professors, academics and writers have that shit? They're salaried employees, man.

>> No.14599497

This is satire, right?

>> No.14599504

It's shorthand for the Slow March through the Institutions.

Because left-wing people have human shit running through their veins instead of blood, they thought that this would actually work instead of resulting in their own genetic extinction.

Thankfully they were wrong. The last shitblood leftist will be tossed into an abortion clinic dumpster by the end of the century. Good riddance.

>> No.14599509

"Cultural Marxism" is an oxymoron. The only source of societal degeneracy is capitalism.

>> No.14599513

In the classic 4chan way, it's part satire part truth.

>> No.14599564

hedge funds don't require fake and gay one-way markets which throttle price discovery in order to make money. they manage their own risks, it's in the name. so who is afraid of risk? socialist central planners who think they can control absolutely everything, including the stock, bond and property markets, as well as the climate. professors, academics and writers are all carried along with government workers on the back of this risk-free return on mal-investment, stolen through inflation from the pockets of savers and the self-sufficient, the true enemies of the Marxist

>> No.14599574

Marxism is just as culturally destructive as Capitalism

>> No.14599597

No western nation has ever had its culture harmed in any serious way by Marxism.

>> No.14599626

Unless Russia doesn't count as western this is extremely wrong

>> No.14599638

Stalinism is not Marxism.

>> No.14599664

>They're salaried employees, man.

So are the CEOs who get golden parachutes from their parent companies after driving them into the ground.

Regardless, ownership of Capital does not mean "hedge fund manager" anymore, EVERYONE with a 401k owns Capital, it's just decentralized. The retirement plan of 90% of the working class revolves around capital investment now.

The only people left who do not gradually accumulate capital are the homeless and mexican slave laborers who are brought in to strikebust the rest of the working class to suppress their wages for the benefit of investors.

>> No.14599668

oh for fuck's sakes just own it

>> No.14599691

The chosen destroying Western culture so their "culture" can dominate

>> No.14599692

You first, fagboy.

>> No.14599694


Imagine if I said real nazism has never been tried, then you say that's a retarded thing to say (which it is). Then I say it was Hitlerism not National Socialism.

That's how retarded you sound.

>> No.14599708

>Then I say it was Hitlerism not National Socialism.
There wasn't a "National Socialist" movement before the NSDAP that Hitler perverted, dumbfuck.

>> No.14599724

This meme is retarded, you faggots know he was literally put in charge of brainwashing post war germany right? Identifying negative ways capitalism and modernity affects people isn't the same as finding it "evil" or trying to stop it. The frankfurt school absolutely used their observations and encouraged modern pathologies for their own gain.

If you wanted to actually find people who made these observations and didn't think "hey lets abuse all this shit for our own benefit" You could look to any number of religious or traditional philosophies. The frankfurt school sees culture industry as one parasitic giant machine designed to take normie hyperpeasant pre-conceptual consciousness and metastasize it. Take the average person's pathetic cringing fear of being different or excluded, their barely-human, mostly animal "MUST APPEASE HERD" roil of affects and social cues, and plug it into a giant network of social structures designed to reinforce it, appease it, flatter it, make it worse in every way. Rather than trying to eliminate it however, they simply abuse it for their "marxist" (now corrupted and viewed through a holocaust trauma lens) ends. Obviously their is a distaste for it, but they view the proles with simple contempt for what they are rather than with sympathy or even zerlous disgust that they should never have existed in such a state. They don't actually care about the existence of this evil itself. This is what cultural marxism is, taken the pathologies of modernism and abusing them to gain power footholds for post WW2 marxism.

>> No.14599726


So? I could still argue that the maxims are valid but it was implemented wrong.

>> No.14599728

Why do you think it's not true? Because your information sources never told you this version of reality?

>> No.14599734

>Interview: Transphobia and resistance
>Love me Tinder, love me true…?
has stuff about LGBT+ and gender

All of these articles under >Stand up to Racism
Counter-terror’ document condemned for including campaigns against the far-right
A victory for the anti racist movement – Otis Bolamu wins refugee status after hard fought campaign
Stand Up To Racism National Activists’ Meeting: Sat 8 February
Hundreds join Stand Up to Racism vigil in north London in outrage at antisemitic vandalism
Thousands took to the streets to oppose racism in the wake Johnson victory – #NotMyPrimeMinister

>> No.14599744

Except you would have to show what the Maxims were and then be able to argue that they weren't done correctly which you can't do but you can do for Marxism.

>> No.14599758

Hitler invading Poland was clearly not part of the original program. The Jew thing also went overboard

>> No.14599776

Unironically correct. The frankfurt school has PTSD from the holohoax which completely perverted the goals and objectives of marxism to an unironic crusade to create the world of the last man. That's not to say unironic "real marxism has never been tried" marxism is a particularly appealing economic and social system, but it's far from what the Frankfurt school wants.

This shilling of the Frankfurt school and "cultural marxism doesn't exist" clique is obviously just midwits who want to dissociate from /pol/. They see them recognizing the unsavory aspects of modernity and think this must mean they are fighting the good fight against it and not simply abusing these pathologies to push their own agenda (which can hardly even be called marxism)

>> No.14599785

That's not what I mean obviously. They're fundamental things that make up the ideology. If you are able to point out what those are then you can point to any society and see if it fits. We can't call the United States socialist or fascist because it doesn't meet the requirements.

>> No.14599787

Then do it, bitch boy.

>> No.14599788

>You could look to any number of religious or traditional philosophies
All shallow and never get passed critiquing the superstructure. Read a good book once In your life instead of talking about things you don't know about.

>> No.14599819

And you don't think the USSR qualifies as Marxist by that metric? They went to great lengths to put Marx' ideas into practice, they called themselves socialists, and said they wanted to one day achieve communism.

>> No.14599827

You are literally everything described in this post >>14596821.

>> No.14599833

>its an oversimplification
What can I read to expand on that?

>> No.14599844

You might be able to call them Marxist if you could prove that had plans to become socialist but they were not socialist. They did the exact opposite of what Marx said needed to happen in a country. They were extremely anti-socialist in how the society functioned. Lenin himself called it state capitalism and it never went past that.

>> No.14599865

>All shallow and never get passed critiquing the superstructure

It was obviously referring to what people who deny cultural marxism's existence use to refute it, which is obviously Frankfurt school critiques of the superculture. No one is arguing it is an was an entire school of philosophies only purpose. The freudian element alone is enough to make it obvious to anyone that these critical observations aren't given pure intentions.

>> No.14599892

>They went to great lengths to put Marx' ideas into practice
What? Marx simply described capitalism. He didn't expound some grand utopian alternative. Read a book some time.

>> No.14599897

>Marx' whole thing was about material conditions being the most important aspect of society.

Which is why it's denoted as cultural marxism, as it's a fundamental change in emphasis using the same principles. Neo-Marxism is an even worse term, because it denotes it as some evolution of marxism and not as some splinter.

People don't like the term cultural marxism because /pol/ uses it and /pol/ is dumb. It's basic normalfag dissociation. It's especially strong here now that the marxist soys who were too stupid to figure out 8ch is back have flooded back into the board.

>> No.14599904

"Cultural Marxism" is a contradiction in terms, dumbass.

>> No.14599926

Giving you morons a containment board was a mistake, you've clearly been breeding

>> No.14599930

>What is the communist manifesto

>> No.14599936

Marxism is the opposite of culture.

>> No.14599949

That's a pamphlet, kiddo. Das Kapital is thousands of pages devoted to expounding how capitalism works.

>> No.14599952

>too stupid to figure out 8ch
I'm glad wasn't the only one.

>> No.14599960

This is complete nonsense, Marx wrote a fucking propaganda pamphlet urging class consciousness and 'overthrow' of society

>> No.14599964

Are you clinically retarded?

>> No.14599969

That is literal indisputable truth. Marx published the Communist Manifesto, he did not simply 'describe capitalism'

>> No.14599974

Only if you reduce Marxism down to materialism in itself. Marxism takes a materialist worldview for its theories, including state administration. Cultural marxism simply co-opts it. Neo-marxism prevents itself as an extension of marxism despite actually being fundamentally contradictory.

It's like trying to argue "kickboxing" is a contradiction of terms and "neoboxing" should be used instead. Cultural marxism effectively communicates it's a splinter.

>> No.14599981

The Communist Manifesto is a propaganda pamphlet, retard. It is not thousand of pages specifying some 'ideal society' in exacting detail.

>> No.14599984


>Being this brainwashed

Read the Communist Manifesto please.

>> No.14599988

Imagine being this imbecilic.

>> No.14599996

A more accurate term than "cultural marxism" for what you're describing would simply be "capitalism".

>> No.14599997


>The thinkers identified as utopian socialist did not use the term utopian to refer to their ideas. Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels were the first thinkers to refer to them as utopian, referring to all socialist ideas that simply presented a vision and distant goal of an ethically just society as utopian.


>> No.14599999

>moving the goal post
What with this book fetish you have? Marx did expound a utopian alternative, regardless of how much time he spent describing it (as it's implied from the cretiques) Evola does the same thing in Revolt against the modern world. It's not actually about how revolting but a dissection of traditionalism with the revolt being the natural conclusion when you contrast the traditional world to the modern one.

>> No.14600008

>Marx did expound a utopian alternative
No, he didn't. He simply described capitalism.

>> No.14600015

>No, he didn't. He simply described capitalism.
>makes call for communist revolutions
>not a utopian alternative

>> No.14600019

Using words of contemponary German students
>If Adorno is left in peace, capitalism will never cease

Basically CIA plot (Marcuse was literally agent of OSS, the predecessor to CIA) used to subvert the Left.

>> No.14600022

>makes call for communist revolutions
>not a utopian alternative
Yes. He proposed mechanics, but the end-state was left mostly undescribred.

>> No.14600028

How did Marxists go from affirming its existence with "Cultural Marxism is a oversimplification of the application of Marxism to society" to "It's a conspiracy theory"? legit question, this seems to be a new thing.

>> No.14600031

Holy fuck, are you dense? Calling for a revolt against capital is not expounding a utopian alternative. For Marx, "communism" was just a label for the next stage after capitalism. The idea that the USSR "put his ideas into practice" is nonsensical.

>> No.14600036

>is a propaganda pamphlet
That would be literally what I called it two posts above lmao. A propaganda pamphlet is not 'describing capitalism', it's a call to arms for a state of society he wants to see evolve.

Even if we just looked at Capital you can still call that propaganda, publishing a text calling the basic economic structure of society exploitation and saying that it will progress into a state that doesn't have exploitation has extremely obvious value as propaganda. It contrasts two states of society and depicts one as more just according to the values of his time.

>> No.14600040

Dumbest post of 2020.

>> No.14600044

>Marx did expound a utopian alternative
He literally did the opposite

>> No.14600053

Are you on a 20 minute delay or something? Jesus fuck. And you're unknowingly arguing against your own position again.

>> No.14600063

^ has never read Marx

>> No.14600073

He did it

>> No.14600074

>For Marx, "communism" was just a label for the next stage after capitalism
Which specifically entailed the proletariat abolishing private property in favor of communal ownership. It wasn't "lol communism is whatever comes after capitalism who known what it could be or how it could happen"

>> No.14600078

>the critique capital might levy against itself is never truly biting
wait until you realize that "leftist" critiques of it are a capitalist ploy to further itself.

>> No.14600080

most of the demands in the Communist Manifesto have been implemented by the USA

>> No.14600082

Doesn't exist, it's a conspiracy theory.


Actually looking into the theories you'd think they'd be getting praised for their work on aspects of society and what it's doing to people, making it shift away into shady territory.

>> No.14600086


>> No.14600089

Imagine I write a long boring text describing how Jews control society and the white people will eventually wake up and regain their power, but I frame this is an inevitable historical development. Then I write another text explicitly calling for white people to be aware of Jewish domination and change social conditions to accelerate the white emancipation from Jews.

It would be pretty clear to you what Im doing, and it's propaganda. That's exactly what Marx did for capitalism.

>> No.14600091

>All these pseuds claiming Marx didn't posit a Utopia

>Communism is for us not a state of affairs which is to be established, an ideal to which reality will have to adjust itself. We call communism the real movement which abolishes the present state of things. The conditions of this movement result from the premises now in existence.

In this new society, the alienation would end and humans would be free to act without being bound by the labour market. It would be a democratic society, enfranchising the entire population. In such a utopian world, there would also be little need for a state, whose goal was previously to enforce the alienation.

>> No.14600093
File: 292 KB, 640x800, guenon kaabah.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Marxism and capitalism are merely two sides of the same diabolical coin. It's like you guys don't even read Guenon (pbuh).

>> No.14600096

capitalism is just nature at work, no central planner can possibly expect to hold it down. leftist "critiques" of it are rent-seeking parasitism

>> No.14600105

>Actually looking into the theories you'd think they'd be getting praised for their work on aspects of society and what it's doing to people, making it shift away into shady territory.

Already refuted. Identifying modernist pathologies=/= trying to abolish them. This is the midwit take.

>> No.14600108

Anon, the big thing about Marx was precisely the refusal of utopian thinking.

>> No.14600118

Stop shadowboxing and reread the thread, asshat.

>> No.14600121
File: 29 KB, 480x359, guenon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this. it's essentially the guenonian view on the matter (with capitalism being the manifestation of the cosmic downwards-spiral principle in our world) and is thus by default correct. marxism is just a retarded materialistic 'solution' or attempt to go against a higher principle while denying its existence altogether.

>> No.14600124
File: 11 KB, 645x773, kjgh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>capitalism is just nature at work
Do goblins really belive this? Not sure if it is hillarious or sad.

>> No.14600137


>> No.14600139

being that capitalism exists all over the world it would be hard to deny it's 'nature at work'. It's more or less just the normal state of thing these days. If Communism ends up happening all over the world it too will be 'nature at work', this is tautological.

>> No.14600148
File: 29 KB, 250x291, rene land.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

onionslent-drinking brainlet detected.

>> No.14600154

Does he mention ethnic Jews and their "revolutionary" spirit which they take everywhere - except Israel which they prefer to keep as an ethnostate?

>> No.14600155

Ted describes it as a self-propagating system. Capitalism is simply the most efficient for the industrialized world. After a collapse the resources needed to be invested to kickstart it again would get them stomped by scavengers, feudalists and nomads. Capitalism spread like the agricultural revolution spread and tribalism before it.

>> No.14600160



>> No.14600162

communism seeks to exalt the weak and destroy the strong, there's not much natural about dysgenics

>> No.14600172

Utopia is living in a society without any imperfection. He was against that utopic thinking espoused by some during his time that he even critiqued, but the only thing he did was establish that capitalism would shift eventually and change from its own internal contradictions. Through dialectical materialism, the changing of the material world and means of production, is how it will occur. After capitalism there wouldn't be some form of perfection that would emerge. All would still be under the state of change.

>> No.14600185

Ted Kaczynski? He's a mutt too, wouldn't take too seriously.

>> No.14600188

You're describing capitalism, not communism.

>> No.14600192

He probably just learned about Adam Smith and "muh invisible hand" in his Econ 101 class.

>> No.14600200

I honestly cannot assign to a vision of a world lacking 'exploitation' as they see it anything but the designation utopian.

>> No.14600216

He himself refutes his argument.
>1. on the way to communism
>2.before Reagan we were on the way,
>3. Britain?

no source for the 10 planks

absolute degenerate

>> No.14600218

>the choice is between unrealistic utopianism and bugman scientism

>> No.14600229

Here's this anon under feudalism.

>I honestly could not imagine anything other than serving m'lord.

>> No.14600235

nature at work...
pls read a book


>> No.14600256

cultural marxism is a neat term in that it severely triggers the autism of the people it's meant to describe, as can be seen itt

>> No.14600265

The people it "triggered" are already describable as Marxists.

>> No.14600269

feudalism is based and preferable to capitalism.

>> No.14600275

No he doesn't, which is one of Peterson's biggest flaws. He has made his living in Academia, however, so it's to be expected that he wouldn't mention the ethnic group responsible for pushing cultural Marxism.

>> No.14600276

The stability of the current technocratic neoliberal glomohomo capitalist world order has already put Marx's materialist conception of reality resulting in proletariat takeover into great doubt. Teds Belief that capitalism and all its derivatives will collapse when the technology it's integrated itself with naturally or artificially collapses (and this next stage logically won't be communism) is far more convincing. He makes a compelling case in anti-tech revolution as to why the current order, which is based on (reasonably) short term competition in order to stay optimized will never be able to avoid the eventual tech collapse, if only due to depletion of resources. There is a damn good reason we haven't colonized space and most likely never will. The startup is too high of an investment. it's the same reason "environmentalism" itself is only advocated to the point of profitability. As if low flow toilets and hybrid cars are actually going to make an impact.

>> No.14600277

Indeed, but they want to special and cool discord marxists, not the cringe "cultural marxists" that they truly are. This is why it triggers them so hard to be called that.

>> No.14600278
File: 77 KB, 500x449, feud.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.14600284

We have been post-evolutionary pressures since agriculture.

>> No.14600285

That's entirely correct though, we replaced one set of lords with a different system with new lords. This is so obvious I sometimes feel insane talking to people about history or politics.

>> No.14600304

>source: my ass

>> No.14600309

Serfs knew who their masters were, they could storm the castle. Our masters are nebulous to the point we have propaganda arms like the mainstream arms like the media talking about a "deep state" like it's no big deal and should be taken for granted.

>> No.14600311

>akshually i'm a hegelo-lacanian social critic, big difference

>> No.14600317

Oh you mean those lunatic new left students who showed Adorno their boobs. Yeah what a take.

>> No.14600332

>The stability of the current technocratic neoliberal glomohomo capitalist world order
Havey you just woke up from decade old cryosleep? I would suggest you to open the news and read a bit, American empire is declining pretty fast.

>when the technology it's integrated itself with naturally or artificially collapses (and this next stage logically won't be communism) is far more convincing.
Don't make me laugh. Anything short of MAD isn't capable of pulling us behind technologically. Certainly not peak oil.

>> No.14600478

what makes you think a system without lords is feasible?

>> No.14600489

"Cultural marxism" means nothing. It's a buzzword used by a bunch or retards to identify their unhealthy obsessions, which have actually nothing to do with Marxism.

>> No.14600512

I mean just connect the dots, it's obvious leftists and lgbt care way more about sexualising and normalising children than about the workers

>> No.14600527


>> No.14600585

>American empire is declining pretty fast.
The American empire is at its absolute peak in terms of power and influence. English becoming the main language of the internet has been an amazing propaganda tool.

>anything short of MAD
No shit, when the technological system collapses it will be a total collapse, whether it be due to a nuclear apocalypse or environmental damage/ resource depletion making making it unsustainable.

Technological society probably has like 300-500 years. Even if it somehow manages to last a few thousand years it's a blip of time in the history of the earth, and the human species, and it will destroy the whole thing. Of course it it collapses sooner rather than later something can rise from the ashes, and the sooner it happens the more comfortable life after the collapse will be.

>> No.14601314
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Attributing to the western modern population at large the lack of religious moral values is absolutely fucking useless unless you contrast it with earlier times, which is usually only done with the intent to either argue some marxist historicist dialectic bullshit or an equally retarded nu-catholic "return to tradition" stormfaggotry. Both are attempting to rationalize some personalized simplified notion of an ideal man that you can hold people to, and use as a stick to beat them with because you're bitter and bored to all hell. That the general population is vapid isn't a new thing, and that there're "prophets" who're dissatisfied with this isn't either. If people with the wit and awareness to see this did something actually useful and subsequently inspiring for once, instead of being lazy dickheads parading themselves as the savior of mankind, we might see shit change.

>> No.14601630

Most people believe in the neutrality of their own ideals.

>> No.14601631

daily reminder that "cultural marxism" was used by leftists before the far right meme.
I can sympathize with marxists that see themselves grouped with the intersectional retards but it is what it is

>> No.14601741
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>to keep their ideas alive, marxists completely abandoned their ideas in favour of identity-politics which is antithetical to everything marxism argues, to keep their ideas alive

>> No.14601822

They did not abandon the core premisse of the dialectical flow of history. For a Marxist everything is about the conflict between two forces (one being an opresive owner and the other a poor slave). They only changed that from rich vs poor to gay vs heterosexual, women vs men etc. Which is easier to capitalize in the modern world since their economical theory was proven not to work so well.

>> No.14601828

people just use this term to casually refer to the dominance of the left in the academia

>> No.14602131

Who used it on the left?

>> No.14602282 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14602285 [DELETED] 
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>> No.14602299

>he was literally put in charge of brainwashing post war germany right

>> No.14602311

>in her essay, Cultural Marxism: Nonsynchrony and Feminist Practice, Emily Hicks argues that the marriage of Marxism and feminism leads to a narrow formulation of their respective oppressions and a narrow understanding of the dynamics of society. Hicks states that a cultural Marxism is needed to reach and incorporate broader groups of people into a socialist movement : people who do not all have the same politics or the same political needs. Nor the same socialist vision. A Marxism that cannot reach more people with its theory and practice will become irrelevant. With an analysis of current political and economic trends viewed through the concept of nonsynchrony, Hicks shows why it is that despite a huge dissatisfaction with capitalism among certain sectors of the population (gays, working women, blacks) there is not necessarily a huge outpouring of support for a radical alternative. Hicks discusses why some women will make radical demands for childcare, birth control, `[and]` equal pay but will also feel a tremendous antagonism towards the women’s movement claiming forcefully that they are not « women’s libbers”. Hicks argues strategically for the need to build broad non-exclusive organizations struggling for progressive change.
She was a student of Marcuse

>> No.14602323

that was the single dumbest sentence I've ever heard

>> No.14602449

Ain't reading that schizophrenic dreck, chief.

>> No.14602455
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>they put rainbow on sticker so they literally marxist