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14591810 No.14591810 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.14591819

I broke my nofap streak. Forgive me, faddah...

>> No.14591822

I have never enjoyed a novel. Non-fiction will always be the super medium for conveying ideas, and .music for aesthetic value

>> No.14591827


>> No.14591834


>> No.14591848

I'm trying to cope with the fact that everything I do is a cope. I dont think i'm gonna make it.

>> No.14591853

shit's hard dude

>> No.14591933

it's ok son, just make a new one :)

>> No.14591989

The book I'm reading right now is just too damn erudite for me, but I have too much pride to stop now.

>> No.14592001

It happens, but seek the actual sacrament of reconciliation and redouble your efforts. We are all weak sometimes, brother, and I hate every time I relapse myself.

>> No.14592002

why is he so fat? does a big priest confess you stronger?

>> No.14592005

faith is personified without the i and h in man.

>> No.14592007
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spent too much time in my imaginary Eden again

>> No.14592011

i have masturbated to butterfly. i hate him so much i get a rage boner so i imagine im raping him to death while i jerk off furiously

>> No.14592015

so the fat clergy normies ridicule as "gluttons" were the saints all along

>> No.14592020

Has anyone here actually confessed in real life?

>> No.14592026

Yes. I try to do it at least once a month now. It is one of the most beautiful sacraments, but many people are afraid to use it out of shame. Do they really think they can hide anything from God?

>> No.14592032

that they are bound by the fleshly iniquity does not restrict them from their holy purpose, and in fact, it is their act of absorption of sin from confessors that shows such distension in their bearing. without these hellsponges to both absorb and absolve, no man could enter heaven.

>> No.14592040
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i'm a jew. at 14, i furiously jerked off to hatefucking a mid-ranking SS officer in full uniform while he spits curses, all fighting and violence, and every time after i coomed there was an afterimage of him nervously chuckling with his buddies saying he got in a fight

>> No.14592048

i bet you do cocaine and play chess.

>> No.14592056

i do hash and play domino

>> No.14592070

Yes, I go every other week. It helps me keep accountable and it's therapeutic to examine oneself, cast away ones misdeeds and put it in the past.

The very fact that these sorts of threads exist express something about the nature of man needing to purify himself. It is interesting to see how purification rituals are a universal element of anthropology and make there way in other societal structures.

>> No.14592083
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Fell in love with the narrator of "diary of a country priest". I didn't finish it because I don't want him to cease. Instead of reading the rest, I sit in the dark room thinking about my country veterinarian weirdo persona comforting him and curing his stomach sickness.

>> No.14592090

I haven't written since October. I blame school, and there's truth in that, but it's mostly bad habits.

>> No.14592113

I'm Super Mario in real life!

>> No.14592153

this place is pseud central and i hate you all

>> No.14592160

it's from /fit/'s /fat/ threads.

>> No.14592163
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I spend more time on 4chan in one year than I ever have reading books.

>> No.14592164



>> No.14592169

I'm reading Harry Potter and enjoying it.

>> No.14592188

holy spirit is a protein bomb. pure gainz

>> No.14592236

The thought that I can never un-watch all the depraved porn I've seen is defeating. I hope I'm strong enough to leave it behind and to be forgiven. Also I'm afraid to start making calls for a thing I'm required to do.

On the plus side, I find "praying" before bed, if you can call it that, since I'm talking to myself, helpful in making me not feel miserable. My next step should be to believe that someone hears me.

>> No.14592274

Is masturbation a sin, bros? I want to do it so bad but I don't want to break my promise yet again.

>> No.14592286

a lesser sin than consooming porn.

>> No.14592287

Yes, but not on any regular basis.

>> No.14592291

Officially it is a "grave matter." So yes, it is undoubtedly a sin. I have heard the semantics of it being a mortal versus venial sin, but ultimately it is not something trivial and you should repent and seek to remove it from your life.

>> No.14592306

Thank you very much, friends.

>> No.14592308

300% BASED

>> No.14592377

I joined a bunch of Quakers once for silent prayer. Forgive me for deviating from the true church.

>> No.14592440

I secretly want to put some really /d/ tier six scenes and links in my adventure novel but know it’s a terrible idea

>> No.14592489

consent disgusts me more than rape

>> No.14592520

Are their pics of butterfly floating about? See what I did there? ;)

I am a bit of a newfriend and am trying to wrap my jead around the hate for this person.

>> No.14592572
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I am duch a fucking slow reader. And I mean snail pace. I get really easily distracted, and I don't take in what I read and sometimes reread whole pages. It means I read 10 pages in an hour if I am lucky, and yet probably read twice that by word count. Its just the same ones over and over again. Help me bros.

>> No.14592578

I just coomed to bestiality porn

>> No.14592612

I'm unironcially in love with Anne Frank.

>> No.14592671

>I am a bit of a newfriend
kys and fuck off in that order

>> No.14592785
File: 37 KB, 666x489, John 14.6 kjv.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jesus Christ is Lord


>> No.14592905

Lurk more you prissy faggot

>> No.14593075

15 hail marys

Links in a novel? No forgiveness for this abomination

5 hail marys and an our father

pray the rosary daily for 2 weeks

Hiding something from God is very different than hiding something from a mortal priest, who are often quite judgemental and happen to be people that you know

>> No.14593099
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a pleasant slim grey-haired priest once said i have a beautiful voice and my drawings are nice, over a year later the memory still gives me a half-boner

>> No.14593196

Where do I go if I’m not Catholic yet?

>> No.14593208
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>i’m a Jew.

>> No.14593218


>> No.14593226


>> No.14593486


>> No.14593602

Humans are the first animals with secrets. Nature does not like secrets.

>> No.14594033

You had me until

>> No.14594688

I get the sneaking suspicion that due to mass surveillance, my own constant use of technology, and other reasons, people know me better than I want to believe. This is more of a pain than a comfort because of how much I dislike myself.

>> No.14594706

Everyone has to before recieving first communion. After that, all Catholics are required by church law to go at least once a year.

>> No.14594711

I just farted and it smells terrible, like actually acidic.

>> No.14595157

I tried to rope myself a couple months ago and soon after stopped going to church. I haven't really recovered and often fantasize about completing the act at some point, being judged at the last Judgement, and spending eternity alone in Hell regretting everything I've done, and I think a lot about how even though I'm aware of the consequences of what I have done I willingly choose to continue committing depraved sins rather than change myself, and this awareness makes me feel even more filthy and worthless.

>> No.14595272

>After that, all Catholics are required by church law to go at least once a year.
I've never heard of that.

>> No.14595314

>There was a pear tree close to our own vineyard, heavily laden with fruit, which was not tempting either for its color or for its flavor. Late one night--having prolonged our games in the streets until then, as our bad habit was--a group of young scoundrels, and I among them, went to shake and rob this tree. We carried off a huge load of pears, not to eat ourselves, but to dump out to the hogs, after barely tasting some of them ourselves. Doing this pleased us all the more because it was forbidden. Such was my heart, O God, such was my heart--which thou didst pity even in that bottomless pit. Behold, now let my heart confess to thee what it was seeking there, when I was being gratuitously wanton, having no inducement to evil but the evil itself. It was foul, and I loved it. I loved my own undoing. I loved my error--not that for which I erred but the error itself. A depraved soul, falling away from security in thee to destruction in itself, seeking nothing from the shameful deed but shame itself.

>> No.14595317

>having no inducement to evil but the evil itself. It was foul, and I loved it. I loved my own undoing. I loved my error--not that for which I erred but the error itself. A depraved soul, falling away from security in thee to destruction in itself, seeking nothing from the shameful deed but shame itself.

>> No.14595325

It is one of the six precepts of the church. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Precepts_of_the_Church

>> No.14595367

I don't know how I never knew that. The rest of those things were so ingrained into me growing up, but never confession.

Thank you though! God bless, brother.

>> No.14595396

>When he writes about boasting of sin being the worst kind.
It was a punch in the chest. I've been there and am very careful now to not brag of the sinful tales and sagas of my younger years.

>> No.14595534

Saint Augustine pray for us.

>> No.14595558

Talk to your priest; make a confession and do penance. Build up a prayer life. Praying for 20 minutes a day can change everything. It can reorient your soul back to harmony with God. Try the Rosary for starts.

>> No.14595579

Have a good day.

>> No.14595590

You can still receive the Sacrament of Confession if you have not yet been full welcomed to the Church. Check with your Parish Priest about the RCIA program. If it doesn’t work for your schedule see if he can reach you himself. When I took my RCIA I nearly left because of the person leading it.
Godspeed to you brother, Christ be with you.

>> No.14595603

The Devil often leads us astray by making us believe ourselves on the path to Righteousness. Discern your spirit well and stay true to our Mother Church.
I am no Priest, please receive the Sacrament of Confession from a True Priest.
Christ be with you Brother.

>> No.14595612

20 Recitations of the Litany of Chastity

>> No.14595618

20 Recitations of the Litany of Chastity

>> No.14595628

Speak with your Parish Priest about this. You need a spiritual director in life to guide you. Get involved in Parish events and activities, join a prayer group and get to know the Family.
Praying for you Anon. God be with you, Christ watch over you, the Holy Spirit wrap itself about you, and may our Most Blessed Mother Hold your hand every step of the Road you walk.

>> No.14595898

Wholesome thread, stay strong brothers

>> No.14595932

It's really hard to love someone you're not sure you can trust

>> No.14595945

i'm not even gay, mildly bisexual at most, the thought of going further than kissing a guy disgusts me. i don't like dicks or man asses, yet this was making me diamond hard every time

>> No.14596146
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I saw a student try and sync a researchers email account, i said and did nothing.

Few months later a bunch of people are arrested by the security services, post-hand off

>> No.14596252

I fantasize about being verbally and physically violent towards my mother

>> No.14596254

confessed twice in my life
once before first communion, once before confirmation

>> No.14596255

Based post

>> No.14596512

>a mortal priest, who are often quite judgemental and happen to be people that you know
Written like a protestant. You do not understand the true beauty in the sacrament of reconciliation.

>> No.14596782

If you lost your father, you could replace him.