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14589144 No.14589144 [Reply] [Original]

And mentally-fragile/borderline insane yet manipulative thots?

My college literature professor maintained that he was a misogynist and used his philandering as further evidence.

>> No.14589147

>And mentally-fragile/borderline insane yet manipulative thots?
arent you just describing normal women?

>> No.14589149

Because life is hard, people fail and women are no exception.

>> No.14589150

Because it's realistic. Thats how women are.

>> No.14589161

are you fucking kidding me

>> No.14589167

because you write what you know

>> No.14589169


>> No.14589172

Art imitates reality.

>> No.14589175

Theyre full of fallen men too. Raskolnikov is a murderer and a narcissist. Svidraigalov is an insane suicidal sadist. Sonya's father is a negligent alcoholic.

>> No.14589184

read more Russians

>> No.14589190

His first marriage was to a woman with a child from another marriage. Then he fell for another, younger girl who convinced him to leave his wife then dumped him for another dude anyway.

I don't blame him for his depiction of women lol

>> No.14589193

I raised this to my prof. She countered that Dosto usually has very sane, stable male characters (Razumíkhin for example) to counterbalance the depraved men, but doesn't do this with women as much.

>> No.14589200

Welcome to Russian realism. Most people are assholes. Not because they were born bad or evil, but because this is how they cope with the realities of life and existence. There are many bad choices, many maladaptive habits, many coping behaviors from alcoholism to petty cruelty to zealotry to narcissism and most of it stems from the many injustices these damaged people do to eachother in an endless cycle. Not everyone finds answers and not everyone makes it.

>> No.14589209

Yeah if you read Dostoevsky and doubt the tenderness of his soul and the depth of his feeling because of his portrayal of women you 1 don't know Dostoevsky 2 cannot read for a shit and go fuck yourself 3 do not know women, especially RUSSIAN

>> No.14589218

>My college literature professor maintained that he was a misogynist
As was any pre 20th century author.

>> No.14589219
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1000% smug

>> No.14589253


>> No.14589254

Your professor is a joke, lol. Dosto was a human being and not a paragon of virtue... A reasonable person would understand that, not just label the writer as a misogynist as if to discredit the entirety of his work. She would have been blown the fuck out if this discussion had come up surrounding Brothers K where a great deal of the main male cast are suffering from serious personality issues. Even the "sane" ones.

>> No.14589259

Dostoevsky had greater insight into the modern world than anybody, so of course he would be a misogynist.

>> No.14589270

I feel like he depicts a lot of the fallen women in a basically sympathetic light though. His fallen men tend to be a lot more morally compromised.

>> No.14589290

Is his sister not a stable woman? Can't think of anything about her depiction that could be seen as misogynist

Also this

>> No.14589299

no everyone is a shit, Russia was a shit, he was desperately trying to warn everyone, and now we have global crypto ortho communism. congrats faggots.

>> No.14589377
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>tfw you can't take the edging anymore and just start rifling through the dostoevsky book to the part where the guy starts kissing a woman's feet

>> No.14589387

Religion. His cuckstianity blames women for all sin basically

>> No.14589416

He only vaguely knew a couple of women.
That stereotype was what sold books

>> No.14589430
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That's a sweeping oversimplification and beneath you.

>> No.14589436

would literally drink her bathwater

>> No.14589445
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Bro, not for lewd.

>> No.14589450


Well there you go

>> No.14589455

i held my tongue as long as i thought she was a lesbian because i hate my own depraved male sexuality and i wish i could carve it out of the center of my soul with a knife so that it would stop trying to reduce all the innocent loveliness of a woman like this to the "YEA I'D PUT MY COCK UP IN HER!!!" thoughts constantly bubbling up from my unconscious, but now that i know she fucks men and she is not pure and has already been defiled I WANT TO LICK THE HOLE SHE SHITS FROM

>> No.14589458

It’s a generalized guess. And this too >>14589387
Is probably right.

>> No.14589466
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There's a lot to her story. Best to leave her alone, anon.

>> No.14589540

Flush this dumb “pure” concept out. And just control your urges.
>Butthole surfer
Don’t you like books anon?

>coping mechanism
I don’t know what to make of it, but I think it’s legit and fine. Even if I still don’t care about all that whispering stuff.

>> No.14589616

gross, only impure women date abusive men

are you a pure lesbian butterfly? what did you smell like in your prime?

>> No.14589657

Don't buy it. She's too good of an artist and the way she talks about her mother and her childhood don't imply a personality shift at all. Whoever wrote this is fucking weird.

>> No.14589685

He was writing from experience.

Also a close reading will reveal even his most insane and degenerate women to be rather ho-hum by modern standards. Grushenka was a Fallen Woman because she was abandoned by a Pole and had to get a sugar daddy to make ends meet.

>> No.14589755

LOL. As usual the woman is incredibly one sided because she, as it turns out, is a mentally fragile and borderline insane yet manipulative thot. Let’s throw in narcissistic. Here’s a list of good women in Dosto:
>C&P: Dunia, Dunia’s mom, LIZA (who is the protag of the story, calling her bad for being fallen completely misses the point of the fucking book)
>Idiot: Epanchin mother and her two eldest daughters
>Demons: several of the town ladies, Daria
>Brothers K: Fyodor’s first wife who beats him, Fyodor’s SECOND wife
For every bad female there is a bad male too. Your prof is a joke who doesn’t read or, even worse, doesn’t understand

These are people who don’t understand Dosto. Anyone who can read C&P and read about little Liza with any true understanding wouldn’t come out with this thought. Embarrassing.

>> No.14589783

Don't mind butterfly. They have a mental block that cuts their IQ in half whenever Christianity is vaguely mentioned.

>> No.14589813


>I love her and support her
>but I will also publicly release this highly personal and compromising information about her on the internet

Sure thing buddy

>> No.14589879
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>little Liza
Okay. Noted. Like I said, I was only guessing.

I am in the noon of my like now.

>> No.14589979

The only sane, stable character he ever wrote was Alyosha (And even he was supposed to become a godless socialist in later books), every one of his other male characters who gets more than a bit part is loony in one way or another.

>> No.14589992

>She countered that Dosto usually has very sane, stable male characters
Raskolnikov killed two people with a fucking axe and Demetri from BK stomped his father's head into applesauce and wouldn't get out of people's backyards. Your professor is just a bitter female.

>> No.14590059

Misogyny is a strong accusation. Especially when Dosto clearly doesn’t hate women at all. He portrays prostitutes as virtuous.

Dosto was explicitly an anti-semite, but he was in no way misogynistic. I wouldn’t be surprised if he frowned upon misogyny.

>> No.14590145

>do not know women, especially RUSSIAN

>> No.14590269


Your professor has way too much mental baggage to understand, and frankly, is a bitter bitch. End of story.

>> No.14590306

Based retard

>> No.14590707

He went to whores when he was a young man, so maybe he talked with them about life and baka.

>> No.14590743

Your professor is gay and retarded. Dostoyevsky wrote women as they are.

>> No.14590969


>> No.14590988

>And mentally-fragile
How do you cope with being like this along with being neurotic, anxiety ridden, overemotional and unassertive but as a male?

>> No.14590999

>physical/sexual abuse in highschool
>became more childlike now than she was at 14
>sexuality changed
>pretty big personality shift after that
What does it mean if this happens to you as a male along with becoming extremely socially autistic/anxious?

>> No.14591014

His first marriage wasn't that happy but he loved his wife and was with her until she died from tuberculosis. His second wife adored him and was devotely supportive of him.

>> No.14591103

Because it's true. Very simple.

>> No.14591171
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She has quite a motherly voice and demeanor in her videos. I have a feeling that she would be a great mother and wife.

Wish she pats my head while I sleep on her lap t b h

>> No.14591202

The concept of hatred has really been devalued over the last decade. It used to imply a level of severe intensity behind one's dislike. But in 2020.

Being critical of or holding a negative opinion of anything however marginal.
"James expressed his hatred of blondes when he said he prefers brunettes"

>> No.14591233

filled with anger at this post

>> No.14591289
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>> No.14591352

I can’t watch Webms. Somebody tell me if this is real.

>> No.14591364


it's real

>> No.14591368


i hate

>> No.14591389


that flaccid ghost of a twerk. you scruff have even poorer taste in porn than you have in books.

>> No.14591412

Perhaps Dosto was like all those women who go from one bad relationship to another; he simply lacked the imagery of what a healthy woman is like.

>> No.14591838

Is this to imply she couldn’t be a good mother?

No, because you’re simple, very true.

>> No.14591891

Not even the same broad.

>> No.14591900


>> No.14591915

congratulations on not being banned, where are you going to post cunny to celebrate?

>> No.14592030

There goes nofap

>> No.14592042

pussywhipped post

>> No.14592107

>pussywhipped post
could you explain?

>> No.14592119


Yes because the men in Dostoevsky's works are paragons of virtue without exception.

>> No.14592230

he was a simp i think. like all simps his infatuation with the fallen woman is based around an unconscious desire to see them suffer. I think he really thought he cared about women's rights, same way i do.

>> No.14592335


>> No.14592363

Nah read the Idiot. His feelings on the women question are most fleshed out in there and like all geniuses he’s pretty even. Despises feminine nihilism as a social fashion, but considers no woman irredeemable and though Lisaveta Aglaia and Nastasya are neurotic as hell they are treated with respect and there are other even-headed women characters

>> No.14592588


fully and truly based

>> No.14592614

I think that's omgcosplay

>> No.14592653

Butterfly flutters in yet another thread to fuck everything up, revise history, smear great authors and prove he is the most hated poster boardwide. Just kill yourself already.

>> No.14592683

Fucking Moth. Why don't you stop "guessing" and actually read a book before you shit all over an author who exhalted women and tried to bring some semblance of understanding of them more than any Russian ever did next to Tolstoy? What Dostoevsky works have you read because now I'm actually curious. He did more for the women of lower classes than you and your fake activism could ever dream. And in the most honest way. Something you could never achieve.

>> No.14593189


>> No.14593285

I bet she gets pounded by new chads every weekend. and anon, being quirky and consooming new trinkets are not the qualities of a good mother.

>> No.14593297

>considers no woman irredeemable

>> No.14593305

>bring some semblance of understanding of them more than any Russian ever did next to Tolstoy?
imagine not reading Pushkin

>> No.14593379

she's a makeup artist, of course she has tons of trinkets