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14591223 No.14591223[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Do women like it when you write them poetry?

>> No.14591242
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only if you're attractive

>> No.14591246

wrong, see Gainsbourg

>> No.14591260

No? Are you an idiot? Or, I guess, some might like it, but definitely not in the way that would make them like you. Also, I'm presuming you're single here, but if you're already in a relationship, then maybe, but you should know already in that case.

Attractive means high status generally. Gainsbourg is obviously attractive even though he's physically mediocre.

>> No.14591261

no, they are too simple minded. Just be good looking and say, "sit on my face"

>> No.14591291
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>> No.14591317

We're not defending women. We're just making fun of you.

>> No.14591346

I'm sure that it will eventually get you laid

>> No.14591391

If you are handsome, already going on dates, and not making it a saccharine cringefest, then maybe.

Writing her a sonnet is the equivalent of going up to her with exactly a dozen roses and screeching that you're in love with her.

>> No.14591413

>Writing her a sonnet is the equivalent of going up to her with exactly a dozen roses and screeching that you're in love with her.

I wrote my neighbor a three part sonnet, which I'm still contemplating to give to her. It's the hardest I've ever worked to write a piece of literature. Anyhow, I don't think poetry equates to "going up to her with exactly a dozen roses and screeching that you're in love with her." Any scrub can buy flowers, but only a true autist can write poetry. I was thinking about giving it to her around Valentines Day, but I don't think I can wait that long. Yesterday I finished writing it, and I'm so fucking eager to give it her.

>> No.14591438

Let everyone know how it goes. I genuinely wish the best of luck for you.

>> No.14591446

>Do women like it when you write them poetry?
Do random women you're crushing on appreciate it? No. Maybe if you're absolutely top tier and they have expressed an interest in poetry. On that note, showing a women your non-romantic poetry is probably going to go over better than showing her love poems.
Do women who you are already in a romantic relationship with appreciate it? Yes, categorically. My most juvenile and mawkish attempts at romantic poetry have earned me unceasing praise and admiration in every relationship I've been in.

>> No.14591455

I wrote my gf a poem for her birthday. What do you guys think?

Nineteen years have passed
Your hands, empty-handed
Nineteen springs
Nineteen winters

And if you wonder
Or if you suffer
Remember the years
That still remain

The scent of flowers
Attracts the birds
But they come in the spring
For a few days only

An hours hope and wish
Is that called love?
Or is it like when rain falls
Year after year, unceasingly
And even the flowers die
But the rain remains

Like when your pretty hand
Will wart and wrinkle away
When these nineteen years
Will become ninety-one
Even then my bony hand
Will lie clasped in yours

And even if you live past a hundred
To a hundred and nine
Our days will fly by

And if I leave you first
Remember sweet memories
Like the flower seed in winter
Which spring rain returns

>> No.14591495

There’s no metre nor rhyme scheme, faggot.

>> No.14591512

Yeah, it's translated. It rhymes in the original language though.

>> No.14591524

no but you will like writing poetry for yourself

>> No.14591724

Bro. That's cringe. Get this cringe out of my face and never ask me to read this shit again.

>> No.14591736

if you're attractive, yeah

>> No.14591798

>it's this simple

I hate women.

>> No.14591808

Gainsbourg was literally a pedofag

>> No.14591817

if you're attrative they do

>> No.14591844
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In my experience a woman can greatly value both your poetry and prose, share your life goals, values and many hobbies, laugh at your jokes and have deep and personal conversations with you, but still want to be just friends.

>> No.14591846

maybe you're just not attractive enough?

>> No.14591847


>> No.14591881

Only if they perceive that other women like receiving poetry.

>> No.14591926
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Op here, please rate (1/2)

>> No.14591939
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>> No.14591952

Don't send this, unless she's already your gf OP. It screams needy and unattractive.

>> No.14591974

Something like that. Well, she did tell me that she likes the fact that I workout, and she also appreciates my style and grooming. The main reason for this outcome was my needy beta bullshit, which I regret immensely.

>> No.14591977

Don't listen to him, you should do it dude.

>> No.14592010

>wow that guy does nothing all day but immoral self-interest, i wonder if my death will come by striking or strangulation

>> No.14592053

Gainsbourg is mon father. Ask me anyzing.

>> No.14592064

>No! Women won't want to fuck you if you have that opinion so you have to think something else! Pussy is the only thing that matters in life!
Dumb cumbrain

>> No.14592067

I am a man and some girl I had just met and went on a date with wrote me a cheesy poem, I have no idea what she was thinking but I wasn't that flustered over it. I feel that women are much too sensitive to the idea of "cringe" and can't overlook a single faux pas ever, while men can tolerate them and won't just write someone completely off for a tiny mistake. I would never write a woman a poem.

>> No.14592281

>implying they can read

>> No.14592304

>I would never write a woman a poem.

Then you're simply not a poet. Fags who larp as poets but will only write a single poem ever, a love one no less, are probably not even good at verse. One writes poetry to assuage the soul.

>> No.14592364

consider asking her out for coffee and see how that goes, man. save the poetry after you've developed some rapport with her. if you give this to her now, sure, she might explode with fondness for you, think about you night and day, or she might freak out that her neighbor is writing strange poems about her without any influence on her part beyond existing. look, she has no context to your life, besides seeing you occasionally. you do all this, you're making a heavy investment on illusions you have crafted. the idol of love you cradle in your heart is not your neighbor, it is the finest image of beauty your mind can muster. the two do not square in reality. sadly, you must come to grips with the embellishments of your fantasy, and realize that she is just a filthy monstrous ape beast wearing clothes like you are. ask her out to coffee or something fun, tell her you've noticed her, and would like to meet her properly. It will go further than any strange poems you've crafted in ode to a woman you clearly know little about beyond her physical attractiveness. mull it over. worst case, she refuses a free coffee, you'll know she would certainly refuse a lengthy love poem.

>> No.14592374

I like how you addressed the quote without denying that you are an obese retard. Keepin’ it real.

>> No.14592384

You have talent, but invest it in writing the shittiest, hallmark-tier poetry I have read on this site. It’s okay, I’m shit, too.

>> No.14592391

>A tribute to eros

All I needed to read. Shove it up your ass.

>> No.14592456

>tfw there's too much context in this poem for you anons to fully grasp

Thanks for your post, anon. I'll consider what you wrote... Anyhow, what do you think of the poem itself, irrespective of what I plan to do with it?

>> No.14592484

you hate them because you and men as a whole fail to understand they are effectively children. i don't hate children for childishness, nor women for womanliness.

>> No.14592488

nigger are you serious?

>> No.14592499

Unfortunately yes.

>> No.14592515

I'm a poor judge.
I have some weird aesthetic needs before I call something worthwhile, so take what I say with a grain of salt. The only part I felt my eye linger on was
"Fate ordained us to Meridian Hill"
somehow instantly idyllic, though ruined quickly after by the next line.

>> No.14592558

If you are attractive and capable of sustaining attraction, yes

If you are not, hell fucking no.

mostly don't bother, they thrive on attention but not really affection until they've decided to pick you. Poetry, especially if not good, screams neediness and effort that they wouldn't make for you

>> No.14592583

> women want sex from a man, not companionship
Wow, such a mindblowing hot take.

Reverse the gender situation:

> In my experience a man can greatly value both your poetry and prose, share your life goals, values and many hobbies, laugh at your jokes and have deep and personal conversations with you, but still want to be just friends, especially if you're a fat uggo with small tits.

>> No.14592597

>implying fat uggos with small tits are unfuckable

>> No.14592610

Only once and if you have no other choice.

>> No.14592617

having hobbies or an interesting life to get women is a meme, all that matters is how you make her feel

>> No.14592621

>needy beta bullshit
just don't express it around a woman unless she's some pure wife that you can talk with (95% of women are thots and thus repulsed by it)

>> No.14592867

If writing poetry is one of your hobbies you'd want to share it with your girl.

>> No.14593287


>> No.14593337

Gainsbourg was the sexiest man to ever live.

>> No.14593542

So he was based?

>> No.14593559
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Gainsbourg was what's called ''ugly sexy''

>> No.14593642

>ugly sexy
how does that work?

>> No.14594620

The same way that plenty of people swoon over Benedict Cumberbatch despite his goblin-esque appearance. It's distinctiveness is an attractive quality to many.

>> No.14595702

Fuck the haters dude I liked it. Better than anything I've written my gf, can't get past 6 lines

>> No.14595704

O Death
O death
O Death
From within thy ranks
Please render thyself
Freedom for all

>> No.14596303

I am a fairly averaging looking dude with a bit of a belly (alas, can't keep my hands off a few pints of beer a night), but when I had Tinder I wrote on my "About Me" section that "if we match, I'll write you a Shakespearean Sonnet." I didn't necessarily do this to impress the gals, but thought it'd be good exercise to write a new sonnet for every match I got (and I'd write it on the spot). Now, I didn't get a TON of matches, but I got a decent amount more in comparison to what I used to get. Most of the the gals (about 75% if I'm being generous) just wanted the sonnet, which was fine because, once again, this was mostly practice for me. Got a few dates because of the sonnets, and eventually met my current girlfriend, who's also a poet.

Anyway, that's just my experience with poetry and women.

>> No.14596305

Tinderthots are incapable of appreciating poetry, only tradgirls and autistic art hoes can.

>> No.14596309

Got my girlfriend and a shit ton of poems out of it. Couldn't care less if they appreciated it or not.

>> No.14596335

Women like it when you're over 6 feet tall and handsome. If those conditions are met, you can do whatever you want. Write her poetry, or slap her around -it literally won't make a difference.

>> No.14596529

>Women like it when you're over 6 feet tall and handsome.

It's sad that women will only think you're poetry is good if you're a Chad. It's no wonder so many of them are ending up bitter spinsters and dog moms. Serves them right for being so fucking impressionable and consooming visual media and social media.